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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. For instance American and British English. I think they are both proper languages, do you?

    Now you've opened a can of worms... :D

    In my opinion, both are 'proper' because they are a reflection of the local culture- as most any language is likely to be...

    I think American English is more flexible than Brit English because it seems to me that Brit English is also class-based, hence, less flexible than the language in a society that is non class-based, like American English..

    I'm sure there would be lots of arguments on that, but that's my personal sense... :D

    By the way, Malaysia has also created their own Official Malaysian English Standard, too. Changes like making uncountable nouns countable without the need for classifiers, and differences in preposition use.... :o

  2. But The SS Health care I did think was the greatest 'perk' for legal employees in Thailand. I've used that a few times, once hospitalized... Much better than the 30 baht 'scheme'

    What's this SS health care, who qualifies for it?

    Social Security system... It covers ALL legal workers in Thailand, regardless of nationality. It also includes a pension, unemployment insurance(farangs?) and even some dental,or so I've been told.

    In addition Thailand has some excellent Labour laws, and the Labour Court seems quite good, favoring the employee in the majority of cases I've known about or heard about over the years. Labour groups in Thailand are very active, politically.

    Here is where you can get more details...


    http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/progdesc/ss...99/thailand.htm (not up to date)

  3. Some middle-aged Thai teachers at govt. schools (secondary, anyway) make between 22K and 27K.  The 100% differential is when you're comparing some new rajabat graduate who's in their first year of teaching.

    Ajarn, did you mention pension?  That's extremely important.

    The disparity in working hours varies.  Last year, I taught 10 contact hours per week.  Now, 17 to 19 (upwards of 623 students per week!).  But some Thais put in 23, and have to attend meetings we don't.  Many of them are so dedicated to the job that they hardly have a life, other than family at home. 

    But they're not native speakers of English, and that's what 99% of the farang teachers are.  Totally different, almost totally.  At least, a different market.  But if you're teaching 10 hours and they're teaching 21, they don't think you're that different, and then they'll ask you to grade their hardest papers for them, judge the speech contests, etc.

    Back to the original post: what is the amount of the payraise?  And is this legislation finalized?  And since the two job markets are so different, will it have any effect on farang teachers?

    Yeah, pensions...I'm supposed to have one- at retirement age or death, but I've never tried to follow-up because I assumed the amounts we'd be talking would be miniscule to me... But The SS Health care I did think was the greatest 'perk' for legal employees in Thailand. I've used that a few times, once hospitalized... Much better than the 30 baht 'scheme' (love this place- lots of big clues everywhere :D ) But, still, not as good as the Government Officials (Karachakans), which would include all government teachers in all government schools... Another plus for many Thai teachers.

    But not all. There are still tons of good Thai teachers working in the private sector- sometimes even in government schools. These teachers get (usually) less money anf fewer benefits than anyone except, maybe, the Phlipinos and Indians. And, like all Thai teachers, they have tons of extra time committments- not so bad at the universities, though. But, like you said, there always seemed to be someone chasing me down for something 'extra'. I was rarely successful at staying out of their reach :D

    As for the original question, I still sense that these higher salaries are ONLY meant for Karachakans- afterall, the government salary for foreign 'Ajarn Piset' hasn't risen in 10 years, at that was teeny-tiny anyway... I remember my English Dept. head telling me, in response to why CMU is the only government university paying less than the minimum PT wage of 300 baht per hour...."Why should we raise our rate when we have them (farangs) pounding on our door for 200?" She's still right, today. Rarely a shortage of qualified applicants to most decent government universities.

    That was in 1994.... CMU, last I heard, still doesn't pay that 300 baht per hour to PT across the board.... But, if a Thai university teacher teaches more than 9 hours per week, they get 300, and often much more.

