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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Yeah, I'm wondering if it's a problem with my security settings... Kinda weird that the redirect simply hasn't worked for me for the last couple of weeks...

    The redirect on TV (the transistion page that says, "Please wait while we transfer you..." ) doesn't work for me either...

  2. On the main webpage of the Post http://www.bangkokpost.com/ , in the news section, there is a link labelled Click for more stories

    When I click on that link, I get sent to http://www.bangkokpost.com/News/index.html

    Which is a blank page that is supposed to immediately send you to http://www.bangkokpost.com/News/index.php

    But, it doesn't redirect for me, it just sits there, all blank.

    I wrote to the webmaster, who replied "It is quite strange for the the redirect didn't work on your side. This is the first case ever" I think he believes I'm nuts :o

    So, can you please try this link Click for more stories and let me know if you end up with a news page, or a blank page..


  3. ok.. so question.. how much should I ask?

    my guess is about 20-25K. For that salary you won't get a work permit.

    A WP has no minimum salary requirements as far as I know. I know teachers making far less, and they all have the required WP....

    You are right, teachers are certainly able to get a work permit, even those on a much lower salary. Rather, I was thinking about the minimum salary requirements for foreigners working in other occupations. I thought it was necessary for them to earn above a certain income to receive the requisite visa/work permit. However, as none of this has applied to me I do not know the details.

    It's not just for teachers.... Even some volunteers (non-teachers) must get work permits from what I've heard.

    Any salary requirements for foreigners has to do only with getting a one-year visa stamp extension, as I understand it,

  4. Or you could teach in South Korea for a year. With overtime/private classes you can make $5000 USD a month and they pay your accomodation. You could save money there and go to Thailand with it

    Make 5,000 US per month in Korea? I've never heard of that... Plus, living in Korea is not nearly as friendly, cheap or nice as Thailand, in my experience.

    But it is a beautiful country, and the snow is a nice change from Thailand,- although no Korean would ever agree with that. They'd all rather be in Thailand for the winter :o

  5. But i think your case is somehow unique, or may be you get paid

    more because of working harder, little extra hours, and started out

    long time ago, or you must be having realy good teaching method

    as many thai students want you as their teacher (not every english

    man can teach english good) few reason to name.

    But 50,000Bhat/month seems too high to believe for english

    teaching in thailand.

    50,000 isn't impossible at all. It's just that these kinds of positions are rarely advertised on ajarn and other places... In Bangkok, I can think of 2 universities that pay more than that to qualified (master's degree min) and experienced teachers... Even some part time English teachers at Thammasat Rangsit will make more than that.

    Of course, for the better International schools like IBS, you're looking at a salary of well over 100,000 baht per month.

  6. Well, if you are an American, and not married to a Thai, and you want to obtain a long-term entry permit that allows you to stay in Thailand longer than 90 days at a time, you must earn at least 60,000 baht per month.


    It doesn't mean they still can't get a one year multiple entry, non-im visa, which means they'd have to do a border run ever ninety days (or 120 with a month's extension)

    The money requirements are only for the one-year extension stamp of the non-im, meaning no border runs needed... You can still get a WP without meeting the immigration income requirements

  7. Does anyone know the precise definition of the words 'buddha image'? Does this cover, say paintings of buddhist images?

    The law says all art, too. Guess that includes paintings. I also understand that buddha images from other countries (like your thonka images) are not required to have the export permits.

    Many years ago, I was in an xray que at the airport. A lady in front of me was questioned about a buddha statue in her carry-on bag. She told him that she was taking it home to put in her garden as a decoration. They took it away from her..

    I also had a reclining buddha statue in my bag... When it got to my turn, I told him I was Buddhist (true) and was taking it home to place on my altar. No problem, in my case...

