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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Each to his personally experience. I had the cash problem described above. But it's certainly not like Starbuck coffee is super much better than the other chains or alternatives. High price = gladly much better quality does not always correspond to subjective reality.
  2. Yes. I once wrote a hotel review. Everything OK. Only as a constructive criticism that the balcony railings are too deep. Simply dowel in an additional higher rod. Not everyone is a midget. Well nothing happened. Neither a law suit against me nor that there would be additional balcony poles for safety reasons. TiT
  3. The good old times. That must have been almost 30 years ago. A guy from Argentina had a 6 year overstay. He bought a return ticket. Stands at the airport in front of immigration - no money left over -. He gave them his silver travers concert flute. 2 weeks later he was back on the island.
  4. Exceeding the permitted length of stay is against the law. No question. But it's not the super-serious criminal offense either. I'd rather have a peaceful overstayer than a sneaky knife man, a brutal bar thug or a rapist - with a valid visa.
  5. What a storm in a teacup. So now immigration is starting to work? If they can get the overstayers down to zero within 3 months, the legitimate question arises: what have they been doing all this time before?
  6. I was coincidentally in the Starbucks in Bangkok across from the US Embassy. Wanted to pay cash. Big issue No cash register there. The staff then had to get a plastic bag with small change from the back room. They treated me like I had lebra. WTF. The Starbuck chain will never see me again.
  7. The 500 MPs in Parliament are popularly elected and represent the will of the people of 60+ million Thais. Who do the 250 Senators represent? Apparently only themselves and their personal, individual interests. Regrettable understanding of democracy.
  8. Sometimes it is also the case that the hotel descriptions on the booking platforms (booking, agoda, etc.) are wrong or misleading. - free parking, yes but 300 meters away from the hotel. - Rooms with balcony, yes but only subject to availability. - Hotel in a quiet side street, yes hardly any traffic, but on the neighboring property there is a chicken farm where the roosters start crackling around at 4 am. If somebody is afraid of writing a public review in such cases, you can also write directly to the booking platforms.
  9. It is time that one or the other Thai business manager learns how to deal constructively with legitimate criticism. The concept of possible loss of face prevents progress and improvement.
  10. I agree. Rating systems force hotels, restaurants, bars to optimize their product. Honest and constructive customer feedback helps. The worst thing for business are unhappy customers who don't complain at all; they stay away and are lost forever.
  11. On the other hand, I don't write reviews about my 3-4 favorite hotels and bungalows which I visit regularly. I would be very annoyed if they were overcrowded and then always fully booked.
  12. It depends on the wording in the context. No personal insults, better factually informative. The evaluation of facts is always subjective. A review should never be a vendetta. - We were lucky and were able to use 2 comfortable sun loungers out of the 8 loungers on the pool deck. - It was lovely in the swimming pool which was full of children playing. - The hotel staff always tried to help us with one or the other problem. It is same as the "secret language" in job references.
  13. Your headphones may not be good in the long run. There may also be overuse (5-6 hours per day). If you hear your blood rushing in your ear, this can be a precursor to tinnitus. Also, your ear cleaning technique may not be good (just pushes the dirt further in). I recommend going to a good audiologist. One of the best addresses is the department at the Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok. They have a hearing analysis studio and a competent professor there. Cost me 6500 baht.
  14. Poo Yai Baan' is an elected official of a village sub-division. He generally takes care of the security, village fund, and day-to-day matters. He answers to the Kamnan The 'Or Bor Tor' is another elected village official with different duties than that of the Kamnan. He keeps an eye on the water supply, condition of the roads, construction, etc. .The Kamnan is the head of the village and usually has several Poo Yai Baans working for him. He is also an elected (by the village) official. They all answer to the 'Nai Amphur' (District officer). The district officer is an official (elected by the government) posted to the province.
  15. Pay him for his time. Especially if you don't know him, take the opportunity to get to know the village boss. Who knows when you might need his help again in the future. Pujai bans are often the village elders and elected private individuals from the village, in contrast to the Obotor who is a government employee.
  16. Not a good idea. Only leads to additional money loss and does not solve the problem. Not to mention what standing you have in your village after, when you rush the police on your neighbors.
  17. Bad situation. I also have many family members who enjoy playing cards. The degree between social gathering and real gambling addiction is fluid. What are the stakes? Are there already 500/1000 baht notes on the towel or are they playing for coins? Which game is being played? Bok deng, Kauke or Thai dummy? If she doesn't keep her household and child responsibilities, it's a very bad sign. The ultra-long playing times are also questionable. Are always the same people playing or do strangers sometimes come by? The fact that she has no job and that she is bored only encourages her possible addiction. I would try to set a time limit for the card game with her first. A time when a cardsession has definitely to be finished. If she doesn't manage to keep up, and can not stop playing cards at a given time, you have to pull the ripcord. Pathological gambling addiction can also ruin you and your family financially.
  18. and pay with cash whenever it is possible.
  19. True. We have also determined with our systems the health index of the individual customers via their shopping baskets. Such data records are worth tens of millions. Insurance companies are very keen to get their hands on such consumer records with real names.
  20. Cashless mobile payment carries so many dangers and these clearly outweigh the alleged convenience benefits. I worked for years in a marketing company doing data mining and consumer profiling. If you now imagine a large supermarket chain, the best data suppliers are those customers who can be clearly identified. And these are all those who pay cashless. Then you have the individual shopping cart + personal data + bank details + brand loyalty coefficient + shop loyalty. All purchases/shopping carts can then be evaluated via the time axis. With all consumable products (detergent, coffee, toilet paper, etc.) you can then easily predict the range until a repeat purchase has to be made. This is then summed up by all consumers for each product. This then results in the purchase probability for each product in the next few days. For all products with a high purchase probability, you can then easily readjust the prices using the digital shelf labels (many small temporary price increases). The system then optimizes itself and then compares the forecast values with the actual values on a weekly basis. Gas stations and internet travel portals have been using dynamic pricing for some time. Cashless payment makes it possible.
  21. 20% of MPs in each party can not be. There are parties with only one seat in parliament. That would mean a total veto if that one MP is not present. The 20% is probably a minimum requirement and refers to those present in order to have a quorum at all.
  22. All banks are trying to jump on this train. It's also a great idea for the Banks to do data networking with the great consumer retail - data - companys.
  23. That's right. Everyone should take care of their personal information as best they can. I don't give my phone number when the 7/11 staff ask me, even if I buy chewing gum for 10 baht.
  24. It is strange that no proof / invoice of purchase can be found for the 22 luxury watches. That already smells as import tax evasion.
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