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Everything posted by MisterTee

  1. Sohm nahm nah to all of them. Anybody who would go to work in a warzone needs a check-up from the neck up.
  2. This obvious vote-buying scheme has Thaksin's dirty fingerprints all over it,
  3. Spot on. There seems to be a cutoff point in most people's lives after which they are incapable of learning a foreign language - if they ever could to begin with. The level of Thai language proficiency among expats who have settled here late in life is quite low. That can be clearly seen wherever they congregate in groups and clubs. They don't give the impression of being stupid... unlike the tatted-up sexpats who love it here also. I think the main issue is age-related memory loss, but other factors no doubt play a part. Lack of interest perhaps in their adopted "homeland". Some do make an attempt at learning the language, but the results are comical more often than not and bring to mind Samuel Johnson's observation comparing women who preach with dogs who can walk on their hind legs, "...it is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all."
  4. Chicken-hearted "leaders" afraid they would have to answer some inconvenient questions.
  5. In the broader sense as it relates to racial and ethnic groups I would say it is the ability to govern themselves. That is how it used to be. In increasingly multi-cultural and multi-racial countries all bets are off.
  6. That reminds me... On a road trip to Chiang Khong years ago when Thaksin was in power, not far past Thoeng we passed one of those larger-than-life roadside portraits with flowers and insense before it. In full royal regalia with big hat and gold embroidered vestments was Thaksin himself. The ambition of this Dragonhead and his corrupt clan knows no bounds.
  7. Just another vote buying scheme with Thaksin's dirty fingerprints all over it.
  8. Befixed. Mee Chok Plaza. Khun Oh, an honest and capable man fixes just about anything. I'm not sure about microwaves. Give him a call.
  9. We're talking about the best of the best... but hey, Thai spuds when done up properly can be excellent.
  10. From my own experience the brands that credibly reference "USA" or "Idaho" on the packaging are the best tasting. But to each his own.
  11. This document-dump is probably meant to damage Trump. If so, I hope there is collateral damage and other slimebags get stiffed as well. Slick Willy and that loathsome Dershowitz come to mind among many others.
  12. Cui Bono... financially, that is?
  13. So true. It applies to farangs who settle down here to raise a family as it does to the drifters who come and go.
  14. So true. People held against their will at call-centres are totally different than freelance scammers. To equate the two is ludicrous. This smells like another attempt by social engineers to excuse and normalize deviant, and sometimes criminal behaviour.
  15. My PE teacher years ago was a tall athletic type. I once said to him - in jest - "The bigger they come the harder they fall". His immediate response was a good one... "Who first said that, some little guy who couldn't do anything?"
  16. You've come to roost in the wrong country. Do everybody a favour and move on.
  17. "Too many crooks spoil the broth." There, fixed it for you.
  18. Spot on. Any government that includes Anutin and the interests he represents is likely to keep ganja legal, albeit more tightly regulated. Thaksin's return to make a bid for power would provoke conflict on a large scale for sure. Political ructions and military coups have been a regular feature of life here since I first came in the late 1970s. Nothing new. Enjoy the show.
  19. You're right for the most part. However, Operation Black Eagle cleaned up Lower Suky PDQ. It should be revived and imposed wherever it is needed.
  20. The Drug Warriors will be back in force to shake down, jail, or shoot dead any hapless ganja sellers or consumers they come across. Their mindset is influenced more by their compatriots in Singapore and Malaysia than it is by any enlightened attitude to drug laws. Stock up on primo bud and watch this repeat of local history come back as farce.
  21. I did it last week... it took me less than ten minutes. It is now the quickest and most hassle-free option for doing 90 Day Reports in CM.
  22. Who? The bro who went AWOL or the jerk who was responsible for getting him on a plane to Fort Bliss to face assault charges? The US Army is at a low point now.
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