    All in all, I never felt seriously out of balance, even with all the differences... Apples and Oranges, mostly. It's quite a kicked-back teaching life at most universities- unlike most any Prathom or Mathayom school, ime. Everyone complains, and many of the biggest complainers have been in their job for a decade or more. Kinda makes me think they successfully integrated into the Thai Academic Life. :D Outside of the nastiest office politics I've witnessed in any western office, the university is a nice safe life for a teacher, I think... :o

  4. http://www.chiangmai-mail.com/current/news.shtml#hd8

    Loy Krathong Program 2004

    Friday, November 19

    3 p.m. – 5 p.m. Opening ceremony for the Chiang Mai Yee Peng Loy Krathong Festival at Three King’s Monument

    Saturday, November 20 - Saturday, November 27, 3 p.m. – 10 p.m.

    Lanna art show, traditional art show and competition at Three King’s Monument

    Walking Street on Ratchadamnern Rd. and Three King’s Monument Cultural fair at Thapae Gate

    Sunday, November 21, 2004

    9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Drum Competition: winner received Royal Cup at Yuparaj College

    Wednesday, November 24 - Friday, November 26

    6 a.m. – 10 p.m. Cultural shows by six tribal groups at Jed-Rin Temple

    Thursday, November 25, 2004

    9 a.m. – 10 p.m. Krathong making skills competition, Three King’s Monument

    9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Rafting race, diving and ka-la-mang (washing bowl) race (first round) at Ping River in front of Municipal Office

    5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Opening Ceremony of the Yee Peng traditional festival at Thapae Gate

    5 p.m. – 9 p.m. Krathong making skills competition, Thapae Gate

    7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Yee Peng Lantern Parade from Thapae Gate to Chiang Inn Plaza in Night Bazaar on Chang Klan Rd.

    7 p.m. – 12 p.m. Yee Peng Beauty Queen Contest and Yee Peng Junior Beauty Queen Contest (first round) at Thapae Gate

    8 p.m. – 12 p.m. Fireworks competition at the port in front of Sri Khong Temple

    9 p.m. – 10 p.m. Light and sound show on the floating podium in front of the Municipal Office

    8 p.m. – 12 p.m. Krathongs and fireworks show at Ping River in front of the Municipal Office

    Friday, November 26

    7 a.m. – 8 a.m. Worship Ceremony to the White Chedi in front of the Municipal Office

    9 a.m. – 12 a.m. Lantern Competition in front of the Municipal Office

    9 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Municipality building – hot air balloon competition

    9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Rafting, diving and ka-la-mung race (final round) at Ping River in front of Municipal Office

    4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Yee Peng International Thai Boxing Competition at Thapae Gate

    6 p.m. – 12 p.m. Small Krathong competition at Thapae Gate

    6 p.m. – 12 p.m. Competition of Pratoo Paa (traditional flower decorated gates) on Ratchadamnern Rd., Thapae Rd. and Praisanee Rd.

    7 p.m. – 12 p.m. Yee Peng Beauty contest and Yee Peng Junior Beauty Queen Contest (abilities performances round) at Thapae Gate

    8 p.m. – 12 p.m. Krathongs and fireworks show at Ping River in front of the Municipal Office

    8 p.m. – 12 p.m. Lantern competition in front of the Municipal Office

    9 p.m. – 10 p.m. Lights and sound show on the floating podium in front of the Municipal Office

    Saturday, November 27, 2004

    6 p.m. – 12 p.m. Large Krathong competition of which the winner will be awarded a Royal Cup on Ratchadamnern Rd. and in front of the Municipal Office

    7 p.m. – 12 p.m. Yee Peng Beauty Queen Contest and Yee Peng Junior Beauty Queen Contest (final round) at Thapae Gate

    8 p.m. – 12 p.m. Lantern and fireworks show in front of the Municipal Office

    9 p.m. – 10 p.m. Light and sound show on the floating podium in front of the Municipal Office

  5. Still confused why Pattaya has anything to do with this!

    Is Pattaya the only place in Thailand that has crime?

    I don't think so.

    Besides being a general shithole in my mind, it also seems to have a much higher incidence of such kinds of violence against tourists than seem to get reported in other places in the realm, even in Bkk...

    Also, Pattaya used to be a 'Paradise', too :o

    Besides being a general shithole in my mind
    A narrow minded comment as far as i'm concerned but thats up to you. :D

    You mention the word "seems", does that mean you are sure of this fact or is it what you hear from other people?

