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Posts posted by KIO

  1. Hi all,


    Hoping for some quick tips as I plan to go to the beach today... Been here a couple of weeks now and have found some really nice beaches in the southern parts of Hua Hin; Sea Pine beach, Sanae beach among others. But we have experienced some problems with jellyfish the past week and was thingking of trying our luck up north. Don't want to go all the way up to Cha-am beach but looking for someting between Hua Hin and Cha-am, anyone have any recommendations? And if so, please specify what road, hotel, restaurant sign etc. one has to follow to come down to the part you recommend. A plus, but not a must, is if there are deckchairs (either the Thai- or western sort) for hire.


    Have a nice Sunday everyone and maybe we'll meet on the beach!





  2. 4 hours ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

    I fully understand why you stay in the south now. The traffic is only bad between Soi 102 and the palace. But bad is relative as its only bad for HH and not for CM or BKK. There is however a back road that pass Market village, the train station and links up with the canal road and Cha-am. When Phetkasem is bad you can use this back road to drive on the north / south route. Enjoy your stay.


    Great, thanks for the tip on the back road, might come in handy!

  3. 19 minutes ago, sledpull said:

    By serendipity, I just found a tree covered natural shade with a walking path (concrete) and par course equipment in Pranburi that unfortunately has deteriorated.  I did find one sturdy piece of equipment that can utilize suspension and ring training.

    Across the street almost hidden was a tree covered badminton/pickleball court.  Your thread led to these discoveries. Thanks


    Great! So where is this "serenipity"?



  4. Many thanks for the extencive replys, seems that I won't go hungry!


    SOUTHERNSTAR: Reason for me prefering the southern parts is that I will be commuting daily to Soi 89 and the Mrs. will be using the car after dropping me off daytime before picking me up again in the afternoon again on Soi 89. If living in the northern parts this would mean driving 4 times daily through rushhour traffic as opposed if living in the southern parts this will not be the case. Please correct me if I'm thinking wrong and if the traffic isn't that bad; I've just heard what my father in law has said in regards to the traffic who's only there a week per year...

    I'm aware of the many secluded and quiet beaches between C-A and HH and that will make for great weekend trips. Thanks for the golf tip, will check it out!


    sledpull: It's a shame in regards to the park/recreational area... though I'll definetly check the King palace place you're mentioning. How's the Takiab beach for walking; wide or narrow (maby depending on the tide), soft or hard, doginfested or dogfree?

    Thanks for the offer, busy during weekdays but I'll definetly take you up on the offer on the weekend if my sons golf doesn't interfear!





  5. Hi all,


    Coming back after a couple of months absence and recall seeing at several airports (BKK, Khon Kaen, Krabi, Phuket) Avis advertising when renting more than a month they offer the Toyota Vios at 9999 b/month. Has someone recently seen this offer? And yes, I know the Vios is a boooring car to drive (drove it from Dubai to Abu Dhabi once which wasn't something to write home about) so lets skip the insults in regards to that please :1zgarz5:





  6. 2 hours ago, juehoe said:

    I am living in Khao Tao (Soi 101).

    For me, Hua Hin is not so famous for beaches and I am also no so the beach vacation type. There are so many beaches and I thing you have to figure out yourself.

    Khao Takiap is very crowded every weekend. The all the condos are occupied by the Bangkok Thais.

    The Sai Noi beach in Khao Tao is very nice. The water is enough deep for swimming. The beach is more crowded with foreigner but also with Thais at the weekends.

    The Sea Pine beach is a real Thai beach. It is always crowed with Thai at the weekends. But it is a very peaceful ambience. The water is relative shallow. A similar beach is the Pranburi Forest Park.

    There are many more beaches south, towards Prachuap Khiri Khan.

    I cannot help with Golf or walking/jogging. They start to build now some bicycle routes and there are many lovely tracks south of Hua Hin or up towards the mountains.

    There are so many restaurants in Hua Hin. It is really very hard to give an advise. It is always a good indication, when many Thais are eating in a restaurant. Then the food is good and cheap.


    Many thanks for the tips juehoe! Can you tell me a little bit more about the area where you are living as I'm looking to be renting something long term (well, 5 months atleast) in the southern parts of HH as I will be commuting daily to soi 89. If you have any "inside" info in regards to what I'm looking for please don't hesitate sending me a PM or a reply in this thread: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/942280-cheap-gated-community-south-of-soi-112-tips-please/





  7. Hi all,


    Instead of creating several threads I'll write all my queries in one. Feel free answering as many or few as you want...


    - I will be living in the southern parts of HH; south of Soi 102, what beaches are the best beaches visiting if you're looking for the less touristy experience? I've been reading about the Takiab beach, any thoughts on the southern parts of that stretch of sand and any specific spots better parking than others?


    - Are there any nice areas (eg. parks) where one can have a hour power walk in the morning without being attacked by stray dogs?


