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Posts posted by daveAustin

  1. Surely this is madness?

    Unless the number of people signing the "Petition" for a second Referendum exceeds the number who voted for "Brexit" in the first Referendum the "Petition" should be ignored completely; otherwise we will end up like Quebec with endless Referendums until the original losers bore the pants off their opponents, who eventually lose interest and leave the "losers" in command of the field.

    Both sides had equal chances to state their case to the Public in the Referendum and "Brexit" won - for better or worse that's it, end of story, finished.

    Accept the decision of the majority, deal with the consequences and move forward on that basis.


    It's accepted. The debate is symbolic. Nothing will come of it.

  2. The true color is showing now,,,we knew this all along,,,,,Just Winging Poms,,,,, first in then out then in out,,,,,

    Go back to sleep. No-one is going back in. Parliament are obliged to look at this like they look at anything with 100,000+ signatures. It's called democracy. Britain is out, that's it. If I were you I'd focus on what's happening in your torrid neck of the woods because it looks like China is buying up all the bush from 'neath the boguns' feet. cheesy.gif

  3. I think he's done the right thing here. Looks like he calmly took the evidence to the cops; no shouting the place down or ending up in a fist fight. I don't get the 'quality tourist' jibe. How many of us have had a really bad meal and been blatantly ripped off? It was hardly a bad somtum from a street stall. He's not got what he paid for and hopefully the cops will tell the restaurant to smarten up... but probably not.

  4. How's about the archaic defamation laws and can you buy land?

    And before the inevitable replies, you can become a permanent resident of Thailand

    Indeed, but do you know the quotas and how hard it is compared with becoming a resident in other countries? And I believe one still has to report periodically in the event of. Uncalled for Thai-bashing gets on my nerves, too, but one needs to be realistic... the Thai powers that be are as close to xenophobic as you're going to get.

  5. I believe China has also claimed Australia is part of thier territory.

    They don't have to claim it - they are buying it bit by bit. At least the National Party are trying to stop this stupidity regarding agricultural land. As for Australian real estate agents they don't care so long as they get their commissions. I recently picked up a listing from a Queensland Real Estate agency of properties for sale in the Gold Coast region. It was all in Chinese.
    Off topic but didn't the Japanese own swathes of Queensland in the 80s and 90s? China also has vast property holdings in London. One of the potentials of Brexit is a possible eventual devaluation of property - how sweet to see all those rich London speculators lose big and the market open up to the born and bred folk.
  6. the officer explained that there really is a law stating that you must stop your car if you hear the national song and/or see the country’s flag being raised. Those who disobey could face up to a THB4,000 fine and two years in prison

    I could possibly understand at a stretch if one is driving very slowly across a parade square or within a temple compound, but c'mon! What next, land all planes in Thai airspace at 08:00 and 18:00? All this nationalism should wane as a country progresses, not the other way.

  7. its not about black or white.

    its about rich and poor.

    Does one not follow the news then? That's exactly what it's about and even very rich black folk are on the bandwagon. There's no way out of this even if the white deaths at the hand of police receive better coverage due to the stigma of the slave past, segregation and the rest of it, which is always in the background.

  8. Cameron has actually been one of Britain's more useful PMs and was a good speaker. I would've preferred Leadsom (let's face it, Farage would never happen) but May is switched on, has a big set of stones and is probably more equipped than anyone else at the moment -- she'll drive a harder bargain than Cameron and won't take any crap from Merkel and her Frenchy sidekick. I also suspect she is a closet Brexiter, she understands the need to curtail immigration (and won't be labelled as a 'fascist' for doing so) and the last thing she'll do is go against the wishes of the majority. Sorry chaps, but the membership is over. She ain't my favourite, after her tough treatment of British spouses, but is probably just what GREAT Britain needs right now.

  9. Yep, duty, VAT, shipping etc. As mentioned, sell up and take advantage of the current exchange rate. Having said that they are a lot more expensive over there new. Though probably less than what I would have got for a private sale, I found Toyota offered me a lot more for my pickup than any yard and paid cash.

  10. Would probably have been better off laying down blue weed meshing as opposed to cardboard which will be eaten. IMO it is very tough to maintain a good lawn here as believe the ratio of sand/silt/clay is out of whack, not to mention the harsh sun and torrential rain washing away nutrients. Have had most success with wide-blade yaa malay, though tore it all up eventually in favour of a hardy mondo.

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