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Posts posted by sandrabbit

  1. Thai editorial: Strong bureaucracy IMPORTANT TO POLITICS

    By editor on 2015-04-27

    Tarit is a sad reflection of what has gone wrong in the bureaucracy. He pulled no punches against the red shirts when the Democrats were in power, spearheading the crackdown on “terrorists”. Videos of him denouncing the red shirts’ activities went viral after he made a dramatic u-turn when the Pheu Thai Party came to power. From a man who hunted down red-shirted “terrorists”, he became the man leading the hunt for the “hunters” of the red shirts​.

    It seems he is a chameleon.

    don't you mean comedian?

  2. Here in Rayong the army have been pushing the police and recently they started fining bars who didn't have a music licence 50,000 baht, it's only a copyright problem if they play Thai music so all the bars playing farang music were ok. Also there have been undercover police going around looking for farang working, ie helping their wives by handing out menus etc. The police seem to be pushed to enforce some laws now.

  3. I believe that dry good quality dog food is the best for many reasons.

    1) It is not tasty enough for dogs to overeat.

    2) Maintains digestion regulated, specially is given one time a day, at the same time.

    3) Avoid allergic reactions to some of house foods that are not suitable for animals.

    4) Because dogs will eat in less quantities than tasty foods, becomes less expensive in long term.

    5) Less vets expenses, maintaining the dog in good shape and health all its life.

    6) In some cases, can leave the dog alone for long time, with enough dry food and water, without worries about looking for dog care.

    I owned dogs all my life, and just now I got the probe of my opinion. When I was single here I adopted a mid size soi dog, that I kept in dry food because was very convenient for me in many ways. For years he was very healthy and active. Just giving some "snacks" sometimes, like big bones.

    When I got married, my wife started giving him house food. Most fish and chicken meat and bones. He got overweight, and with some health troubles. Skin allergies, and muscular pains....until I decided to stop that, and come back to the dry food. Pedigree, beef taste.

    In just 2 weeks, every problem was history.

    A healthy and happy dog again.

    I thought dry food was prone to give dog allergies and while pedigree has a good name it's not really too good. Only what I've read.

    Besides, dry dog food here is bloody expensive and by all accounts mostly rice and filler isn't it?

    Same in Europe, dried food uses a lot of cereal which in itself isn't bad but it's the same as for us in that processed food isn't good for you. You don't see the big problems because dogs don't live as long as us. Our dogs love boiled rice and my wife always makes too much so they get plenty of high quality rice as my father in law is a rice farmer plus as I love veg like broccoli and cauliflower they get good veg as well. About every 2 or 3 weeks I love 'proper' roast chicken with sage'n'onion stuffing so the dogs get the skin and leftovers along with the 'properly' made Bisto gravy from the meat juices. I hope our dogs don't get overweight but we live 5 mins walk from the beach and the problem is getting our youngest dog out when we want to go home, she loves the water and sulks like a little kid lol.

  4. Dogs don't eat vegetables or other carbs in nature. They are carnivores. They process meat, milk and fat very well. Do you have a crock pot you can fill with cheap cuts of meat and cook until it's falling apart? Some of that and some of the broth will work. The dog doesn't need any spices and especially not onion or garlic which it can't process. You can freeze it in portions and keep some out ahead of time as needed.

    There are some canned dog foods that are almost all animal protein but I don't know if you can buy it in LOS.

    Just realised you posted about milk, never give dogs or cats cows milk as they can't digest lactose properly. It doesn't always cause problems in dogs but it can cause bloat or cramps and ours have never been fed it from puppies so they don't miss it. I forgot to mention in my previous post the cost of the frozen dogfood in Makro, 29 baht a kilo so even though it's mostly mechanically recovered meat I think it represents good value for a 1 kg bag.

  5. Only mammals I've seen have been monkeys and got quite nervous feeding them at the temple as the alpha male gets a bit stroppy and the monk is saying it's ok they're quite friendly .........

    Something impressive to see from a distance or a car are the water monitor lizards as they look like crocodiles or komodo dragons, wouldn't like to get into an argument with a 2m long specimen. Also seeing a 4 to 5m long Burmese or reticulated python ( wasn't sure in the dark but presume it was reticulated) crossing the road 1:30 in the morning, that's by a long way the largest snake I've seen in the wild.

  6. Dogs don't eat vegetables or other carbs in nature. They are carnivores. They process meat, milk and fat very well. Do you have a crock pot you can fill with cheap cuts of meat and cook until it's falling apart? Some of that and some of the broth will work. The dog doesn't need any spices and especially not onion or garlic which it can't process. You can freeze it in portions and keep some out ahead of time as needed.

    There are some canned dog foods that are almost all animal protein but I don't know if you can buy it in LOS.

    Sorry dogs can eat a vegetarian diet and thrive.

