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Posts posted by womble

  1. You don't have any collateral, the land title is not in your possession - you are borrowing some grassland or whatever for x years. How would the bank even know if the chanote or other title was even legal, unencumbered etc....

    Instead of jumping down people's throats when you don't like what you hear, why don't you go and see a Bank or an expert and pay for professional advice, like everyone else.

    Point taken...........


    when you post sucha question to TV. this will probebly get you the answers you got.

    in general terms you can get financing from the bank.

    however chances are slim as you are a forigner and you cant put up securities.

    but its worth a try

    first it all depends on how much money you wish to borrow and what is the loan compared with the asset value of the proposed project.

    you will need to go to the bank preferebly with your lawyer and accountant and meet with the banks loan department.

    dont do it through your local branch go directly to the head office.

    you will need to show them a proper business plan and your expected earnings and prove that the business will be able to support the loan.

    the most important is the ratio of expected return on investment.

    if you have previous experience in same projects it will be an advantege.

    the fact that you have invested in leasing the land and 50% of the project is also an advantage as the bank wants to see you are risking something as well.

    if you are working with a reputable forign bank. try and get a letter of recomendation from that bank vouching for you as a reputable crediatble business man.

    the bank will ask you details about your knowledge of the resort industry so be sure you know what you are talking about.

    the bank will also want to see that you will work with the bank in all finances reagding the project.

    I wish you Good Luck.


    Just the kind of response I was looking for,

    I knew TV wouldn't let me down in the end........ :o

  2. You don't have any collateral, the land title is not in your possession - you are borrowing some grassland or whatever for x years. How would the bank even know if the chanote or other title was even legal, unencumbered etc....

    Instead of jumping down people's throats when you don't like what you hear, why don't you go and see a Bank or an expert and pay for professional advice, like everyone else.

    Point taken...........

  3. If people put as much effort into properly asking questions as they do in finding ways to put down posters this forum would be significantly better.

    That's rather rude of you! You asked a question related to a major undertaking without providing relevant background information and now criticise those who offer advice. You presented what looked like a half-baked idea and got an understandable reaction.

    If you have half the money and think you can make it pay, go ahead with that and use the profits to fund further development if the business volumes demand it. You have 30 years to get your investment back before the owner has the right in law to thrown you out. Even if you have an option to renew the lease after 30 years, the land owner will not be forced by the law to renew it.

    If you took legal advice and neither sort nor were offered information about finance, you should sack your lawyer, yourself or both! This might be a tropical paradise dream for you and your lawyer might have made some money but, the reality is that it's a hard-nosed business venture - and you're off to a poor start.

    In a nutshell, you are unlikely to get finance from a legitimate source and that should have been obvious to you and your adviser. I suggest that you get some business planning software, do some more research and get planning. Do a SWOT analysis and budget at the very least.

    And please don't ask for advice if you're going to attack those who try to help.

    Sorry there was a typo on my second post, I meant properly answering questions, not asking. So what I meant was if people spent time answering what is actually asked rather than wasting long posts trying to make the OP look like a fool when infact the original post was simple and only requiring a simple answer from someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

    Anyway I simply meant that people on the forum drew all types of conclusions from my post rather than answering the simple questions that I asked which were........

    Does anyone know if the bank will lend money for this using the 30 year lease as collateral?

    What % of the value of the lease if any will they lend?

    I didn't ask people to make asumptions that I was a fool, I asked 2 simple questions, luckily a couple of posters with some experiance answered the questions.

    cheers. :o

  4. This is what happens when people are awarded high positions in ministries and government agencies due to who they know not what they know.

    TAT has been a disgrace for years.

    Brit has already pointed out that last week they wanted to focus of quality not quantity.

    When will Thailand realise that to maximise tourist $ they should carry on doing what they do best, holidays for those interested in culture, backpacking, beaches and ofcourse sex tourism.

    If they really want to attract more big spenders then the $ earned from what they do well now could be pumped back into infrastructure and training, maybe then they will attract more of the top segment of society. This should still be seen as an addition to what they already have though and not lose the other markets, business should be about diversification.

    Unfortunatley we know too well they will never pump enough $ back in so they are doomed to faiure in being a high end destination. They can do very well at being a destination for all that attracts some big spenders. A big spender only destination............


