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Posts posted by krisb

  1. Welcome aboard, lost of information to be had and comedians as well to make you smile!

    So where are you from and where is your Thai base? Are you a handsum man? Most of us are, strangely enough back home no mentioned it.

    No, handsum lady.


  2. Since he came from my village, I didn't know him well - but I knew him - he came to my wedding and gave 500 baht a genourous sum in these parts. Sometimes I'd see him in the shop and buy him a beer. He didn't speak any English, but we'd converse in limited Isaan.

    He was a nice guy, I don't know what happened in the events that lead to his death. Perhaps I'll have to live with not ever really knowing. He supported Manchester United if that means anything to you - it certainly doesn't to me. He has left behind a small baby and a wife - with no means of support. I gave the wife some money - nowhere near enough.

    A lot of people here are entirely unsympathetic - and just downright pig-shit ignorant. I think it's only fair that I call them scum. Pathetic ignorant scum is probably more accurate.

    This isn't a circus or a game were you can score points. A lot of the replies are just completely unjustified making personal attacks.

    This is a den of squalid personalities that I don't want to be any part of. In truth most of you sicken me.

    Hang on in defence of the folk who posted on your topic that have shot you down in flames,

    Do you as a grown man, not think it was foolish and very immature to take a weapon out of your car and then hang around to watch the violence with your WIFE and CHILD in harms way? regardless if they were sitting in the car.

    The only reason I can think you hung around was to show how tough you are to your wife, hoping to show off abit throwning a few punches.

    So YOU good sir are the squalid personality in my book and many others on here.

  3. Hi there. What kind of "stuffs" would you be sharing? Is it your secret eggroll stuffing recipe?

    BTW, I am sort of single now. The local ladies all say I'm a hansum man.biggrin.png

    I do not have any tattoos, no backhair and all my original teeth. We can go for romantic walks on the beach and I promise not pass flatulence, at least not when the wind is blowing in your direction.

    Let me know, ok. wub.png


    Mr smoove
  4. Price is all important.

    Brunswick right at the top, Sovereign not quite as expensive but still very good quality.

    Plus, how large is the room you are intending to use it in?

    I'm also looking for an 8' table for private use.

    Shouldn't a decent Thai produce at 30-35.000 suffice for a private use instead of those 90.000 Baht brandnames?

    That really depends on how serious you are about playing pool, private or public use doesn't enter the equation.

    The reason why the brand names are more expensive is because the bed is made from a single piece of slate, a single slab of slate at pool table size does not come cheap. The advantage of slate are twofold, firstly, it will snap before it bends, once it is levelled it stays level, secondly, it isn't frictionless, meaning the cloth adheres to it.

    The lower price tables use polished marble, usually in two or three pieces, pain in the backside to level and will start to sag in the middle with age, it is highly polished to get a flat surface and you can make ripples in the cloth with your fingers using very little pressure.

    Quality and performance has a price tag, and for a quality pool table, 90k is the starting point.

    Nah Im after the cheaper Thai price I think.

    As much as Id like a nice Brunswick, Im not paying 90k for a new 1.

    Theres decent Thai tables out there brand new for around 30k, so bet I can find decent 2nd hand table for around 15 to 20k. Thanks for the offers anyway guys. For 90k I could buy a good enough Thai table and a new click i or a couple of 2nd hand hondas and a table. I just want a table to stick in front of my bar.

  5. OP don't waste your time or money, if your in laws had wanted a shop they would have opened one.

    You will pay to make and stock, they will sell and spend. When all the stock is gone there will be no money to re stock, it's the Thai way and that's why little shops, noddle bars etc pop up and disappear.

    Better to just send them money to live if they can't work, all these schemes are just away of justifying helping out the in laws. Jim

    doesnt take to long....

    what hes saying is your inlaws see you as a walking atm who just want to use you. Hes also saying your wife was probably a ex bargirl who also wants your money so you should get out as quickly as possible and wake up to yourself. Remember ALL Issan folk are bad, hopeless people who break everything. Even though all you asked was how much to setup a shop.

    Sorry Jim, but it is what your saying.

    Think you are reading what I said from a farang view point not a Thai view point, or maybe an Issan view point.

    A Thai girl's life revolves around family, her security and future is family. Makes no difference whether she marries a farang or a Thai. If things go bad it is family she will go to, taking care of her family is number one priority.

    I like many here am married to a Thai girl, first wife and first husband. We lived, to start in OZ, if things had gone wrong, she would have returned home to the family.

    In the west we have divorce settlements etc, wives are taken care of through the courts, not so in Issan. Wife has 2 brothers, one on his 2nd wife other on his 3rd. Marriage here [ Buddha types ] come and go, most husbands are seen as temporary son in laws to start. Any girl who does not try to secure her future is silly, whether she marries a farang or some lay about Thai makes no difference. Providing for the family is insurance for tomorrow.

