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Posts posted by krisb

  1. Well my parents and her parents have left everything in there will's to our daughter. My father inlaw has a lot of land around Thailand and my parents have a few properties in Sydney so she is set.

    I told my parents I don't need there assets as im not broke and live pretty well, the wife did the same as we live comfortably here in Thailand.

    So why not let out little one start her life with a bit of assets that she can deal with? That's pretty much my wifes and my goal in life is. set a bright future for our daughter.

    I got enough cash to live on, drink with my mates and buy some nice things for myself, I don't need a yacht, just a nice car, a nice house and money for entertainment.

    Your a good man. Well said.
    • Like 1
  2. For an Australian Tourist visa for my GF; I studied 'in depth' the tips on this web site, and worked very hard at preparing the documentation, Gf's statement & application, my stat dec. and proof of relationship, her employer letter, my assets and income records, and hers, a tight 2 week itinerary, etc etc etc. I nearly had a breakdown with the stress of this, and trying to get the information from my Gf straight. Of course there were the disagreements too. I had to break through her thinking that it is 'easy' to get a visa. Anyway she got the visa in 8 days. At face value, someone might say it was easy, but I really do not want to go through it all again!!

    As said in anoher thread, stat decs arent worth the paper theyre printed on....do you agree?....I think including them is a good idea.

    Perhaps the stress wasnt necessary? Was it the stress of going vfs, getting all the documents etc or the thought of denied?

    Finally, you say youdont want to go through that again. So you dont plan on getting anymore visas?

  3. As a rule they hate confrontation and avoid it at all costs,this is very evident with my girlfriend and it gets right up my nose to,wont speak up when the food order is wrong,won't confront when she knows as well as I do that we are trying to be ripped off for 20 baht because she has a Farang in tow,it goes on and on through a wide spectrum of situations,but gradually she is starting to see it from my perspective and accept that where I come from things are done differently and mai pen rai isn't the only answer.

    Sorry but thats wrong. Maybe some GF's and wifes are but to say 'generally', is wrong.

    Its the same for all nations, some will stand up and confront some wont.

    Nothing to do with being Thai OP, its about personalities not nationalities.

    OP your wife would be quiet whatever nationality she was. Nothing to do with 'being Thai'.

    My wife has grabbed me by the hand and stormed out of a wedding before because there wasnt enough food and drink.

    She would say something whenever she feels its not right or getting charged to much.

    Take my Dad for example, he wouldnt say anything to save confrontation, but hand it over to me and I will for sure speak up, just like my wife would.

    Personality not nationality.

    Kow jai mai?

  4. I had a real hard time to get Wife OZ Visa, maybe should have done the short stay visa instead of Maximum 4 Wife. My past might of been catching up with me. Went back to OZ ,got Legal Aid who did the Translation,s required and then no problem with Visa App.

    Legal aid = free translations correct?

    So basically it was easy to get visa for your wife.

    Sorry been away up River, I got free Translation,s from Legal Aid, they couldn,t be more helpful. Maybe they where surprised to see an Aussie, as the place was full of African,s

    Thats a really good tip.

    Legal aid free translations!

    Obviously you didnt have to pay for service but were you unemployed to use them?

  5. cheesy.gif

    Where were you while this was going on?

    My house is taking a while to finish because no one touches it while Im not there

    And your photo reinforces why no ones touching it....sorry but....cheesy.gif


    Problem is not all of us are good at construction. I am at the mercy of those people. But there have been times that i could (and later did) a better job.. and that is saying a lot.

    straight lines and being square is 90percent. its not rocket science.

    You dont need to be good at construction to see these 2 things.

    OP, did your wife find this guy in the village? If yes then give her a hard time.

    I didn't give her a hard time about hiring this builder,but I did give her a roasting about paying them before the job was finished.I suppose it's a case of som nom naa on our behalf.

    The bricks could be saved I reckon.

    Looks like he thought som nom naa wile he was building I agree!

    Go on, tell us how much labour cost was Shaggy...please.smile.png

  6. ...

    I think that you have got your threads a bit mixed up there SC,this one was about builders and as I stated in my first post 'This is not a thread to slag off all builders in Thailand....only the cowboys.'



    To the OP:

    I don't start threads having a go at accountants pretending to be managers, or shop window dummies pretending to be go go dancers. If you wanted a gardener, you should have found one and employed one, rather than taking on a second rate unemployed cowboy for a job he wasn't qualified for. So don't tarnish a whole profession just becuase you can't select and employ competent staff.


