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Posts posted by sandrabbit

  1. Pound down 7.39%

    FTSE down 3.1%

    UK 10 year bonds 1.08%

    World share markets crashing and you all think this is good?

    Not good for ex pats living in LOS...................Oh yes but it's good for Britain.

    The markets are hardly crashing, the took a bit of a dive which was to be expected on this result

    Storm in a teacup, considering.

    Reminds me of being in infants school and the story of Chicken Licken and she thought the sky had fallen when an acorn fell on her head ...........
  2. Here's a brief summary of what happened in the immediate aftermath of the EU Referendum result:

    ? Stock markets crashed causing the UK economy to lose approximately £255 billion, equivalent to 40 years of EU contributions. £122 billion was wiped off the FTSE 100 within minutes and the FTSE 250 dropped a record 11.4%, which is even worse than the Black Monday crash of 1987. Some countries, such as Japan, suspended trading temporarily. Most of these markets are already recovering but irreversible damage has been done.

    ? Pound sterling fell a record 10% versus the dollar to its lowest level in more than 30 years, before US markets had even opened for trading. The UK is officially no longer the world's fifth largest economy, after being overtaken by France. Experts are predicting we'll lose our triple A credit rating, the one we supposedly endured years of government austerity cuts to keep. British tourists abroad are already having trouble exchanging money.

    ? David Cameron resigned and confirmed a new leader would negotiate the UK's exit from the EU. The next Prime Minister will be chosen by a vote of 150,000 Conservative Party members in October, meaning the person responsible for governing the country and dealing with its exit from the EU will not have been elected by the British public. Nigel Farage is already backtracking on the Vote Leave campaign's promise to fund £350m into the NHS.

    ?? Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, announced plans for a second independence referendum and Sinn Fein called for a referendum on a united Ireland after both countries voted to remain members of the EU, which could result in a permanent dismantling of the United Kingdom. Spain is also proposing shared sovereignty over Gibraltar so that it too can remain a member of the EU.

    All of this and Article 50 still hasn't been triggered yet.

    One thing I saw this afternoon Thailand, morning UK, was that the new conservative leader would only be elected by mp's. this was an interview with a few mp's outside Westminster. The NI thing is very dangerous, a possible return to sectarian violence. I'm Welsh, British, and grew up seeing some of our sons dying trying to keep the peace between the factions in NI and I don't want it to go back to that. The royalists won't allow any discussions of re-unification so for me the only alternative is for NI to become a totally independent country as if Scotland left the union.
  3. It's going to be a terrible mess. Scotland will claim independence. Ironically, they will be out of UK, out of Europe, and their budget has had a massive whole blown in it.

    A very sticky situation in N.Ireland, where the peace agreement was based on free border and power sharing: well that can't happen anymore!.

    A big division between London haves and Northern have nots.

    A big divergence between young and old.

    I would say a disconnection is not going to be possible. It wouldn't surprise me if Article 50 is not enacted.

    52/48 hardly a massive mandate. Probably there will be a face saving second referendum. With a minimum 10% majority required.

    The Europeans may be able to reverse enact it, it seems and they are keen to let England go ASAP. Scotland will be welcomed into the EU and will thrive and survive whilst England faces an uncertain future as a slightly rustic farm from the mid-20th Century and an American tourist attraction off the coast of a thriving Europe.

    Breaking news is that London is now talking about extracting itself from England.

    Really? cheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

    Of course you naturally have the links and web pages to prove it?

    This was hours ago, Nicola and Sadiq spoke over the phone, I watched Nicola say it live on BBC before I went out on the piss. They only spoke over the phone .................

  4. I have a gut feeling that something will happen so the UK remains in the EU.

    Perhaps more concessions and another referendum until they get the result they want.whistling.gif

    Not if German politicians like Manfred Weber get their way, lots of faces liked slapped <deleted>, talking about making sure we leave in 2 years although Cameron has said he will not invoke article 50 to leave as the next prime minister can invoke it.

