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Posts posted by keithet

  1. 48 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    There have been reports of CW asking for a TM30 report for some types of extensions. One was when a application was being done for an extension based upon marriage to a Thai.

    But no reports on them being fined for not reporting since they just started asking for them.

    Download for the form. TM30 Form Notification of aliens staying at a residence101.92 kB · 627 downloads


    I was fined 800 baht in January this year at CW. It was the first thing the officer asked for. 

    My landlord never did one and wasn't going to do one. I had her info so did it myself. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, owenm said:

    In Australia if you rent or own a condo, smoking on your private balcony is banned because smoke may waft into your neighbours if their balcony door is open.. Also classed as a fire hazard because some of the modern external cladding has been shown to be highly flammable.. And huge $$$ fines are tightly enforced with possibility of eviction.. 


    At least these new Thai rules are somewhat relaxed and less invasive and make perfect common sense even for a smoker.. 

    Close the door 

  3. 8 minutes ago, InsertNameHere said:

    Minimal or not it is still air pollution that one who does not want to breath is simply idiotic as whether the smokers are far or near does nothing as the particles/smell is still on your clothing you can not escape it. It is the same for those with children that the masses think they are dong the children justice by smoking away from them. The human body is a walking organism and it absorbs everything it comes in contact with high or low. This post is not about you but for all the ones that think otherwise like everything we do as long as it is not in direct contact then "me" can not be harmed. So, all this is pure nonsense and only is another attempt to have more fines something that can generate funds. Now, you are totally correct as I see on a daily bases "kids" ridding unsupervised and a lack of care for themselves or others on the road ways and little to nothing i done about it. Sure education is by far outdated here if any as me and the wife sell at one of the local markets near the house and I see kids there at times when they should be in school. I asked the wife and was told that is most of Thailand where it is more important to make money and the kids help out. Sure not all but I see many that do not go cause the parents do not put them in school or they simply do not have the time to do. As I get older the more and more I see the same crap all over the world with everywhere having their own issues. Homes broken up, families divided and so on in the name of MONEY.......


    Do you like going to smoking areas to just complain with this same speach? 

    I think you need help! Especially if you are comparing smoking with broken up homes

  4. 12 minutes ago, ryldar said:

    So please forgive me but I'm wondering if I show a USA bank statement that shows the equivalent of a Bt30k withdrawal twice a month & a Bangkok Bank statement showing deposits of Bt30k on the same day will that suffice using the combination method ... (Bt200k in BBK account)? Thoughts?

    I believe they didn't care of US bank statement. 

    Only Thai bank account showing required deposits from abroad. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Pib said:

    The recent immigration policy change regarding the monthly income method requirement international transfers sure broke the damn in many TV posters reporting how their transfers were not being posted as international transfers on their Thai bank accounts.  Even for some folks using SWIFT and U.S. ACH transfer systems.  Before it didn't really matter to them about the coding/description....they were happy enough with just the money arriving...quite understandable before the policy change..


    With more and more financial payment systems springing-up as financial companies, money transfer companies, banks, etc., all try to capture a piece of the "money transfer/payment" business and trying to do it a little be cheaper, money transfer methods and routing is changing rapidly. 


    Normally, as long as person gets his money...gets it fast...gets it at a fair transfer cost....he's a happy camper; he just don't care much (or at all) about coding/description.  But when the coding/description does become important his camping is no longer as pleasant.  


    I expect over 2019 many people will be applying for their extension of stay with Thai bank statements that do "not" identify "some or all" incoming international transfers as international transfers...some will get coded as domestic transfers for whatever reason.  At that time the person will need to convince the immigration officer with other supporting docs to prove the transfer was indeed international but for whatever reason didn't get coded as such.  


    Hopefully the immigration offices will quickly realize international payments can indeed sometimes end up getting coded as domestic transfers and happily accept supporting proof such as Transferwise receipts, home country bank statements showing the transfer, home country government benefits statement showing a monthly transfer, etc.   Time will tell.



    My home bank in US via internet or statements tell all the info from home bank, amount, time, and which bank is sent to. I miss my embassy letter. One piece of paper done. The bummer is they still except them if you aren't part of the embassies that dropped it. 

    Next month I will send via swift and send in US dollar. I hope it will show international! I don't think one can depend on imagration to be understanding...  Can hope but don't think so. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Pib said:

    SWIFT or a money transfer service like Transferwise.

    Transferwise is not 100% garente that will show international for monthly transfer.  So 10 might show international but if 2 don't then what?? Fail with imagration that's what and didn't want to risk my ability of being with my family in Thailand. 

    I'm going to miss the embassy letter And very angry about it. I would love to show proof to get it. 

    But I guess some lie so everything is gone with that option. 

    Makes me want to give pain to the abusers of the system. 

    Now I'm dealing with bank bs! 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Sounds like you allowed BoA to convert the funds for you--big mistake from an exchange rate standpoint as western banks exchange rates are several percent lower than the Thai bank TT Buying Rate used by Thai bank to exchange incoming transfers. 