  8. I first came here to live as a youngster of 31 (I'll be 50 in 2 months).... But I already had skills that I knew were very marketable (teaching), and I've mostly lived life by my wits, so I figured I could make it here okay... I came here to teach and to live in a different culture. In my case, I was lucky that the grass really was greener on this side :D

    There are lots of ways to make money in teaching or education- it's not always a downhill road here, as some might suggest. Outside of classroom teaching, there are many ways to get work as a consultant, test proctor, teacher trainer, school admin, school owner, etc.... For the sharp teacher with good PR skills and the right education, there are almost limitless possibilities... And nothing you'll find listed on Ajarn.com or ESLcafe.com, either. All word-of-mouth, or a product of your creative mind thinking outside the box...

    But, you have to like being an educator first. :o

    Like others have said, it is you that has to adapt rather than expecting others to adapt to you, or responding to you in your expected ways... Get rid of your old ideas about life and people, for reality here has turned all my old ideas upside down on many occasions. Strangely, that's one of the challenges of living here that continues to keep me interested in living here. There is just so much more here to experience and learn from than I'd ever experienced in my former life. Thailand has been a good teacher, and mostly I've learned the hard way, - but I have learned a lot. I truly believe I am a better man for having lived here.

    But, it ain't for everyone. You need to examine your reasoning for wanting to live here. Just being a a place of cheap rents and cheap pussy is not a good reason, in my experience (I'm not suggesting your motivation), and such a lifestyle leads downhill for most... I've seen so many take that spiral downwards..... Ruts here can be very long and deep.

    Frankly, it does sound like you need a change of scenery, and some time and space for you to regroup and get your life on track... Maybe going back home would be best for you now. Obviously you need to do something radically different than what you're doing now, and how you're feeling now...

    Take back your responsibility and empower yourself to make some good plans to get on a better path. You also have a responsibility to take care of your wife to your best ability, which I'm sure you already accept.

    Lots of tough choices coming up for you. I wish you the best :D

  9. Remember, guns don't kill people - people do.

    What's next?  Ban knives? :o

    People not in possession of lethal offensive weapons are much less likely to kill.

    Knives which classify as an offensive weapon are banned already in most European countries. Carrying one will incur a fine or worse, using one for whichever reason a prison sentence.

    Knife/weapon possesion in public can land you in the Monkey House here, too :D

  10. Ajarn, I loved those peace signs, they are so cute ! Oh my!  Where did

    you get them, I must plaster them all over my body, it'll feel groovy man.

    Who needs guns, just show those mean people you have peace signs and

    they understand and leave you alone.  This so cool being a Liberal  :D

    Well,all I can say is, the proof is in the pudding. I've lived here fulltime for almost 20 years under my values which have worked fine for me without the need for a firearm... Life here has been good and properous for because of my values. I am financially independent enough to live anywhere i the world I want, and I still choose here, for me. It ain't everyone's cup of tea, to be sure. I've known many many people who haven't survived Thailand very well, but, for me, this is my Home forever.

    At least it hasn't turned me into someone with an attitude such as yours, thank God :o

  11. ETO Express Transportation Organization. A government- controlled organization. Used them twice to move across the country. Very cheap and reliable, in my experience

    ชื่อ องค์การรับส่งสินค้าและพัสดุภัณฑ์ (ร.ส.พ.) Name The Express Transportation Organization of Thailand (E.T.O.)

    ที่อยู่ 485/1 ถนนศรีอยุธยา เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพฯ 10400 Address 485/1 Thanon Sri Ayuttaya, Ratchathevi, Bangkok 10400

    สังกัด Under

    โทรศัพท์ 245-3231-9 Phone 245-3231-9

  12. Before I moved here, and when I was attending university, I drove yellow cab at nights to pay my tuition... I carried a .25 semi-auto pistol with me for protection because cab drivers are killed in San Francisco, too.

    The problem that soon presented itself was my temper. I realized that it might just be too easy to pull the trigger, even though I'm a pretty self-controlled guy, physically. But just like those times when I've tossed a punch, that bursting forth could just as easily pulled a trigger. Like hitting someone, consequences are not the motivation or even a part of the thinking sometimes...

