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Everything posted by MisterTee

  1. Computers and Thai Immigration have never been a happy combination from the get-go. If your local IO has a "Drive-Thru" option then take it and avoid the hassles of the online 90-Day report system.
  2. What bizarre series of events could have elevated such an airhead to high office?
  3. Excellent choice. He's had a lot of favorable comments on this forum. He seems to fill a niche between the big service centers and the little operations in the neighborhoods. English speaking as well. After hearing good things about this place for several years I went in with my HP Desktop that I was unable to turn on. As I had suspected, the problem was the power switch. The owner replaced it on the spot and when I asked him how much I owed him he said "50 baht". I gave him 100 with thanks and told him that he had a new luk-kah pra-jahm.
  4. That raises Gain-of-Function research to a whole new level.
  5. Too many coincidences for this to be kosher.
  6. @SamuiGrower... Many thanks for that concise explanation of coconut oil's role in transmission.
  7. OK, so avoid freezing but keep it in the fridge in jars with little or no airspace under the lid. Is that right?
  8. Trial and error mostly. The addition of coconut oil was for its supposed quality of helping the extraction process along with the ethyl alcohol. Cocoa powder and sugar was to mask... as much as possible... the somewhat unpleasant taste of ganja combined with the nasty taste of ethyl alcohol. The result has been notably successful. A potent semi-sweet chocolate paste is produced that can be consumed in all sorts of ways. My only problem is keeping it without having it spoil on me.
  9. Thanks for that. Would it be a good idea to refridgerate or freeze the extract?
  10. Lately I've had success boiling down 20% THC bud with ethyl alcohol (95%) combined small amounts of coconut oil, Mekhong Whiskey, cocoa powder (Van Houten's), and a little sugar. The herb is decarbed in my toaster oven, then ground and sifted. The other ingredients are added and put on low heat for a slow boil that reduces it to a paste in less than an hour. My question concerns long-term storage. Even in a tightly closed container I have had a white fungus-like growth form on the top, just on the surface. Storage temps were warm to hot. Any information about proper ways to keep the stuff would be much appreciated.
  11. No-see-ums... Ceratopogonidae.
  12. ...to the MIC. There, completed it for you.
  13. A perverted request if there ever was one. My formerly high estimation of him has sunk by half. Can't sick people control their impulses? Maybe not.
  14. Socialism + unions + workers who don't give a damn.
  15. If you want to witness "sin" on a really large scale then visit Havana. The classic Yank Tanks of the '50s are being powered by all sorts of motors. Even Honda lawnmowers have been seen under some hoods.
  16. For sure. Who in their right mind would give a damn one way or another?
  17. Good post. The best illustration of your points would be the recent arrival of "asylum seekers" on Martha's Vineyard and how it played out in that epicenter of Woke lunacy.
  18. Bravo! Let them take their sweet time. The status quo suits me just fine.
  19. @sadmoneysnow Did you decarb the raw herb before cooking? If so, at what heat and for how long? Is it necessary for all edibles?
  20. Sounds good. Would you explain the way you make them? Thanks.
  21. Exceptionally good post. Perceptive, informative, and concise.
  22. Ever since cannabis laws were relaxed a few years ago I've been sampling THC oils without once getting a really good experience that would compare favorably with smoking a little primo bud. I want to give up smoking entirely so any information about where to buy oils or edibles would be much appreciated.
  23. Primo bud being sold in high street shops was always incredible to me considering the long history of relentless demonization here in Thailand. The backlash is just beginning.
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