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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. know that the placement of the buddhist shrine area in the home is supposed to face east or north, but I think that is more tradition than superstition.

    I've heard that phras don't face West because West (Tawan Tok) signifies death... Some believe that beds shouldn't have the head pointed West for the same reason... But, in many chinese homes and shops I've visited, the shrines is facing west most of the time, as I remember... I'm wondering if these shrines are ancestor shrines and maybe they're supposed to face East. I've noticed that Chinese graves all face the same direction, too....

  2. Sad truth in Muang Thai is, whether the farang is driving and gets hit by another vehicle or the farang gets run over, their mentality is that if the farang wasn't there it wouldn't have happened. I love Thailand, but sometimes their thinking needs to be moved on a century or so

    Frankly, I've had a number of dealings over the years with police, and I have never found that kind of atitude in my cases... Though I certainly would agree that their general thinking needs serious updating. :D

    Maybe it suggests more that it's almost impossible to know how any authorities may act here in any given situation. Personally, I find that big question to be more disconcerting than knowing what's going to happen, either way.... In my cases, I may have simply been very lucky- and I can accept that.

    Reminds me of the Wild Wild West in so many ways. :D

    All part of the challenge of living here without going bananas :o

  3. I like to stop for pedestrians, but since it is not normal for cars to do that, I always look behind me... If there is a car behind me, I don't stop...

    I feel sorry for pedestrians, but I'm not willing to confuse other drivers by going against the rules of the road... Unlike California, where even jaywalkers have rights over cars once they've stepped onto the street, Thailand pedestrians have zero juice...

  4. the mattress buy yourself, as there are too many coconut ones which only last 6 months, 1000baht up for coconut and 5,000baht up for sprung.

    Are you referring to the coconut bed cushions that come in 3 pieces? Mine have lasted through many years of a fat guy lying on top of them.... Much longer than my 10,000 baht fancy spring mattress. If fact, I just replaced the spring bed with the coconut bed cushions... 1,800 baht at wowarot market.

  5. and as for being "fat" (which i'm not but the wife implies) - "the more of me there is, the more you can love darling....."

    From personal experience, I can tell you that, as you get fatter, not everything gets bigger :D

    It's not that it's getting smaller: it's just that you can't see it anymore ! :D

    Sir! I never suggested that anything got smaller! :o:D

  6. Ignore those saying it will be regarded as a nice try to comply with their culture. A nonsense.

    You can only look stupid. Everydays Thais have no idea of any culture, have no idea of the world around, ignorance all along.

    You are the ignorant clod, sputtering such bigoted crap. :o

    You'll have to say it again. Did not hear. Do you have any Thais around you right now?

    Ask them what Lumpini park is named after. Their own culture and their religion. Will have no idea, may even ask "why you know".

    How many foreigners reading this do you think know?

    Please answer without using Google.

    Some people have gained their education long before Google existed. Some, many decades ago.

    We ALL have a lot more to learn, na'? :D

    And ALL of us are too hard-headed sometimes, na'? :D

  7. and as for being "fat" (which i'm not but the wife implies) - "the more of me there is, the more you can love darling....."

    From personal experience, I can tell you that, as you get fatter, not everything gets bigger :o

  8. http://www.modernthailand.com/eng/investme...t.htm#exemption

    Exemptions from the Work Permit requirement are granted to persons occupying the following professions:

    Members of the diplomatic corps

    Members of consular missions

    Representatives of member countries and officials of the United Nations and its specialized agencies

    Personal servants coming from abroad to work exclusively for persons listed under the above items

    Persons who perform duties on missions in the Kingdom under an agreement between the government of Thailand and a foreign government or international organization

    Persons who enter the Kingdom for the performance of any duty or mission for the benefit of education, culture, arts, or sports

    Persons who are specially permitted by the Government of Thailand to enter and perform any duty or mission in the Kingdom.

  9. Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

    The oily stuff would.

    Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

    Since when is it wrong?

    Rice is for Asians is what bread is for westerners since they started cultivating it.

    Are you Atkins-diet advocate?

    I said you were wrong, specifically, " That won't make you gain any weight.

    ",.... I never even suggested eating rice is wrong. Just the facts, no opinions..

    I'm an advocate for balance and accuracy, that's all.

    How about living on beer only as you implied I was suggesting eating rice only.

    Even then, rice will make you live but beer only...?

    I never implied any such thing as you stated I'd implied. Notice the word IF. No implied suggestion of any sort... I was simply illustrating my point to you that your statement (which I outlined) was wrong. You can gain weight from eating rice, and IF you were to only eat rice (and noodles), that would make it clear that your weight gain came only from eating too much rice (and noodles)

    Hope that's clear now. Please watch your false assumptions about what I'm saying. I think my points are usually quite clear, and almost always with supporting evidence for my words. If you have any evidence to back your hypothesis, please offer that up, too.... :o

  10. Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

    The oily stuff would.

    Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

    Since when is it wrong?

    Rice is for Asians is what bread is for westerners since they started cultivating it.

    Are you Atkins-diet advocate?

    I said you were wrong, specifically, " That won't make you gain any weight.

    ",.... I never even suggested eating rice is wrong. Just the facts, no opinions.. :o

    I'm an advocate for balance and accuracy, that's all. :D

  11. Cut out the beer and Bob's your uncle! Speaking from experience, I lost around 5kgs since I stopped drinking beer regularly. Been here a year and a bit now and have lost around 8kgs.

    Beer and alcohol have absolutelly nothing to do with body weight. The calories coming from them are thermal (dummy) calories that disappear and would not fatten you a gram.

    While true that alcohol (7 calories per gram) has no carbs, beer sure does, and that contributes to weight gain... Do a google if you want to learn more on the connection between alcohol and weight loss. It's not quite as simplistic as you stated....

    Fot starters... http://www.thefactsaboutfitness.com/research/alcohol.htm

  12. Isn't rice one of the fibre richest and fat free foods? That won't make you gain any weight.

    The oily stuff would.

    Wrong. If you only ate rice, you wouls be as fat as many Thais are from eating too much rice and noodles... Two of the highest carb-laden foods in the Thai diet. Even higher on the Glycemic Index than pure sugar...

  13. I can't get excercise by walking anymore, but I sure can by swimming here in my front yard....



    On a more serious note, it really saved my life.... My body was going downhill very fast, and I also have diabetes which requires excercise, which I couldn't get since my stroke left me partly paralyzed 3 years ago. I'm now much healthier and stronger, but the best part is that my head is in such a happier place now, too :D

  14. Frankly, that's an impossible question to answer with any degree of accuracy...

    There are many grades used in furniture construction. High quality teak is usualy clear of knots or of too-wavy grain, in my experience. The upper part of a teak tree is used, too, and this is where the knots are to be found, so this is the lowest grade...

    Is it a vaneer? What is the thickness- and color?

    Construction quality? Varies enourmously here.

    Good quality nothing-really-fancy beds of that size I've seen for an average of 12-20,000 baht retail, in Hang Dong.. No mattress.

    Sorry I can't be more helpfull. I'm cetainly no expert on teak, but I love the stuff, too :D

    So far everything has gone smooth....amazing since I'm 6,000miles away in UK.

    What's so amazing 'bout that? Out of sight, Out of mind, ya' know... :o

  15. I've seen all the various seed packet varities (like Burpee) I remember from the the States being sold here,... Flowers and vegetables. In the 20-25 baht range per packet.


    Do you happen to remember where you have seen them for sale?

    Very recently in Chiang Mai at Kamtiang Mkt (the flower market behind Tesco) and at a garden supply store near Pratu Suandok in Chiang Mai.

    I'm assuming this is also standard in many more places, especially in places like Bkk...

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