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Posts posted by HughJass

  1. forget the CCTV picures,they are easy to alter

    forget the DNA,this evidence is totally controlled by the corrupt people

    what this forum and CSI should be demanding is THE PHONE RECORDS

    is it possible to corrupt these?...they will show exactly where he was and who he was speaking to at crucial times

    on the evening in question

    Sorry, but no.

    The phone records only show where the phone was.

    surely thats what is important ie.was it in bkk or on kho tao?

    were calls being made on the phone during the time period inquestion and to who?

  2. It is blatantly obvious what is going on, nobody has ever stood up or questioned the bullying before. The filth had an open field to extort, bully, and engineer criminal charges on the innocent with no consequence. All of a sudden a few questions get asked and guys are being removed from posts, human rights meetings get shunted, interpreters conveniently just disappear after it is found out he can't even speak the language he was meant to be interpreting, the list goes on. When you stand up to a bully they usually shit it as they are not used to someone having the balls to do so, this is the same case.

    I know Thailand is third world and is a bed of corruption, but lets be honest for one minute here. That Mon guy was all over a crime scene, a murder scene, with a few of his buddies a few hours after it happened. That isn't third world or the act of a thick village police force, it is a blatant act of making sure the real story doesn't come out and to clean up any mistakes that were left behind.

    "That Mon guy was all over a crime scene, a murder scene, with a few of his buddies a few hours after it happened. That isn't third world or the act of a thick village police force, it is a blatant act of making sure the real story doesn't come out and to clean up any mistakes that were left behind."

    you hit the nail on the head there

    • Like 1
  3. btw, I have almost the same levers you have, and I hate them. Im about to take them out and put original or get something decently priced.

    how do you feel about them?

    I got them on ebay for 900 baht the pair.

    as stated the pics are from the internet of a 500F that's has had risers fitted so its not my bike

    I may be interested in buying them from you if they are for sale

    whats the problem with the levers in your opinion?

  4. What is it people don;t get that this is a one of the screen shots a lawyer handed out to press and not the actual videos police examined? Or the fact that the press are not questioning the validity of the police clearing this kid.

    The claim started out that there was only a screen shot of him at 9 AM and now here is one from night and now they just forget the claim of only one AM screen shot but now it is they are fake and somehow police didn't examine the actual video the lawyer took these pics of.

    why are there no screenshots/video footage of Nomsod in college or the dormitory areas on Sunday?

    we have only seen pics from Saturday afternoon and Monday morning at 9.15am in the dormitory when he should have been in school?

    • Like 2
  5. The British may have no authority in Thailand, but when did Thai Village Head men have the authority to obstruct law and order? is that part of the new Junta Constitution?

    How did he obstruct law and order? What I read is he met with police and he and his brother gave DNA samples and were cooperative with police as was the son who turned out to be in Bangkok when the murders occurred.

    heres Nomsod shaking hands with David on the night of the murders...allegedly

    notice the swinging arm 0.34


  6. DNA samples of the two brothers were collecting for testing and were later proved to not match with DNA collected from the scene and the victims body.


    I seem to remember these tests being back within 24 hours when it takes 2-3 days for a DNA test

    also by then the bribes had been promised so any DNA taken by the RTP and sent for testing is worthless

    according to CSI LA the word on the street is that 120 million baht has been paid out in bribes

    it has been documented that this family has friends/connections that go right to the top

    • Like 1
  7. hobz, on 21 Oct 2014 - 02:58, said:
    Johnsen, on 21 Oct 2014 - 02:53, said:

    Add to that Nomsods father was allowed onto the crime scene. One has to question why he would be there and what was he doing. Very strange. Does he often help the police on crime scenes or only when his son is involved..

    Actually, I don't think that was Nom Sods father, but a member of the local mafia. .. either way, your point is valid... The guy allowed on the crime scene was the one Sean McAnna photographed and claimed that he was threatened by........ PROBABLY involved in the murder or atleast the cover up.

    That would be Nomsod's uncle (his father's brother) Mon who was pictured with the police at the crime scene. Mon was later pulled in for questioning and then let go by the RTP, as was Nomsod's father (the village headman, or ex-headman depending on which report you read). Mon was photographed by Sean after allegedly threatening him. All of them have connections to the AC bar where the victims were last seen alive.

    Thai PBS September 23: One tourist murder suspect now arrested, another on the run

    Thai PBS September 24: New twist in murder of two Brits in Koh Tao

    Thai PBS September 25: Police now rule out Koh Tao headman’s son

    those three news report links say everything about who are the real suspects in this case

    no doubt the time that Mon and Nomsods father were in custody were spent discussing how much cash would be needed to make this go away........I am disgusted at the whole debacle

    • Like 1
  8. I think this was the moment that money started to change hands

    police says he landed at the coast

    - reportedly left island morning after murder

    - his father said, he doesnt know if son was involved

    - means - he DIDNT say, his son was not there

    - report makes clear, why panya was promoted away from the case

    Police free bar owners and look for ex-village headman's son

    The Nation September 24, 2014 1:00 am

    Police seeking former village headman's son who fled island

    Police are looking for the son of a former Koh Tao village headman in their pursuit of the killers of two British backpackers on the night of September 14, after learning that the man left the island the following morning.

    A police source said the man they want to find landed on the Surat Thani coast and disappeared. Police say they want to interrogate him first.

    The police last night released two men, who own Intouch Bar and AC Pub on the resort island, after interrogating them for three hours and finding no evidence linking them to the crime.

    One of the two men released last night, who reporters did not identify, said he was unable to contact his son and did not know if he had a hand in the killings.

