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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Interesting food for thought, indeed. We all realize how much 'facade' there is here, and often there's a different story behind the facade. I wish I knew some parents of kids there to talk to, but if what you're saying is true, they might not know the whole story either- if there is something wrong...

    I do know the nurse there, and she is a very qualified nurse with lots of experience. But she isn't aware of any of the stuff you mentioned, maybe because it's not something she'd likely be privy to.

    Anyway, if you have anything of real substance to add, please do it. Hopefully, a parent or two of kids attending Prem will step in here with some real-life experience....

  2. Some Basic Stats Definitions


    Main Headings

    Hits represent the total number of requests made to the server during the given time period (month, day, hour etc..).

    Files represent the total number of hits (requests) that actually resulted in something being sent back to the user. Not all hits will send data, such as 404-Not Found requests and requests for pages that are already in the browsers cache.

    Sites is the number of unique IP addresses/hostnames that made requests to the server. Care should be taken when using this metric for anything other than that. Many users can appear to come from a single site, and they can also appear to come from many ip addresses so it should be used simply as a rough guage as to the number of visitors to your server.

    Visits occur when some remote site makes a request for a page on your server for the first time. As long as the same site keeps making requests within a given timeout period, they will all be considered part of the same Visit. If the site makes a request to your server, and the length of time since the last request is greater than the specified timeout period (default is 30 minutes), a new Visit is started and counted, and the sequence repeats. Since only pages will trigger a visit, remotes sites that link to graphic and other non- page URLs will not be counted in the visit totals, reducing the number of false visits.

    Pages are those URLs that would be considered the actual page being requested, and not all of the individual items that make it up (such as graphics and audio clips). Some people call this metric page views or page impressions, and defaults to any URL that has an extension of .htm, .html or .cgi.

    A KByte (KB) is 1024 bytes (1 Kilobyte). Used to show the amount of data that was transfered between the server and the remote machine, based on the data found in the server log.

    Common Definitions

    A Site is a remote machine that makes requests to your server, and is based on the remote machines IP Address/Hostname.

    URL - Uniform Resource Locator. All requests made to a web server need to request something. A URL is that something, and represents an object somewhere on your server, that is accessable to the remote user, or results in an error (ie: 404 - Not found). URLs can be of any type (HTML, Audio, Graphics, etc...).

    Referrers are those URLs that lead a user to your site or caused the browser to request something from your server. The vast majority of requests are made from your own URLs, since most HTML pages contain links to other objects such as graphics files. If one of your HTML pages contains links to 10 graphic images, then each request for the HTML page will produce 10 more hits with the referrer specified as the URL of your own HTML page.

    Search Strings are obtained from examining the referrer string and looking for known patterns from various search engines. The search engines and the patterns to look for can be specified by the user within a configuration file. The default will catch most of the major ones.

  3. I run alot of different websites: several affiliate marketing sites, a forum with 70k members, some shops, and some blogs. 

    Pay per click advertising has sent my profits through the roof.  I now blow about $3000/month advertising with google, overture and some of the other ppc programs.  Every visitor that visits my site is tracked based on how much it cost to get them there, what key words they used, and what action they took on my site (purchase, sign up, etc).

    I would recommend browsing websites like webmasterworld.com or digitalpoint.com as they are invaluable resources for me.  Good luck with your projects.

    What are your urls? I'd like to check them all out. Maybe I can learn something myself :D

    If there was one word of truth in what you said... :o

  4. Some clarifications:

    The term pageview, was used by my opponent (refer to the topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?sh...ic=19681&st=30), which I merely quoted.

    BTW, the term "hits" refers to the number of requests for page/graphic/data/whatever from the server. It is normally used to represent the number of visitors to the particular URL (the Web page).

    Okay, now it's my turn to jump in. Why would you call me an opponent, or say that you were arguing with me?? It seems you could use some better manners (and honest appraisal skills) here. I never had any kind of 'opponet' issue with you. You asked me for advice and I provided it. No protracted communications beyond that. To suggest otherwise is untrue. And disrespectful to me.

    The other poster is correct in saying you are wrong about the meaning of 'Hits' It is NOT used to represent the number of visitors. You are dead wrong, there. I gave you the url to my webstats where you could easily see the separate column

    for Hits Files Pages Visits. I gave that to you for you to learn, to help you learn to correct your mistaken ideas. There was no need for you to misrepresent my stats.. . Why didn't you take my good suggestions and avoid putting your foot in your mouth here (again)? :o

    For whatever your reason, you chose to make it into some kind of contest with me as opponent, arguing that what I've said is somehow wrong or innacurate.

