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Everything posted by honcho

  1. severe case of Trump derangement syndrome.. Trump best president ever, most dems just dont get his hilarious sense of humour!!
  2. hussein obama is one of the puppet maters.. brandon is a corrupt empty shell whos only interest was feasthering his own nest!!
  3. trump will win and stop or slow this nonsense... why do you hate Trump when you agree with many of his sensible policies/? he is not hitler he actually cares about commom=n people unlike the rest of them!
  4. yes true... trump will demolish her if they do have a debate....
  5. a sane voice amid the madness !
  6. more emotive fear mongering with no real evidence to back it up.... yawn
  7. its better to say nothing and have people think you are a fool, than open your mouth and rmove all doubt!! klamidea to a tee
  8. yes but scientist dont all agree... its not fact but theory..so far sea levels have not changed, and no one can predict the futere. in with de santis on this one
  9. bad case or Trump derangement syndrome here!! take a chill pill you will need it when THE DON takes back the whitehouse and saves america
  10. another one struck down with Trump derangement syndrome!!
  11. bad case os trump derangement syndrome!! wake up man
  12. yep suffering from TDS alright... the Don will win and save the world! TRUMP 2024
  13. youre allowed your opinion but facts cant be argued with...the world was safer!
  14. wake up and smell the corruption under bidens dems... like trump or suffer from trump derangement , he is the only man that can stop the rot!!!
  15. bring back Mr Trump.... best president ever!!! LETS GO BRANDON
  16. fear mongering bs..... wouldnt trust the media who vomit this bile till the masses are so scared they will comply with the next lockdown....
  17. haha you need to see someone about your trump derangement syndrome!!! TRUMP 2024! best president ever!!!
  18. best president ever!donny will fly in on the trump jet and save the world!!
  19. another plonker who suffers from trump derangement syndrome....
  20. sinister control freaks... the world needs to ignore these maniacs.
  21. its political persecution...you obviously suffer from trump derangement...... wake up and see the truth
  22. tell that to usa... they tax americans worldwide.... you must give up your usa passport to get them off your back....
  23. programmable money.. thin edge of the wedge for total control.... once cash is gone so are freedoms... resit and dont be bought for a handful of dirty silver!!!!
  24. Im from NZ its free there too, free to be on a waiting list for months or years.. better pay in Thailand than die waiting in nz or uk
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