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Posts posted by BeforeTigers

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>




    I think the red brigade are loving this although it has nothing what so ever to do with his political leanings, but then that's typical red bias for you.

    What a strange contradictory statement. You "think" the red brigade are loving this and then say "but then that typical red bias for you". So you "think" this is red bias based on the fact that you "think" the red brigade loving it? Do you ever think about normal things or do you ever make assumptions based on fact or just what you "think"? I think your full of it....



    Actually Artisi's statement was straightforward and not contradictory. Yours is full of psycobabble.


    These statements from this thread rather confirm what Artisi said:


    But but but, anyone that reads ThaiVisa forums ought to know by now that the Yellowshirts are pristine angelic beings, incapable of wrongdoing. heh


    So he's been convicted and there's no bail. Shouldn't he be in chains, hands and feet manacled like less financially fortunate villains?
    Oh? Many of those who share his political views have been doing the same thing for decades, with impunity. Maybe he is the sacrificial lamb ( or pig).



    Don't drag me into your makebelieve partisanship.

  2. Uh oh, someone said the magic word.

    Brings the keyboard cowboys out of the woodwork.
    Funny, nobody ever mentions the problem they have with my culture in real life.

    Deepest apologies that you all hate the fioreign policy of my government to the extent you think it's socially acceptable to be generally racist toward all of us. Oh, or is it because you can tell that we're having a good time from across the bar? Even to the point of applauding when an innocent man is brutally attacked by a much younger guy, you know, because he "probably had it coming", on accounta we don't like you Yanks.

    Keep in mind, Thai boys; You're in the same boat with us.
    If theres anything these ThaiVisa trolls love to talk s* about more than us, it's you.

    • Like 1
  3. I've decided my previous comment regarding Pattaya nightlife was, although true and not particularly offensive, a bit too predictable and somewhat under-informed.

    I would like to withdraw my contriburtion to this conversation.

    Mods: please feel free to delete this comment

  4. Hey guy's,I have just joined the fray.I am looking to having a life in Thailand.Looking at the comments on here I am having second thoughts.It sounds so much like the UK.The way I think at the moment I will stay where I am.I have control of my life.If you guy's can tell me different then I am ready to listen.Thanks.

    This isn't Thailand, brother.

    This is an internet chat board. You're not likely to learn much about Thailand kicking around in here. heh.

    If you're worrried about being in control of things, maybe expat life aint for you. If you want a little spice in your life, come on over. But this forum's not going to do you a lot of good on that front. This is a place for expats to make largely pointless arguments about Thai political issues that we can't really influence. Bit of a release valve for a lot of us, I think. You'll see ;)

    • Like 1
  5. <

    Unions striking against democracy.

    This and a man eating his own head and I will have seen everything. heh

    Or perhaps, heavens forbid you got it wrong and that these people do not consider bought votes, nepotism on a scale never seen in the last 100 years, corruption and robbing of the national treasury as 'democracy' !

    Even the reds don't like Thaksin, he just gives them money and they are too poor and ill-educated to look at the alternatives. His henchmen get most money and they use power as 'head of villiage' to browbeat the rest.

    This country , this once lovely country is on the verge of being totally trashed by one families obsession with power. Shinclan make the Borgias look like the Waltons. So who do you think just might be wrong with their assessment of the situation, you that thinks these people are striking against democracy, or the people who are choosing to strike (and in so doing giving up their salaries) for democracy? I know where I put my money.

    Thaksin and Suthep are both a nightmare, but of the two Thaksin and his clan are in a different league altogether. Thaksin once again being in the premier league so to speak.

    I see where you're coming from.

    And we seem to see eye to eye in that neither man is a great solution.

    But I have to take rickety and wobbling democracy over a man that will allow women and children to bleed in the street for him for no practical reason at all. When I look ou tthere I see Suthep and Co making backroom deals that have made all of the difference in this mess. And I see in the background a clan of old ladies in yellow shirts and silly hats that think they've helped, but actually haven't accomplished anything in the streets. This man is marching around with his bufferzone of whistle-blowing revolutionaries. This man is making grand statements and proclaimations of the rally to end all rallies, and all for what? he has not plan. His entire motive is to dismantle the democracy and have himself named unelected leader.

    I'm sorry. But no. That is not a revolutionary. That's just more of the same.

    Democracy may not work well here, but it is the only tool that peopel have to affect change. Destroying parks, smothering businesses and leaving the city wreaking of piss is not a better option, in my humble opinion.

  6. Suthep's speech was ludicrous enough, but Khaosod deliberately set out to make it worse. That was true before, and it is true today in Khaosod's follow-up article. Despite all the pains Suthep and others have taken to set Khaosod straight on their outlandish slant - has been met with deaf ears. Khaosod continues to do so, because their narrative hasn't changed one iota. Khaosod routinely not only stretches but breaks every journalistic ethic. No reputable journalistic school would allow what Khaosod does. Khaosod invariably exposes their bias when compared to other publications. It seems like they almost inhabit a different planet. Khaosod has long distinguished itself as the worst publication of it is kind. It deserves to be seen at Seven Eleven outlets in the North right next to the magazines with Thaksin's face.

    That's interesting. Examples?

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