    Besides the amount of people involved in tourism here, there would never be enough big spenders for all those involved, Large numbers of small and medium spenders will spend a lot more than a relativley small number of only big spenders.

    The elite here own 4/5* hotels though, not cheap resorts, so why would they want the people that stay in any other type of acom other than the most expensive.

    We all know the "elite" couldn't give 2 hoots for the general population.

  5. To make a few things clear.

    The land is beachfront. I have enough cash of my own to build half the resort which from the business plan I have made should turn a handsome profit, after the second phase is complete the profit should be pretty crazy.

    From my calculations resorts can and do make a lot of $$$.

    Yes I have legal advise, JSM, I use them for all my business in Thailand. I didn't discuss finance options with them as i've only just started looking into this.

    Board members here seem to jump to all types of conclusions.

    I simply asked what finance options there were and it seems I have been condemed for not taking legals advise, having no $ to construct etc etc.

    If people put as much effort into properly asking questions as they do in finding ways to put down posters this forum would be significantly better.

    Question for Simon43, how many rooms is your resort in Phuket?

  6. I don't normally knock posts or posters but is this guy for real ?

    Might as well bury your cash on the land and see if it grows if you have leased the land without any thought of financing except putting your own hand in your own pocket.

    I have the $ to construct 50% of the resort now, the initial plan was to build in 2 stages, the 1st stage to be built immediatley then the 2nd stage to be completed at a later date after saving $ from profit of running the resort and also after various other investments can be cashed in.

    My 1st post didn't really explain properly, but I was just wondering if it would be possible to recieve finance in order to complete the project all at once rather than do in 2 stages, and if that was an option what it would cost in repayments etc.

    I'm not one for bank loans, infact I have never owed banks any money at all, which is why I know nothing about loans in Thailand, which is why I am asking here. :o

    I doubt i'm about to break the habit of a lifetime and start borrowing now, but it doesn't hurt to check all options......................

  7. Does anyone know if there are package deals from Phuket to singapore on budget carriers that include hotel?

    Can anyone recommend an agent.

    I don't have credit card so cannot book online.


  8. Suggest those who don't see the humour, look at this individual's history.


    This guy has been involved in many of Thailands darkest moments and certainly did not have any problems with violence dished out on others when it strengthened his own position or those he has supported in the past.

    I beleive he got 2 years for defamation recently, why is he allowed to run for MP, possibly lead a party and also make tv programes.

    He has been found guilty and is out on appeal I believe.

    Most countries you go to prison when found guilty and can only be freed when the appeal is won.

    In Thailand if you have "friends" you are a free man whilst on appeal.

  9. Looking for a hotel in Singapore, not too bothered which area, preferably orchard road area though. Will pay 3000-5000 baht per night, need two nights. This Sun, Mon, problem is I don't have Credit card, which makes booking difficult, anyone have any advise?


  10. For my part, I "beg to differ" (interesting expression !) about the "superiority complex" (sic).

    no its just being polite

    In my country of origin, we never use a word like "falang" to designate white (or black, for the matter) skinned foreigner, if one would do so, he/she would be eligible for prison !

    wow.. what country do you come from? its realy intresting as nearly every country in the world has a definition for people that look different. but as in your country there are no racist people here a few selections from around the world.

    Japan.. Gaigiin,

    South america.. Gringo

    UK. Pakis

    Germany.. shwartez(for balcks) you would not want to know how they call the turks.

    and no one goes to jail for it... except maybe in your country please so tell us wht Utopia you came from.

    the word Fallang means i thialnd Forigner and if you take it as an insult its says more about your inferiority complex then the Thais.

    And very, very commonly (I do understand a bit of Thaï after those years here and all those years of marriage !), I see that "falangs" like me are too often taken as bait for a ripoff and low-mouthed insults ...

    so why dont you make an effort to learn Thai more then just a bit and then when they relise that you know it they will treat you differntly.

    and this only happens in Thailand??? no other country in the world is trying to ripoff forigeners or bad mouthing them?

    please do tell me where you come from its getting realy intresting :o

    I for sure do not feel like superior here, but instead like being put always in an inferior position, even as I am no more the tourist that I was once 30 years ago.

    Hopefully, there are very good people too, of course (for the least) since I married one who I would happily give my life for ...

    there many wonderfull people here. and since i married here is well I agree wit you on this point.

    Most of the words you mentioned relating to ethnicity are seen as derogatory, farang is not.

