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Posts posted by BeforeTigers

  1. Why not execute him and make an example out of him, this is what you get if you smuggle drugs to Thailand ! Mind you some ppl are just so greedy it will probobly still happen !!

    You need to ask yourself what kind of person wants to see another man executed?


    Especially since he ended the sentence by pointing out the futility of capital punishment.

    A little bit of critical thinking goes a long way, kids.

  2. It'd be nice if there were some American voices airing criticisms and concerns too. This guy Lipman does a much, much better job than the U.S. ambassador, who not only fails to address these problems publicly, but went out of her way to thank Phuket's police force. Lipman sounds like he represents EU citizens first, whereas the U.S. government places its own affairs (like the so-called war on drugs) above the needs of its citizens.

    Pivot To Asia

    I would be surprised to hear the US criticizing any Pacific allies right now.

    • Like 1
  3. This kind of article really draws a bright line between the two main types of expats I've met here;

    The live and let live, adventurous type...

    And the pitiful, angry, and sad little men that simply could not hack it, socially, back home. Now they spend their evenings with their rental girls and their days trolling ThaiVisa to talk about how proud they are of the tiny aperture through which they view the world.

    Fun fact:

    Calling a trans woman He, Him, or It doesn't make you look smart or witty. It's the exact opposite- especially in Thailand.

    You should be embarrassed for yourselves.

    He can never be a woman because his chromosomes have determined him to be a man. As much as you would like to dress it up (lol) wearing woman's clothes or having implants does not alter your sex.

    There are two types of expats here. The delusional and those that see beyond the superficial to the reality.

    If anything this man seems to be taking the piss out of the whole ladyboy business. I rather think he is laughing at the rest of us.

    Correct; Changing your clothes, your name, your behavior and your anatomy have no bearing on what gender a person is. I know when I meet a new person I always decide what gender they are the old fashioned way- with a chromosome test.

    Failing that, I just refer to them however they choose... because life's too short to be a dick.

    That's just me.

    • Like 1
  4. I find it very interesting how the USA can talk about Human trafficking, with millions of humans being trafficked into the USA every year. There is no mention about the forced prostituting of young girls, the slave labor on farms in Hawaii, the slave labor of Vietnamese being used in American Samoa.

    People in glass houses should not throw stones. cowboy.gif

    Cite your source for that "millions" statistic.

    It's irresponsible and intellectually lazy to invent statistics.

    Comparing isolated cases of exploitation in the US to systematic trafficking that goes on in SEA is just ridiculous.

    The US government has plenty of s----y qualities, but tolerance for trafficking is not one of them.

    People with Google at their fingertips should not throw out imaginary statistics.

    • Like 1
  5. Maybe I'm wrong. But it seems like I am constantly hearing about how any Thai person- any- can potentially get very violent with you if you cross certain, possibly invisible, lines with them in regards of disrespect or perceived disrespect... does this stem from a lack of faith in the police to help settle disputes, or is there something else in the culture that would bring violence a little closer to the surface here?

    ... or am I completely misreading this and Thai people are statistically no more violent than westerners?

  6. While I agree, in general, with most of the negative comments here in regards to BiB and Thai people, there are exceptions.

    1) About 3 years ago I had a woman come flying out of a little Tesco parking lot, trying to beat oncoming traffic. She hit the front of my bike and sent me flying. Broke my right shoulder. BUT...she immediately hit the breaks, leaving her car blocking traffic, and was on her mobile even before she was out of her car and running to see if I was ok. Cop Shop was only 100 meters away, so they were there quickly. She told the cops to help me into her car, and then she personally drove me to the hospital. The one where she works as a nurse. She even admitted to the cops in their report that it was her fault, and agreed to pay for all damages.

    2) About a year ago my wife and I were in the car. We saw an idiot run a red light, slam into a motorbike, and then just keep going. The force of the impact knocked the drive over to the side of the road. No helmet, naturally. I'm a 20 year vet of U.S. Marines, most of that in Recon, and later I became a certified EMT. To my wife's horror and fear, I pulled over, jumped out and went to try and help, as everyone else was merely slowing down to get a look, then moving on. I administered CPR, then concentrated on stopping the blood flow from a gaping wound in his side, and bandaged his head with my own shirt. All of this before the first BiB even made an appearance. When they ordered me away from the man my wife, to her credit, yelled at them to leave me alone, and that I was a doctor in my country. A lie, but it worked. Emergency vehicle finally arrives, rushes him to the hospital. Next day me and wife to go visit. His family treated me like a god, saying that the doctors told her that without the treatment he received at the scene of the accident, he would have died. A few days later dam_n near his entire family showed up at our house with gifts, asking if they could do the water merit ceremony of pouring water over my hands to bless me.

    So, as I said, in general I agree with many of the negative comments, but I've also had 2 very good experiences that turned out on he positive side.

    That was awesome.

    Well done man.

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