    It is true that dogs belong to the order Carnivora, but they are actually omnivores. The canine body has the ability to transform certain amino acids, the building blocks or protein, into others, meaning that dogs can get all the amino acids they need while avoiding meat. Being a lacto-ovo vegetarian does not present many nutritional challenges for people or for dogs. In fact, eggs have the highest biological value of all the protein sources commonly used in pet foods. The biological value of a protein measures its ability to supply the individual amino acids that an animal needs. Eggs are an excellent source of protein for dogs. Even veganism — consuming a diet that does not include any animal products — though a little trickier, is possible for dogs. The right balance of different plant-based sources of protein (e.g., beans, corn, soy and whole grains) can still provide the needed amino acids. So why should non-vegetarians care about this? Because it helps make sense of the confusing information about canine nutrition that exists. Think of it this way, if dogs can live long and healthy lives eating a diet that is made from only plant-based sources of protein, why wouldn’t these ingredients also be appropriate for use in foods that contain meat? Using both animal and plant-based sources of protein in a non-vegetarian dog food makes perfect sense. The only issue I’ve seen with dogs being switched to a vegetarian food is one of acceptance. It seems to me that dogs who are used to eating diets that contain meat go through a "where’s the beef, chicken … etc.?" stage. Overcoming this is easy if you simply mix increasing amounts of the new food in with decreasing amounts of the old and make the change slowly.

    courtesy of petmd.com

    If you see film of wild dogs hunting, very often the 1st thing they will eat is the stomach sac of their prey which will be full of plant matter. I'm not a veggie before you spam me. Anyway, if you have a Makro near to you they sell 1kg bags of frozen dogfood in varieties of beef, chicken & liver, pork etc although with a dog as small as a French Bulldog you would probably have to break it up and freeze it in separate portions. We have 2 golden retrievers so 1 bag lasts 2 days mixed with dried dog food. Also we have a Tesco Lotus express nearby and quite often you will find fresh meat being sold off cheap on the last day of the expiry date, 200g of pork mince or chicken breasts for 15 baht so we then buy the lot and freeze it for ourselves and the dogs. As a treat my wife will buy from the weekly markets cooked blood and various other soups and as these tend to be cooked with the bones the dogs find them very tasty and the dried food absorbs it so they eat more of the dried food. Don't give your dogs cooked bones as these can break and cause internal damage. The dogs also love the cheap tins of mackerel in tomato sauce from Big C, nice to give them oily fish as I can't seem to find plain cod liver oil here only orange or some other flavour.

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  7. Rayong is a large town. You will have few problems as long as you constantly use an abundance of common sense. ThaiVIsa is not the best place for women to seek advice, being inhabited by lots of misogynists expats with but a few voices from women willing to brave the testosterone-lacking insecurities of many of the posters. For some insights into womens lives in Thailand from a Thai perspective may I suggest the blog of a long time friend: http://thaiwomantalks.com/

    I agree, just look at the post by HL above .....

  8. I presume you'll be starting work in April as the schools are just starting to break up for the holidays so depending when you arrive here you can have plenty of time to travel around. If your job is in the centre of Rayong you could get a songthaew from Ban Phe or the beach at Hat Mae Rhumpung for 20 baht each way if you didn't want to live in the city as there is a quiet expat community here and you will have access to Koh Samet if you did want to party although Rayong has some nice bars along a stretch of road which runs parallel to the main Sukhumvit road. If you need any help or advice about accommodation if you decided to take up the post and wanted to live around Ban Phe please pm me any queries you might have. Also be aware that Rayong is extremely industrialised and only if you go towards Klaeng or Laem Mae Phim do you get away from it.

  9. In the end it all has to do with greed. If the resort wouldn't have been so greedy and put their hand in their pocket for a 'real' electrician this would never have happened.

    In the 'real' world the owner would be up for death through negligence but he is probably connected to the Puyai of Maenam and will have to pay him a few grand 'compensation' for the loss of face. Case closed.

    RIP little dude

    I think they call it corporate manslaughter in the UK.

  10. Sooo a normal, cheap plastic coated wire was run under abrasive sand, mix in salt water, and what could possibly go wrong???... Very EASY to avoid these incidents... Wire run inside sealed plastic conduit, add a ground fault breaker on each, BUT that would require, 1, a proper 3rd, ground wire system, and 2, a small extra cost per conduit run, Again, a few Baht trumps someones life, And more than likely, they'll just replace the single bad wire that killed the boy,, and leave the rest until each one kills someone else, then replace as needed,,,

    The cable really should be armoured with the armoured outer sheath grounded so if the cable is cut then the live is shorted to armour blowing the fuse or tripping the breaker and if an rcd is fitted that should trip first. I don't think an rcd would work in this situation as the cables probably don't have enough insulation resistance after being there for a while with water ingress. I have the same problem in the kitchen of my condo, I fitted an rcd into my consumer unit and it started tripping and I found the insulation resistance was so low I could measure it with a multimeter, a megger wasn't needed. The funny thing was that the condo had been renovated before I bought it .......