    Western banks love to exchange the funds on their end as it a very nice profit for them at your expense...end results is less baht being deposit to your Thai bank account.  Don't do that again. They will may even offer a lower direct sending fee if you allow them to do the exchange, but they more than make up for that on the lower exchange rate they give you (i.e., and indirect fee). 


    Summary: DO NOT let your home country bank convert for you....in your case send US dollars from your US bank....let the Thai bank accomplish the exchange. 


    And maybe since you did allowed the US bank to send baht instead of dollars that caused the routing of the money to go a little differently....like to Bank of Thailand first who then relayed the baht over to your Bangkok Bank Silom branch as domestic transfer on Bahtnet which caused a Description/Coding change...caused the "international transfer data" to get stripped off.


    My Bangkok Bank branch is also the home branch on Silom Rd...1st floor of the HQ Bangkok Bank building...just like you.  Over the years the few times I have used SWIFT to send money it was coded as International Transfer.....and the many times over the years I used ACH to send money it was coded as International Transfer---even when I still had an account with/used BoA.



    Can someone still use ACH? I read that latter this year can't use.  And new set ups are being sent back during the 1 or 2 trial sends.  I read here on tv not sure if I worded my question right...  Sorry. 

    I use to just deposit 3 times a year but used embassy letter. Just trying to make things correct for imagration 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Pib said:

    Since the last leg of the transfer was a "Bahtnet" transfer (and internal Thailand funds transfer system) and probably occurred because HQ Bangkok Bank relayed the received SWIFT funds to your Bangkok Bank branch probably outside the Metro Bangkok area.   Where is your branch in Thailand?  And this caused the transfer not to appear as an international transfer....the domestic relay caused the international coding not to be displayed/stripped off.


    Or, your sending US bank ended up routing the funds thru an "intermediary" Thai bank other than Bnagkok Bank which did the final leg of the transfer via Bahtnet which once again caused the transfer not to appear as an international transfer.


    I'm have a Bangkok Bank account and occasionally do an "ACH" transfer from my US bank and also occasional transfers using Transferwise.   Below is a snapshot of my Bangkok Bank ibanking.  The first three line items below were using Transferwise.   The last line item was using ACH from from US bank.   My Bangkok Bank branch is here in Bangkok.





    My bangkok bank was opened at home branch in silom.  I called 1333 and said it showed from bank of thailand... 

    My US acount is Bank if America. 


    My US acount says money was sent to the swift and bank account number that was given "Bangkok bank silom. 

    But Bangkok Bank says they received from bank of thailand. 

    I sent the money in baht online with my US acount because I can know the amount to satisfy imagration with 40,000+ monthly transfer but don't show as international. 

    If I send in US dollar I wonder if that would work?? I just don't know how much bkk bank charges. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Thailand J said:

    I suspect the problem is you've specified baht instead of USD when you ordered SWIFT. Somehow the transfer went into bahtnet or FEDI ( Financial Electronic Data Interchange). Those are domestic money exchange systems.

    I have done countless SWIFT into my Bangkok Bank savings, always showed as FTT. I ordered US broker/bank to make USD tranfer into my baht savings account and Bangkok Bank convert it into baht.



    Does bangkok bank atomaticly exchange the US dollar amount to thai baht or do you have to go to the bank? 

  10. 32 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

    My Bkk Bank online statements say International Transfer for a T'wise job. An my Foreign Currency Account says from where the GBP transfer was made, which is UK.

    I just opened my Bkk acount and did my first transfer to see what it looks like via internet banking. 

    I did swift code and from my US acount tranfered in baht to my bkk acount. 

    I'm not sure about foriegn currency acount??? I just opened a savings

  11. I just opened a Bangkok bank account so I can do monthly deposit from foriegn US acount to thai acount for monthly income method with imagration. 

    I did a international transfer but not sure what the bank codes stand for and if they specify that they are from a foreign acount. 

    My bangkok bank internet shows:

    Description - bahtnet


    Channel - upload derect debit\chanel fedi b2b 

  12. I just had this problem. They are more concerned with the address and landlord's info than my wife's and my marrage. 

    If I don't count all the copies of my passport then. 

    Almost 3/4 of all our paperwork was pertaining to address and landlord. Even my last embassy letter I can ever use has my address on it. 

    Pretty soon they will just micro chip us or put ankel tracking bracelet. 

    • Like 2
  13. Mon 21 Jan I opened a acount at the main branch no problems. Im on exstension of stay based on marriage. They wanted first work permit, I said don't have. Then said embassy letter, I said don't have. 

    So I showed what I have 1 year exstension based on marriage. Lease to show address. I even showed my tm30 to show address is registered with imagration. They were not interested in my ssa papers just looked. Now they were interested in my mareage docs. Korro 2 and 3. He said his manager said to check valad address, vallad 1 year exstension (which I only had 30 days left) and why or reason if staying in Thailand. 

    Very helpful people at the main branch. 

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  14. 6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Don't think so... The above letter update still says must present bank statements from Thai bank(s) showing the transfers....  The above memo isn't changing the prior order, just clarifying about 1st year enforcement.

    That's how I see it too. I suggest people should check with their banks now to see how transfers are recieved. I just switched to bangkok bank because my other bank shiws domestic. 

    I'm glad I checked before my next transfer for February. 

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