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Posts posted by sandrabbit

  1. Some American music producer just said on the BBC news that he was influenced by the American poet Dylan Thomas and that's why he changed his name to Bob Dylan, ROFL what an idiot. (Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet).


    I can't remember who made the quote in the 70's but I think this sums up Bob.


    Bob Dylan uses words like a mathematician uses numbers.

  2. A guy called Rufus T. Firefly posted this in the comments section of a Huffington Post article titled It’s ‘Total Bulls**t’ That Trump’s ‘Apprentice’ Tapes Can’t Be Released, Says Media Mogul




    A bit of trivia from US News, 8 Dec 2011 on a Republican Primary Debate that was cancelled:

    "Virtually no one in the Republican mainstream is happy about the prospect of a GOP debate featuring celebrity billionaire Donald Trump as moderator. Texas Rep. Ron Paul, in declining his invitation, said the event would create an "unwanted, circus-like atmosphere." Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman has likewise refused to participate, and conservative voices like George Will, Karl Rove, Ari Fleischer, and the National Review editorial board have lambasted Trump's involvement.
    The reaction to the debate on the right has been one of alarm, and for good reason: the choice of Trump as moderator contributes to the perception that the Republican Party no longer takes itself seriously."

    The concern was over the GOP's image if Donald Trump were to simply MODERATE a Primary Debate.

  3. sorry guys the Don is a Ferengi plant, 1st few pics .. he never had good hair (or taste if he chose those styles) ..







    the 2nd lot is strange because they show him being an active sportsman in military academy who then wasn't fit for the draft, I couldn't be arsed to look through all of them.

  4. 20 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

    Well I base mine on what they've DONE...especially when they are in government and acting in my name...so let's start with the vote for war in Iraq and the untold death, destruction, and cost that has caused the nation...and weigh that against calling someone fat and copping a feel...and I could go on and on.

    I thought it was a republican who started the Iraq war - a certain Mr Bush ........

  5. 2 hours ago, pattayadgw said:

    The person below obviously knows little to nothing about box jelly fish habitation / breeding grounds 'usually found in deep waters, not at beaches' ... a complete load of tripe!!!  Their breeding grounds are mostly in shallow estuaries / creeks / mangrove areas etc. etc... ALL SHALLOW WATERS.  There have been numerous cases south of Samet in the Koh Samui group of islands area as well as the areas off Krabi and along the eastern coast of Phuket.


    'Phitsanu Kkemaphan of the Koh Samet tourist board said that Australian box jellyfish were rare in these parts and were usually found in deep waters, not at beaches.


    He said that he thought the arrival of this jellyfish was probably down to global warming and changing currents.'

    The other thing he didn't mention is that in rainy season the jellyfish come closer to shore. If you look at a map of areas of occurrence of this jellyfish we are in the northern part of the distribution and the same goes for salt water crocodiles. I live on the mainland near Koh Samet and have never seen a box jellyfish washed ashore here but at the moment due to the heavy rains we are getting lots of other types washed up. 

  6. We already have solar heated water with a 300 ltr tank and 2 panels and the prices for solar heating water equipment are quite reasonable although the specialist plastic piping is expensive and you can't scrimp on this. Even when it's been cloudy for days we get a minimum of about 45C and if we don't use much hot water when it's sunny it gets to about 92c and the safety valve opens to release pressure on the tank.

  7. 4 minutes ago, ChrisY1 said:

    I'm seriously considering complete solar for our home....I have a pool and just a normal house.....and need 3Kw with storage.

    250w panels landed here for around $100 each.....inverter and storage with a total cost ~ Thb 150K........IMO, that's quite reasonable.

    I'm not concerned with grid feed in as it's a bit complicated with the PEA, but would not consider a complete disconnect from the grid.

    Sure, the system wouldn't pay for itself for a decade, but I'll be 90% independent.......and doing a bit for the green movement.


    I think you'll find it's probably double that cost and you'll probably need about 15 panels. I'm looking into running a 2.5hp swimming pool pump on solar power and doing it off grid and just having the panels and invertor and just running the pump constantly when there's enough sunlight. I might add a small amount of storage later for garden lights and the domestic water pump but the battery prices are extortionate. For an idea on prices this is quite a good website



  8. 5 minutes ago, hansnl said:

    I use ExpressVPN for 3 years now.

    Works fine on the desktop, on the mobile, and simultaneously.

    It is not a free service, but servers all over the world.

    Also works on 3G.

    Did I mention the service if you have problems is very helpful?

    I use Identity Cloaker and have been for about 8 yrs and it's allowed me to bypass censorship in China, Egypt, Iran & Venezuela plus a few others plus it has a great range of countries where the servers are located.

  9. The latest version of Chrome now has a built in vpn although there are no UK servers included in the list of servers the last time I looked. Some corporate networks don't allow you to use your own vpn, I've been kicked from a network and have had to have the IT department reset my login when I've tried to use a vpn over a customers network.

