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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. No need to go bean hungry.

    Brooks Beans are just as good as Heinz or SPC....I used to buy SPC here all the time, have not seen them for a little while though...but we do not live in Bkk anymore either.

    Brooks are available in Tesco.

    Someone told me...not sure if true or not....but Brooks is made by the same company, or owned same same etc so the taste is the same, but cost a lot less....that would make sense.

    I am having them tonight....my special blend....I cut up smoked cocktail sausages, cracked pepper and a splash of tobasco sauce and mix it all up in the pan....outstanding.

    Brook actually do taste the same as heinze you can buy them anywhere in Pattaya also nice with some curry powder added,as for vegamite ,its just a poor immitation of marmite ,but then what can you expect when we sent our convicts to Australia they tried but just couldnt quite manage the same taste whistling.gifbiggrin.pngcheesy.gif

    At last - a really useful thread on Thaivisa wink.png

    I must admit that I haven't bought any baked beans in Thailand for many years - tried a few, was disappointed and never bothered with them again.

    Well, here are 2 of you posting that Brooks are as good as Heinz. I will definitely try them out and if they really are as good as you say, then you will have my gratitude.

    Brooks do canned tomato juice, 26 Baht for 565ML and I prefer that to all the other brands available and that's not because it is probably the cheapest smile.png

    Same here, I just give up on beans until I tried what another poster mentioned by adding malt vinegar and a good dash of Tabasco to tighten them up. Never seen the light version mentioned nor Heinz.

    I also gave up on milk a couple of years back. I seriously tried because I'm a massive tea drinker but I just couldn't continue so now I just make batches of ice lemon tea which is great if I wake up thirsty during the night.

    The only thing that I really miss is Dutch style herrings with onion. Known as rollmop or Bismark in the UK. As usual my sister will pick me up from the airport when I return to the UK end of June. She will also, as usual bring along a pot of 2 herrings which I shall eat before leaving the arrival area. Then it will be off to her local for a couple of jars before dinner of you know what.... Beans on toast.

    They sell them in most villa supermarkets ,bur at the price they charge (about360 B) i do begrudge buyying them

  2. This is just another Thai and Thai wife bashing thread.

    The psychology being that the OP`s wife is a decent person and not a gold digger, so therefore she is unique in Thailand.

    The OP believes he is being smart by wording his post in ways that will probably receive a lot of negative responses regarding Thai women.

    This ploy doesn’t work with me and to answer the OPs question, what is he doing wrong? It is obvious that he has very low opinions of Thai women and a great mistrust of his own wife if he has to question her decency with complete strangers on a forum like this. I believe this poor long suffering wife should be the one having doubts about her spouse with good reason.

    I agree, our thenervoussurgeon is doing something wrong and there is something wrong with him as confirmed by his own statement.

    I wonder what the bottom line of the deal is here?

    Yes, fully agree with this but i fear you give the OP way to much credit. Most times you will find the real deal is buried in the details.

    Makes me wonder...where does the OP live?

    The wifes parents must be so jaidee that they let him stay in the extended family home and still ask for nothing in return?

    But OP, do tell us if you built or paid for...a house YOU WILL NEVER own??.

    Then we will tell you what you did wrong thumbsup.gif

    I will not bother to reitarate what i said ,because if you cant be bothered to "read " posts then you are beyond help , no i do not live in the familly residence ,although it is extreemly nice ,but i do live in a very large detached house which we rent and have done for many years and when i pop my clogs the wife will get half my cash and no doubt build a place on her land near her familly , but thanks for worrying about me and what might happen to me if i" owned"property ,i am sure though that i more than likely know far more about Thailand and buisness practices here ,having ran a succesfull buisnes in BKK for many years untill i sold it

  3. Brook actually do taste the same as heinze you can buy them anywhere in Pattaya also nice with some curry powder added,as for vegamite ,its just a poor immitation of marmite ,but then what can you expect when we sent our convicts to Australia they tried but just couldnt quite manage the same taste whistling.gifbiggrin.pngcheesy.gif

  4. In Pattaya Best Foods Grocery Store (by Dolphin Circle) and Friendship Grocery Store has Diet Coke .... the bottles of Coke light were at Topps (Central) the other day. Seven Eleven and Family Mart doesn't seem to have them ...(or has a small quantity of them).


    You gave up my secret source...never mind, popped in this morning at best for my Max. They don't have any Light but Zero and Max still have.

    yes but only cans no large bottles ,ive just come back.

