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Everything posted by tomacht8

  1. Maybe she ordered a yoni massage, without knowing what it is. Same as a man can order a Lingam massage.
  2. This is the 9th postponement request from Tarit. Case from 2010. Many cases drag on like chewing gum for decades. A reform of parts of the legal system is overdue. For example: a. The perpetrators confess in the first instance, so their sentence is halved, and then appeal in the second instance. b. Despite clear evidence, serious criminals are released on bail. c. Judgments cannot be pronounced in absentia because the perpetrators escape the verdict by fleeing. d. Incredibly long times between offense and judgment. e. Sometimes ridiculous penalties for serious offenses, and vice versa.
  3. 2019? One can only hope for the consumers that the cold chain was maintained completely uninterrupted over four years.
  4. The EC is merely a vicarious agent in maintaining certain power structures. Now the people could actually vote. And the election result is a slap in the face to those in power. The election results show strong support for both Pheu Thai and Move Forward with almost 70% of the population, which is also confirmed in the voting on the party lists at the national level. In a functioning democracy, the case would now be clear as who has the right to run the country if the people's election results were then respected. And from an institutional point of view, that would be exactly the task of an independent EC to protect the election result of the people. Unfortunately one cannot see that the EC is willing to fulfill this fundamental task.
  5. A case from 2013. So there are still the next 10 years until 2023 filled with many, many more cases of corruption.
  6. The OP makes it too complicated for himself and gets in his own way with his list of criteria. Super pretty, sexy, slim, long black hair, long legs, no trampstamps, independent, tastefully dressed, single, no kids, well educated, intelligent, own good income, in the right age range, fascinating, imaginative, loyal, in bed a bombshell, ... There are such Thai women, but such women have thousands of applicants and are mostly looking for a material upgrade that is above their own status level. On the other hand, look at what you (the OP) can bring into a relationship. A middle age foreigner living a Bangkok's standard Thai middle-class life. So forget your criteria, forget online dating and get to know women who you like and where there is mutual sympathy and interest. Enjoy the day. And if there are more days of mutual fun, respect and sympathy, so much the better. And if you're not the super handsome, young, super tantra stud, don't make your self headaches, that you're always going to have to pay for the woman in one or another way.
  7. The EC installed by Prayut since 2014 has fallen to its lowest level. Unfortunately, this EC is not as neutral as it should be. It's just ridiculous. Instead of thinking about the good of the country, the EC gets bogged down in hair-splitting, outlandish accusations and unnecessary threats.
  8. Well, that little detail of the constitution that was in effect at the time of the coup actually provided the death penalty for coup plotters. In his self-made constitution, Prayut anchored a general amnesty for himself and the putschists in a snap action. The world of "laws", what is right and wrong is not so simple as black and white.
  9. A little bit. He only interprets his self-written laws in his benevolent sense.
  10. The majority of the Thai people want a new government and voted accordingly. The old country leadership has in fact been voted out, but they have difficulties in understanding and accepting this democratic process. On the contrary. Now all sorts of tricks are being used to sabotage the will of the majority of the population.
  11. The special stickers are available at a cost of thousands baht per month and they have various designs such as a blue rabbit or a smiling sun. Why the LTFT doesn't copy and print such stickers itself? It would be a very cheap way to completely overturn this bribery system.
  12. https://www.smh.com.au/world/asia/the-more-i-try-the-more-enemies-i-make-an-exiled-investigator-speaks-out-20220728-p5b5ej.html
  13. Or the sad case of Paween Pongsirin, which shows that honest people don't stand a chance in the criminal swamp. Where an investigator had to flee to Australia because his findings also affected influential people in Thailand and he had to fear for his life.
  14. Hot air. So far, all so-called anti-corruption authorities ACT, NACC, AMLO, DSI, internal audit authorities, courts, etc. have failed for decades. The only way to break of this mafia-like, interwoven cancer of corruption within the authorities would be a independent, national tax police force. These would have to be completely re-established outside of the existing police authority structures in small, autonomous cells. The funding of this tax police should then be 10% success fee from all assets recovered - previously stolen from the people -.
  15. One wonders; What comes first? a. Their own personal well-being or b. The welfare of the Thai people. I know the answer.
  16. A law that bans or restricts ownership of media companies for politicians makes sense. The purpose is to rule out party-political influence on public opinion and broadcaster policy. In the current case, the question arises as to whether such an influence has actually taken place or whether it would be possible. Both are obviously to be denied here. The iTV channel has been inactive for a long time. Media influence on public opinion is therefore technically impossible. Even the share of 0.003% on a closed media company does not suggest that it would be possible to influence broadcaster policy here. Any other neutral electoral commission or any other independent constitutional court in the world would not even accept such a case for consideration. Unfortunately, the necessary neutrality of the Thai EC is not given. They are the same people who were put in place by Prayut after the coup.
  17. He claimed that he had closely monitored the MoU drafting process and discovered that the contents of document were the result of negotiations .... The guy doesn't seem to be the brightest candle on the cake.
  18. I'm sorry, what? Not the media? I clearly remember the years of synchronization of all major television stations, where Prayut then advertised his politics for hours every Friday evening.
  19. They've a lot to do there. Maybe first ensure that democratically elected majorities can also function accordingly in the system.
  20. That is ridiculous. 42000 shares inherited in 2006. The company share is less than 1%. Pita tried to sell the shares. He has also reported his shares to the EC. iTV a micro-channel without any meaning. Where is there supposed to be or have been any influence on popular opinion or on broadcaster policy? Any democratic constitutional court in the world would not even accept such a case for review. But not in Thailand.
  21. Since the coup, Prayut and his cronies have completely controlled the media, the EC, the CC and the Senate. No democracy can function in such a constellation. It is clear from the election that the majority of the people want a change. If this time the will of the majority of the people, can be so easily suppressed by flimsy tricks of the establishment; I have my doubts about that.
  22. 250 senators who are financially exceptionally privileged. Then a young election winner comes along and wants to introduce taxes for big plot landowners and ensure a fairer distribution of national income. It's all about the money. The anti-monarchy argument is just an excuse for a witch hunt.
  23. 5:30pm? There was enough daylight. How irresponsible (stupid) someone have to be, to drive a boat with 33 passengers in daylight, full throttle into concrete pillars.
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