    Pattaya does'nt deserve the label sihthole, IMHO opinion its sihthead farangs that give it a bad name. :D

    Have'nt been to Chiang Mai yet but hope to soon. :D

    Funny how your posting matches your face.... Very Sour :D

  6. Still confused why Pattaya has anything to do with this!

    Is Pattaya the only place in Thailand that has crime?

    I don't think so.

    Besides being a general shithole in my mind, it also seems to have a much higher incidence of such kinds of violence against tourists than seem to get reported in other places in the realm, even in Bkk...

    Also, Pattaya used to be a 'Paradise', too :o

  7. I suppose I read more into your post than was actually there. The way it sounded to me at first was like this would be the first... in a series of crimes against farang. You never wrote that though. Point taken. I'll make a point being awake next time.  :o

    In rereading the headline, I could've 'Pattaya'.'d, and it may have seemed less 'chicken little'sh ?? I didn't mean to imply the whole Tamale :D

    Tough business, this English interpretation, na'? :D

  8. US tourists knifed by robbers

    Published on November 20, 2004 (Nation)

    CHIANG MAI - Two female American tourists received knife wounds and other injuries when they were attacked by three male robbers early yesterday morning, police said.

    Major Montree Klaithin, of Chiang Mai’s Muang district police station, identified the tourists as Carolen Covengton, 22, and Alison Baenen, 22.

    He said the attempted robbery took place at 12.30am near the Pan-On temple in downtown Chiang Mai.

    The women told Montree through an interpreter that they were saved when a taxi ferrying five foreign tourists happened to pass by as the attack was taking place.

    Covengton suffered a cut on her left arm and bruises and scratches on her knees, while Alison suffered a deep cut to her chin.

    The women said they were returning to their guesthouse from the Night Bazaar when the three men approached them on two motorcycles.

    Covengton said one of men got off his motorcycle and tried to snatch her handbag, but she held onto it and grabbed the man’s shorts.

    Alison tried to help her, and during the tussle the man attacked both of them with a knife, she said.

    She said the man’s shorts were torn off during the assault, and the men fled empty-handed on their motorcycles when the taxi arrived.

    Taxi driver Atthasit Boonyuen, 43, said his passengers jumped out when they saw the assault, then gave up the vehicle so he could take the women to hospital.


    I felt such saddness at reading this. Is this a first for CM? I know there have been purse snatches from farangs before, but this is the first time I've heard of this kind of heavy violence against farang tourists in CM.... Even the infamous Samurai gang of years ago never attacked farangs.

    Kudos to the Songthaew driver who stopped and helped, along with his passengers

    I feel really sad as well, but let's not jump to conclusions because of one incident.

    Personally I have always been amazed at how there is so little violence against farang considering the economic disparities.

    A 22 year old Australian girl was badly cut up by 3 Thai guys in the CM night market last week. Police caught the culprits.

    Glad to hear they were caught, and continued sadness to see ths type of 'Pattaya' violence anywhere in Thailand...

    I think it's quite likely some more of this violence goes unreported in the English press. "Could hurt tourism ($$$)" being the excuse heard about... Even Thaksin has told the media to stop printing bad news that could effect tourism.. :D

    They need to make examples of the bastards

    What about 'alternative sentencing', like they use in Texas, and other bastions of ______ ? (fill in your blank)

    If you make a 'public' crimminal walk around some given place with a placard around his neck, obviously a huge face-loss, but enough push to push them in which direction? Deeper in anger and resentment, or a 'lesson' in life learned, and a determination to not give away his freedom like that again.... I would hope for the later, but likely expect the former...

    What kinds of 'alternative sentencing' can you think of that might have the best possibility for 'encouraging' positive direction in this culture?

    Time in a wat?

    Time in a bootcamp?

    A monk who kicks butt? :o

    Or Me.dino.gif

  9. US tourists knifed by robbers


    I felt such saddness at reading this. Is this a first for CM? I know there have been purse snatches from farangs before, but this is the first time I've heard of this kind of heavy violence against farang tourists in CM.... Even the infamous Samurai gang of years ago never attacked farangs.

