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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. The law in this 3rd world country is a complete farce. Thailand will never join the civilized world with pathetic people in charge of the justice system. They should all resign immediately
  2. OK, post a link to either ONE positive arab or NIgerian story on Aseannow. I'll wait. It's not about racial hatred it's about constant bad news about these people
  3. 1026 friends and relatives happy with new income stream
  4. The sheer amount of tourist deaths here is amazing. Anyone know the deaths per million rate , as I do not see it in the brochures ?
  5. Move along, just your daily dose of Islamic murders
  6. Rap with a capital C in my opinion
  7. How about Plod get ordered off their bums for 2 hours a day to do lollipop duty on the zebras near schools
  8. I'm guessing the other 7% have benefitted financially from his coup
  9. Simple solution. Police get off your bum, take their passports and give them street cleaning social payback for 2 weeks. I doubt they will do it again.
  10. They should get the people at the Big C do the promotional posters for them !
  11. I remember growing up in the punk days and the Plasmatics. I'd hate to think what these people would have made of Wendi O Williams and her 2 bits of gaffer tape in her hayday
  12. Well, when a ladyboy is quite young they could 'maybe' pass as a girl, BUT when they are 30-40 you kinda know they are just men with hairy tattooed legs in stockings and short skirts !
  13. Be honest, these days I visit a temple more than a bar, but then again I visit maybe 1 temple a year. Bars were great 20 years ago when I was single and before my wife, I feel going to a bar without being able to take a women home with you, is like going to see a movie without the film after the national anthem
  14. not as much money in fleecing thais as tourists
  15. Probably as he landed on the other one !
  16. Another sad story from a top quality tourist hot spot - and I live there ! I remember getting on one of those buses one evening and about 10 lady boys in stockings with tattoos getting on, I was nearly ill at the sight - hairy tattooed legs in stockings, makes me shudder to think about it
  17. Fine example of Thai over-reaction to loss of face in my opinion. 5 minutes of ego rage and 30 years in clink - she'll be 80 on release - or dead. Stupid stupid woman
  18. So, nearly a quarter of Thailand's tourism figures appear to be migrant workers - shows the real figures for 'actual' tourism' are REALLY REALLY bad !
  19. I'd set the sentence for smuggling migrants at 1 year a migrant - so that's a nice 32 year stint for me
  20. Ignorant bunch of arabs by the sound of it. 1. let the hurt guy rot in prison until he does give his name - overstayer ? 2. Can't blame him on the medical thing - he's about to get fleeced and probably no insurance 3. Chuck his mates in the clink too for a week for being uncooperative with law enforcement
  21. Funny, if she had allowed 17 odd people to die in a night club she'd be walking free now. Thailand proving its criminal priorities are money based again in my opinion
  22. Must be pretty stupid knowing luggage will be put through scanners that pick up this kind of thing
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