    Another man, the younger brother of the former village headman, who is believed to be the man seen on a security camera near the crime scene, is still in custody.

    Pol Lt-General Panya Mamen, who is overseeing the investigation, said yesterday that the headman's son is believed to be hiding in Bangkok. Panya refused to reveal the suspects' names, saying police were questioning one man and expected to arrest another in Bangkok today.

    Today marks the 10th day since David Miller and Hannah Witheridge were brutally murdered on the island. Both suffered serious head wounds, while police said Witheridge was also sexually assaulted.

    "We expect results within 48 hours as DNA samples have been sent out for testing, and we are confident in this latest turn in the investigation," he said.

    All sides should have confidence in the police investigation and believe that no scapegoats will be arrested so that the case can be closed, he said.

    "The world has been watching the case and police has been doing what it can to ensure that the evidence obtained is strong and tight enough to arrest the killers," he said.

    Panya also promised that the investigation would not be influenced by reports that some influential persons on the island might try to obstruct police work.

    The chief investigator was speaking after police had summoned the owner of the Intouch Bar for questioning after investigators discovered that both victims had visited the bar and had had an altercation before they were found dead. Another person summoned was the owner of AC Pub, who local residents say is an influential person and the older brother of the man who owns Intouch Bar. Panya led the interrogation of both individuals.

    Local people and tourism operators on the island yesterday attended an annual religious rite to make merit for their deceased loved ones. They also made merit for the slain Britons and prayed that the police would be able to arrest the killers.

    Meanwhile, a police source said it was not possible that people on the island did not have any knowledge of what might have happened on the night of the murder. The source said may be they don't want to talk to police, as they do not want to have problems with an influential group.

    Udom Tantiprasonchai, an executive with Orient Thai Airways, said he will add Bt500,000 to the bounty placed for arrest of the killers, Senee Puwasettathaworn, president of Koh Samui Tourism Association, said.

    This sum will bring the total bounty up to Bt713,000.

    Though the murders took place more than a week ago, and police have yet to charge anyone, tourism has not been affected too badly as it is still the low season. Local tourism operators, meanwhile, said they would not put any pressure on police, leaving them to focus on the job at hand

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  9. The Thai government needs to be called on their unauthorised comments in no uncertain manner and, for example, a travel advisory which goes beyond the usual notice of martial law etc but actually warns travellers their diplomatic representatives may not be able to help them because of restrictions and so on from the ' host ' government.

    I think you'll find every informed traveler and country embassy advices citizens to leave their "we our more special" attitudes at home when visiting another country as they have absolutely no jurisdiction into criminal matters within other countries or much of anything else. Once you leave your own country you are bound by the laws and procedures of that country and highly doubtful your embassy will even provide an attorney without your paying ... they will however hold your hand for comfort from time to time but that is about it.

    Not true, many countries insist on using their own laws for sex crimes committed abroad.

    Anyway, all that is required of the British police, is they take their own DNA samples from the accused, and send them back to the UK. No investigation required.

    I am sure they have already secured DNA samples from the parents of the two accused who are at present in Thailand

  10. I think most people believe its him. Thai authorities have gone to a lot of trouble to set up an alibi for him. Like I said elsewhere it only takes 1 photo, 1 piece of leaked phone evidence, 1 piece of leaked CCTV footage to blow his alibi out of the water. If you were the Thai authorities and you were fabricating his alibi you would b shittttting yourself this might happen. Someone out there must have proof.

    Guess it could b time to fight fire with fire if money can buy you anything. Perhaps someone is prepared to give him up for the right amount. Alternatively if someone's business is destroyed through lack of tourism they might just speak out. The chances of the real killers being caught are very slim. Anybody know what phone company he uses. That one would b the killer for him/them.

    I am convinced that it is the "protected one" shaking Davids hand at 0.34


  11. Check out the new post on facebook from the Thai Community!

    There is a new suspect who is employee of AC bar Nomsot and his uncle and seen with the victims.

    He is of interest because

    1.this man was one of the footballers who went to party at the AC bar which is the same night Hannah and David got murdered.

    2.he had left Ko Tao immediately and came back after the Burmese men were arrested.

    2. Has stingray tail ring that can inflict and seems to match the wounds suffered by David Miller, and Hannah Witheridge .. Pictures on CSI LA

    3.This ring is seen in pictures on his left side hand... the wounds are mostly on Davids right side and suggest a series of left hand punches.

    4. this man is of a size and build that may be able to overpower David.

    4. This man was accused of trying to rape Supannee Deighton two years ago and escaped him by jumping from a balcony.. you can read her story

    and see wounds she suffered .

    Burmese workers on the island are also starting to speak up and say they saw The headman's son on the island drinking till 12am with Sean the night of the murders..

    Im not saying this person did it or if what others say is true but it is worth looking at and forming your own opinion.

    The police should be investigating all these leads there is picture evidence and in some areas expert testimony.. If the police were not covering up for someone they would be questioning and investigating all these leads.

    Looks like the citizens are doing there job for them..

    If the above is factual, I agree that this man could have been involved in the crime. Given his previous, he appears to be a more likely suspect than the two Burmese. Time for the RTP to find new evidence?

    BTW - the above F/B link isn't operative.

    looks like we have another suspect to go with "the protected one"


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  12. how can their case be perfect when they admitted that DNA from a third person was found on Hannah?

    the parents of both accused have visited them so surely they have given THEIR DNA to Myanmar/UK investigators thus giving them a link to test against the DNA found on Hannahs body

    why hasn't a private investigator been hired to follow around the "protected one" and get some of his DNA via a cigarette butt etc

    there is no doubt the "protected one" will be on a plane to Singapore to stay with Red Bull man if things got too hot

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