    Kudos to the Songthaew driver who stopped and helped, along with his passengers

    I feel really sad as well, but let's not jump to conclusions because of one incident.

    Personally I have always been amazed at how there is so little violence against farang considering the economic disparities.

    What conclusions are you referring too?

  10. US tourists knifed by robbers

    Published on November 20, 2004 (Nation)

    CHIANG MAI - Two female American tourists received knife wounds and other injuries when they were attacked by three male robbers early yesterday morning, police said.

    Major Montree Klaithin, of Chiang Mai’s Muang district police station, identified the tourists as Carolen Covengton, 22, and Alison Baenen, 22.

    He said the attempted robbery took place at 12.30am near the Pan-On temple in downtown Chiang Mai.

    The women told Montree through an interpreter that they were saved when a taxi ferrying five foreign tourists happened to pass by as the attack was taking place.

    Covengton suffered a cut on her left arm and bruises and scratches on her knees, while Alison suffered a deep cut to her chin.

    The women said they were returning to their guesthouse from the Night Bazaar when the three men approached them on two motorcycles.

    Covengton said one of men got off his motorcycle and tried to snatch her handbag, but she held onto it and grabbed the man’s shorts.

    Alison tried to help her, and during the tussle the man attacked both of them with a knife, she said.

    She said the man’s shorts were torn off during the assault, and the men fled empty-handed on their motorcycles when the taxi arrived.

    Taxi driver Atthasit Boonyuen, 43, said his passengers jumped out when they saw the assault, then gave up the vehicle so he could take the women to hospital.


    I felt such saddness at reading this. Is this a first for CM? I know there have been purse snatches from farangs before, but this is the first time I've heard of this kind of heavy violence against farang tourists in CM.... Even the infamous Samurai gang of years ago never attacked farangs.

    Kudos to the Songthaew driver who stopped and helped, along with his passengers

    I feel really sad as well, but let's not jump to conclusions because of one incident.

    Personally I have always been amazed at how there is so little violence against farang considering the economic disparities.

    A 22 year old Australian girl was badly cut up by 3 Thai guys in the CM night market last week. Police caught the culprits.

    Glad to hear they were caught, and continued sadness to see ths type of 'Pattaya' violence anywhere in Thailand...

    I think it's quite likely some more of this violence goes unreported in the English press. "Could hurt tourism ($$$)" being the excuse heard about... Even Thaksin has told the media to stop printing bad news that could effect tourism.. :o

  11. I try not to get excited by any rumors about MoE requirements, unless they come from local (provincial) authorities who actually regulate my own employment.    I've only been here 18 months, and can't see that this beautiful kingdom is based upon the rule of law.  I can admire a well-run governments but don't see it here, which is okay.

    What percent of the farang teaching ESL in Thailand have the proper visa, work permit, and teacher's license?  Less than 25%, I'll guess.  What % have a real bachelor's degree, related to what they teach?  Less than 20%, maybe.

    I think we have a tier system in Thailand for ESL.  The big international schools, the better universities, the best private language school positions - and everything else.

    What's interesting to me is that the "everyhting else," jobs pay more than government universities and language schools. :D

    How many such examples of 'Thai Style' can you think of? :o

  12. Monks and academics condemn use of Buddhist decor in hotels

    Inappropriate Buddha images in hotels can cause offence

    Nopniwat Krailerg

    Monks and some academics have condemned the use of Buddhist decor in many hotels in Chiang Mai. They have petitioned Chiang Mai Governor Suwat Tantipat and the National Buddhism Office to express their objections. Some of the architecture and decor used in hotels might cause misunderstanding in tourists, according to the petition.

    The action was sparked by the seminar on “Moral Precepts in Building Chiang Mai City” that was organized by Chiang Mai University’s Social Research Institute and Art and Culture Office of Rajabhat Chiang Mai University on October 30 at the Maha Chulalongkorn University at Wat Suan Dok.

