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  1. I don't believe any far offshore fishing this time of year. Forget bill fish, Ling(Cobia), snapper, grouper, too many barracuda...lol, many fish but they aren't that numerous in the close shore waters. Check with Cap't Jari at the Pineapple Sport Restaurant/Bar on Soi Buakhao. Day trips from now until next "fall" will be available. I've gone out with his guys twice. Once for just a day trip, good day, plenty of smaller fish. Good crew. I just went for 2 nights off shore, we were closer to Hua Hin than Pattaya at one point and we loaded the boat with many varieties. 7Seas Proshop in Bangkok is a good place for tackle etc. They also might be able to point you to a fishing outfit. They did a great job on repairing one of my reels.
  2. You have gotten some good advice. I'll add that treatments may not be the latest. My cancer was stage 4a but had not metastasized. I had a complete laryngectomy in the US last year at Minneapolis VA Hospital. It is pretty much on par with Mayo Clinic. The cancer was missed for several months and I missed the symptoms for much longer. I should have been more alert as Agent Orange has been a ticking time bomb inside for many years. I had both chemo and radio. A PET Scan upon release and another several months later here. From what I have observed I am extremely glad I flew to the states for my surgery etc. You might want to take that into consideration.
  3. What they have done is make next to if not impossible to have friends send you spices, mixes, specialized Cajun foods and Northern NM Foods. They suddenly seem to be against the law, rules whatever. My friends have been sending Hatch Chile powder, posole and salsa's for years, same with Cajun crab boils, roux etc. All products were properly sealed commercial products. One package was trashed and returned another just returned and returned by the USPS because of the new rule/law and is now lost in what's left of the US Postal System after Mr. "NoJoy" has been wrecking it. Maybe if I spend more money on FedEx my packages will get through, those sent by FedEx seem to.
  4. I had personal clothing sent back from the VA Hospital in Minneapolis to myself here in Thailand. I had been in the hospital for 8 months and the box contained older clothing I had brought with me, including some I wore to the states. I probably would have been better off using a shipper. Customs tried to get 3,000 baht out of me for my own clothing, some of the articles, coat etc. were over 20 yrs. old. I refused to pay and appealed. They did reduce the amount but I still refused to pay to get my own clothing back that I took or wore from here in Thailand. Postman appeared with my box after my 2nd refusal and appeal. PO later claimed he wasn't supposed to deliver and came to my house to 'threaten' me with refusing to deliver. I can't speak due to cancer surgery, but I did send them away with a very polite one finger salute. I'm still getting packages, most of the time...lol. Recent changes in the law of what can and cannot be brought in has caused a problem both on the US and Thai end.
  5. Hegseth is unfit to be the dogcatcher in a one dog town. He got his start as a Koch brothers lackey in the anti-Veteran "Concerned Veterans of America" (CVA) formed by the Koch brothers to destroy and privatize our VA. He is a white nationalist christian and has the tattoos to prove plus hiding his past behind the "jesus and my wife" card. He cannot even name one member of ASEAN. He is incompetent as are all the other fascist nominees for positions. His only qualification for anything is bending the knee and kissing the ..... of the incoming wanna' be dictator.
  6. I changed insurance companies last year after an attempt to scam me out of a considerable amount of money. I drive an expensive car, Thai import prices, Mustang GT. I carry first class ins. and always have on previous vehicles. Thai DL for 18 yrs. I'm 79 and still have first class insurance. If your insurance company chooses to not renew, I believe you can find another one.
  7. I'm 79, still able to drag race my 2022 Mustang GT, pay my bills, shop, go visit the bars and ladies, and think for myself. I did NOT vote for the fascist trump. As the old saying goes, "I may be crazy but my mama didn't raise no fool". I don't need anybody telling me what I can or cannot spend period. I disagree completely with facial ID, doesn't always work, and I never use my phone for a money transaction, never. Thankfully I have not run into a problem where I need to pay a bill so large that BKK Bank says no. I am in some ways old fashioned, I grew up in a country that still believed in privacy. No longer true anywhere. If there comes a time when my brain is starting to malfunction I'll just check out. My account does have limits, I set them where I needed them and can change them if needed. Now if I can just remember why I needed to go the the bank, oh yea, renew my debit card...lol.
  8. I remember many moons ago when I moved to New Mexico and well shall we say things were rather relaxed. Yes some villages lacked fire and police dept. We formed our own fire dept. and forever changed vol. firefighting in NM. Then after a couple of years came the californicators and New York yankees wanting all the things they had back where the came from and crying about it. Oh they started getting them, things changed and that relaxed atmosphere was gone. I see the same thing here. Would you rather pay the man or really pay the man like where you came from, loose your license, pay thousands of dollars or whatever currency, have your insurance go sky high for going 10 mph. over the too low speed limit? Not me, I'd rather pay the man and drive on. Btw, I'm not an old timer here, I only came for the sex and parties in 2002. Ah, not my first trip to SE Asia.
  9. @fvw53 I am facing the same problem. I need HMEs and lary tube from the Veteran's Affairs Hospital in Minneapolis and they can't/won't send them. Apparently Thailand is a few years behind on throat cancer surgery. So far the only solution seems to be to send them to my US address and then forward here and hope "customs" doesn't want an arm and a leg for the package. They did when the VA sent my own clothes back to me after returning from the states. I got clothes, didn't pay.
  10. The would be tin pot dictator that loves dictators is a lying coward that deserves not a single vote. He, his crime family and their enablers deserve to spend the rest of their unnatural lives in GitMo. At best a wanna be dictator, at worst a traitor. He nor any of the MAGA wacko traitors will get my vote. USMC SGT-Vietnam 1966/67 and I'm not the only Vet that would not vote for the deranged sociopath.
  11. I cannot say why a Veteran would support somebody like trump. He belongs in GitMo for the rest of his unnatural life along with his crime family and cohorts. This USMC SGT-Vietnam 1966-67 Vet will be voting straight Democrat. I love my country, won't live there, and I want it to remain a democratic nation, improving all the time. Project 2025 should scare hell out of anybody that believes in freedom. And no, I'm not arguing with MAGA's, not worth the time. I've said my piece.
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