  11. Today a number of high ranking vietnamese officials recieved prison sentances ranging from 3-13 years. The highest ranking was an ex transport minister, the rest were high ranking policeman, state officials and businessman.

    If vietnam start to tackle corruption as Thailand never has then we really could start to see the day where Thailand gets overtaken by vietnam.

  12. i spoke with a friend from the local police about this and he said that the driver storry sounded different.

    he took the tourist to the hotel afte they agreed on the price and when they got there the tourists try to make a run with out paying him. he then confronted them and had a fight. at some point 2 others joined in and he was taking a beating from them.

    he then reurned to the car got a knife and went to close the deal... 1 thai against 4 tourists.

    I guess the reason it is not headlined is that it has nothing to do with tourists its got to do with 4 idiots that tried to scam a thai and suffered the consequeces.

    I agree with the other posts that argue not to use them untill the have a meter running or use a regular one that gies you acceptable prices. if they are cheats dot use them but dont be so stupid as to confront them... just smile and say no thank you.

    Yes there are always two sides to every story.......

    It sounds to me though that if you believe the thai drivers version of the story (which you obviously do), then he was within his right to stab "4 idiots that tried to scam a Thai".

    From reading many of your posts it seems you will always believe the Thai persons version of events over the foriegners when more than likely the truth is somewhere in the middle of both versions.

    Also I have noticed that you seem to condone violence from Thai's on tourists.

    Why is that?

  13. Parliament to approve tighter foreign ownership rules

    Parliament is expected to approve on Wednesday a law that will tighten limits on foreign ownership of businesses related to national security, culture, national resources and the environment.

    The new law would also cover media, real estate, farming and antiques and protected industries where locals are not ready to compete with foreigners, such as rice milling, accounting and legal services, hotels (excluding hotel management) and retailers.

    - The Nation

  14. 133 million dollars for 96 armoured personnel carriers (NOT tanks) is a reasonable cost in the realm of military expeditures.

    Particularly in light of their usage:

    For security forces operating in its insurgency-hit southern provinces, officials said Monday.

    The army plans to purchase the armoured personnel carriers to improve the safety of its forces in the Muslim-majority provinces along the Malaysian border, a spokeswoman said.

    Separatist insurgents in the region have battled the government for more than three years, with militants regularly detonating roadside bombs near passing military convoys.

    - AFP

    Is it me or does that sound really expensive?

  15. You are no longer permitted to fish in there, and I never see people fishing there anymore.

    a few years ago there was always a few people wading with nets, and always a few with lines.

    I know there are fresh water prawns in there as I have seen them caught. Have also heard of Blah Chon being caught. Never heard of anything big coming out though.

    As a foreigner you may get away with fishing.

    People always moan about what we as foreigners can't do in Thailand, but often I find I can get away with things as locals are too embarressed to tell the foreigner off!

    I'm not sure though if there's anything worth catching in there.

    There is another large lake in the south of the island, not sure if that holds fish of any size eigher.

  16. 10 years ago I was banned and lost my uk licence, I have been in Thailand most of the time sinceadn drive on a 5 year Thai licence.

    I'm from UK, can I legally use my Thai licence there? Could I hire a car in UK with it?

    Also could I use it in Spain and france?

  17. If your g/f can demonstrate her employment by other means, that will do fine. Also, will you be returning to Thailand at the end of the trip? If so, then include evidence of your status in Thailand in addition to evidence that you have to return to work there (if any). You will also need to show that you have sufficient money from whatever source to fund the trip, that you have accommodation for your g/f in the U.K., and provide evidence of your relationship.


    she could show her employment with invoices sent to clients and her business cards, the business isn't registered though and she doesn't pay tax etc, just works on computer from home, it's not their job to catch tax dodgers though I guess.

    Do you think we will need to have interviews?

    We are traveling round the three countries a fair bit to see friends and family, should I just give one address in each country? Will they need acceptance letters or any guarantee from these people if I can prove I have enough funds myself?

  18. I'm planing a trip next month , flying to UK, then to france and after that spain.

    I'll be going with my Thai girlfriend, we have been together for 4 years, i'm from UK.

    My gf is freelance graphic design, so no employer which I guess doesn't look too good. She also doesn't generally pay her $ into the bank but collects cash so no sign of regular income.

    Do you think we will have problems with visa's?

    Any advise will be greatfully recieved.

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