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Posts posted by KIO

  1. Hi all,

    Does anyone know if there's a second hand store selling comic books? Mainly looking for the Disney versions eg. Donald, Mickey, Goofy etc as there for my son who's a little bit young for the Marvel kinds of comics. The only store (that I found) selling any kind of comics (in English) is the Asia books from where I bought a Archie comic for him... but a little difficult jokes for a young reader.

    Thanks in advance


  2. @KIO  I suspect you got the same charming lady I encountered to do a 90-day report in October.  She kept asking for more and more documents, one at a time, and as I pulled them out of my folder, she would then ask for another one until she finally hit one I didn't have (a signed copy of my landlord's Thai ID card.)  Absolute power play, IMHO.
    Several years ago I applied for a retirement extension in Hua Hin using the combination method (income + savings = B800,000) when no place required the savings to be seasoned 90 days for a combo method.  Immigrations Officer was firm that the savings part needed to be on hand for 90 days prior.  After about five minutes of polite back and forth (including him advising me to apply in Pattaya since I said they don't require it...) he simply started stamping my passport and I received my extension without further ado.  Very similar to your experience with a firm demand for documentation but after a while proceeding without such documentation.
    You just need to go with the flow.  Even if it means gastric ulcers and rupturing hemorrhoids stay cool and calm on the surface.

    Thanks for the share and yes, sounds like it might of been the same lade. We never felt she was beeing impolite and my wife amusly said that -Now she has a reason doing this "case" extra slow... which she did in addition to answering 3 private calls on her cell while processing the passports. Even though the whole process went swift with us in and out in around 30 minutes; her "part" took 25 minutes... funny.


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  3. We have a condo in ChaAm which we visit a few times a year from Australia.   Can anyone advise me of any English speaking expat communities or clubs in ChaAm or HuaHin?   I play Oldies Rugby in Australia and also lawn bowls.

    If lawn bowls is your cup of tea, this might be for you www.seajaysthailand.com/home/lawnbowlshuahin


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  4. Don't think this is only in Thailand. 
    I was checking into a flight back to Thailand, but had no return ticket as was married to a Thai more than 10 years. The check in man would not let me on the flight until I had a fax sent of marriage cert. I pointed out that my passport showed I was married but he said it's in thai and he couldn't read it. I missed the flight and spent 4 days in the airport waiting for the next flight. When I checked in with my marriage cert in hand, they never even asked for it. Silly some people are. Lol 

    OMG, what airport where you stuck in?


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  5. You're thinking too much. Don't even try to apply logical thinking to anything that happens here. Go with the flow. Sabai Sabai. You got what you wanted so no big deal...

    Oh please don't get me wrong, didn't think it was a "big deal"... mostly thought it would be a tad amusing finding out peoples different takes on the situation; which the thread seems to have done, so mission accomplished!


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

    Formerly this market has been called „Burmese Market“ as the Burmese were coming over the border selling plants and wild flowers from the jungle. This is all gone by today. You hardly find Burmese anymore or only in very remote corners of the now very extended market. The market has been undergone a dramatic modernizing shift in recent years. Big buildings and sales halls have been erected. My guess is that the Burmese are unable to cope with the lifted rental rates.
    To my impression it is nowadays a Thai market with a lot of stuff that you find at other Thai markets, too. I do not understand why gold shops and Indian jewellers have to sell their valuables in the sheer “middle of nowhere” and why Thais from neighbouring cities come to buy clothes here.
    But be it as it is: The Burmese influence has long gone and with it the real attraction and atmosphere of this market. It is now just another Thai border market like any of them at other places. So do not expect too much.
    If you climb that little road to the border barrier you have a nice overview over the whole market. The border can only be crossed by Burmese. Foreigners and Thais are not allowed.

    Many thanks for your input!


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  7. Had the same thing happen to me except they talked to the gf on the phone.
    In my cases they just wanted to confirm that I did live there.  GF emailled the papers to them and they were happy.  That was 3 years ago though.
    One thing you have to remember is time of day.  The longer they take waiting for you the longer they may have to stay open

    Completly my thought going for the extension in the afternoon and hey, apparently it worked!


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  8. You could write a book or two about Immigration offices in thailand. Basic problem is they all seem to operate according to their own set of rules and procedures. Still none of us want to live in a nanny state. I used to photocopy everything I could think of but at times they still out did me or wanted two of everything.
    My advice just go with the flow. Life is too short.

    Haha, yeah, for sure one could ! And yeah, going with the flow... can one take a Bachelors of that in Thailand LOL!


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  9. I can relate to your experience...
    I've lived in Thailand over 10 years.  I have a retirement extension and applied for my last extension last month.
    I met the Thai bank requirements, including seasoning, plus I have a pension and presented supporting documentation including an affidavit from my Embassy.
    I had to make three separate trips to Immigration and secure three bank letters dated the same day of the application date.
    All I heard was I have to come back in two weeks!
    Twice I was told I could leave and start all over with an O visa???
    It would be funny if it wasn't true.
    It appears Immigration no longer follows their own website Q&A as far as requirements.  Each Officer has their own opinion and the Supervisor has their own opinion.  Each Immigration Office follows their own rules.
    Because of the above the Officers have got to be overwhelmed with work by seeing the same applicants numerous times.  I would not be smiling either.
    All I can say is be patient, smile and go with the flow.  Ask the Supervisor if you can return to her/him next time to avoid the wait.  I did that each time with no problems with other applicants.
    As usual, in time those problems may pass as well! [emoji41]

    Absolutley, I'm very grateful she bent the rules for us and I'm very happy enjoying life; 36 and retired.


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

    Thanks for the share!


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  10. Whenever I have to deal with such jobsworths here in the sandpit, I take the kindle. I read for five minutes, go and politely ask them for a progress update, read a few more and then repeat.

    It normally take a max of three goes before they realise this game of "who's going to get pissed off first" is not one I often lose, and they will sign/stamp whatever is required just to get rid.

    Good one... but I just HATE to read LOL!


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  11. You were just lucky to get someone in the afternoon who couldn't be bothered to be awkward with you. Probably had been awkward all day with others and was just tired and looking to get home. Even if you bring all the correct documentation they can always find something wrong if they want to.
    Consider yourself lucky and do the lottery.

    Funny thing, that's exactly what I did (true story) and you know what... I didn't win a penny!


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

  12. Yes, they probably hope to get some generous offer, just to speed up the process.
    At least in your case, they bothered to make up some excuses for the delay, other "officers" just seat on front of you, waiting, waiting and waiting without a word, but as long as you have some spare time handy, they eventually get bored and give up, TIT

    Agree! Also, I had my 8 year old son with me which might of helped!


    Skickat från min G7-L01 via Tapatalk

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