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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. According to customs in CM, if the value of the shipment is under 20,000 baht, duty can be collected by the Post Office. Over 20, 000 and you have to go to customs to get your package. Try to avoid going to customs if you can. It's a well-oiled corruption machine in my experience. A pain in the ass, at the very least.

    Unlike Sabaijai, the vast majority of my cd's/dvd's have come duty free when through the Thai PO. I get shipments every couple of months from Amazon.com- who have provided me with excellent service, even immediately replacing a 'lost' package...The only time a package in Thailand has gone missing for me, that I can remember.

    Sabaijai, I'm wondering at what point they can decide to hold for duty, or just pass on.... I'd like to know where to send a New Year Fruit Basket :o

  2. The following report is in the November edition of Bayan Peranik,

    the Cambodian Tourist and Information magazine.

    Does any member have personal experience of this?

    The name of the bank is mentioned in the article, but I have not reproduced it here, for fear of libel charges.

    Dollar Scam

    Beware if you are going to Bangkok and plan to change US$100 bills.

    Some banks are insisting on keeping the note, saying it is forged.

    They won't tell you or show you what is wrong.

    They then get the police who cart you off, but decide to let you go after an hour or so, minus the $100 bill.

    Several report so this have been heard recently.

    The best bet is to telephone the US Embassy and arrange when they can come to the bank. Get a receipt for the note with it's serial number and come back when the embassy staff arrive.

    Hey, I don't suppose the Cambodian (?) actually did present a fake? :D

    I mean, it is one of those things Cambodia has been netorious for over the last decade that I can remember.... And guess how they're mostly discovered? Bkk banks and money changers near the border, would be my guess :D

    Ohhhhh Ajarn. Was Cambodia really netorious. I heard that they had some notoriety :o

    Now I'm also notorious for not checking my spelling often enough, it seems :D

    Sorry mate. I couldn't help myself. Happy King's birthday.

    I really am a <deleted> speller sometimes. I sincerely wish TV would have a spell-check :D

    And Happy King's Birthday to you, sir.

  3. The following report is in the November edition of Bayan Peranik,

    the Cambodian Tourist and Information magazine.

    Does any member have personal experience of this?

    The name of the bank is mentioned in the article, but I have not reproduced it here, for fear of libel charges.

    Dollar Scam

    Beware if you are going to Bangkok and plan to change US$100 bills.

    Some banks are insisting on keeping the note, saying it is forged.

    They won't tell you or show you what is wrong.

    They then get the police who cart you off, but decide to let you go after an hour or so, minus the $100 bill.

    Several report so this have been heard recently.

    The best bet is to telephone the US Embassy and arrange when they can come to the bank. Get a receipt for the note with it's serial number and come back when the embassy staff arrive.

    Hey, I don't suppose the Cambodian (?) actually did present a fake? :D

    I mean, it is one of those things Cambodia has been netorious for over the last decade that I can remember.... And guess how they're mostly discovered? Bkk banks and money changers near the border, would be my guess :D

    Ohhhhh Ajarn. Was Cambodia really netorious. I heard that they had some notoriety :o

    Now I'm also notorious for not checking my spelling often enough, it seems :D

  4. The following report is in the November edition of Bayan Peranik,

    the Cambodian Tourist and Information magazine.

    Does any member have personal experience of this?

    The name of the bank is mentioned in the article, but I have not reproduced it here, for fear of libel charges.

    Dollar Scam

    Beware if you are going to Bangkok and plan to change US$100 bills.

    Some banks are insisting on keeping the note, saying it is forged.

    They won't tell you or show you what is wrong.

    They then get the police who cart you off, but decide to let you go after an hour or so, minus the $100 bill.

    Several report so this have been heard recently.

    The best bet is to telephone the US Embassy and arrange when they can come to the bank. Get a receipt for the note with it's serial number and come back when the embassy staff arrive.

    Hey, I don't suppose the Cambodian (?) actually did present a fake? :D

    I mean, it is one of those things Cambodia has been notorious for over the last decade that I can remember.... And guess how they're mostly discovered? Bkk banks and money changers near the border, would be my guess :o

    "cambodia, counterfeit, bills" at google came back with this page.