    Monks watch video recordings showing temple-like decor claimed as being misused in many hotels in Chiang Mai.

    According to the seminar, the opposition was raised to the use of Wihara pillars to decorate lobbies and use of Buddha image and tiered umbrellas as decorations. Seminar participants also criticized hotels whose decor simulated temples. Nagas and Singhas, which are also symbols of Buddhism, are often used in places of accommodation and restaurants and are deemed inappropriate and offensive by many followers of Buddhism.

    Gerk Akkrachinores from Maha Chulalongkorn University said that all decorations of Buddhism art and architecture might be eye-catching for outsiders and tourists, but it was improper for Lanna people to use them.

    Sarin Hinkong, a lecturer at the Maha Chulalongkorn University, proposed further discussion on the improper uses of Buddhist architecture and decoration at the monthly meeting of Chiang Mai monks held at Wat Pra Singh on November 2. Over 150 senior monks took part and voiced strong criticism.

    Chamlong Kittisri, director of the National Buddhism Office, said that he was informed about the conflict but had not yet inspected the hotels. Chamlong admitted that the hotel industry made a significant contribution towards solving unemployment, but the use of Buddhist architecture and arts at these hotels needed to be inspected by specialist officials. He sent a petition to Governor Suwat and the National Buddhism Office for further inspection and discussion.

    “Deciding whether Chiang Mai hotels have acted incorrectly will take time,” said Chamlong.

    The Act of Ancient Ruins (1992) covers only prohibition of reproduction of ancient objects but not ancient places, so the Act could not be enforced on the hotels, said Sahawat Naennar, director of the 8th Fine Arts Office, Chiang Mai. Reproduction of Buddhist decoration on any buildings therefore had to be considered on a matter of appropriateness only, said Sahawat.



  13. US tourists knifed by robbers

    Published on November 20, 2004 (Nation)

    CHIANG MAI - Two female American tourists received knife wounds and other injuries when they were attacked by three male robbers early yesterday morning, police said.

    Major Montree Klaithin, of Chiang Mai’s Muang district police station, identified the tourists as Carolen Covengton, 22, and Alison Baenen, 22.

    He said the attempted robbery took place at 12.30am near the Pan-On temple in downtown Chiang Mai.

    The women told Montree through an interpreter that they were saved when a taxi ferrying five foreign tourists happened to pass by as the attack was taking place.

    Covengton suffered a cut on her left arm and bruises and scratches on her knees, while Alison suffered a deep cut to her chin.

    The women said they were returning to their guesthouse from the Night Bazaar when the three men approached them on two motorcycles.

    Covengton said one of men got off his motorcycle and tried to snatch her handbag, but she held onto it and grabbed the man’s shorts.

    Alison tried to help her, and during the tussle the man attacked both of them with a knife, she said.

    She said the man’s shorts were torn off during the assault, and the men fled empty-handed on their motorcycles when the taxi arrived.

    Taxi driver Atthasit Boonyuen, 43, said his passengers jumped out when they saw the assault, then gave up the vehicle so he could take the women to hospital.


    I felt such saddness at reading this. Is this a first for CM? I know there have been purse snatches from farangs before, but this is the first time I've heard of this kind of heavy violence against farang tourists in CM.... Even the infamous Samurai gang of years ago never attacked farangs.

    Kudos to the Songthaew driver who stopped and helped, along with his passengers

  14. There is a large Thai/chinese style hardware shop on the corner of Chotana Rd and the superhighway (the Mae Rim rd and Superhighway). They seemed to have everything when I was last there about two years ago. Definately worth a try. :o

    I used to love cruising that place. SE corner. I even saw an imported Italian Pasta Maker for sale there. Every chinese-made tool or machine seems to pass through their shop. Much better selection tham any shop in Mai Sai or Tachilek, in my experience. Took a pump and battery charger back that only lasted a couple of months, and they were replaced with no hassle. The family is very nice if you don't annoy them :D

  15. (2004-11-11) -- The coroner for the Palestinian Authority today announced that former Chairman Yassir Arafat died from "acute Tilex poisoning," and blamed the CIA and Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service.