    Besides, it's almost impossible for a driver to get the jump on a passenger using a gun to rob you. And most of the drivers that were killed never saw it coming...

    I stopped carrying the gun after 1 month... Never had an occasion after that where I needed it, either.

  13. I have a lexmark z 605 printer and have been refilling my my ink cartrige for a long time,  But now it has stoped printing, it goes through the motion of printing but the paper comes out as white as it went in ! The man in the computer shop told me that the cartrige has a chip in it to stop people fefilling it and not buying new, I have cut open an old cartrage and there is no chip inside ? does anybody know of a way around this ?

    Maybe clogged nozzles from such long use- much longer than it was designed for...

    Time for a new one? :o

  14. you only need cute little

    peace signs like Ajarns, he's got a real nice one and its real cool

    Thanks, and I completely agree. Think more about Peace. :o

    Here are some peace symbols I've made for my website that you're welcome to use... Kinda like a Buddha amulet, I'd say. It might not save your life, but it will help to get your thinking on a better track :D







  15. Darknight,

    I see you are using the Comersus ASP shopping cart for your Asian-art website. Which package do you have?

    Can you give some comments on its use, ease of customizing and support for paypal/creditcard or other payment options.

    There are a lot of packages available and would appreciate hearing experiences from actual users.

    Khun Jean

    Darknight, I'd also like to hear your experience... Are you using a Thai bank to accept cc payments? I've heard that SCB can setup accounts to take online credit card payments. Are you doing something like this?

    Like your website, too. Reasonable prices for the stuff I've seen locally. :o

  16. Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

    I never said anything about 30,000 hits per day. That was someone misquoting me. I said 30,000 page views per day. A horse of a completely different colour.

    The fact that it was the 'Darknight' that misquoted you, has been already established. He was probably trying to do that in order defend you/your ego.

    In fact, as far as I can see, nobody here believes that your numbers are realistic.

    Isn't it a time to admit your mistakes?

    Gawd, you really are thick! You have the url to my server stats. Think they're fake? :o

    I see now that it's jealousy that's eating at you. What a waste of your energy. :D

  17. UBC sells such a setup themselves... 1800 baht, 500 install as I remember. No costs after that.

    I have one that's called 'InfraSender', which I bought locally at PSI for 3000 baht a couple of years ago. I've heard they're around 1500 baht now, and it might even be the same as UBC uses..

    Works great. Same remote in both rooms...

  18. Please take a look at the Good Morning Chiang Mai News magazine. The current issue has a lead story on just this issue.


    they fear a massive new lignite mine will be opened near Wiang Haeng and the new road is being built specifically for convoys of trucks which will shuttle to and from the electrical generating plant at Mae Moh near Lampang.

    Last month the same conservationists said they feared the controversial cable car project to the mountain top was ‘go’.

    The more I think about it, the more the mine thing makes perfect sense for such construction reasoning. And nothing of note is happening north of that intersection- all road construction ends there...That Wieng Heng road splits and goes two directions, but still ends up nowhere of note- except to the site of the planned mine...

  19. Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

    I never said anything about 30,000 hits per day. That was someone misquoting me. I said 30,000 page views per day. A horse of a completely different colour. For banner companies, the original point to my involving myself in this topic, they don't care about hits at all. They only care about # of visits and # of pageviews.

    Some banner companies seem to prefer 'sticky' sites, some prefer not too sticky, from my experience. Some sites that are very sticky get a lot of defaults from their banner company. Burst is one of those, in my experience. Fastclick seems to have plenty of advertisers for my category, since I only have less than 5% defaults vs 80%+ from Burst. And my site is fairly sticky. Average visitor on my site views 4-5 pages per visit. Needless to say, when I dropped Burst and went exclusively Fastclick, my income shot up...

  20. Hits are generated by each graphic , java applet , items on a webpage.

    So mostly you get several hits per pageview. Each user browses several pages wich generate different hit's per page.