  5. Prime Minister David Cameron says he will step down by October as UK votes to leave EU /BBC

    So he's thrown his dummy out of the pram, there was a signed agreement before the referendum by the mp's that he would stay as prime minister whatever the result although for him and Osbourne there was no way they could stay in their positions whatever the result with the speeches they made. The people of the UK have shown they want democracy and I think it's the end of the first part the post voting system and proportional representation coming in and being more representative of what the people want.
  6. I think the main reason that Britain voted to leave the EU was Cameron had said he would recommend to leave if he didn't get the reforms he was asking for, well he didn't get them and the reforms he got still had to be voted on by member states and it seemed the EU was leaving everything until after Britain's vote so everybody was afraid of being shafted again.

    Personally I'm very pro European but I probably would have voted out due to the lack of democracy in the EU, one of the telling points for me was after the bankers crash and ordinary people were suffering the bureaucrats were still trying to get the EU budgets raised by billions of euros. As for exchange rates, markets etc they will calm down as a lot of this is panic selling and people betting against the markets and as it's not just Britain suffering I can't see it going on in the long term.

  7. Cherio Brits, without your negative contribution the EU has now a lot more money to spend on countries in real need. No more rebates, farm subsidies etc. for leeches. Hurray.

    Britain is a net contributor, France isn't as it gets 50% of the agricultural budget. Watch as the dominoes start to fall with countries like the Netherlands, Denmark etc vote about their links to the EU as especially as some of them will now have to become net contributors. As a trading block it was fine, as a political union it became a money pit. How did the Kinnocks become multi millionaires?.

  8. Europes far-right parties hailed the UKs vote to leave the European Union as a victory for their own anti-immigrant and anti-EU stance and vowed to push for similar referendums in their own countries. from the Guardian.

    51 baht to pound yesterday, 46 today - wished I'd sent a bit more especially as my wife announced we needed some money today .....

  9. you need to see the dogs which are dumped on the beach here in Rayong, people make the long journey from Bangkok or Chonburi just to dump their dogs. It's heart breaking to see these poor dogs wandering up and down the beach looking for their long departed ex owners and then getting attacked by the existing feral dogs who protect their territory. Thai's don't give a siht about dogs so why don't they put them down, if they can slaughter pigs & cattle for food surely they can sort out the dog problem.

  10. I think you'll find that taking them into the EU is prohibited and you could end up being fined, just remember the swine fever outbreak in the UK was caused by pork coming from China.

    What is the connection between insects and swine fever or pork?

    germs, bacteria, viruses etc coming from a sub tropical country introducing problems into a country free of them and that's why the EU has strict rules about the importation of food stuffs. try walking through immigration or customs in Australia eating an apple that you've brought off the plane if you want to see it taken to it's limit.

  11. I think you'll find that taking them into the EU is prohibited and you could end up being fined, just remember the swine fever outbreak in the UK was caused by pork coming from China.

  12. I seem to remember reading somewhere that these CNG (NVG) conversions on mini buses exceeded the load rating of the mini bus due to having too many tanks because the drivers didn't want to stop so often to refill the tank(s). I presume the tanks are at the back and under the back seat putting all the extra weight on the rear axle and wheels which maybe didn't help if there was damage or wear to the rear tyres.

    The bus was owned by a school so we don't have the normal 'for profit' scenario, they were probably in a hurry to get home as they would have been having a long day out. I once got a mini bus from Victory Monument Bangkok to Ban Phe Rayong on a Sunday afternoon which took about 2hrs 15mins to get to the pier, frightened the living daylights out of me and after a couple more hair raising drives in them I have stopped using them completely. One of the problems is the cheapness and convenience of them, 200 baht to swampy compared to 2000baht by taxi from Rayong, although I have used the same taxi driver for years because he's not racing everyone and has a very relaxed and almost defensive driving style. Tourists should be warned about this as the first time I came on holiday to Thailand I was put in one of these mini buses to go on a pre arranged tour without understanding the situation, I was told in Malaysia that they had got rid of them for these safety reasons.

