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About rct99q

  • Birthday 12/25/1965

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  1. Yup, 14 years into it, and one of the biggest things is we trust each other. Love? Who ever knows for sure, but we get along, still have fun, and trust each other. Tis a nice feeling.
  2. I always recommend adding V.C. circled after my signature on any documents I am asked to sign, THAT, I do not understand or in a different language. It is not a fool proof way of getting out of an agreement yet it indicates that ones signature should not be taken as agreement (ie. under duress).
  3. Actually if the Republicans are too stupid to know how to fix the system, should they really be in charge of the government? Seriously after 4 years they still are unable to figure out how it was done. Everyone knows the Dems cheated, even the democrats will admit to it, but after all these years going back to 1876 the Republicans have not been able to figure it out? Just how brain dead are these people. Ok so first you need to have an insider in......well let's not give away the secret.
  4. In between 1 and 2 you need to add kill dog and take with you to hospital and have it tested for rabies. If negative no need for the human to go thru the rabies treatment.
  5. Only another 6817 schools to go. Perhaps they will have caught everybody by the time his sentence is up.
  6. I pay thru my bank app as it is set to auto debit giving me extra time to read posts such as this one.
  7. I think you are misinterpreting the idea. They are looking to attract tech minded people, not the technology itself. However bringing in tech savvy people will help develop systems things like the portal for immigration.
  8. Who says it was him who boarded the plane. He looks a lot like many a Finnish young man. Perhaps someone borrowed his identity to fly back. With a little help from an IO who just happens to confirm he flew out.
  9. Sorry, couldn't hear you....555
  10. Care to quote what JD said about Trump, as he is hard to understand these days with Trump's Willie in his mouth.
  11. Are you saying she only has an IQ of 90?
  12. I don't know you, have never met you, don't even know what pronoun you use, she/he/they. But after reading this one post and three replies, I don't really like you. So some Thai people who see you three times a year possibly, I can understand them not wanting you to come back. Hence the service.
  13. Ah, let the carnage begin. As we all know there is no such thing as free money. The people will pay dearly for the brief moment of happiness they get when they spend their 500baht. The men will be getting their bottle of whiskey and smokes, the women a black eye or two, and some bruised ribs. The children, sleepless nights.
  14. Unfortunately my wife has more money than I do. She pays for car, electricity, 3bb, and holidays. I pay for kids school, but that is because I get to pick the school. We split food etc, and she owns her land and house. I paid for two toilets (not Thai one) and a small western kitchen,she paid for floor tiles and ceiling. We split the costs on bedroom fixtures. The rest was mostly given to us by her father, nice man, washer, dishwasher, some small appliances and an oven.

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