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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. You can 'supposedly' add other jobs and/or locations to your work permit (with the employers help obviously) although this is another of those 'easier said than done' things that happen in Thailand so often. I've 'heard and read' about people that have done it, not seen it with my own eyes yet.

    Ken, some time ago, I was able to add additional 'places of work' (addresses) with the same employer, but I don't know about adding other employers... Seems like it would be problematic regarding regarding the various job contract dates vs. the WP expiration date... Sure would be nice if they could simply vet your qualifications and then issue you with some kind of open Work Permit to Teach

    Saw this later...

    Two jobs. Two books?

    If I have two jobs do I need to have two work permits?

    Monday, June 14, 2004 Josh Tristan, Phuket.

    “No. Foreigners working in Thailand need only one work permit book whether they have one, two or more jobs.

    Take your book – with all necessary documentation and the 150-baht fee – to the Phuket Provincial Employment Office (PPEO). It should take about seven days for the permit to be amended to include the description of the new job.

    For more information, contact the PPEO at Tel: 076-219661 or 076-219660. ”

    Monday, June 14, 2004 Kitti Nuisri, Chief of the Foreign Labor Division, PPEO.

  2.   Mahidol recruits via the newspapers from time to time, I saw an advert four or five months ago: the real money is made at the Salaya (International) campus out towards Nakhom Pathom: it's worth looking into some part-time work there if you can stand the travelling.

    Yes, this is the campus I earlier referred to out buddhamonthon sai 4... Only about 10 minutes drive time from PhraPinklao bridge.. In 1999, I was offered 15 hours per week @ 1200 baht per hour...

  3. Sounds like you're the paranoid one pal! How am I being a maniac by wanting to look after my family with a weapon under lock and key? Don't worry, I won't be in Bangkok waving my piece about if that's what you're getting at, one day is enough there. The original post was an inquiry as to whether or not a farang can have a gun; a topic related to Thailand. I'll probably never get a weapon but thought the post was apt with the recent goings-on. BTW, don't move up to Chiang Mai, there's no odd balls living up here and we certainly don't want one moving in.

    No oddballs in Chiang Mai? Jack let me take you on a tour sometime. My sense is there are mostly oddballs here. And I include myself, proudly! -_-

    And, me thinks maybe you, too, Jack :D:D

    To me, 'oddballs' are fine...Like Free Thinkers, perhaps. Now, if your're talking about a**h*les and idiots, that's a different story, but there are plenty of those here too....

    ...yeah, I know there are really, Ajarn. You ever seen the old farang wondering around with the bottle of chang all day? Not you is it? :( Just wanted that toastwar guy to maybe feel he was the only oddball in the world. :) Bit of a strange one that.

    Maybe I'll take you up on that tour and a beer sometime. :D

    No, that's not me, Jack. I don't drink.... I'm the old farang wondering around with a paintball gun. You're welcome to play... : :wub:

    Most of the stranger types here are fairly harmless, like the guy you described- and there's the Pickle King, :D

    Some others are more nefarious, even dangerous, like the recent immigrant who calls himself a photog... :o

  4. Is that even an American military uniform he has on? Looks more British to me, but I'm not really up on such things...

    To Mr. Ajarn,   I am a Thai Female who lives in the US and I was reading this thread.   I am answering your question,  The man in the Uniform is definately American Military.

    He's kinda cute   :D


    Welcome back IaMaiC/Jenn. :D

    My thoughts, also. Wonder if he can do the voice, too? :o

  5. I'm not saying if you don't like it get outta there... I'm saying if they don't like you, and don't like you to the point that you feel they might kill you or a family member... i don't think it's worth staying there

    That was a main factor in my leaving my birthplace, and it would be the likely reason for my leaving Thailand.... It's the peace of mind aspect that's most important. For me, a gun just doesn't give that peace of mind... My priority is making sure they don't even get close to the confrontational stage....

    I feel I've taken some basic security precautions, and based on my history of experiences here, I don't feel very vulnerable at all regarding my personal safety. And I've a shitzu puppy watchin' my back now, too. :o

  6. ...off topic slightly, I must say Darknight your honey of an avatar is outrageously gorgeously shaggable.:D Who is she??

    I wish i knew Jackrussel, i wish i knew :wub::)

    I'm highly surprised no one here knows!

    Darknight, your Avatar is of the hot Brazilian Model and Victoria Secret Model Adriana Lima!

    Birth Place: Salvador, Brazil

    Date of Birth: June 12th, 1981

    Heritage: Afro-Caribbean, French, Portuguese

    Famous for: Model and spokeswoman for Guess?, Victoria's Secret, XOXO, Armani Jeans.

