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Everything posted by rct99q

  1. Publicity. He probably has a fikfok page and is just another way of driving traffic, which it has done.
  2. Had enough of the UK has he. Good for nothing Country. I am assuming he has given up his passport then. Stateless? Thai passport? I think he has money from the bank of M&D First National.
  3. Interesting. Mafia - do a study, go back to Bangkok, check things out, investigate, alleged misdoings. Traffic problems - let's get an immediate fix on this. Not sure why politicians in countries like Thailand (south east Asia actually), Mexico (south America, central America & Caribbean actually), even try to show up. I remember early 70's them talking about cleaning up the government (this was Mexico) dealing with all the drug dealings etc.. 50! Years later nothing! For once I would love (actually respect more) if one of these politicians just said I hear you, I feel your pain, however this is how things are, and will be. These groups are to powerful and wealthy to stop. We will ask that they support a couple of community programs like a football field and donations to the food bank. Thank You for your understanding.
  4. From Canada so we get 30 days anyway upon arrival. Biggest drawbacks will be seat availability. More flights are needed. From West coast of North America would be nice to see more flights via China. Helps keep price down. There is plenty of advertising in Canada for Thai Holidays, so don't think that will be an issue. Lots of students still consider Thailand in the top three places to go. USA & Mexico are the other two. Europe the past two years has flatlined it seems. So little of the negative news seems to filter down to the everyday traveller. Will numbers bounce back? I think so. People will always consider it a popular destination. Young kids will always consider it an exciting and inexpensive option. So I'm optimistic.
  5. Young people have money, either from parents or working. Not sure where this idea comes from. 50 years ago "young people" didn't have money, so kids today don't as well? I make good money working back in Canada, my kid does ok. But next to my Thai neighbours I am like the hobo on the street corner begging for money. This is rural NE Thailand as well.
  6. 55,000 thousand people trying to get to a concert in Bangkok by TukTuk. Lek Loso played up near my area a week or so ago. Gridlock for 2 days. The back alley getting to the venue was only wide enough for one vehicle at a time. Unfortunately people had set up a food cart and pure chaos. Luckily people did not go hungry, and as a bonus they missed the concert.
  7. With the current state of US politics, I would hide out here as well, much safer.
  8. I am always fascinated by certain Nationalities who seem to believe they can just travel to a country and set up shop. Seems people from Russia, India, China, gather up blocks of people and take over regions of certain countries. Rules be damned. You don't see thousands of Canadians setting up shop selling Maple Syrup or Poutine. Or those pesky Mexicans with their tomale stands.
  9. I am sure the USA would not want to be the country that someone of Royalty or of a Political family were harmed, or killed in. Much like if a member of Trumps family travel to go hunting in S. Africa, or were to travel to Italy etc. This is what governments of Democratic (and maybe not so democratic) do. They offer and provide protection to heads of states, royalty, and other associated VIP's. At tax payer expense.
  10. Never gonna happen. His followers will go down with the ship. So to speak. Envious the DNC is, I am sure anyone would love to have that loyal of a following. I can not remember a time in History, other than Europe 1930's, that people were so enthralled by a politician. Fortunately they only account for about 30% of the total population, otherwise there would be Stormy seas a-head (see how I used..anyway).
  11. Gotta love the Don. He has changed the way guilty people deal with court proceedings forever. Asking the judge to dismiss the key principals of his own trial. Like a bank robber telling the judge the 14 people in the bank on the day of the robbery disliked me so they can not testify. If only Nixon could have seen this and used the same reasoning. Or Clinton! Although him stating he did not have sexual relations with that person is pretty close. Imagine old Tricky Dicky - swaggering and all, decrying - fake news people that Access Waterhouse tape was just locker room talk. Fools, all of them, for playing by the rules. There will be History pre Trump, and the History of the USA post Trump. Wish I could live long enough to see what is written about him 50 years from now. Shan't be good me thinks.
  12. Let me get this straight, the guy from Succession misunderstood something Superdaves' dog was quoted as saying? And he has trouble telling time? A few too many Chang's this evening?
  13. Beaker - from the muppets Jan Carleson - institute of wacky knowledge PeeWee Herman - rain forecast on lower seating Barbara Van Sicken - hooker Jorge Rodriguez - second baseman Mazatlan RedDogs Pappies- my childhood dog good at predicting lightning Churro Chino - weatherman from the chocolate factory Brent Weinstein - world's leading authority on weather climate change from 1365 BC Jesus - enough said Marsh Wigglesworth - Australian author of "F$ck it, It's Just Rain"
  14. Well 30% of Americans only believe what they hear via fringe news outlets. 30% believe in what they hear from main stream media, the rest are just uneducated.
