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Posts posted by KIO

  1. Hello,

    This will be the first time in over 10 years that I along with the family will be "forced" to plan a little differently about our stay in Thailand as we previously worked and thus had work permits. Now we live in another country and need to plan around our upcoming half year break that will be between October 2 -16 and March 30 -17. Now it is a little while until the start of the journey and I am well aware that the rules and regulations suddenly can be changed, but if we assume from the options available today, I hope for som (legal, ie excluding overstay alternatives) tips.

    Back in the "good old days", one had applied for a double-entry tourist visa and it would have been packed and ready. But this, of course, as we all know, has been replaced by the so-called multiple-entry tourist visa; which at first glance sounds perfect but unfortunately completely goes away at the 6th point "An Employment Certificate in English from an employer mentioning the Applicant's job position, salary, the purpose of visiting Thailand, and the date When The Applicant is expected to return to work. For self-employed, please submit business license or business registration Indicating the Applicant's name. For a student, please submit an original certificate of student status in English from the school, college, or university. " This is not something we can come up with, period!

    Our hastily proposed plan looks like the following:

    - Entry in Thailand on October 2 with a single-entry tourist visa where the 30-day extension will be utilized

    - Departure on the 29th of December (after 89 days stay) to Singapore.

    - Furthermore, Singapore January 2 to Penang where a new single-entry tourist visa is applied.

    - Return to Thailand from Penang January 5.

    Answers to any questions to the above itinerary:

    Why do not you apply for the tourist visa in Singapore?

    Two reasons. Our visit is surrounded around the New Year (Embassy closed) and, according to the embassy's website you should count on 5-10 day turnaround which is not really economically viable in Singapore.

    KL then, why go you not only get there on the way "home" and apply for a visa there?

    This was our first plan as we lived there for two years and know our way around, but when the embassy in KL's website states "applicant from any of the Listed countries must have Permanent Residence in Malaysia" and countless negative reports from this website this becomes a red flag.

    So now to my questions for you:

    - Has anyone recently been to the consulate in Penang? Is it straight forward? Have read that you generally do this via agents and that one self does not need to visit the consulate in person, is that right?

    - Is there anyone who applied for the new multiple-entry tourist visa (from the embassy in Stockholm)? Are they strict on the 6th point, or do they allow you to "compensate" for it by showing more money in an account eg. SEK 500,000?

    - Does anyone have a better plan for the above itinerary? If so, that will be of highest interest!

    Thanks in advance


    PS. Yes, I know about Thai Elite, but then we are three travelers I feel it is unfortunately not a very economical alternative.

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