    Yes, Alot of Brazilian women are HOT! I dearsay moreso than even ( Narachon looks around... :o ) Thai women !


    If Brazil wasn't so crime ridden, I'd probably go there instead of Thailand! :D

    But getting back to the topic, I'm still haven't gotten a clear answer yet, has Iammiac been banned or what? :(

    Yeah, cheers Narachon. Just ran a quick Goggle Images...Phoarrr..Stonkin' mate...Stonkin'. Perhaps we should all have miss Lima as our avatar??-_-

    Relevance to the thread being that Darknight's avatar is far superior to MaiC's.

    Someone told me that MaiC's was a pic of himself, and having seen a pic of the lad ( maybe lad ) on a Davethailand post, I'd be wondering. Wondering a lot :D

    Is that even an American military uniform he has on? Looks more British to me, but I'm not really up on such things...

  7. Anybody know the ruling on Farangs owning handguns indoors? Big bollocking and possible deportation and/or prison sentence, or nothing too heavy?...I suspect the former.

    Reason I ask...say, for instance, I was living in Pattani with my family and was worried about the recent goings-on in the region and therefore decided to purchase a handgun in the unlikely, but possible, event that Muslim radicals wanted to injur, or kidnap, my family. What would happen if I shot one of them, dead? Nothing, due to self-defence because he was on our, sorry, wife's property up to no good, or life in prison because I killed a Thai national, which wouldn't have happened if I wasn't there in the first place attitude?

    Just a thought for a peaceful Sunday afternoon...


    Get some help for that paranoid delusional streak that you are displaying,you maniac. Please don't move to bangkok I like to sleep at night, and there are enough lunatics with shooters around without having another move in :o

    Sounds like you're the paranoid one pal! How am I being a maniac by wanting to look after my family with a weapon under lock and key? Don't worry, I won't be in Bangkok waving my piece about if that's what you're getting at, one day is enough there. The original post was an inquiry as to whether or not a farang can have a gun; a topic related to Thailand. I'll probably never get a weapon but thought the post was apt with the recent goings-on. BTW, don't move up to Chiang Mai, there's no odd balls living up here and we certainly don't want one moving in.

    No oddballs in Chiang Mai? Jack let me take you on a tour sometime. My sense is there are mostly oddballs here. And I include myself, proudly! :D

    And, me thinks maybe you, too, Jack :D:D

    To me, 'oddballs' are fine...Like Free Thinkers, perhaps. Now, if your're talking about a**h*les and idiots, that's a different story, but there are plenty of those here too....

  8. I've paid the surcharge on occasion when it was more convenient, or was just too ###### lazy to go the ATM first... For less expensive items, I don't sweat it. I also like Chanchao's consideration of possible price balancing situations like he descibed.

    Another major consideration for me is service for their products. I'd rather pay a few extra baht for a tv at Siam TV (who charges 3%, as I recall) than a cheaper tv at Macro, because I know and trust the excellent SiamTV aftersales service, including free home installation and servicing, two-year guarantees on tv's, and 'free' two-year service contracts on air-cons, for example...

    Some time ago, I seem to remember something from Visa or Mastercard or Amex telling me that if this extra surcharge is itemized on the charge slip, you can apply for reimbursement...

    "Free home istallation on tv"??? how much trouble is plugging it in to the wall and hooking up the cable?

    Just an example, but not everyone is physically able to carry or lift a tv set :o

    It's very convenient to have them delivery and set up anything.... :D

  9. I feel sorry for him. Lots of people living sad wannabe lives out there. Maybe it could've been me, too, had I not broken out and done something to change my life those many years ago... At least he has the internet to safely blow off some steam rather than blowing away some Floridian.... or himself

    I wish him(?) the best...

    And, no, I'm not suggesting he shouldn't have been booted.  :D

    He is a persistent bugger Ajarn.

    I hear ya', doc. He certainly annoyed me, too. Even though I felt sorry for him, I still wanted to knock some sense into him a few times :o

    My guess is he'll be back, hopefully with more self-control...

  10. I feel sorry for him. Lots of people living sad wannabe lives out there. Maybe it could've been me, too, had I not broken out and done something to change my life those many years ago... At least he has the internet to safely blow off some steam rather than blowing away some Floridian.... or himself

    I wish him(?) the best...

    And, no, I'm not suggesting he shouldn't have been booted. :o

  11. I have had some success  and some failure on the FTSE in uk which I will divuldge later.

    As Ajarn so sagely say's , drinking and posting doesn't mix..... :D

    Discretionary traders can drink all they want and Should not trade at all.