  5. Cruncher ,also do try and read the posts ,Naam was not even talking about the value of the pound ,but the fact that the 10 billion we would pour into the imf was not to prop up the euro .of course it isnt!! thus as he was German ,"he would say that wouldnt he"

    ps no hard feelings Naam

  6. The only plausible reason I can find is that major banks and investors want to get out of the Euro. So maybe there is some kind of crisis afoot in the Eurozone.


    If we are then propping up the Euro to the tune of 10 billion and it seems banks etc maybe moving from Euro assets to GBP; it beggers the question as to whose money exactly we are lending them. Or more crudely have the government bribed entities to come and invest in GBP assets with their support to the Euro & IMF.with presumably the taxpayers money.

    the 10bb UK is putting in the IMF collection box have nothing to do with propping up the €UR.

    friendly advice: try to gather, compile and evaluate information from other sources than Telegraph and Daily Mail journàsslists.

    If you belive that Naam ,you are not as smart as i thought , but then i believe you are German ,so as i believe a famous woman once said "well,he would say that wouldnt he"

    The quote was "well he would wouldn't he". The woman was the English call girl Mandy Rice-Davies.

    What that, or being German,has to do with the value of the pound is not clear to me.

    yes i know ,and think about it,its not hard.

  7. taking notice of a probably, sour faced, divorced, overweight English woman is probably what you are doing wronggiggle.gif

    Very unfair generalisation there. There are some great lasses around just maybe you have a preference for Asian girls, no harm there!

    Agreed, lots of beautiful British and Europeans in general. It is usually easier to rationalize...

    Was at Chang wattana today and it seems like every expat or foreigner here found the ugliest, most sour faced, haggard looking thai women imaginable. Even some young looking guys. Don't know what kind of fetish one has but strikes me odd if you wants to "upgrade" to a thai wife why one would not at least find one physically appealing.

    ive just been in hua hin and i noticed the very same thing,and there was quite a few young guys,walking around with definitely way over the hill elderly thai ladies tattoos an all,very little eye candy down there

    I think that the differance is that most of the guys you see walking around hand in hand with a young fit girl are just tourists with a hooker ,wheras when you see an old guy with a not so good looking older woman ,its the fit young bird he married 20 years ago ,my friend is a case in point ,look at a picture of him with his wife 20 years ago ,wow was she a honey ,now 20 years later she is 2 stone heavier and ravaged by time and too much fried rice. , not all Thai women look after themselves ,some of us are just lucky ,you only have to look at the fit young chav women in the U.K when they are 20 then look at them 20 years later after a couple of kids ,40 fags a day and a diet of fish and chipsbah.gif

  8. The only plausible reason I can find is that major banks and investors want to get out of the Euro. So maybe there is some kind of crisis afoot in the Eurozone.


    If we are then propping up the Euro to the tune of 10 billion and it seems banks etc maybe moving from Euro assets to GBP; it beggers the question as to whose money exactly we are lending them. Or more crudely have the government bribed entities to come and invest in GBP assets with their support to the Euro & IMF.with presumably the taxpayers money.

    the 10bb UK is putting in the IMF collection box have nothing to do with propping up the €UR.

    friendly advice: try to gather, compile and evaluate information from other sources than Telegraph and Daily Mail journàsslists.

    If you belive that Naam ,you are not as smart as i thought , but then i believe you are German ,so as i believe a famous woman once said "well,he would say that wouldnt he"

  9. I love optimists but prefer realists, the very best you can hope for at this stage of the procedings is low 50's, if you dig into it you'll see that 70 baht was unnatuarlly high and unsupportable hence, you will never, ever see 70's again.

    never say never ,but i would be happy at 55 to the pound, still transfered some today at 49.50 as i work on 48 its a win.

  10. They can come here, hook up with someone half their age and have another bite at the relationship cherry knowing such women are not only more pliable and servile but more likely to forgive indiscretions ........

    Pliable and servile .........Hmmmmmm, you've never had a relationship with a Thai lady have you?

    I begin to doubt you have even visited Thailand.

    the only pliable and servile ones are those that have just snagged a tourist ,see how pliable and servile they are when your holiday money has all gonebiggrin.png

    • Like 1
  11. I havnt been able to find any diet coke or pepsi max anywhere ,anyone know why? its a waste of time asking the staff anywhere as most dont even know what time it is much less when supplies will return.

    also why are there no diet drinks here or sparkeling water,it must be easy to produce.