  10. 6 hours ago, scotchonrocks said:

    You insensitive arrogant jerk. You simply don't understand mental health issues. If this man has diagnosed autism, you need to know it's a serious mental condition. Stick to a subject you are well informed about.

    he is the 2nd UK person to use this defence, the first got away with it and I don't think he will. it's the same as all the druggies on here saying it was only 2 grammes etc but it's still illegal in Thailand. all this talk about treaties etc is <deleted>, this is why mr wiki is hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy because the request from Sweden fulfils all the correct laws of the UK & EU. why didn't he hide in the Australian embassy?. this is not about mental health issues, he knows what he has done and that's why he is bricking himself.


    the different thing is whether you agree with the spying that the UK & US carries out but that is a personal thing but as far as the law stands he will eventually be extradited in 6 months to a year to the US, even the EU law won't protect him.

  11. Sorry no sympathy, you've been caught and you admit you did it so face the penalties you knew you would get if you were caught and trying to use Asperger's as an excuse along with parading your minister father. I was watching the BBC news last night and this guy is bricking himself. His father standing there and saying what a good boy he is and autistic to boot, pity he didn't supervise his son's internet use.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Greenside said:

    Retirement V Marriage Extension?  Retirement is indeed easier to get but keeping 800,000 baht in a country where the political climate can change overnight is not very appealing and, for UK citizens at least, the cost of an annual income letter is annoying at something like 3000 baht.  Also, should be offered your dream job, you can apply for a work permit with a marriage extension which you can't with a retirement one.  Anyway, too late for me this year.....


    The result from yesterday:

    Arrived just before 6:00 am and was given a number at about half past.  Was told this would be an afternoon appointment so went off to do more useful things and came back at 1:00 with my wife.  Our number was called at around 3:00 and it went without a hitch - no issues with the Non-O as rumoured and no requests for a TM30 or anything else we didn't have.  Was asked to draw a map to our house to replace the fabulous high resolution Google version with directions which has been well received by everyone from the gas delivery guy to shippers from Bangkok, so smiled and rendered a particularly poor effort in pencil out of pique.  They have the original 90 Day officer there doing something at a desk which says it's for 90 day reports and since mine is due this week I was told I could do it there.  While it was better to get all this over on the same day, the advantage was diminished by the two Agents in front of me each of which had 6 or 7 sets of something to have processed many of which required payment, receipt issuing and multiple stamping in a way that harks back to a 1950's post office.


    I'll ask Tywais to add these tips to the definitive list of documents etc needed to do a marriage extension but here's what helped....

    1. We had two copies of everything including the application (TM7) along with a second photograph (which by the way doesn't have to be 4 x 6cm - my standard passport size that fitted the box printed on the form was accepted without comment).
    2. Everything needs signing in blue ink with your name printed underneath.  Marriage certificates need signing by both partners and where a sheet is two sided you need to do both sides.
    3. We gave them two of each item paper clipped together but since he then had to sort them into piles, I think that offering two identical sets of papers would be more convenient.
    4. We included copies of the Tabien Baan entries for my wife and children and my Yellow TB.  No questions about address asked and no original documents examined except for my passport and my wife's ID card.
    5. Although we gave them our Marriage Certificate, we also provided the proof of my wife's name change so it matched her ID Card.

    My impression is that Visa Agents' attention to things like the above tips makes life easier for the Immigration Officers (who work amazingly hard) but that doing it yourself doesn't present much of a challenge, given you've still got to come up with all the originals and do all the tedious signing.  This probably amounted to one early call and about half a day's time so although I still have to get the OK from Bangkok next month, it's worked out happily so far.

    I changed this year (March) from retirement to marriage visa and it's a stressful process especially when I exceeded the monetary requirement for a retirement visa so the chief of Rayong immigration kept trying to persuade me to stick with it as it was easier for them. Same as you I had done a google map which they weren't so happy about but the home visit went very well as the immigration officer liked our dogs and told us that we had passed the visit. I changed to a marriage visa as I didn't want 800,00 baht sitting around in a bank although some friends bought government bonds for the financial requirement and even though I exceeded the financial requirement I wanted the marriage visa this year to get it done now in case of any rule changes or just immigration being obstinate as when I got my yellow book the rules were stricter than in previous years for some friends. I hope the visa renewal is easier next year .....

  13. 3 hours ago, Kiwi1 said:

    In the clear view of hindsight the problems the man encountered during training were symptomatic of depression eg inability to multitask, problems with concentration. 

    Mohinga does well to point the possibility that the medication my have made the condition worse instead of better. This seems to be a common experience among patients but there seems to be a lack of research on the question, which does no credit to the psychiatric profession and big pharma.

    As far as the decision on suicide plus murder is concerned: an all too common scenario is where a parent (often but not always the father) kills his much loved family before killing him/herself. Survivors of unsuccessful suicides of this sort report that at the time they felt that life was so terrible and the world such a horrible place that they were doing a mercy killing.

    On a more positive note, pilot suicide rates of all types are very low by comparison with other professionals with similar social profiles eg doctors and dentists.

    Pilot suicides are not that uncommon either, there was an ex fighter pilot in Singapore who  crashed a plane due to personal problems including gambling debt. There are a few more examples than that and some 'unusual' crashes which were never fully explained.

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