  5. A question as of me yesterday :

    What ever became of the career of Kn. Taksin's daughter at McDonalds?   Does she still put in time there, or did that career last only as long as the photo op of papa buying a bag of hamburgers?

    How many sold to date   _____   000,000,000 ?

    And is No.1 son watching his billions or following a career in photography ?

    Enquiring minds apparently want to know .

    I thought it was KFC, and I thought it was in England... In any case, I seriously doubt she's still there.

    Excellent training for kids, in my opinion. I remember reading somewhere that in the US, something like two-thirds of all teenagers get their first job training in fast food places...

    After checking, you're right. It was Thaksin himself who used to work at KFC...

  6. A question as of me yesterday :

    What ever became of the career of Kn. Taksin's daughter at McDonalds?  Does she still put in time there, or did that career last only as long as the photo op of papa buying a bag of hamburgers?

    How many sold to date  _____  000,000,000 ?

    And is No.1 son watching his billions or following a career in photography ?

    Enquiring minds apparently want to know .

    I thought it was KFC, and I thought it was in England... In any case, I seriously doubt she's still there.

    Excellent training for kids, in my opinion. I remember reading somewhere that in the US, something like two-thirds of all teenagers get their first job training in fast food places...

  7. I've never felt threatened in Thailand

    Neither have I...

    But, I've lived here a few years and hear at least a couple of 'farang murdered in home' stories every year- in/around Chiang Mai!

    Many are likely killed/setup by the wife, but not all. In this society, killing someone (not just farangs) for financial gain isn't in any way very unusual...

    I don't think Chiang Mai is dangerous, per se, but, like most of the 'farang murdered' stories, most never knew what hit them...

    I think the most important thing is to not feel afraid or get into a 'paranoid' situation. I've created a relatively 'safe' situation for myself by taking some basic security steps at home so that my home doesn't appear to be an easy mark. A dog and a mean-looking housekeeper have kept all the riff-raft at bay, so far. I also have a couple of security cameras quite visible (I can't see our front gate from inside the house when guests ring the bell) and I hope that would also give the impression that the house owner is security consience and not a likely a safe candidate for robbery...

    Many Thais are overly paranoid, but there are cetainly plenty of reasons to be cautious here. If it was me, I'd probably listen to the wife and take her concerns with more than a grain of salt. As a Thai, she's likely in a better position to make an more accurate take on most any situation here, I feel.

    A gated community is almost pointless without decent guards 24 hours per day. There should be at least one at every entrance, and another cruising on a bicycle constantly. And the guards at the entrance should stop and get the ID for EVERY visitor, not just the Thais...

    I live in a muubaan that was gated w/guards when I first moved in, but later, the owner just gave up on that and tore down the guard box and fired the guards. In response, a few houses got together and hired their own 24 hour security guard for their section of the muubaan. Each home pays 200 baht per month... No thefts in their area yet, while other areas in the muubaan have been robbed (always in the daytime)

  8. Do they still close the road up at 8pm?

    Considering all the folks with business at the wat, at the palace, and the Hmong villages beyond the palace, I don't see how they could close the road at any point in the night. Perhaps they just use a checkpoint after 8pm?

    I can't say from personal experience, as I've never been up there past 8pm.

    Last time I wanted an evening city view, there was a sign saying the road was closed at 8 and there was a checkpoint just past Phra Svrichai (sp) with a guard who said the same to me. That was a couple of years ago. About five weeks ago, I was at the lookout just below Wat Doi Suthep watching darkness spread over the city... A Forest Ranger (?) vehicle came up behind me and told me (in Thai) over his loudspeaker that the park was closed and to leave... That was a bit before 7pm, as I remember...

    I would assume there must be exceptions for the reasons you mentioned. I'm just unclear what the current situation is for us non-locals.