  12. This is just another Thai and Thai wife bashing thread.

    The psychology being that the OP`s wife is a decent person and not a gold digger, so therefore she is unique in Thailand.

    The OP believes he is being smart by wording his post in ways that will probably receive a lot of negative responses regarding Thai women.

    This ploy doesn’t work with me and to answer the OPs question, what is he doing wrong? It is obvious that he has very low opinions of Thai women and a great mistrust of his own wife if he has to question her decency with complete strangers on a forum like this.

    I agree, our thenervoussurgeon is doing something wrong and there is something wrong with him as confirmed by his own statement.

    while this all may or may not be true, one thing does appear clear --- you seem to have lost your proverbial grain of salt

    Not only the proverbial grain of salt ,but the plot as well , if he bothered to read on he would have seen that i say that most marriages here are good and decent ones ,but then judging by the number of posts he has made i reckon he doesnt get out muchtongue.png

  13. Of course he does ,if he is paying for it ,(which i assume you do) but believe me after years of marriage ,its not much fun if all you have in common is sex , you need friendship as well .

    I assume everyone (every male) is paying for it, in one way or another.

    After years of marriage you would be lucky to get either friendship or sex.

    Most of the married people I knew (back in the UK) could hardly stand to be in the same room with each other.

    I always found it best men for friends, women for sex. Gadgets that can do everything rarely work well.

    I am not sure if you live here ,but if you want sex and a good friend ,have you tried boyz town ? giggle.gif

  14. any man that marries a bar girl or opens a business involving large quantities of money has to be slightly stupid or just intellectually challenged.

    sorry to be so crude,but u really have to be brainless to get involved by these "women"

    som nom na

    Couldn't it be that the farang that gets involved with these women is just rich ??

    Do you mean used to be rich?whistling.gif

  15. In the end companionship is more important to most guys than sex, that's why they get married.

    In the west

    Most men want sex, many of them can only get companionship, they settle.

    In Thailand

    Most men want sex, most of them get it, a lot of it, sometimes too much of it.

    Find me a guy that tells you he wants companionship more than sex and I'll show you a total loser/liar.

    (assuming functioning equipment)

    Of course he does ,if he is paying for it ,(which i assume you do) but believe me after years of marriage ,its not much fun if all you have in common is sex , you need friendship as well .
  16. To all those who said i was a troll or smug ,cant you tell a light hearted post when you read one ? it was just showing that most of us are in happy relationships and that the ones who moan are really the "vocal" minority ,you ought to get out a bit more boys and lighten up.

    You didn't say how much you voluntarily give her though,which could be excessive?

    Well i dont "give" her anything she doesnt work for me ,but if she wants something she only has to ask , i tell her all the time you can have as much as you want ,100, 200, 250 baht ,just ask.tongue.png

  17. taking notice of a probably, sour faced, divorced, overweight English woman is probably what you are doing wronggiggle.gif

    Very unfair generalisation there. There are some great lasses around just maybe you have a preference for Asian girls, no harm there!

    Agreed, lots of beautiful British and Europeans in general. It is usually easier to rationalize...

    Was at Chang wattana today and it seems like every expat or foreigner here found the ugliest, most sour faced, haggard looking thai women imaginable. Even some young looking guys. Don't know what kind of fetish one has but strikes me odd if you wants to "upgrade" to a thai wife why one would not at least find one physically appealing.

    Exactly...but they will all say she has a wonderful personality.

    isnt that better than having the best looking one ,who shags your mates and steals all your money?biggrin.png

  18. note to anyone who is with a girl decades younger then you

    she does not love you

    she loves your monaaaaayyyyyyyyy

    have never heard this before .....plz elaborate coffee1.gif

    Thats where you are sooo wrong ,my wife is 23 years younger than me we have an 18 year old son off to uni soon and really do love each other ,no different to so many couples ,i did many years ago before i met my wife have a bar girl girlfriend and she was lovely ,never wanted anything much ,i still know her and she is "the hight of respectabilaty" married with children. the mistake most guys make is the one the op admitted to ,he came here on a holiday met a girl working in a bar and believed the bullshit ,he is now older and wiser and hopefully will go "courting " the next girl for a year or so before commiting.

    AS an end ,i am sure many Thai and Western women are firstly attracted by the mans having and being able to make money but if they like him love can and does develope .dont be such a cynic.

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