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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. That would be a second solution that the coalition didn't want at all before. And who prevented the first solution? Answer: The unelected senators who have no mandate to represent the will of the people. This means that the coalition is forced to nominate a second candidate that was originally not wanted. That's undemocratic, isn't it?
  2. That would no longer be democratic then. The original will of the 2/3 majority coalition to want Pita as PM would then ultimately be manipulated from unelected people.
  3. Yes. This can/will happen after the unelected Senate blocked Pita's candidacy. That means translated: The 2/3 majority of the parliamentarians elected by the people want Pita as a prospective PM. Now that's going to be blocked by the Senate, isn't it? That means who determines who gets the go as a PM in such a situation? The people who voted democratically or the 232 unelected senators?
  4. You drill holes in thick boards that don't exist. The entire coalition has voted in favor of Pita as the new PM, representing a clear 2/3 majority in Parliament. It can't be that difficult to understand.
  5. A lot of anger has been building up for some over the last few years. 9 years all behaving nice and good. Then the Thais voted. The election result is known. A clear 2/3 majority for change emerged. And now that 2/3 majority is being blocked by a few unelected people. Then dissatisfaction quickly erupts. Understandable if someone supports the principle of democratically elected majorities.
  6. In 2017, Chada and his entourage were targeted in a police crackdown on organized crime in Uthai Thani. A police search of their vehicles turned up six guns and one pill of MDMA or ecstasy. Chada walked free after police failed to prove the items belonged to him. Heavily armed, half of family members murdered, one murder charge, drugs involved. Could also be a scene in a mafia movie. It's amazing what figures are hanging around in Thai Parliament currently.
  7. MF and PT have formed a joint coalition with others. These two parties alone form a 2/3 elected majority in Parliament and thus represent 2/3 of the population. This is how parliamentary democracy works. All those who did not vote (for whatever reason) cannot be interpreted as for or against a party. Non-voters automatically submit themselves to the election results by not participating.
  8. It is best to contact foreign banks that have branches here in Thailand and also in the destination country. For example: ABN AMRO. BNP Paribas. Calyon Corporate & Investment Bank. Citibank Thailand. Deutsche Bank. Indian Overseas Bank. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mizuho Corporate Bank It may also be worth opening a foreign currency account in Thailand beforehand, i.e. exchanging the Thai baht in Thailand for US/Euro, etc. and then transferring the foreign currency. The exchange rates for Thai Baht are much worse in the destination countries.
  9. Pita will probably get a 2nd chance on July 19th. If that doesn't work either, then Srettha will stand for election on the 3rd date. Pita is young and can wait. It is crucial that the coalition that stands for the replacement of the old government sticks together. Who then gets which post is initially irrelevant. The people voted with a clear majority to replace the old government. If the 749 people entitled to vote the new PM do not succeed in complying with the will of the people, there will be most probably unrest.
  10. only 674 parliamentarians were present at the time of voting. So from 749 were 75 not present? Were they all sick, or did they have something better to do? Unbelievable what an attitude towards serving one's country. And 199 - 75 = 124 real abstentions? Who sits in Parliament should be able to make decisions. Yes or no. Abstaining from voting for a particular PM or not, that's really weak.
  11. Thailand does not have the strength to move forward. Too many brakes on board. Those who sit in Parliament should be able to make decisions. A simple yes or no is enough. But anyone who does not have a clear opinion on who should become prime minister has failed in their task in parliament.
  12. I also hope that it stays peaceful, but I don't think, with this clear election result, that the majority of Thais will swallow silently this toad - this flimsy discrediting of a prospective PM - again, without a fight.
  13. I think this time the majority of Thai people will not put up with the fact that some unelected people have the power to suppress the will of the people just because they don't like the election result. These clumsy, shamefaced, anti-democratic ploys to discredit a prospective PM won't work. As an outside observer, you can see exactly who is wrong here. Sometimes you just have to stand up and fight for your rights.
  14. Like all other MPs, Prayut still has to fill out his wealth declaration after serving the country. So that a before comparison (2014) and a post comparison (2023) is possible. I hope he didn't just sacrifice himself for peanuts.
  15. From a German news source: According to the Bangkok Post, a Thai couple told police they were hired by a German woman to deliver the cooler to Chokchai Garden Home 1 Village. It is said to be 54-year-old Petra G. As the police announced, an arrest warrant is being prepared for three suspects: Petra G., Olaf B., another German and a Pakistani. He is suspected of having been involved in the murder, transport and dissection of the body. Video recordings showed that he was sitting in the back of the truck next to the cool box. Petra G. is also not unknown in Germany. The Munich public prosecutor had already investigated them in 2018 for fraud. She reportedly posed as a successful events manager, organized parties and then let her business partners foot the bills. She is known under the name "Party Petra". In the interrogation, however, she is said to have remained silent so far and asked for her lawyers.
  16. The copyright owner of the watches initially verified 13 out of the 14 timepieces as authentic, leading the department to include them in the auction. The copyright owner came to check the watches again and stated that all of them were fake. Unbelievable. Criminals everywhere you look. Someone must have exchanged the real watches for copies. An insider job.
  17. "Throughout the 9 yrs as PM I have done my best," I don't think he said it like that. Otherwise he would admit that he was acting PM for more than 8 years. And that would be a deliberate violation of the Constitution.
  18. Yes right. Thanks. It was longtime ago. Wanted to edit it but was too late.
  19. Do you know who my father is? His son is also a quick shooter if I remember correctly.
  20. Tarit's lawyers have prevented the reading of the verdict already 8 times. It is about time that judgments were also passed on people who deliberately prevented the reading of the judgment with flimsy reasons.
  21. Many Thais I know like durian. But for many, the price is now too high and they can no longer afford to enjoy the local durian. For the local Thais, this is the disadvantage of the export tax exemption for the Chinese.
  22. Of course you need your passport when you travel. However, once you have arrived at your holiday destination or place of residence, it makes sense to have only a photocopy of your passport with all the stamps and leave the original passport in the safe. It must be ensured that, in the worst case, you can quickly organize and show your original passport.
  23. Must have been 7 years ago. There I met Thai soldiers which were in a submarine training program in Kiel, at Germanys submarine base.
  24. Those were the times. Had a funny problem a long time ago. My flight was 3 days after my last visa stamp. Then I went to immigration to extend it for 1900 baht. There was quite a lively discussion between the immigration staff. Paying 3 days overstay at the airport would only be 1500 baht. Recommendation was: No worry. You pay at airport only 1500 Baht and you can save 400 Baht. Well those days are obviously over.
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