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Everything posted by DaddyWarbucks

  1. Yes, or if he ever goes back to a jail cell he might be "epsteined" in it.
  2. If this means the continuing of legal weed, then I'm all for it. If it means the return of Thaksin, then it will be chaos in the LOS.
  3. Agree totally. He doesn't have the spunk of a rabbit. A pre-arranged deal to keep him out of the slammer or he wouldn't dare set foot in Thailand.
  4. These octogenarians should be in care homes, not running the most powerful country on earth.
  5. My wife saves most of her irritability for me. Politics doesn't affect her that much. That's OK by me... the last thing I need is more controversy in the house.
  6. Try Union Science Co., Ltd. (formerly Union Chemical) located at 257/18-19 Suthep Rd. Wonderful place for all sorts of chemicals and lab equipment. Reasonable prices as well.
  7. The "Drive-Thru" 90 Day reporting works very well here at Chiang Mai Immigration. Tell them you want that system installed... ASAP.
  8. Maybe they are Nigerians. Confirmation will come if they start offering you wonderful investment opportunities.
  9. Perceptive comment that applies worldwide.
  10. It's high time for some attitude readjustment among the people who make our laws. Idiocy has prevailed for far too long already.
  11. Yes sure, join the club of donor countries and perpetuate dependence, incompetence, corruption, and violent conflict in sub-Saharan Africa.
  12. Spot on. The concept predated Eisenhower's Jan. 17, 1961 speech by a long time. First mentioned in Friedrich Hayek's The Road to Serfdom in 1944. A 1947 article in Foreign Affairs by Winfield Refler, also C. Wright Mill's 1956, The Power Elite, to name a few of the cogent warnings that were ignored and led to the ongoing disaster that US foreign policy has been since the Vietnam War.
  13. Neither were Mormons or converts as far as I know. The first was a Thai girl who joined his video stunts with alacrity until the relationship went south. It's doubtful that he is a practicing LDS member himself. The more loony a religion is, the more people who are born into it grow up and identify as "reformed" or "non-observant." Hardcore believers who see themselves as "God's Chosen" are beyond any rational discourse.
  14. More to the point: why did the Jewish Mob fight the Italian Mafia in the 1920s and '30s?
  15. Judging from the social situation he’s in, he doesn’t know it from his ass.
  16. You forgot to mention the Klu Klux Klan. The Boogie-man is gonna get ya fer dat.
  17. The idea has been around for a long time and was well articulated by John Locke in 1775. Locke's writings inspired the language of rebellion in the soon to be United States.
  18. The term “blacklisted” will have to change soon. It could only be offensive to the fragile egos and easily hurt feelings of the Global Majority.
  19. Sounds creepy, doesn't it? Maybe even dangerous in the long run... but hey, premium bud is still available to those who want it. It will be interesting to see if increased gov't involvement in the form of taxation and license fees will dramatically raise the price or will those extra costs be offset by a bumper supply?
  20. These three posts sum up the topic very well. Concise and to the point.
  21. @DeaconJohn Thanks... one picture is worth a thousand words.
  22. The word “bikie” was probably first heard on a school playground. It has a childish ring to it.
  23. You’re so right. There is one legal system for those who have money and influence and another one for those who don’t.
  24. He might... If he is delusional. But he didn’t get to be a billionaire by being delusional. He must have a plan that neutralizes the military while energizing his base in the Northeast and North. i think he will make his move in the new year. His spiritual advisors will tell him the auspicious time that will avoid bad ju-ju and lead to success.
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