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Posts posted by thenervoussurgeon

  1. Save? If you want safety, stay away!

    I moved recently to the "Nong Prue" area, because I am an adventurously guy.

    Street gangs, shootouts, robbery, illegal street racings everywhere.

    You can't go out after sunset, because of beeing assaulted.

    The next 7/11 is near Sukhumvit, about 5 Km.

    No Tesco, BigC, restaurants, markets, just nothing!

    It's an undeveloped, "wild west area", so beware.

    But I would suggest, swing your ass on a motorbike and have a closer look.

    But be careful, you have been warned!!


    Save? If you want safety, stay away!

    I moved recently to the "Nong Prue" area, because I am an adventurously guy.

    Street gangs, shootouts, robbery, illegal street racings everywhere.

    You can't go out after sunset, because of beeing assaulted.

    The next 7/11 is near Sukhumvit, about 5 Km.

    No Tesco, BigC, restaurants, markets, just nothing!

    It's an undeveloped, "wild west area", so beware.

    But I would suggest, swing your ass on a motorbike and have a closer look.

    But be careful, you have been warned!!


    A friend lives there and when we visit ,we take an armed guard!!

  2. yeah i am not buying it that "most" farang-thai marriages work long term. my guess is that it is probably like 20%.

    I think you mix with the wrong people and read the wrong sort of books about Thailand

    not really. go inside the US embassy (or wherever you come from). it is free. you can just stand in the visa section and take a look at those applying for visas and registering marriages. i dont know what your social circle is but if it is something like fluent long term expat, then no you are not in the majority of farang husbands.

    Actually ime a Brit and i mix with quite a wide circle of friends ,although i must admit many are quite well heeled ,but except in a few cases most have been married for a long time and have famillies , i have only one friend who was ripped off ,all the rest are settled and have no problems and normal marriages.

  3. i think the road widening is a terrific idea ,it could be widened and raised right to the waters edge ,this would allow the motorbike vendors to park all the way along beach road ,then wide enough to double park tour buses , this also gets rid of all the hookers and drug dealers along the footpaths and if a jetty was built it would allow the jet skies to tie up alongside ,job done. another complete f-ck up.to celebrate the next 4 years.

  4. I know this may sound callous, but perhaps Australia should opt not to resettle refugees or it's relatively low population would result in enormous financial strain being put on it's taxpayers, which in turn may lead to knock on public order problems. All it takes is one bad apple and you have a financial disaster. To give a UK example, according to a group known as the taxpayers alliance radical cleric Abu Hamza has so far cost Britain 2.75 million pounds in wellfare payments, council housing, NHS and prison bills.

    Aside from this there 'should' be a clear principle in the E.U where asylum seekers are processed in the first E.U Country they enter, instead of being allowed to make a bee line for the Country with the most generous social provision. Australia has some trade links to ASEAN and I don't see why similar agreements can't be entered into with neighboring Countries Granted this would still no doubt cost Australia money, but if the expectation of being able to choose where to apply for asylum was removed then this might separate the persecuted from the economic migrants.

    Far from being Callous Dan its the simple truth ,which more and more cannot be either written or spoken due to "Political correctness" or fear of being branded an "extremist", millions think the same as me but Ain't the guts to air their opinions in public.

    I dont mind airing my opinions ,they fight tooth and nail to get to the west for the freebies and promptly try to change where they are living in freedom into the shitholes they came from ,my old home town is a point in case.

    by the way talking of jokes ,i was kicked out of a muslim store the other day ,all i asked for was a bomber jacket.

    • Like 1
  5. slightly off-topic:

    I am looking for a sour, sugar-free lemonade.

    At the moment, I am fed up with these sweet zero/max/diet cokes.

    I want something new.

    Any recommendations?

    It's not lemonade but Chang has a new soda water "Blue" that has an interesting taste. It is soda water with some type of flavoring added which adds a nice taste to the stuff. Available at all the usual stores.

    I have tried all 3 flavours of this ,must say that who ever thought them up had no taste buds ,interesting" taste just about sums it upbiggrin.png

  6. I have read all the posts and i will give you some advice ,this from someone who has lived here had buisness dealings here have a home wife and son here,for the last 6 of 23 years ,

    keep the dream alive but do not give up your life and come here to live alone ,unless that is what you really like ,you will end up hanging around bars,you are to young work a lot longer then when you are in your 50"s come hereand spend 6 months or so to see how it goes . do not buy here untill you are absolutely sure you really do like it and the lifestyle .

    hope it all works out and doubt you will listen to a word i saidthumbsup.gif

    ps forget the 30 year lease with 30plus 30 after it will not happen 30 is the maximum you can rely on.

  7. slightly off-topic:

    I am looking for a sour, sugar-free lemonade.

    At the moment, I am fed up with these sweet zero/max/diet cokes.

    I want something new.

    Any recommendations?

    If you find any ,please ,please let me know.

  8. Go to Luton in Bedfordshire ,then you can meet people from all around the world ,visit bury park ,you will think you are in India ,go to wardown park and see the swans being caught for supper by immegrants ,visit hockwell ring and be mugged ,then off to high town and you will believe you are in Poland ,last stop off in the Arndale centre and see multiculturalism at work oh and dont forget to strp outside and see the unamployed spending their money on special brew,lastly pop into the charity shops(they are the only ones left open) for those presents to take home.whistling.gif

  9. My son has just finished there after 5 years and is off to uni,he did the English programme ,as his english is perfect(lived in uk for 6 years) i have nothing but praise for the place ,he has done very well there and it is very well run ,e mail me if you would like a chat.

    • Like 1
  10. Why do you all worry about not being able to get this unhealthy crap! smile.png It's garbage sad.png drink good fresh water smile.png

    They contain instead of sugar:-

    Aspartame (Nutrasweet and Equal) is believed to be carcinogenic and accounts for more reports of adverse reactions than all other foods and food additives combined.Acesulfame potassium (Acesulfame-K) has been linked to kidney problems, and sucralose (Splenda) has been found to reduce the amount of beneficial microflora in your gut by 50 percent—in addition to being associated with many of the same adverse reactions as aspartame.Contrary to popular belief, research has shown that artificial sweeteners can stimulate your appetite; increase carbohydrate cravings; stimulate fat storage and weight gain. Diet sodas may actually double your risk of obesity.

    Just thought I would add this as a public service, don't suppose it will change anybodies mind! sad.png

    hasnt changed minebiggrin.png

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