  13. The socialists have turned what should be one of the richest countries in the world into a 3rd world country. They have huge amounts of oil & gas plus a huge mineral wealth and they still managed to blow it. Chavez was so scared of the doctors he pissed off he got treatment in Cuba. Maduro is just throwing siht anywhere now hoping it sticks, he's just blaming everything on the US and rich people. When I was there Chavez would always say to the poor people who didn't have power that the rich people were stealing their electricity and because the education system is shit they believed him that it could be stolen, sigh. It's the most dangerous country I've been to, next door Columbia was way better. Argentina did the same thing, Kirchner now is finding out in a big way about lying and stealing from the people - they used Britain as the bogey over the Falklands same as Maduro does with the US. Venezuela will become N Korea if democracy isn't allowed to occur because of 'presidential' stupidity, they even money laundered for Iran when there they were embargoed. The Venezuelan people need some good news, they don't even have toilet paper.

  14. Just posted to Brit bash did you?. I'm a Brit & agree with what you said about our railways but why don't you post that on a Brit forum as all it looks like is a troll post just to bait people on here?.

    I'm looking forward to this rail link being built but the Rayong Terminal needs to be built in the centre of Rayong not out at Map ta Phut as it's been designed for and if they had any sense they would future plan it to go all the way to Trat stopping at Ban Phe, Klaeng & Chantaburi on the way. Can you imagine the tourists delight disembarking at the jewel in Rayong's crown that is Map ta Phut, the biggest most polluted industrial estate in Thailand. If it's going to finish at Map ta Phut then there is no point in getting a train from Rayong to Pattaya as it's starting half way there and even for travelling to Suvarnabhumi airport is it worth it if a taxi has to be taken to the railway station as it's only 2hrs to swampy from Ban Phe anyway. I don't care about the speed but it would be nice to be able to have a day trip to BKK without risking life & limb in a minibus or even to go to Hua Hin for a nice relaxing weekend. As the old British Rail advertising went 'Let the train take the strain'.

    As far as I remember the private companies who asked to build the links also asked to have the BKK-Pattaya link extended to include Rayong to make it more feasible.

    194KM from Lat Krabang, Bangkok - Bang Pakong - Chonbury - Pattaya - Rayong

    BTW last year around this time the good news was 'could start next year'. Seems that's still true smile.png

    I know but the Rayong terminal is going to be at Map ta Phut which is north west of Rayong not Rayong city itself so for me living in Ban Phe on the east from Rayong it is useless even to go to the airport.

    Found on another forum with lots of Thai only links

    For Rayong station, there are 2 choices for the areas Between Map Ta Phut Industrial estate and downtown Rayong

    1. 1km east of Map Ta Phut Industrial estate and 4 km West of downtown Rayong] on 7 sq. km of land

    2. 3 km North of Map Ta Phut Industrial estate and 6 km Northwest of downtown Rayong on 9 sq km of land

    so as I already posted it is useless to the city of Rayong so don't bother it will be just for industry. just leave it at Pattaya.

  15. I suppose the ticket prices will end up being way too expensive so the trains will run at a loss due to the lack of customers.

    This & many of the other comments were made about the sky train & the underground system.....as well as all the predictions that the Thai's just weren't up to doing these projects. In BKK last month I had a job getting on the Sky train at certain times, it was that packed.

    It makes one laugh because a lot of the Sh1t Thi's cant do that comments, come from Brits......who after having the brilliant idea to privatise their railway system, sold it off to about 4 different companies who do not interact with timings & are now one of the most expensive ways to travel in the UK.

    I also see the high speed rail in the UK that has been talked about for the last 15 years will start in 2017---(maybe) it will go 120 miles to Birmingham by a winding road 97 by the new train...best time for completion 2026..from there to Manchester another 105 miles by car...about 82 by train...altogether...... 169 miles should be completed best date 2033.

    Maybe they should get the Chinese in to do the job.

    Just posted to Brit bash did you?. I'm a Brit & agree with what you said about our railways but why don't you post that on a Brit forum as all it looks like is a troll post just to bait people on here?.