  9. I too see what you are saying Ajarn.

    However I have to question the motive. If they were there looking for cases of wrongful imprisonment and looking to fight their case then fine. If it's just for self promotion and bragging rights which most people wanting to visit a Thai gaol are seeking, then its very wrong.

    Anyone with such motives is suspect in my book, too. Not condemnation at the outset, perhaps, but worth a suspicious lookover, for sure :o

  10. Ajarn, My point is that visiting a prisoner has become another stop on the backpacker circuit.

    If these people are regular prison visitors in their own contries then fine but then they'd be party to the correct information already.

    The last thing Thailand needs is more freelance do gooders.

    Prof, I normally agree with you, but I can't this time. I think this world needs more do-gooders and fewer do-baders- no matter how trite or silly that may sound. Maybe some do-gooder can contribute to some do-bader becoming a do-gooder, na'? Faith and Hope, my friend. Stranger things have happened :D

    But, I know what you mean about prisoners being on the tourist circuit... Like that in Chiang Mai, too. I once took an Italian lady to the prison at her request, where she proceeded to ask a convicted farang for advice on how to best smuggle heroin... If I wasn't so shocked at that moment, I would have burst out laughing! Dumped her like a hot potato! :o

  11. Tipping is a US thing, please don't bring it to Thailand.


    Seems to more British..... :o

    "Tipping spread from England to colonial America, but after the revolution it was frowned upon (temporarily) as a hangover from the British class system. One only tipped one's social inferiors, which, lest we forget, did not exist in the brave new world. Unfortunately, the working class eventually got around to swallowing its pride, and tipping returned with all the fervor it possesses today. Even the Communist countries have not entirely succeeded in eliminating the practice. These days, of course, taxi drivers and waitpersons depend on tips for a substantial part of their income. If you didn't tip, presumably they'd expect to be paid more, and your restaurant bills and taxi fares would consequently be higher. The fifteen percent standard is mostly a question of what the market will bear. In New York, the figure these days is twenty percent; European restaurants generally add a ten percent gratuity to the bill"

    And, it's been in Thailand for a long time already. Too late to keep it out....

    Australian, perhaps? :D

  12. Bought a Thai Turkey at Makro 4.2 kilos for 546 baht =130 baht a kilo.

    Cooked it for around 2 hours and it was delicous no problems.

    not greasy or dry. check em out :D


    Thanks for the tip, sir! :o

    I sent someone down to Makro today to get a turkey for me.... Rimping just bought out their stock...No more at Makro until Dec 15. Rimping is selling Thai birds for 230 a kilo (same bird at Macro was 135..)

  13. If you only want to watch digital TV now and not interested in analog then all you need is a device called a V-Box II . This will interface the Diseq control from your digital receiver with the 36v motor on your big dish, then it will all be automatic.

    If you want digital and analog then you need a combined receiver. Echostar or Technisat are good ones.

    Sat TV is my specialty. Will be in Chiang Mai in January if you need help.



    I noticed your post while attempting to log a post my self requesting info on alternatives to UBC, who has been taking my bhatt for 4 years now. what's available up here in chiang mai?? i would like to go with a local company for support and my requirements for viewing are news, movies, cartoons, and discovery [and/or history].

    a few questions....

    so, is this your service? do you install? and how much is a system? and is a stationary or tracking system necessary?

    thanks in advance for your info....


    Jack, figure a full setup to be in the neighborhood of 30,000 baht. You need a motorized tracking system if you want to switch to another satelite, or you could go outside and manully move it yourself, which some do.... In any case, you definately wouldn't want to be limited to one satelite...

    Anyway, I wouldn't trust even Siam TV to have truly knowledgable installation and techs. I would only trust PSI. They're on Mahidol rd.

    Stop by my place sometime if you want to see my setup. You know where I am.

    Oh, personally, it is not a sub for UBC in any way, shape, or form. UBC has much better programming in English.

  14. Why would you want to help anyone in jail? Surely they are there for a reason?

    I find it hard to understand this backpacker need to go and mollycoddle a criminal. They don't do it at home. Why in Thailand?