    Well, son, you ain't got the ammunition (experience/knowledge) to challenge me to a gunfight. I don't know everything, but I sure know what I'm talking about on this topic. As maitembot said, it is a common mistake- but not just for newbies. It took me awhile to get it right, too.

    If it's your ego on the line, stop it. I bring no ego here, only straightness and a desire to support. But, I don't suffer fools lightly. Just play nice, learn as much as you can learn, and make some better choices when someone tries to help you and even provides some tools for you to educate yourself. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. :D

    Monthly Statistics for October 2004 Asiarecipe.com

    Total Hits 2,763,583

    Total Files 2,189,640

    Total Pages 712,777

    Total Visits 175,820

    Total KBytes 26,449,599

    ...................... avg - max

    Hits per Hour 3,714 7,070

    Hits per Day 89,147 112,422

    Files per Day 70,633 88,621

    Pages per Day 22,992 31,567

    Visits per Day 5,671 7,394

    KBytes per Day 853,213 1,182,466

  5. I think bringing a gun into your home for any purpose is very dangerous thinking, and their are many many cases of folks being killed with their own guns. Many other ways to provide better safety for your family.

    Besides, look at American society.... That's the last thing we need here, in my opinion. Something like 12,000 gun deaths last year? This society is already violent enough without expanding gun ownership. This ain't Canada. :D

    Too many nuts have guns already. Too many farang nuts here with guns, too. Met some of them. Crazy and Dangerous, each of them. And everyone who knew them said the same. :o

    Get a paintball gun if you want to blow shit away. I did :D

  6. Another point is it does not matter how fresh the food is,if basic hygiene is not carried out people will get sick.That could be the reason why the more expensive places are a risk,simply there are more persons handling your food

    It is down to education of the food handler,firstly, I wonder how many don't wash their hands after going to the toilet.

    Mixing raw and cooked food on the same preparation table,dirty wipe down clothes ,touching nose or hair,improper pest controls in the food area,not reheating food to a save temperature.

    Since I've been  coming to Thailand the worst for me was raw oysters,I only eat one and was very sick,now just the smell of one makes me feel sick.

    Since I've been  coming to Thailand the worst for me was raw oysters,I only eat one and was very sick,now just the smell of one makes me feel sick.

    Yep. could've been from someone 'touching' their nose big time! They sure taste like boogers....right?? :o


  7. The Chiang Mai Night Safari is expected to be partly opened on 13 April, 2005 although its construction is likely to be completed later than the scheduled month of April next year, he said, as private sector is not confident whether the project is worth investing.

    I wonder if the powers-that-be have given any thought to initially charging half-price since the safari will only be half-built? :o

    Half-baked, too :D

  8. Anybody have any idea why I  cannot copy and paste when I am in Bkkchat, yet I can in other sections of ThaiVisa website?


    Do't know about that case, but some programs generate text as an image, rather than text. That means you'd have to download the entire graphic...Right-clicking on the text would tell you right away if you see ' save picture as' or something similar. If you can highlite the text but can't right click, try Ctrl-c to copy and Ctrl-v to paste...

  9. But I'm stuck teaching Science to kids that don't want to learn.

    I don't buy that. It looks to me like you're trying to blame your students for your own issues. Any student can enjoy learning with a teacher who cares about teaching and knows how to teach, but no student wants to study with a teacher who doesn't like teaching and doesn't even want to be there...Students almost always reflect the atitude of the teacher. Don't forget that you are the adult in your classroom.

    Good luck to you, in any case. I know it's hard to get out of a rut. :o

  10. The poisons worry me too. Is there really nobody here that can recommend a place that has quality-controlled food? It is bound to come around sooner or later, I am sure there will be a market for it as soon as the public become more aware of all the pesticides being used...  :D

    Living in a highly corrupt society with few controls, makes me suspicious and mistrusting of anyone professing to sell 'clean and safe' produce of any kind that garners a higher price... Just no checks and balances except the rare inspection in Bkk- which always shows massive violations.

    I guess the only answer is to grow your own under your own controlled conditions. Not a practicality for me, to be sure.

    So I continue to hope for the best. Better than driving myself nuts. :o

  11. Hello ArtfulD,

    Wheelchair access in Phuket isn't actually a big problem!