    "Infidel agents infiltrated Chairman Arafat's personal quarters and sprayed his bathtub with Tilex, a deadly toxin to certain lifeforms," said an unnamed spokesman for the coroner. "We believe the bathtub was poisoned up to two years ago, but Chairman Arafat's exposure came only recently, due to his personal hygiene schedule."

    The coroner said his report "ensures Mr. Arafat's status as a martyr, which helps to overcome his shameful legacy as the man who signed a peace accord with Israel."

    (From Scrapleface!) :o

    "Due to his personal hygiene schedule" :D:D:D

    One time in a bathtub in two years?


    Sponge baths?

    Never going out?

    I wouldn't bother, either! :D

  16. In Thailand, the dollar was trading at a six-and-a-half month low of 40.06 baht late Thursday, down from 40.21 baht at Wednesday's close, prompting officials there to eye intervention.

    "It's our job to make sure that the baht doesn't swing so much that it affects trade. It's our duty to make sure that it's stable," Bank of Thailand Gov. Pridiyathorn Devakula said.

    They've already spent literally billions and billions of baht supporting the baht since Thaksin came to office, according to government reports....

  17. It wouldn't surprise me if someone was setup by another farang. I remember something very similar a few years ago in CM. I can think of two people offhand who DO go around posting crap about each other on supermarket boards now.... This wouldn't be beneath either one of them. Bet there are more folks similarly inclined, too..

  18. snipped a bit..

    ...the real wats and having them experience the real wat and religion, and the culture and people who support it, rather than making a contrived version on hotel grounds specifically designed to attract money (customers)

    Sorry, but it feels too akin to Buddha-as-garden-gnome for my tastes.

    It's not as though the average tourist focussed wat (Phrasinhg, Doi Suthep, et al) are innocent of the charge of attracting tourism for the sake of the money.

    That's a horse of a different colour, to me....

    Ajarn maybe you need to take yourself a LITTLE less seriously. :o

    I'll be the judge of that! :D

  19. If hungry -eat fruit, as much as possible

    Not really a good snack for diabetics...But very limited amounts are okay

    Foods that I 'munch' on without much concern include:

    celery w/peanut butter or tuna or cheese..

    Peanuts, almonds, cashews...

    vegetable stir fries, with only limited amounts of potatoes, corn, carrots

    Slices of rare, lean roast beef, turkey...

    Dark chocolate in small quanities...

    The more exercise you get, the more sugar your body can handle...

    Test your blood at lot at the beginning, especially against new foods..

    A 'goal' of sorts, would be to try to keep your bg level under 140 two hours after a meal. In 4 hours, it should be back close to 120..

    'Resting' bg should be 120, or less. A good barometer is checking your bg in the morning on an empty stomach...

  20. get some porridge and apricots

    Bummer is, these are both foods very high in carbs.... Meats and vegetables, for the most part, are no problem for most diabetics, but each person can react differently to various foods.

    The Atkins diet, focusing on lowering carbs, is quite popular with many diabetics in the west... It's extremely high in fats, though.

  21. One of those rare clear and beautiful days...Headed to Wat Doi Saket.


    Still feel a bit shocked at monks with phones...


    Guess who had the front end damage, but the police blamed the other guy... :o


    It was a long day, for a short one... :D

  22. Bummer, George, but life goes on...

    I'm also a Type 2... I got clued-in 4 years ago, when I was pissing too much- and my wife noticed ants around the toilet. Even when I was getting thirsty all the time, I still didn't take the hint...

    But, my eyesight starting getting blurry and that got my attention- I couldn't safely see well enough to ride my bike....

    I went to Ram hospital to check my eyes and my blood. The eye quack couldn't see anything wrong, and never even mentioned diabetes as a possible cause..But, I was pretty sure before then, anyway...

    My blood glucose was around 360... The ram quack told me that the 'safe' level was below 200.... I later learned that 90-120 is the safe, normal level, and studies have estimated that real damage occurs with sustained levels over 140...