    Things change when you have kids and with time, then you and kids become the family.

    We live here, MIL and FIL in the same house, 2 kids, I am now family. Not a temporary son in law.

    It's Thailand and our ways are not theirs, we see things differently, the bar girl ripping of the farang usually means a farang that thought he was too good, too handsome, too rich, to be just a good husband. Jim

    What you describe here is basically identical to western girls..

    Arent they or for that matter arent we all trying to create security for the future?..no different.

    Arent all our families number 1?...I know mine is and hers is. No differenve there.

    Dont we all rely on our families for support? especially when things go wrong, I know I do. Thats what family is for, right?

    Divorce in the west isnt 50/50 anymore. Its what you brought into the marriage. Thats fair.

    Sons in laws in our family arent just allowed into the circle of trust either. Its earned.

    Sorry Jim but what you describe is same as here in the west.

    I dont want to get into BG talk to much, it ruffles feathers.

    Sorry for going off topic op.

    • Like 1
  6. Why the fascination with the whereabouts of Davids holiday destination?

    Regular forum participants would have deduced the approximate area from reading Davids many fine posts regarding the fish and prawn farm belonging to GF,s family , he even added pic,s for our edification and pleasure.

    Forums are all about anonymity ,so stop with the sticky beaking.

    For those that have to know where Davids wifes farm is.....

    Its in Wooloomooloo, NSW.....about 4 hours s.e of Sydney.wai2.gif

    Im sure many not from Australia would believe such a place exists, right?thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  7. A message for the Malones.

    Do let me know where in Isaan you will be moving to, so I can join in the ‘serious attacks’ on your efforts to rid us of Satan, enhance our spirituality and feed us MacDonalds (?) as an alternative to the sticky rice we enjoy.

    I live in Isaan and although materialistically poor by your standards perhaps, the happy life we live here doesn’t need your divine intervention. We are not forgotten, the good Lord Buddha looks after us all. We are not unreached either, your prose suggests to me we remain uninfected by your Saviour (not ours).

    Take your mission elsewhere, somewhere that needs you, go back to Oz perhaps?

    We here in Oz dont want them back!....They sound like the evangelists of the USA
  8. Reads like a load of make believe nonsense, or the OP is daft (can I say daft whistling.gif ) . coffee1.gif

    Having been to many a Mor Lum in both Nong Khai and Maha Sarakham I have never been to one where there has not been at least a few fights and the ever presence of the "security" does little to prevent things blowing up.

    We are due to have a "concert" for our new house in mid january and I am dreading the occasion. Band booked for 5pm to 11pm - just enough time have at least 4 fights I reckon. Have had to splash out 3,000 baht for security and the "monkey house" on the back of a pick up.

    Mor lum for the new house!!

    Sorry but silly silly idea. Cancel it. Big problems coming your way. Drunk gatecrashers yay.

  9. Hi, the wife and I (well really just me) want to buy an 8ball table for the house.

    Does anyone know where they sell em? and what price range are they in?

    Im up in Issan so if there are any dealers of 8ball tables in places like Khon Kaen anyone knows of, that would be easier but Im not that fussed, Im happy to get it trucked in

    biggrin.png Cheers!

  10. Having had this idea before. How do you manage to keep your "hands off" so that they can't point the finger for working without a permit. I have to get involved in everything.

    This my biggest fear.

    Interested in Mr Reds ideas...

    Its not illegal to 'help' out. I see falang helping their wifes all the time. Best som tam in Chumphae is made by a falang that 'helps' at his wifes som tam cartwink.png
  11. OP don't waste your time or money, if your in laws had wanted a shop they would have opened one.

    You will pay to make and stock, they will sell and spend. When all the stock is gone there will be no money to re stock, it's the Thai way and that's why little shops, noddle bars etc pop up and disappear.

    Better to just send them money to live if they can't work, all these schemes are just away of justifying helping out the in laws. Jim

    doesnt take to long....

    what hes saying is your inlaws see you as a walking atm who just want to use you. Hes also saying your wife was probably a ex bargirl who also wants your money so you should get out as quickly as possible and wake up to yourself. Remember ALL Issan folk are bad, hopeless people who break everything. Even though all you asked was how much to setup a shop.

    Sorry Jim, but it is what your saying.

  12. violence at mor lum is normal. Thais are terrible drinkers.

    Advice is dont go, they get dangerous quickly and as the only falang as you say, your a easy target. Suprised your wife wanted to go and take your daughter!

    ps, your event want that bad, no guns came out.

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