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Posts posted by BeforeTigers

  1. So an arrest warrant was issued for the husband becaussssssse?

    These people would have left, even if they were not to blame, for the same reason that they were allowed to leave- ineptitude on the part of law enforcement.

    Bet your ass if I'm involved in any kind of fatal accident I'll be pleading my case from the safety of my home country.
    I'm not betting my life on Thai authorities getting the story right.

    • Like 1
  2. On no stated evidence, and contrary to common sense and any surface level understanding of the separatist movement in the south having nothign to do with westerners, we oficially advise you to be afraid, of something, for some reason.

    Yeah, let me get right on that.

    Someone should tell them that Us vs Them propaganda doesn't really hold water with travelers.
    Save it for the homebodies that watch too much tv

  3. Well here's a here's a good control group for a little experiement;
    We all know the grenades fall like clockwork a Yellow gatherings. Let's keep a tally for how many land when the Reds are in town. Put this whole "third-hand" hypothesis to the test.

  4. Keeping in mind that there is no possible way to speak on this subject without conflicting with ThaiVisa's rules of conduct
    Let's just game this out:

    So what if Suthep is stupid enough to go through with this pan- and assuming no member of the Royal family engages with the request- then what?

    Is a refusal tantamount to opposition? =\

    This seems extra sketchy, even for mad dog Suthep.

  5. How dare you tell people not to help the poor with no other excuse than a rumor about a rumor about a rumor.

    Maybe it is true. Maybe they are indedtured. Maybe they are not. I am happy at least to hear that someone has an eye on this- but that's all I've done is hear it. I've never actually seen evidence myself.

    A responsible journalist would have included links to other resources, rather than asking us to take their word for it.

    All I've seen with my own eyes are people that very obviously need help.

    • Like 1
  6. And the all-time, #1 unspoken reason why this isn't a real government: you cannot drink the water, anywhere.

    Government has two jobs: secure borders, ensure basic food and water supplies.
    Failed on both fronts.

    This massively predates the cosmetic damage of the current administration.

    People think the difference between an "developed" and "3rd world" nation is anything to do with hich-tech.
    Nope. Water.

  7. Anyone that believes this man purposely allowed his workers to use an acetolene torch to chop into a damn bomb is retarded.

    His business was destroyed, probably his house too, if he lives in or near the shop, and his neighbors hate him. For a mistake. A stupid mistake, but an unfortunate, unintentional mistake nonetheless.

    Anyone that believes otherwise watches too many bad guy movies and has suspended logic.

    Why don't thy call up the lying bomb peddlers that trucked this damn thing in from god knows where and lied about it's origins? That S could have been dug up 50 years ago and taking up space in a garage somewhere all the while.

    • Like 2
  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The police said they will investigate Ms. Thanyarat's complaint and proceed to summon the clinic owners for further interrogation.

    Pol Snr Sgt Maj Gen Col 1st Lieutenenat in charge of Nipple Affairs (a previously inactive post) had this to say:

    "First we will have to establish that the nipple in question does belong to Ms Thanyarat and is indeed a right nipple and not a photoshopped left nipple. Our forensic team is number one in the world on nipple identities! After that we mediate the compensation between the nipple owner and the beauty clinic, I look very much forward to that. Just imagine, I get a salary to do this kind of work, life's good!"

    I am a Photoshop professional her ein Bangkok and I would be willing to help out in any way that I can.
    I'll just need to see the photograph in question, along with the original. heh

  9. You know, I talk a lot of sht about these people;
    walking around in the street, not really doing anything productive to further their cause- just taking up space. And I still think that's true- for all their effort I don't believe they've accomplished anything lasting with their marches.

    But, when you think about it, that's really sad.
    Whatever their specific politics, they have shown a ton of resiliency and demonstrated their ability to mobilize en masse when called, despite very real and constant threat of violence. I actually hate to see all that potential go to waste.

    Just imagine the great things these people could do, if only their leader actually had a respectable plan- beyond making lot of noise and nuisance.

    In the absence of true leadership, people will follow even a mad dog into the streets.

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