    He also presribed a drug for me, Amayll, at a dosage 5 times higher than even the manufacturers drug literature suggested... And he neglected to tell me about the real danger of liver complications with this drug, and that I should have a liver-function test before starting...

    4 years ago, there was very little real info on the internet that I could fiind (like the normal sugar levels), but the drug info is all there...Now there is all the info you could possibly use...

    So I educated myself via the internet and filed another 'incompetent doc' story away...

    From the internet, I established my own medicine regime... 2 mg daily of amaryll, 1000mg of glucophage. This worked very well for me, and combined with a bit of exercise, I was able to keep my levels pretty close to norm most of the time...

    One of the biggest dangers diabetics face is the much higher risk of having a stroke.. I had that 3 years ago, and it left my left side paralyzed, so for any practical purpose, I could'nt really walk- or get enough exercise, which is critical to any diabetic in order to have reasonable bg (blood glucose) levels... I built a swimming pool last year, and I firmly believe I'd be dead by now if I hadn't built the pool for my exercise- and to work on my tan :o

    It was all from my sedentary lifestyle, I believe. I had achieved professional success, which meant no more climbing 4 floors to get to each of my classes. Everyone came to me instead of me going to them. My office was on the ground floor and airconditioned. My higger salary meant more kfc and pizza than rice and noodles. Then I got an online job that paid me bigger money than I'd even gotten in the states, and I didn't even have to get dressed and commute to work anymore...Bed to internet and back to bed....I only went out to ride my bike. Life was great I thought then, making money hand over fist.

    Life has a way of balancing things out... I'm still learning my lessons, and it is my hope that my experiences can maybe help someone else to take the hint before I did... Do as I say, not as I did.. :D

    George, feel free and contact me if you think I can be of any help to you... Here are a couple of links I've found valuable...


    and also http://diabetes.about.com/library/mendosagi/ngilists.htm

    Oh, and if you haven't picked up a good blood tester, I would recommend the 'ACCU-CHECK Active'. Small size, easy to take somewhere, fast readings (about 5 seconds) and can be downloaded into a computer if you're so inclined.. About 5,000 baht. I was scared to 'stick' myself for the blood sample the first time, but if you set it right depth level ( of 2.5 (out of 5) for me) it's painless.. Really :D

  23. I  agree with other's comments regarding the promotion, exhibition and protection of Lanna Arts, but when it comes to the religion being used as decoration in a hotel as alleged, I feel more inclined to side with the locals portrayed. It just doesn't feel right, to my heart. Plenty of other ways the hotel can promote Buddhism/Tourism, like by taking guests to the real wats and having them experience the real wat and religion, and the culture and people who support it, rather than making a contrived version on hotel grounds specifically designed to attract money (customers)

    Sorry, but it feels too akin to Buddha-as-garden-gnome for my tastes.

    Ajarn, you might want to reserve judgement tilk you've had a chance to go and see it for yourself. The reproduction of the Wat Lai Hin wihaan is not intended to be decoration, it's intended as tributary and educational. The whole section of the property that has these reproductions is separate from the living/dining/entertaining spaces.

    Muang Boran in Samut Prakan does much the same thing on a much larger scale, with replica religious monuments from all over Thailand. Plust Muang Boran they charge admission. Although one could accuse the Muang Boran owners of using these monuments as entertainment, anyone who knows the owners know that their intention is to promote theh history of Thai art/architecture.

    I can see your point, but I do think it's worth having a look before jumping to conclusion.

    I wonder if the press conference went off as planned. DD's owner, I'm told, is very concerned about public relations, and is an avid Lanna culture expert. IIf the consensus is that the Wat Lai Hin wihaan lookalike should be removed, he might very well concede.

    You know, it's not easy for me to reserve judgement on anything! :o

    But, so many seemingly sensible people seem to see things differently, and as you said, some have seen it for themselves, whereas, I haven't.... Still, there is a group of local Thais protesting, who've seen it, too... :D

    Okay, off my little pedestal, and out to take a look for myself before casting my opinion in stone (no stone-head jokes, please) :D

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