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Posts posted by HughJass

  1. are the two sets of DNA found on Hannah family related to each other?

    the supposed DNA tests done on the head man/brother/nephew...is there any family connection to the DNA found on Hannah?

    Hannah was on holiday with a group of friends....was she in the bar with them that night or alone...have they been interviewed as to what happened earlier in the evening and in preceding days?

  2. Test the two sons so we can move on. With out testing Results I would so far place my money on the sons and their uncle. I think three people were involved in this crime.

    My current thinking (only an idea): An argument between the uncle and the Brits at the bar happens. The uncle and two of his brother's sons confront the Brits at crime location. Matters get out of hand and they kill the man and decide they need to kill the witness also but the sons decide to rape her in the process. The uncle runs off home and the sons leave the island. The uncle is seen in the video running without shirt as it had blood on it and he was in a hurry to get away from the area.

    Maybe ??

    According to ThaiPBS report, above, the uncle and his brother have tested negative.

    if they have taken DNA from the headman,the uncle and the brother surely this would reveal a family match with the two sons who are on the run in BKK...all they have to do is compare it with the DNA samples found in the semen and they have the murderer

  3. will the UK have the samples from the body of Hannah?

    And will they have done a post mortem on the bodies?

    asked this before but no answer?

    I hope the soon to be arrested guys are allowed to give fresh DNA samples to the UK police for comparison.

    It's my suspicious side thinking. whistling.gif

    I would suggest the DNA stuff is available on paper for those who must be involved, which includes the UK.

    Not good enough. The UK police have the DNA from that poor girl and her friend. Now time for the British Embassy to demand their own examination of any person charged to corroborate independently that the DNA is a match in the interest of international transparency and they can shove their diplomacy up their diplomatic rectums.

    Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

    we all seem to think that the local police are in cahoots with the poo yai and his family and because they are on the payroll

    how difficult would it be to substitute dna samples from another thai who is innocent in place of the brother and son?

    • Like 1
  4. does the buyer and seller have to be present for the transfer to be completed?

    also whats the situation when transferring ownership of a car?

    They have to be present to get the CR. Inlace of a CR a work permit or a yellow house book may be used. Same requirements for transferring a car.

    is the requirement of the farang seller to have a Cert of Residence a recent thing?

    I purchased a m/c from a farang in March and they changed it to my name with the two signed forms plus a copy of his passport and visa

    I produced a CR in my name

  5. Another mass shooting in the U.S tell the poor innocent children murder that the U.S doesn't need gun control. How many more innocent children have to die before the U.S grows up and implements strict gun control.

    Guns don't kill people,,,,,,Same with Cars, Knives ,Axes,Pencil, Mop bucket,Plastic fork,BBQ skewer,,,,,It's the Idiots that uses them,,,,Do we take all the Items what people use everyday Away????

    I wish I could view the world in such a simplistic way

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  6. Racism is just another word the liberal left loves to employ in a failed attempt to take credibility away from people who have the courage to express their opinions.Your father in this case is just a man of his generation who grew up in a time when anyone who wasn't white was considered of less worth

    Everybody has racist tendencies,some more than others, but most will not admit to it because the NWO in its desire to gain power and control by flooding the west with millions of people from backward cultures has made it a crime to voice such opinions and has people brainwashed into questioning the morals of those around them (the OP and his dad) for stating their opinion

  7. I am planning to buy a secondhand car in the near future and along with me the g/f will also want to

    drive it.

    she already has a full car license which she obtained many years ago when the only criteria was being able to fill in the application form

    she has had limited experience driving her dads old pickup on rare occasions but before I let her behind the wheel of a several thousand baht vehicle I would like to purchase some driving lessons for her

    has anybody any experience using a driving school in CM?

    any contact numbers?

    anybody selling a Honda Jazz,Toyota Yaris or similar?

  8. when I first came to Thailand four years ago I purchased a backpacker policy from World First..i stripped it down to just the medical insurance and it cost me around £300...I then had a motorcycle accident while here and they paid out to the thai hospital £14000 with no problems...I believe they are a family run firm and would recommend them...heres the site so get yourself a quote...happy holidays


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  9. the govts of Europe are happy to accept all these "migrants" because it helps with their goal of divide and rule of the population which will make it easier to create a United States of Europe and eventually a one world govt

    heres Barbara Learner Spectre admitting that this is their the plan

  10. the video was faked to make it acceptable for mass viewing on prime time news channels and get the message across which was basically saying the death of the next American depends on what Obama does next thus putting the pressure on him to call off the bombings of the ISIS troops...which of course he wont because they have control of lucrative oil fields around Kirkut and Obamas sponsors aren't happy...they killed him off camera at a later time and even then staged the result so it didn't look as bad ( very little blood)...they are clever these people and understand the power of the media

  11. I am equally concerned with the increasingly hostile attitude towards Americans especially as evidenced on the editorial page of the Bangkok Post. I frequently encounter it in pubs especially if i wear a shirt with the American flag on it. A lot of it seems to come from Brits. I will heartily agree however that the US criticism of the military takeover was and remains ill-advised. The USA has done some good things but very little under the current administration.

    please inform me of the good things?

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