  15. At the end of the day there really is nothing 99.99999% of us can do anything about this. The fate of the world really lies in the hands of less than half a dozen men. I really only give things like this a glancing thought is when I hear either Putin, Xi, or the rotund one in NK, are "sick". Not sure what either of these guys would do knowing they were dying. Possibly even Trump, if say he were impeached again, or those photos go public. And no, not those ones, the other ones
  16. Till the next technological invention, they are here to stay. In Canada it is, in my opinion, worse there than here in Thailand. Especially people under the age of thirty. Is it harmful, unproductive? I believe in some situations absolutely. Can we stop it. Nope. As a kid we played road hockey day/night, winter/summer we didn't care. Believe it or not many kids today still play road hockey. Just in between playing , or before/after a game out come the phones. Updates, photos, jokes, etc. Do kids play less, probably. Mine doesn't, yet she still gets phone time. In my day parents would go to work and plunk you down in front of a T.V. while they were out. The medium has changed, but parents still use it as a babysitting tool.
  17. I enjoy dinner parties. But agree they do not seem to be as popular as in the past. In my 30's to 40's seemed every weekend. Now, here in Thailand 6 or so times per year. Although, when we host one, our good neighbour usually has one the following week. Usually 15-20 attend, good fun. Never really too concerned with cost. When we have one most people will bring booze, or some sort of snack, or gift.
  18. Selectively. Not sure why? My Thai neighbour who is fantastic, always brings us fish he has caught, always gives a birthday present for my wife, myself and daughter, watches our land when we are away (as we do his house), I wai. Others, bank, teachers (some, not all), 7/11 never(but I always say good morning, loudly). I watch my wife during formal occasions, if she gives a throwaway wai, I will either nod or smile. If she gives one of those wais that start from the feet to someone, I'll wai. My daughter(who is whiter than I am) in other words does not appear to be Thai, gives one of these "Ladyboy" wiggle wais which most of the Thais around our place find hilarious. Upon first meeting her most Thai people don't believe she is a luk krung, so they find her half hearted wais amusing. Most other times I give a polite fist pump and I almost always get a reply with a smile.
  19. Issue in my opinion, is not that his presidency has been a shamble, but that Biden and his team had 4 years to make a successful transition to a new candidate but failed to do so. Anybody, and I am serious here, pretty much anybody else could defeat Trump in the upcoming election. With the exception of K Harris. And I truly believe that is why Biden is still in the race. democrats could run Nancy Pelosi and probably still win. But somebody needed to step up, step on a few toes, thank Kamila for her service and run as the Democrat nominee. Nikki Hailey is correct in her statement that a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris. I don't think there is anyone on this earth who believes Biden will make it thru another 4 years. And this is the issue. Harris is the only person Trump could beat in an election and by Biden staying on the Democrats have pretty much handed the Presidency to Trump. Democrats could have picked M Obama, H Clinton, or even AOC and still beat Trump. Harris toxic. Even some Democrat Elected Officials will privately vote Republican over her. I am not a Republican by any stretch but I would vote Nikki over Biden, but would never mark an X for Trump. On the plus side it is unlikely Trump will make the 4 years either, health wise, so his choice of VP will play a large part of American politics for the next 9 years or so.
  20. Pepper Spray on an enclosed space such as an airplane? Really. All flights should have an air marshal armed with a silencer along with full immunity for any action they take while the plane is in the air. Two quiet taps to the back of his head, nice quiet flight after that. I am not a physically imposing figure, being of average height and strength, as yourself so giving a one punch knockout would not be something I could do, pulling a trigger.....
  21. It wont be long now before a major incident happens (plane goes down, etc), and it will be a sh*t show again to fly. Governments and airlines need to make a strong and visible deterrent (ie. social media, news) using the strongest legal measures. I am not sure what laws would be enacted, but something needs to be done before a major accident to show this type of action will not be tolerated. As an aside flight stewards should never have to be exposed to this type of assault, regardless of any action or inaction on their part. They should be able to file a lawsuit to compensate for damages. Most do not make a great salary.
  22. Don't usually kill things like these, other than the odd field rat. Gonna see how big its web is going to be. Many years ago we had a Golden Orb and it produced an amazing web. So gonna wait and see.
  23. Yesterday morning was the first time I have ever used the heater in my car. I have turned off the AC plenty of times but actually turning the dial to the red zone for heat was a first. It was chilly. Nong Khai
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