    - My son, who is 8 years old, has been playing golf since he was 4. I know there are several "famous" golf courses in HH but I'm looking for him to joining i Jr. program where they have 1-2 group practices a week... any recommendations?


    - Food... cheap and good food! I'm aware I won't be finding the 30 b places in HH but all hardcore Thai food joints are of interest! Where are they?


    Many thanks in advance!



  8. 4 hours ago, TenDreams said:

    If you find a semi-new, furnished 3-4 bed private pool villa in the south of Hua Hin for under 25K per month, do not hesitate, TAKE IT there and then!

    Do I indicate a tad of sarcasm in your post there TeanDreams :D...


    Joking aside, I'm aware it might be a bit of a stretch on that budget getting a 4 bed but I do believe a 3 bed will be possible (as there's an abundance of 2 beds out there in the in the high teens to low 20s). I have 3 weeks of "scouting" time and as I have learned over my 7 years in the mainly touristier parts of Thailand; people love hard cash up front. I've negotiated listings from 40k/month down to 22k/month. Even easier when approaching the propertys which still are avaliable as the high season gets closer as (some of) the owners get a bit nervous that it's still empty and are willing to get at least "some" cash flow.


    I will of course in the end post my findings here, hoping that it will help others but also, if I'm waaay of course, man up and inform on what I in the end had to pay.



  9. 15 hours ago, nickmondo said:

    just google houses to rent in hua hin, you will be presented with loads of different web sites......its so easy

    That's just the thing nickmondo, then I will have to pay the premium which I stated in the original post I prefer not to. I've found several sites and have seen the pricerange's. What I was hoping getting help from on this forum was getting the "inside scoop" from the people actually living there eg. "this and that soi are good" or "I've seen several for rent signs when visiting a friend in that complex" etc.


    Finding a property at a "reasonable" price in overdeveloped Thailand has, and will never be, a problem... but finding "the one" at a bargain usually takes a little bit more of ground work and preparation.





  10. 25 minutes ago, Watertoy said:

    We have a 3 Bed / 3 Bathroom House in The Emerald Green which is off Soi 112 and houses are relatively new. 

    Looks very nice. Couldn't find it on Maps but from the pictures avaliable it looks about what we are looking for. What are the price points? Are there alot of "for rent" signs, or are you looking to let your house? If the second, please send me a PM and we'll arrange a viewing as soon as we are on site.

    Edit: I found it on the map, the "phase 2" looks to have a larger percentage of houses with private pool than "phase 1" which is a must for us.



  11. 19 minutes ago, Redmouse said:

    You should ask this question on the Hua Hin / Cha-am Expat Facebook page as well as Hua Hin Buy and Sell and Hua Hin Buy and Sale Facebook pages.  You'll likely get direct answers from people with villas to rent.  Good luck!


    Moderators:  If I'm not allowed to mention specific Facebook pages, please delete... I'm not sure of the rules.

    Many thanks for that info Redmouse. I don't have a FB account but will definetly create one for that purpuose if I don't get information enough in this thread.



  12. Hi all,


    Hoping for a little bit of help as I'm not that familiar with the Hua Hin area.


    Will be commuting (by car) Monday to Friday to Soi 89 (for a period of 5 moths) and will be staying the first 3 weeks upon arrival at a friends house at the "Dusita Village 1" off Soi 112. Having read some different threads I've come to the conclusion that the south of Hua Hin gives your more for your buck than the CBD and north. Also it makes little sense living on the northen side as one would have to pass the congested areas twice daily.


    I'm looking for a 3-4 bed house in a gated community with a private pool fully furnished. Having done this type of "scouting" on several occasions around Thailand before (from Phuket to Bangkok to Khon Kaen) I'm looking for information on what sois and developments to drive around looking for as I rather rent straight from the owner and prefer avoiding agents. I'm not neccesarily looking for something brand new but rather something that gives me a good deal; if that means having to drive 17 minutes instead for 10 I will not have a problem with but the maximal (one way) comute time would be 20 minutes. Below 25K/month.


    If someone first hand has somebody that offers this I will be willing paying the 5 months (23rd October-23rd March) up front and would be happy setting up a meeting via PM. All 3 of us; me, my wife and 8-year old son, are Swedish nationals and SEA expats for the past 9 years.





  13. I saw that I was called out yesterday here in the thread as being a "bad parenat" and also a "bad tourist" for "letting" my son recieving overstay. That post has been removed, which I appreciate, but I still want adressing that while still staying (somewhat) on topic:


    My son, who is born 2008, made his first trip to Thailand that same year while both me and his mother (also a Swedish national) where on work permits in Thailand. Looking in his previous passport I can se on 3 seperate occasions where immigration (2 times on Phuket and 1 in Bankok) marking his visa with a big fat X and writing chancel on it when applying for re entry permits. On every occasion (back then; 2008-2011) they told us "your son does not need a visa as he is (don't remember the specific term they used) a minor".