    Most website owners brag about their hit's because it's the biggest number. It doesn't mean <deleted>.

    Those 30.000 hits will probably be about 90 users or similar in a day. that's nothing.

    More important are indeed pageviews, even more unique users, entry pages and even pages tracking throughout the site.

    The single pageviews on your index page needs to be deducted from the total because, that were people who were not interested and went straight to a new site. Only people who look at several pages or return to the same page regularly are important for your biz.

    So i must concurr with maitembot and says that you don't know what you're talking about Condo_bk :o

    Besides your recommended program is very poorly also. if you want some real reporting (if you can pay it) have a look at www.webtrends.com , i've been using it since 1995.

    btw.. http://www.th4u.com/ could use some design work, it looks like a site from the early 90's , typical amateur stuff.

    I like WebTrends, too. The main reason why I use Webstats http://asiarecipe.com/webstats/ is that my hosting company provides it for free, and doesn't count the file size of the stats against me. I also tried Axs. It is okay for small sites, but it's measurement of hits was useless to me, and the only way I could see to measure visits was to count each IP number- Anyway, I used axs when my site was small, and it was fine for that...But as my site grew, so did the axs logfile... My website was actually shut down twice because AXS had a file size of well over 100 megabytes. That was the main reason I dumped it.

    Darknight, who is your hosting company? I use powweb.com now, but I've used others over the years. Powweb seems to do a pretty good job for me since they raised their file size limits and their sever usage limits. something like $8 dollars a month by the year

  21. Fear is a Mindkiller.

    That is a point that is important to consider. Even if the danger isn't real, your own fears that it is can take precedence...

    In that case, it's most important to give yourself peace of mind.

    A couple of years ago, there was a rash of burglaries in my muubaan. Rather than be paranoid and annoy myself with those inner-rantings, I got:

    A. A better chain and lock for my front gate, and my housekeeper has orders to keep it closed and locked.

    B. I installed an intercom and camera to monitor my fron gate, which is not easily seen from inside the house.

    C. I installed other cameras around the perimeter of my house to monitor those areas.

    I didn't get a big dog, because my neighbor already has some noisy ones...

    The cameras and intercom are clearly visible to anyone walking by- or casing my house as a potential target.... Knowing that thieves are opportunistic and wanting to avoid confrontation if at all possible, I feel quite secure that most any thief will look somewhere else for a better target.

    If someone did get into my house, I have some mandaus from Indonesia that served their owners quite well as head choppers..

    And I've got that paintgun. Thirteen .68 caliber rounds per second, moving at 300+ feet per second.... 400 round 'clip'. Not likely lethal, but certainly effective!

    What? Me worry? Nah.... :o

  22. Ajarn mon ami,

    I regret if I misrepresented you as an opponent in our discussion. It's simply because English is not my native language. Really, it was not my intend to bring up any personal matters into this dicussion, just to highlight some common mistakes. With the full respect to your straightness and a desire to support, I would try to use a better wording in the future, albeit the fact, as far as I can see, yourself is a master of sarcastic langauge and misleads...

    If you just read correctly what "the other poster" said, you should not put your words in the maitembot's mouth be telling "you are wrong about the meaning of 'Hits'..." (it beams like the 'maitembot' is acting on your behalf. Or maybe, you also want to bet?).

    You calling me "son", and by putting your ego on the line, showing how childish you really are, a truely infantile behavior.

    I just hope, you will have enough courage and courtesy to admit your mistakes, if any, and to apologize as well.

    This topic, however, isn't about the language skills, or the matters of pride...

    Now, to the issues at hand...

    I'm not sure who could be the authority to judge who is right and who is wrong.

    Would you please suggest one. Or, maybe we can get some recommendations from the board members.

    Boy, just full of insults, aren't you? And a bit thick, it seems, too. In that case, kindly piss off. As I said, I don't suffer fools lightly

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