    I think that you have got your threads a bit mixed up there SC,this one was about builders and as I stated in my first post 'This is not a thread to slag off all builders in Thailand....only the cowboys.'


    Well have a go at incompetent builders, not cowboys. If you employ a cowboy as a builder, or a bank robber as a security guard, or a charlatan as a prime minister, you have no-one to blame but yourself. You are denigrating one of the proudest professions, and the great Western movie tradition, based solely on your inadequate familiarity with the architectural employment market.

    It's just fortunate that I am here to try and prevent the wanton impuning of the professional reputation of cowboys.


    Or, you could say you shouldnt have choosen the name cowboy.
  7. Well if these gardeners offer to build a fence, (like the cowboy builder) thread, say no.

    By the way, why would you sit here telling this while they are outside chopping your garden up?

    And you just let them!!....I dont understand.

  8. rolleyes.gif This doesn't apply to me but do you realise that Korean pop (K Pop) music is the cool thing in Thailand now among the Thai university and slightly younger female set right now?

    So being Korean in Thailand....even a Korean American guy and in your 20's to 30's makes you highly desireable and/or collectable among Thai females of the same age.

    You're a hot commodity....make use of your desired status.


    P.S. I know of what I speak. I've got a 20 year old Thai grand daughter, and anything Korean looking is "dreamy cool" according to her and her school friends.

    K Pop is playing on our family television at least half of every day.

    I don't much care for the music, but there are some very good looking women dancers.

    OP said its the Thai men checking him out, not ladies.

    Perhaps the Thai men are thinking "why is this guy checking me out"?

    Maybe you should post this in the gay section of TV for another perspective OP.

  9. “The Lonesome Boatman: Silent Annie” - The Fureys

    I saw which nearly broke my heart

    A tramp lay dying in a park

    I knelt beside him to hear him speak

    And the words he spoke they were oh so weak

    He told me a story of long since past

    Of his sailing ship with it’s long grey mast

    Of his Captain’s cap, with it’s shining braid

    And the wonderful voyages that he made

    Silent Annie was his great ships name

    Like a token of love, he spoke her name

    She sailed round the horn, aye more than once

    She could cut through the waves, like a sharpened lance

    Believe me he said, his eyes filled with tears

    Like a drunk on the corner, trying to remember his years

    He reached out his hand, and he took it in mine

    I believe you I said and he gave a sad smile

    I remember the day when they towed her away

    Her sides they were sore

    From the sea’s angered spray

    He said she’s unfit for to sail out once more

    They towed her more windward, from her own sandyshore

    As they broke my Silent Annie, I watched with a sigh

    I remembered her beauty when I was a boy

    She was my one love my life’s only dream.

    When we sailed out together, as captain and queen

    It started to drizzle and I felt my hand tight and

    He squeezed even harder

    As he ended the fight

    And the crowd they had gathered

    And watched with dismay

    Then some ambulance men came and took him away

    So I got to my feet and I

    Walked through that park

    The sun it was gone but

    It was not yet dark

    My body was wet, my

    Clothes were not many

    But my mind was aroused

    By the ship silent Annie


    I think youve used Helvetica font?biggrin.png
  10. cheesy.gif

    Where were you while this was going on?

    My house is taking a while to finish because no one touches it while Im not there

    And your photo reinforces why no ones touching it....sorry but....cheesy.gif


    Problem is not all of us are good at construction. I am at the mercy of those people. But there have been times that i could (and later did) a better job.. and that is saying a lot.

    straight lines and being square is 90percent. its not rocket science.

    You dont need to be good at construction to see these 2 things.

    OP, did your wife find this guy in the village? If yes then give her a hard time.

  11. I would like to locate an underemployed one of those Patpong experts at opening beer bottles, expelling darts/pingpong balls/fish etc. to teach my girls muscle control. . .

    No bigjohnny not that beer pong....

    Beer pong involves plastic cups setup like 10pin bowling pins on a table then bouncing a ping pong ball into the other teams cups.

    Its a serious competition here and there is world championships, dont believe me just google it you will be surprised.

  12. Ive read threads about visas to other countries on here, and it seems so many countries are just plain hard to get a visa for.

    Some folks seem to just give up trying as there doesnt seem to be a visa for them, others havnt known their partner for 2 years etc.

    A friend of mine from Holland that lives in LOS said he doesnt even bother taking his GF to Holland for holidays its just to hard getting visas. Is he just being lazy?

    So is it just me or is Australia the most visa friendly nation compared to others?

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