    I am the MD of a company specialized assisting wheelchair users to find accomodation, tours and travel, diving, sailing and much more. I have contact with almost every wheelchair friendly guesthouse and hotel in Phuket. This means if you book throug me, you will save up to 30% compared to the hotels listing prices. Cos I share my commission with my clients!

    I can also recommend Patong Palace, I have a contract with them and can offer you a 30% discount compared to Paul Andersons listing prices.

    I have wheelchair rooms from 400 Baht/night!

    Also we cooperate with a company offering sailing at a big motor yacht with wheelchair access! Also there is a crane for lifting clients in and out of the water if they will swim or snorkel.

    You are welcome to email me at [email protected]

    Have a nice day all of you!  :o

    Cheers, Sir! :D

    I want to say that after reading your message, my world of 'things I can still do' has opened a bit wider.... My sincere gratitude, and I hope you have great success in business. I'll be in contact with you regarding the sailing- a dream I'd once thought dashed :D

  12. Rather than the occasional shits or a bout with real food poisoning lasting a few days, I'm a lot more concerned about the poisons in my food that may have much longer-lasting effects. There are basically zero controls here in that regard, it seems to me. I must say though that I've only been really sick once, many years ago...

    Lots of foreigners get the shits here at first...Travel stress, heat, local microbes...I got the shits every time I went to California to visit :o

  13. US employment laws tend to be even less favorable to employees than Thai labor laws when it comes to the subject of termination payments.

    Good luck.

    I agree. The Thai labour laws are excellent in many regards, and the Thai Labour Court has a pretty good record of fairness to employees in my experience. I have had experience with the Labour Court involving 3 different farangs, and in each case it was a fair verdict, in my opinion.

    As I remember it, you must be employed full time for 90 days before being eligible for compensation from termination (w/out cause) or a lay-off... It starts at a one month salary after 90 days, as I remember.

  14. Anyway, he was very excited to take my photo and his idea back to boss, where I'm sure his boss now thinks that this guy really has acquired great analytical common sense...

    I hope he has, too  :D


    His Boss probably sacked him for failing to sell you that bigger pump! :D

    Yeah, ya' never know, na'? :o

    But, if I'd bought the pump, they'd have installed it for free. The other way, with the 500 baht service charge, a smart business man would see that the likely in-his-pocket profit off a 1500 baht pump would have been less than the 500 baht (plus parts) he got from me...

    Here's hoping for a smart businessman! :D

  15. I was just wondering what the Thai logic was regarding motorcyclists and cars for that matter just driving strait onto a road from a laneway without looking to see if it was safe to do so. So far I've hit 6 bikes and a car this way. And naturally it was my fault or so their logic goes.


    and the cop books you and says "it's your fault because if you weren't in Thailand you not have this accident....." TRUE THAI LOGIC :D

    Mostly, it's rule #1. 'failure to control vehicle in a safe manner' or, if serious, like someone dies, it's 'Reckless Driving' or 'Reckless Driving Ending in Death'... That's the reason why they look for which vehicle hit which vehicle by looking at the vehicle with the most forward damage....The idea is that if you hit someone with your front end, you probably should have seen the vehicle, and been able to stop or move out of the way...See rule #1. Against any other evidence, I think it tends to make pretty good sense...

    It seems to me that the farangs drivers who have the most problems are the ones who Fail To Conform to Thai driving rules- and yes, there are rules. Learn them. This is one time when conforming is is beneficial to you and others around you.

    Main Rule Of The Road. Might is Right. Just like in Thai society, and many other societal 'norms' translate to driving also. Farangs who drive with 'laws' and 'rights' other than thai laws and rules, are headed for a bruisin'- at least. Plenty of logic here. Don't let your own ignorance tell you that there isn't any... :D

    I have driven perhaps a million kilometers here in the past 20 years, in all parts of the country, and even two years of commuting in Bkk traffic everyday... I've never had an accident. Many close calls, though! :D

  16. In my experience here, under 'probation', you don't have any compensation rights of any kind, and the employer can toss you for any reason....

    I've hired a few teachers under contract, but with a probation period, and let them go before the end of their probation (with cause)... Just a check for 'time served' and a "good luck!" :o

  17. I have to agree with an earlier poster about the education system in Thailand.  It teaches mostly through memorization and repetition.  It is a system to learn data but not how to work the answer out.  I have found that, as Thais go out into the world, they have to solve problems or they could not survive.  Because many of the people of Thailand are still very connected to a rural background they tend to solve problems with the easiest solution rather than the most effective.