    I'm looking forward to this rail link being built but the Rayong Terminal needs to be built in the centre of Rayong not out at Map ta Phut as it's been designed for and if they had any sense they would future plan it to go all the way to Trat stopping at Ban Phe, Klaeng & Chantaburi on the way. Can you imagine the tourists delight disembarking at the jewel in Rayong's crown that is Map ta Phut, the biggest most polluted industrial estate in Thailand. If it's going to finish at Map ta Phut then there is no point in getting a train from Rayong to Pattaya as it's starting half way there and even for travelling to Suvarnabhumi airport is it worth it if a taxi has to be taken to the railway station as it's only 2hrs to swampy from Ban Phe anyway. I don't care about the speed but it would be nice to be able to have a day trip to BKK without risking life & limb in a minibus or even to go to Hua Hin for a nice relaxing weekend. As the old British Rail advertising went 'Let the train take the strain'.

    As far as I remember the private companies who asked to build the links also asked to have the BKK-Pattaya link extended to include Rayong to make it more feasible.

    194KM from Lat Krabang, Bangkok - Bang Pakong - Chonbury - Pattaya - Rayong

    BTW last year around this time the good news was 'could start next year'. Seems that's still true smile.png

    I know but the Rayong terminal is going to be at Map ta Phut which is north west of Rayong not Rayong city itself so for me living in Ban Phe on the east from Rayong it is useless even to go to the airport.

  16. I suppose the ticket prices will end up being way too expensive so the trains will run at a loss due to the lack of customers.

    This & many of the other comments were made about the sky train & the underground system.....as well as all the predictions that the Thai's just weren't up to doing these projects. In BKK last month I had a job getting on the Sky train at certain times, it was that packed.

    It makes one laugh because a lot of the Sh1t Thi's cant do that comments, come from Brits......who after having the brilliant idea to privatise their railway system, sold it off to about 4 different companies who do not interact with timings & are now one of the most expensive ways to travel in the UK.

    I also see the high speed rail in the UK that has been talked about for the last 15 years will start in 2017---(maybe) it will go 120 miles to Birmingham by a winding road 97 by the new train...best time for completion 2026..from there to Manchester another 105 miles by car...about 82 by train...altogether...... 169 miles should be completed best date 2033.

    Maybe they should get the Chinese in to do the job.

    It was, rightly so, called the Great British Railway Disaster.

    Privatisation of railways will always be expensive for the customer and the taxpayer.

    I agree, railways are public transport so need to be subsidised or owned by the public.

  17. I suppose the ticket prices will end up being way too expensive so the trains will run at a loss due to the lack of customers.

    This & many of the other comments were made about the sky train & the underground system.....as well as all the predictions that the Thai's just weren't up to doing these projects. In BKK last month I had a job getting on the Sky train at certain times, it was that packed.

    It makes one laugh because a lot of the Sh1t Thi's cant do that comments, come from Brits......who after having the brilliant idea to privatise their railway system, sold it off to about 4 different companies who do not interact with timings & are now one of the most expensive ways to travel in the UK.

    I also see the high speed rail in the UK that has been talked about for the last 15 years will start in 2017---(maybe) it will go 120 miles to Birmingham by a winding road 97 by the new train...best time for completion 2026..from there to Manchester another 105 miles by car...about 82 by train...altogether...... 169 miles should be completed best date 2033.

    Maybe they should get the Chinese in to do the job.

    Just posted to Brit bash did you?. I'm a Brit & agree with what you said about our railways but why don't you post that on a Brit forum as all it looks like is a troll post just to bait people on here?.

    I'm looking forward to this rail link being built but the Rayong Terminal needs to be built in the centre of Rayong not out at Map ta Phut as it's been designed for and if they had any sense they would future plan it to go all the way to Trat stopping at Ban Phe, Klaeng & Chantaburi on the way. Can you imagine the tourists delight disembarking at the jewel in Rayong's crown that is Map ta Phut, the biggest most polluted industrial estate in Thailand. If it's going to finish at Map ta Phut then there is no point in getting a train from Rayong to Pattaya as it's starting half way there and even for travelling to Suvarnabhumi airport is it worth it if a taxi has to be taken to the railway station as it's only 2hrs to swampy from Ban Phe anyway. I don't care about the speed but it would be nice to be able to have a day trip to BKK without risking life & limb in a minibus or even to go to Hua Hin for a nice relaxing weekend. As the old British Rail advertising went 'Let the train take the strain'.

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