    If you are a mechanical trader and have your rules set in stone,

    You can trade even you are fully drunk.

    Even very advanced system traders do unattended automized trading.

    Drinking doesn't and shouldn't have much affect on your trading overall

    Not having pre-set plan or backtested profitable strategy is what cost

    you money.

    Still Pissed , will divuldge trade sevrets in the Morn :D

    I wonder if I'm missing the boat here.... Maybe I should be trying trading-while-stoned. My other bright ideas for playing the market while straight haven't worked as well as hoped... :o:D

  12. Ajarn, my credit card has a peace sign on it! its real cool. Man am i still

    angry that meanie Bush got back in.!! :o  He's after all the oil in this world

    for these evil SUVs. Have you ever hitch hiked from KSR to Don Muang? That

    would cool, Oh and its free. I like free. Thats cool

    Why would you want to be my puppet, silly boy :D

  13. I've paid the surcharge on occasion when it was more convenient, or was just too ###### lazy to go the ATM first... For less expensive items, I don't sweat it. I also like Chanchao's consideration of possible price balancing situations like he descibed.

    Another major consideration for me is service for their products. I'd rather pay a few extra baht for a tv at Siam TV (who charges 3%, as I recall) than a cheaper tv at Macro, because I know and trust the excellent SiamTV aftersales service, including free home installation and servicing, two-year guarantees on tv's, and 'free' two-year service contracts on air-cons, for example...

    Some time ago, I seem to remember something from Visa or Mastercard or Amex telling me that if this extra surcharge is itemized on the charge slip, you can apply for reimbursement...

  14. But this student said they wrote this, and I'm guessing (again) that he/she is Thai.

    Hi Ajarn

    Where did you study English??????

    "this student"..."they" ??????


    · pron. [third person pl.]

    1 used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified. Ø people in general. Ø informal people in authority regarded collectively.

    2 used to refer to a person of unspecified sex (in place of either ‘he’ or ‘he or she’).

    – ORIGIN ME: from ON their, nominative pl. masc. of sá.

    Look before you leap, foolish man :o

  15. I see many fat Thais in every village in the north. EVERY village. Can't blame that on western food.

    In fact, among the foods with the highest levels of carbohydrates are rice and noodles... Many other Thai foods have enough carbs, fats and calories to make a big mac look like health food. :o

    If you're on the Atkins diet, you won't be eating much Thai food at all, especially thai fruits like bananas, pineapple, mango...Tons of sugar-and carbs in all of them.. Sticky rice has a carb level even greater than pure sugar...

    My thought is that most of this is coming mostly from more and more people leading more sedentary lives. Most people in small villages don't need to walk anymore, for example. In the past, eating high-carb Thai foods wasn't a big problem because people got more excercise, but now, with less excercise, those same foods, in their same amounts, are causing people to put on more weight..

    That's my hypothesis, anyway :D

  16. OK I've been looking at a lot of posts about visa runs, and it seems like some of you have been there a really long time to be doing that. How many permanent residents are on this forum.  although only 100 per year the qual don't seem to be that hard and neither are the fees. and if I didn't miss something there was no mention of a money amount per month or in the bank after that.

    any who after 3 years that will definitely be my goal.

    keep on fishin

    I think the visa fee is 190,000 baht for the residence book. I saw it on the fee board at CM immigration.

    I don't know much about it, but I read that during Purachai's tenure in the Ministry of the Interior. he rejected every application for permanent resident books...

    If someone is here properly and fits all the money requirements, there shouldn't be any reason to do visa runs, I think.

  17. Hello ArtfulD,

    Wheelchair access in Phuket isn't actually a big problem!

    I am the MD of a company specialized assisting wheelchair users to find accomodation, tours and travel, diving, sailing and much more. I have contact with almost every wheelchair friendly guesthouse and hotel in Phuket. This means if you book throug me, you will save up to 30% compared to the hotels listing prices. Cos I share my commission with my clients!

    I can also recommend Patong Palace, I have a contract with them and can offer you a 30% discount compared to Paul Andersons listing prices.

    I have wheelchair rooms from 400 Baht/night!

    Also we cooperate with a company offering sailing at a big motor yacht with wheelchair access! Also there is a crane for lifting clients in and out of the water if they will swim or snorkel.

    You are welcome to email me at [email protected]

    Have a nice day all of you!  :D

    I didn't know this forum was to used for advertising, and I can inform you that Paul Anderson doesn't set the price. :D

    Come on Sonthaya, he's offerring valuable info just like you. No need for the catty messages, na'? :D

    Let's all continue to be supportive of each other here. I really appreciate anyone taking time to offer suggestions. It's all good :o

    Ok, sorry about that.

