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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. The word wage is pejorative in this example, the word would be better served as an allowance, or my favourite word for it, a budget.

    I'm not interested in being involved in my partners daily spend decisions on dresses, toiletries, perfume, makeup, magazines, I-phone apps, shoes, handbags, lunch with pals, blah blah blah. She's my lady and she is entitled to make decisions without redress to me, and I get particularly impressed when she saves money from the relative pittance I allocate to her.

    Incidentally, I did the same for my first wife, I was working, she wasn't, she was bringing up my kids, we had a household budget, I took on responsibility for Christmas and Holiday budgets, and on top of that my ex-wife got her own budget for personal spending ( as did I ).

    My ex-wife used most of it to buy even more useless toys and things for the kids, up to her. It's my wife, my partner, not my possession or slave, I need to make sure she is provided for without any argument.

    It's part of the contract of marriage you know it's this bit " for richer or for poorer", it's not for " so I can control every penny you spend for the rest of your life", which is far far more common then men are prepared to admit.

    So OP........answer me this question, how much money per month does your wife get without having to ask you for it??????

    She actually gets nothing ,but if she wants anything she can have it(within reason) but really i was actually asking more about the guys that come on here saying "how much should i give my wife a month?) as if they are entering into an agreement ie i will marry you only if you agree to so much sin sot and then x amount per month "wages" as apposed to giving the wife money for make up ect. perhaps i have not worded my post well enough

    • Like 1
  2. It comes from people who don't trust their wives , people who trust their wives allow them access to accounts , they have their own credit cards ect , people who don't give them money because they dont trust them with a credit card or acesss to the banks accounts. All the other answers from people doing it but disputing that are just from people denying reality.

    my wife has her own cards and knows all my pin numbers and has done for donkeys years .

  3. I keep reading on these posts that husbands have to give the wife an allowance which they agree before they get married ,why ? i had a live in Thai girlfriend for many years and have been married for far longer ,but there was never any talk of having to give my wife a wage every month .i dont want to appear rude but if my wife wants something she just asks for it ,to me paying the wife money every month doesnt much sound like a love match more a buisness agreement.

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  4. We have been here for 7 years now ,previously we lived in the UK and came on holidays(my wife and son are Thai) the schooling in Britain sucked and there was no longer anything to hold me in the town iwe lived ,i go back for holidays but after a short while just want to come back to Thailand ,with skype its so easy to keep in touch so why bother going to a country that has changed out of all recognition ,i would never return.

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  5. I was also wondering about this.

    Everyone I have spoken to have said that you can set up a Thai company. However I am hearing another side. I know of friends who have houses. It is all starting to become bewildering.

    I do not have much turst is someof the ' legal firms'.



    you wont like it ,rent ,only buy in your wifes name if you trust her 100% then take a lease for 30 years, and if it all goes wrong ,be prepared to walk away .

    my father once gave me two pieces of advice

    1/never put your head above the parapet

    2/ trust no one.

    ps i know you Have to trust sometimes ,but i am sure you know what i mean.

  6. I use my metro bank card in an Aeon machine ,no charges whatsoever and also get a better tt rate than any other bank.

    concur... 30,000b limit per day

    just tried to get 30k no joy ,so i rang metro ,i was informed that the limit was 300 pounds per day no exeptions ,you have to go into your thai bank and get any more over the counter

    That 300 pound per day limit is set by the card's issuing bank (i.e., your home country bank); not the ATM.

    I know thats why i said"i rang my bank"thumbsup.gif

  7. I came to Thailand first time in 1992. To meet my future father in law Trevor Frettsome....(some may remember the man, he had 2 kids with a Thai Bird, one was gin and one was tonic). How daft can a girl be to send their B/F to Pattaya. First nite out i met him and his mates in a bar in soi post office and they took me to walking street. up a few stairs into a dimly lit bar. A bird was dancing with her tits out and as we sat drinking a photographer came in with the polaroid and they got the bird with the tits out to sit on my lap. Smile!!!!! Click... so what do you think of the bird her dad asked me, i said she's ok but i love Maria. Well how would you feel if we told that was a bloke......... Jesus i was outta there like a shot. They all bundled out a few minutes later pissing their selves... Welcome to Thailand...

    I found the Blackout A-go-go later that night on my own and never looked back. 2 weeks in Heaven Flew back to UK more money and went straight back. Never the same again. as for Maria... Maria???? Maria who LOL

    Walking along beach road early hours of the morning no problems. Never robbed and no hassle. How times changed.

    Reminds me of the joke ,

    My girlfriend told me that a small penis wont affect our relationship,i dont know if she is right or not ,but i still wish she didnt have one.

  8. When i met my wife she certainly was not a virgin ,but i dont believe she had a lot of relationships either ,ive seen a picture of one ex and group pics of her with friends both boys and girls when she was in college .

    But to be honest why would you be interested in who she slept with before (thats for youngsters who are not sure of themselves) also when i met her she was and had been working for her sister for years ,to be honest i dont think she had a very exciting life ,just ordinary.

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  9. Got up 7.30 did half hour on the walking machine ,took the car to the garage ,we then came home and the wife went to do the garden while i played about on the computer ,went out to oversee the gardening , the wife was doing fine so i came in and watched a prog that i had downloaded from uk nova ,went out to make sure the wife wasnt slacking and took her an iced drink ,(it was delicious ) she then came in had a shower and we had a little lunch ,she is such a good cook ,i then chilled out while she did the washing after that i watched her do the ironing. God its such a stress that i took a nap before tea ,we then sat down and talked and watched a little tv untill going to bed,just another action packed day in Pattayathumbsup.gif

  10. The roof covering the centre is being installed at the Ave

    Guess they figured out that people get tired of walking around in the hot sun.

    When they built this place the first thing i wrote was along the lines of who is ever going to an open air mall in this heat? it just wasnt thought through,we only ever go there for villa and then not that often.

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