    After the 3rd time, when back in Sweden on holiday, I called the Thai embassy in Stockolm whereby they confirmed that it (again, back then) was unneccesary for us getting him any visa what so ever. So from that day up until we moved to another SEA country in late 2013 we "let" our son stay in Thailand and "recieving" overstay.


    Reason for me writing my original post was that I know the rules have changed and I then got some good information fom some of you all. I have also called the Thai embassy in Stockholm, and they have confirmed that even though now at 8 years old he will not recieve any overstay fine but it is still a good idea applying for a SETV in regards to our current intiniary.


    Maby next time when confronted with a similar situation fom the Thai immigration, I'll try the approach of calling the immigration officer a "bad one" and also a "bad Thai"... wonder how that will play out when not being protected by a screen and a VPN?!?


    Quickly going a "little" OT: Being a teacher (and talking alot about cyber bullying in school) I wanted trying a pedagidical approach to the claims made to me yesterday and showed the post to my son. He, of course, wondered why someone was calling me a "bad dad" in a thread where I just was asking some simple (and friendly) questions... the pedagidgical reply from my side: -That's why you're not getting your own phone/tablet/computer with internet connection any time soon!!!



  14. Thank you all for your replys and input. Looking through my sons old (he is now 8) passport, the last time he left Thailand with an ovestay (5 months) was back in 2011 and it has not been stamped for it as the rules maby was different then. I regards to (mainly) the probable issue with the airline (we're flying with Qatar and I remember they questioned us not having a return ticket a couple of years ago but then we where on work permits) I will "splurge" and get my son the 300 SEK (about 1200 THB) SETV from the embassy in Sweden and then another one when in Penang. 


    Again, many thanks all!



  15. Hi all,


    I've found theese 3 threads: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/915034-child-overstay-issues/http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/900689-do-new-overstay-rules-affect-children/ and http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/884536-2016-overstay-child-1yr-ban/ but as information is always best fresh I'll ask anyway.


    Will be arriving Bkk on a SETV with my 8 year old (Swedish passport, so he will be given the 30-day) who will not have a visa. In the first "round" we will be in the country 89 days, then out for a week + to Penang applying (for my part) a new SETV, back in to Thailand for another 85 days. Is the procedure still staraightforward at the airport in regards to my sons aprox. 60 and 55 days overstay or should I stop being a cheap Charlie and getting him the SETV on both occasions just in case?





  16. I would suggest to people considering booking a long holiday that they only come to Thailand for a maximum of 90 days on a single entry tourist visa, extend it once for 30 days and then leave.

    The government are making people jump through hoops to stay any longer than this, this means they don't want you to stay longer.

    There are ways around it but why jump through hoops, better to go somewhere that you're welcome.

    I am willing agreeing with you on this to a certan extent. In our specific case, this is not an option as our main purpose of the lenghty stay is visiting my elderly father who does not leave Thailand, period! I want my child spending some quality time with him before his time is here and at the same time being able putting him in a good school for the full duriation of our stay.

    Had my father not been in the picture and it being only me and my wife travelling, we would have choosen other alternatives.


    • Like 1
  17. Your plan is excellent.

    Thank you for your comment. Worth noting is that when we arrive Penang, all 3 of us will have ONE usen Single Entry Tourist Visa, but from what I've read in other threads that does not mean anything negative when applying for a new one in Penang. Right?


    Absolutely no problem at all unless you have several SETVs already from Penang specifically.

    A decent hotel to consider in Penang is Chulia Mansion. They will ask a good agent to come by if you ask them.

    Many thanks for the input, and our SETV will be from Stockholm, Sweden. Thanks for the hotel tip; faboulus rating on Booking.com... added it to my favorites there!



  18. If your nationality bars you from obtaining a visa in KL the same problem is likely to arise at all other Thai Embassy's/Consulates in the region.

    Perhaps you could state which nations passport you hold ?



    Thanks This then "Listed countries must have Permanent Residence " has no relevance to any application you might make and your plan is feasible.

    KL is not the only "difficult" Embassy/Consulate.

    Oh, ok, I understand what you mean... I missenterpeted the "rules" then. And yes, I have understood there are many Embassys/Consulates that seem to be having a more strict way of granting tourist visas theese days. Oh, if one only was married to a Thai and not a Swede laugh.png .


  19. It seems you already have a good plan.

    Penang will not be a problem to get the visa. Just use an agent and relax while you are there. No need to go to the consulate.

    OK, thanks. I've seen a couple of threads here that recommends specific agents... will read up when it gets closer to the action. Any idea why one can't get tourist visas in KL any more?


    They have put requirements in place that makes it appear they only want to issue tourist visas to Malaysians. I think they just don't want the workload.

    Thank you very much for your input and what a shame ey, KL used to be a very straight forward place going to... remember both me and my wife used the Thai embassy there regurlarly back in "the day".


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