    You are an honourable man in my book

    Cheers, sir :D

  18. Maybe this doesnt exactly apply, but this is what I have learnt.

    I have been teaching thailand for about a year now. The first 3 months of teaching were absolutly horrible. Eventhough I I had certificates and the understanding on how to teach the students still stepped all over me because I was just to nice. they my class as a joke because that is what they thing about the falang person as, as a pushover. I took about 4 months off to re-evaluate myself and then decided to do like any teacher here or in america would do....I got tough. Now my classes run smothly, my students love me because they feel I care, and the teacher love me because it is what thai people need, the need a dicipline leader.

    Excuse me for my sloppy spelling

    I like smart teachers who are smart students, too! :D

    I know how good that feeling is inside when you've finally conquered something that was dragging you down, and teachers get plenty of chances to get dragged down, na'? :D

    As for employees, they're a bit less of a 'captive audience' than students- unless you're a prison teacher, of course :D . Others can flee the scene pretty much anytime the going gets tough... :o

    In the Frenchie's case, I feel it was a mistake to start off being waay overly generous with salaries. It seems to signal to some that you are an easy mark, and open to being manipulated or exploited. That could mean something as small as a poor work atitude, or something more nefarious, like them making plans to rob or kill you for your money- that you seemingly have enough to throw away...

    I think the main thing an employer must pay attention to is the clues you may see to signal any problems, and make sure you do whatever you need to do to protect your interests and keep a lid on problems. Maybe by offering bonus for special work, or even something as simple as, " Good job! Thanks!" Everyone likes to be appreciated, so don't be stingy with positive feedback when appropriate. On the other hand, it's just as important to confront the negative behaviours you don't want, starting with a carrot, but having that 'stick' available if needed. I've fired plenty of folks who come in with an atitude of 'doing the least, for the most'. I just don't work that way, so this attitude comes in direct conflict with our working environment. I don't want to chase someone around all day and say, "okay, now do this"...."okay, now do this" all day long... I want to train them properly, so that they don't need me breathing down their neck. If they start heading in the wrong direction, a bit of gentle guidance is needed. If that doesn't work, I start looking for a new employee asap. Still plenty of fish in the market :D

  19. Replica temple at hotel draws local protest


    Tambon Lai Hin residents look around the replica of Wat Lai Hin in the grounds of the Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi hotel in Chiang Mai. Buddhist groups, local academics and residents have protested against the hotel project. - CHEEWIN SATTHA

    Chiang Mai _ About 70 people from tambon Lai Hin in Lampang yesterday visited a hotel in San Kamphaeng district to protest against the building of a replica of their revered Wat Lai Hin.

    Hotel staff took the villagers for a close look at the replica temple, in the grounds of the three-billion-baht Mandarin Oriental Dhara Dhevi hotel.

    The protesting villagers, from Lampang's Ko Kha district, believed the replica resembled Wat Lai Hin in every detail and that building it without the temple's permission was insulting to Buddhism and local wisdom.

    They also feared that fewer tourists would visit the real Wat Lai Hin.

    Lert Kullo, 67, from tambon Lai Hin said the replica at the hotel could draw the people from going to temples for merit-making. He, however, also admitted it could help promote tourism.

    Songsak Kaewmoon, president of the Lai Hin tambon administration organisation, said he would call meetings of the TAO and villagers to consider taking action.

    Project manager Sant Suebsaeng said the hotel's intention was to showcase and conserve traditional northern-style art. The hotel was awaiting a ruling on whether the design must be changed. Culture Ministry officials would visit tomorrow, he said.

    Tambon Lai Hin residents, local Buddhist networks, and academics met yesterday at Maha Chulalongkorn Rajawitthayalai, a Buddhist university in Chiang Mai. They urged hotels and spas to stop using or imitating Buddhist art for building, decorative or commercial purposes.


    I agree with other's comments regarding the promotion, exhibition and protection of Lanna Arts, but when it comes to the religion being used as decoration in a hotel as alleged, I feel more inclined to side with the locals portrayed. It just doesn't feel right, to my heart. Plenty of other ways the hotel can promote Buddhism/Tourism, like by taking guests to the real wats and having them experience the real wat and religion, and the culture and people who support it, rather than making a contrived version on hotel grounds specifically designed to attract money (customers)

    Sorry, but it feels too akin to Buddha-as-garden-gnome for my tastes.

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