  11. I'm extremely relieved that Grace was found. Contrary to what many posters here have written (many of which are unnecessarily cruel comments), disaster can strike anyone at any time. My daughter (same age) got struck with encephalitis when in Malaysia (probably picked it up on the plane!), luckily she got home in time Actually, I found her catatonic, outdoors, and rushed her to hospital. She ended up in hospital on her next trip overseas, she passed out in a shopping center and was rushed to the local A&E. Very unlucky. I thought it was a relapse of encephalitis. Similar symptoms but completely unrelated. It turns out she'd been drinking too much water (just water, can you believe it!?). Low sodium levels in your blood causes disorientation and seizures. It can be deadly if not treated correctly.

    Water in high doses is almost like a poison, it was what killed the 'supposed' first ecstasy victim in the UK Leah Betts and it's a condition called hyponatremia. The newspapers made a big hoo haa about drugs but the autopsy showed she had drunk too much water.

  12. well, at least the previous occupant was smart enough never to clean that area. rolleyes.gif.

    Does some one know how many people are electrocuted by bad wiring in Thaland yearly?

    one of the saddest cases I read about was an Iranian teenager electrocuted by a poolside light and his American friend was also killed trying to save him in Bangkok. I can't remember whether it was last year or the year before that.

    I remember when I first came to Rayong and stayed in a hotel in Laem Mae Phim where the breaker for the shower was in the cubicle above water heater itself, made me extremely nervous showering.

  13. Mai pen rai..... the problem I have with the phrase is that whenever I hear it, its generally because there is a 'pen rai' usually a big pen-rai !!!

    I've often found the phrase 'mai pen rai' to be most commonly used by those who have cause a problem in the first place and are attempting to 'deflate' the issue...

    The opposite of "mai pen rai" (it doesn't matter) is "pen si" (it does matter)

    I never hear it being said, my wife (Thai) says it's not spoken much. Also the way she pronounces it, it comes out as 1 word pensi but her pronunciation is more like penseee.

  14. 'Law makers' ... law breakers more like it and Abbott is your typical pommy crim who came to OZ, lied, misused and abused everything and everyone

    Tony Abbott was born in 1957 in England to Australian parents who returned to Sydney a few years later.

    After graduating in economics and law from the University of Sydney, where he was also a leading student boxer, he attended Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar, studying politics and philosophy. .........................

  15. I live in Rayong and if you just go east of Ban Phe, past Suon Son towards Laem Mae Phim in the same area as the Novotel is you'll find kilometres of empty white sand beaches two and a half hours from Bangkok. OK, the sea isn't clear blue because it's tidal but the waters are much safer to swim than Phuket and it's not a rip off. Rayong itself is one of the most industrialised parts of Thailand but there are some good things within the province, plus close to Ban Phe it's the driest part of Thailand (except last year, we had a lot of rain).

  16. I doubt the Government will do much in the way of prevention , but they may be able to cure you along with 100,000 s of others .

    In our tambon in Rayong we have had loudspeaker trucks coming around for months warning about dengue fever & giving advice on prevention, they've been smoking the bushes etc as well. Today the local government put up a 3*2m poster warning about dengue on the other side of the road from our house. The mosquitoes had died down but they're back with a vengeance after recent rain storms.

  17. I'm praying for a rail link from Rayong to Bangkok which stops at the airport or a link to it. It doesn't need to be fast and I don't mind it stopping at Map ta Phut, Sattahip, Pattaya, Laem Chabang, Chonburi etc if it was convenient. The station is proposed to be situated in Map ta Phut which then is completely useless as it's the other side of the city in an industrial estate so I might as well get a taxi to the airport, only benefit to use the train would be price. As there are more flights going out of U Tapao it looks like it would be easier to fly from there than use the train to go to swampy. It's the same problem with Rayong's immigration office, again in Map ta Phut instead of where most of the other government offices are, including Amphor, in the city. If they're going to do these infrastructure projects at least think about them and plan them properly regarding route, speed & station locations. It doesn't need to be a high speed link, I would be happy with the skytrain but obviously that's not economical to Rayong.

  18. The 2nd video of the camera phone is probably fake as the image is centred between the little girl & the 'ghost', if I was taking a picture of someone the person would be in the centre. Looks like a longish exposure and someone moved.

    There are a number of ghost hunting programmes shown now in the west and there seems to be more and more of them appearing. Obviously something has to happen or be seen otherwise there wouldn't be a programme. For me the worst is most haunted in the UK, it is obviously set up and the worst made up on the spot mediumship going with my favourite moment being Derek Acorah saying 'Mary likes Dick, Mary likes Dick!' and after the live tv transmission is stopped the presenters falling about laughing.

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