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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. be worried. its a extremely 18 years long bait being laid out

    That's what I thought at first, but the more I dwell on it, the more I'm sure it's another insidious plot by those pesky Thai-Chinese to play the long game on the OP. 22 years is nothing to wait for the big money. whistling.gif

    She doesnt have to wait ,we have joint bank and bond accountsunsure.png mind you when she drives ,i sometimes think she is trying to get rid of me ,which is dangerous as she could take herself out as well ,mind you she never goes over 20mph so i think ime safesmile.png

  2. I have posted this before ,my wife lived in the UK for seven years ,when we retired to Thailand ,we sent our belongings to her sisters in BKK my wife used her THai maiden name and i as a foreigner did and had nothing to do with it ,when the goods arrived my wife and her sister arranged everything ,we were asked for and payed nothing ,except by the shippers for about 2000 baht if we wanted our goods delivered to Pattaya instead of bangkok

  3. Earth hour,bah,humbug ,let the lycra wearing beardy left wing tree huggers switch off their lights(the lights are on but nobodys home there anyway) and the feel gooders can drive their priouses ,meanwhile i switch on an extra light ,turn the air con up a bit while using the internet and watching tv at the same time (with the radio on in the background for good measure).

    i vote to build more nuclear power stations and forget the windmills as they and all the other "green measures are a waste of time )

    like another plastic bag vicar?

    I don't know what a priouses is but I do drive a Toyota Prius. 4.6 litres per 100 kms, that's why smile.png Oh, I also have another car but that's less economical at 11.2 litres per 100 km.

    The battery on these things cause more polution being made than any car on the planet ,total and utter waste of 1.3 million,for a small saloon . a normal car would have set you back half a million less ,makes 4.6 literes to 100 kms look expensive when you look at it that way ,and the batteries dont last that long and cost an arm and a leg to replace.

    but if it makes you feel good , enjoy.biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  4. Earth hour,bah,humbug ,let the lycra wearing beardy left wing tree huggers switch off their lights(the lights are on but nobodys home there anyway) and the feel gooders can drive their priouses ,meanwhile i switch on an extra light ,turn the air con up a bit while using the internet and watching tv at the same time (with the radio on in the background for good measure).

    i vote to build more nuclear power stations and forget the windmills as they and all the other "green measures are a waste of time )

    like another plastic bag vicar?

    • Like 2
  5. Can't do this, can't do that, can't do another......now don't do new passports and have farmed out the visa appication service..!!

    "Don't drink, don't smoke... What do you do.??"

    This is, without doubt, the WORST UK Embassy anywhere in the world and is famous for being so.

    For many years i had to deal with the British embassy on a regular basis , i only thank God that it was not on anything of a serious nature ,to describe their (service) as useless is an understatement.

  6. Farcino were still selling it last week ,perhaps what she meant to say is that they are no longer allowed to sell the small plastic pots of it ,new govt regulations state that they have to be sold in sealed strip form . the reason being that they can get damp in bottles , the bottom line is that they are now 50% more expensive.

    PS they do this in the UK as well.

    pps all chemists in Pattaya are now selling them in this form ,i know i checked.

  7. What *I* wonder is why the variation of this thread just HAVE to be posted again and again and again and again and again... I mean, I don't really *care* why most other foreigner strangers have come here....

    If you don't care then why bother reading a thread with a title like this . . . and even more to the point, why 'waste your time' adding to it?

    (Foreigner Strangers???)

    well said.

  8. So OP came here for the freedom to drink and drive and to be free from peaceful Muslim protesting. He must be looking forward to Songkran. Plenty of drinking and driving and the police mostly spend time cleaning up the mess as opposed to arresting violaters. As for Muslims, he, despite undoubtably being fluent in Thai, most have missed the Southern Insurgency, nearly endless string of violent terrorist attacks, including teachers beheaded infront of their students, an example just a few days ago being the huge car bomb that murdered 13 and injuried scores.

    I wonder what will happen though when OP has a problem with his spouse, or a neighbor, or a contractor or a hospital or a police officer or anyone for matter and his needs aren't rightfully served? Will he then be bemoaning the Thai legal system and "racism against farangs"? Will Thailand than go from Lawless Paradise to Banana Republic?

    I said nothing about drinking and driving ,(but hey ,twist the post if you like) i said that you were afraid to drive if you had sniffed a beer. also i have always been able to sort all problems out here ,both with the police and contractors , also as to the Muslims ,yes they are a problem down south ,but they are not constantly in the papers or on tv demanding Sharia law ect.and while i decry their behaviour their beef is with Thailand and not wanting to be part of it ,if Muslims in Britain wanted their own state ,well they are welcome to leave.

    if you have had all these problems ,then perhaps ,just perhaps its your attitude to Thais.?

  9. I am glad the OP is happy and wishes to die in Thailand. I hope he never succumbs to an illness requiring advanced care or develops age related dementia because the care options are limited.

    I note some comments;

    1. "our money diminishing as i retired": Indeed. Your money is increasing in Thailand? I would be grateful for some tips then, as that's not my case.

    2. "our son stuck in a school where the police stood at the gates"; The police stand at some of the technical school gates in Thailand as the students have a habit of shooting each other. Also, a young student is more likely to be a viictm of a gun related crime or vehicular injury in Thailand than in the UK.

    3. " the muslims were constantly marching ,complaining and generally causing trouble" Ok, you might have a point as they only engage in mayhem and murder in the south for now. Mind you, the Iranian grenade tosser might be a sign of things to come.

    If you are happy, really that's all that matters.

    The reason my money was diminishing was that as i earned rather a lot,if i retired that would go down ,it did not mean i was poor,happily if i should succumb to an illness i am well able to pay my bills here. but thanks for the concern.

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