    I completely agree. Thais are not stupid, but some, like many others in this world prefer the easy way out sometimes.... I remember hiring a gardner who had great knowledge and experience, but preferred being told what to do on the job, partly from the sabai-sabai factor, and partly out of fear of being critisiced for doing something wrong.

    It can be very frustrating for me at times... Recently, I built a solar heater that was hooked up through my pool water pump. Even though the pump is 2 hp with a very high flow rate, it wasn't enough to carry the water through the solar panels on the roof. I went to a big shop that specialized in water pumps and irrigation systems and asked them to send out their 'chang'. I specifically asked for their most experienced person, because I feared some clueless kid (strong arms/weak mind, the favored employee by many).

    So this older 'expert' comes to my house, looks at my system and insists I must buy another pump for my solar setup. I just felt it was wrong because of the power of my pump, which should have planty of pressure flow to do the job....

    I can't walk very well, so I gave my digital camera to the guy and asked him to take a photo of the inside of my pump house so I could see the piping setup. I looked it over for perhaps 30 seconds and figured I found the answer. I printed out a colour copy of the plumbing and marked where the pipe leasding to the solar setup was located, and then a place where it should be reconnected to, moving the junction closer to the pump outflow. In the old position, the water had to make too many turns and this extra flow restriction cut down the final pressure to the solar quite a bit...Moving it closer and more direct to the pump solved all the problems... I did take care to present it more as his idea than mine, since I didn't want to have any problems...you know how it goes sometimes...

    Anyway, he was very excited to take my photo and his idea back to boss, where I'm sure his boss now thinks that this guy really has acquired great analytical common sense...

    I hope he has, too :o

  18. In all of the schools where I have worked, farang are warned not to get involved in corporal punishment.  The Thais, however, lay into them.


    Corporal punishment has been illegal in all schools for a number of years. Teachers who hit kids now can easily be brought up on charges for assault, and it does happen on a very regular basis.... Things are not the way they used to be, in this respect.

    The worst example I can think of, or at least the grossest, was a case where a teacher accused a student of lying and made him hold a piece of dogshit in his mouth for the duration of that class..... The teacher was transferred only

  19. Most ATM's ( mainly the larger Thai banks ) accept cards with the Cirrus Logo. It's not hard to find an ATM that accepts these cards. 

    Currently using the Nationwide ATM card the daily maximum withdrawel is £500 ( so approx bt35000 ) 

    It's the card issuer that sets the daily limit for withdrawels.. so it is the same wherever you are in the world.

    There are two 'daily limits' . One set by the card issuer, one set by the bank whose ATM you are using. Most Thai banks have a 20,000 baht limit per day on foreign bank cards in their ATMS.

    For example, my citibank debit card has a $2,500 daily withdrawl limit, but TFB has a limit of 20,000 bat per day (about $500). But, my debit card from TFB has a 400,000 baht per day limit on TFB atm's... I don't know what their per-transaction limit is, but I've taken 80,000 baht in one shot in the past....

    You might consider a Bangkok Bank atm card. They cost about 250 baht to get one. Withdrawals are in Thai baht and there is no withdrawal fee if you are in the regional area where your bank is located and , I think , 20 baht if you are outside that area. There are Bangkok BAnk atms everywhere and you can get cash from most other atms for a fee. I don't know what this fee is because I've always been able to find the free atms. Of course they're only good in Thailand but I think that its the most convenient way to get cash here

    Opening a local bank account is probably the most convenient for atm use, I think, too. But, their cards can be used outside of Thailand if you ask for that card. I don't know about BKK bank, but TFB has 3 different cards. A local generic atm card, a 'visa' debit card for in-country, and an 'interntional' visa debit card that can be used internationaly...

  20. Great stuff!  :D At least in the senate at least the Southern issue is not being swept entirely under the carpet.

    Well, if you'd seen the TV Thai coverage, you might have noticed that there were no more than 15 people in that entire huge Senate room..... TiT

    The fight had nothing to do with the South, I think. Just happened that it was the topic when it happened...

    This particular session was not anything from the commission that Thaksin recently formed.... It was a group of 4 Senators who had done their own 'investigation', independent of any government support or mandate.... :o:D

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