    Well, besides the simple fact that many in Thai prisons aren't even guilty, there's also the issue of Humanity to fellow humans. I'm a firm believer in people paying the price for their actions, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to receive some humanity, too.

  15. Maybe some diabetics have health insurance, but the 'pre-existing' condition of diabetes can be the reason for being denied coverage- or payment, if you are covered. Heart attacks, strokes, liver/pancreas problems- to name just a few, would likely not be covered because diabetes increases your risk substantially for many many problems. I know because I had a stroke 3 years ago and my insurance refused to pay for it for the reasons stated above.

    But, it ain't so expensive or difficult to deal with diabetes here. I've been a non-insulin type 2 for a few years. Meds are reaily available here, and no prescription needed. Just beware of clueless or wrong doctors. I've run into plenty of them here over the years. You must be proactive with your health care in Thailand.

    Bummer that you can't enjoy much of a lot of Thai foods like rice and noodles, but you can easily continue your current diet here.

  16. Okay. I thought of one...

    I had a friend who married a very trashy looking 18 year-old bar girl... Her mom worked the same bar. I was totally floored the first time I met her. I'm truly a very open minded guy mostly, but this girl had zero to offer outside of a well-worn pussy. Zero social skills or graces,

    During the process of getting married, and doing all the paperwork my wife and I were sitting in the forgien affairs office watching these sad lonely guys filling out paperwork while their bargirl "wives" looked over their shoulders with that "Don't you dare screw this up for me" look. I had to feel a bit sorry for them because lets face it, we aren't all born smart, and by the looks of these guys, they weren't exactly studs by any measure. Add a dose of loneliness and the poor sucker is hooked, and by now no doubt heartbroken as new wifey runs off on him as soon as, or shortly after he brings her home.

    I wouldn't call them stupid, just unfortunate.


    Hey, I'm fat and ugly, too, but I still have some common sense. Maybe my dick isn't big enough to think with :o

    In his case, I think it was stupidity, or, more maybe correctly (and empathetically), a deep-seated personal problem he allowed to run its course. This guy was far more handsome and charming than I've ever been. The perfect riaproy looking/acting farang in anyone's book. Bummer that he has a screw loose somewhere. My reasoning and his own self Reality Checks were not enough though. He knew exactly what he was doing, and I was always straight up and non-sugar coating (just like here!) when he asked me for advice.. Self-destructive, to say the least. But it's his life. I also feel sorry for his family.

    I still like him, but I think he's nuts- and I've told him that, too.

  17. Okay. I thought of one...

    I had a friend who married a very trashy looking 18 year-old bar girl... Her mom worked the same bar. I was totally floored the first time I met her. I'm truly a very open minded guy mostly, but this girl had zero to offer outside of a well-worn pussy. Zero social skills or graces, either. My friend was quite a good looking guy with a great personality. He'd previously had some girlfriends who were not prostitutes, but he had some addiction to the sleaziest BG's around.

    He and I worked an online job together, and his take-home pay was in the area of 200,000 a month. Yet he always found himself short at the end of the month, and needed to borrow money from me....His wife was a gambler and also addicted to yaa baa, which she bought from her mom....

    After he got together with this girl, the first thing that happened was that she got pregnant... Then the mom moved in to take care of the kid during the day (at night, the mom and daughter still worked in the bar as prostitutes)

    He often called me and cried about how terrible his wife and mom treated him, and he often responded by buying the wife some gold, or buying some land, or paying for a new motorcycle, figuring this would put him in their good graces. It never did, of course. He was their cash-cow, one who would also take the abuse..

    He ended up losing his job, and with no other resources, he took his working-prostitute wife and kid back to the States to live off his rich family... I'm sure his mom was very pleased to have her son bring home a Thai prostitute with a kid- and there's no disguising her, i can assure you.

    I cut communication with him because I wanted to beat some sense into him everytime I saw him, but I realised he wasn't going to listen, he just wanted someones shoulder to cry on and play the victim. Unfortunately this victim was a willing one.

    And, in my book, a very very stupid guy.

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