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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. The guy should have stopped, na'?


    The stone cold sober cop shot the pillion passenger as well but he is in hospital.

    Sorry if I don't share you admiration for these criminals in uniform.

    Please don't be so stupid as to try to put stupid words of yours in my mouth 

    From what I see you don't need any help from anyone you are more than capable of stupidity.

    So you think the guning down of two unarmed young men, one dead the other hospitalised is OK?

    Some ajarn.

    Listen carefully, please.

    I'm happy to enter into any intelligent conversation you want, and we don't have to agree...I really try hard to be balanced, honest, realistic, and without hidden agenda. I call 'em as I see them, and I don't try to hide that fact in any way.

    But I HATE it when someone tries to twist my words into their own agenda, then tries to attack and accuse me with that crap. I don't do it to you, and I don't accept that from you. I don't suffer fools lightly.

    I'm a man of my word, by MY word. I stand by anything and everything I say. I'm straight up here. If you can show me as anything except honest, reasonable and realistic, then please show that to me. I will listen, but, again, I don't suffer fools lightly. And when my honour or integrity is attacked with even small sideways bullshit, I will respond. I have nothing to hide, and no reason to fear being honest and open about what I write here. Just deal with me straightforward and honestly, and don't read different meanings into my words. If you have a concern or question, share it with me. But don't ###### with me, please.

    Hey, I know I come off strong. I feel strongly, too. I'm a cut-to-the-chase kinda guy. I also realize that some have fragile egos, or whatever, and some get angry or resentfull towards me, but let me know through slimey ways. I don't have patience for that, and I always respond directly to that person, as a number of folks can attest to. I'm also not anonymous here, as you are. As 'Ajarn', my real name and history is known to many in CM, even in this forum. I am what I say I am, and I live the way I talk. I challenge anyone to show different. Some like me, some don't. I truly believe my honesty would not be questioned. But, I'm no angel, either. And I'm wrong plenty of times :o

    Anyway, I will respond to your sideways questions more thoroughly.

    My responses were simply to a third hand translation of a news story. No real details or answers or even clues except an unnamed source saying the cop was drunk...That just doesn't make anything clear or black and white enough to go off with heady statements of blame. There are many reasons why a biker would be fired on, and I even presented evidence of that. I thought I might have been bringing a bit more balanced reason to the conversation. Of course it's tragic that anyone is killed, but we don't smply know enough of the facts to start flinging such allegations of blame. Get some facts. Reality of life here is, the police here are unpredictable, and often dangerous. And it is not at all uncommon for police to fire on vehicles running roadblocks. Thai's riding bikes are well aware of all that, too. He should have stopped, na'?

    And of the response that you quoted earlier in your accusation, 'he should have stopped, na'?' Well, where is the nefarious hidden message in there? Did I say anything else where my true meaning or opinion was not stated absolutely clearly? I would honestly like to hear if my sense of reality is so far off base. That would worry me.

    And as granny used to say...###### 'em if they can't take a joke! :D

  2. Does anyone know what happens to a forang who is caught by the police with a small quantity of marijauna intended for personal consumption?

    Marijuana is considered in the same league as heroin, opium, meth, etc., in this society.

    Cops that make drug arrests are given accolades and promotions, even cash rewards.

    Cops that make drug arrests and take money only get the money.

    A smart cop, in my opinion, would arrest you. He knows that the accolades and promotions will pay off down the road probably much more than the money he could get off you in a one-time deal....

    Another consideration.....

    The fact that you bought drugs is valuable to the guy who sold it to you....If he ever gets busted for his business, your name will be the first one offered up in hopes of a deal. You can count on that.

    A court of law WILL find you guilty. It would only be amazing luck that you wouldn't get sentenced to major (up to life!) prison time.

    So, is that buzz off crappy Thai pot worth it?

  3. The guy should have stopped, na'?


    The stone cold sober cop shot the pillion passenger as well but he is in hospital.

    Sorry if I don't share you admiration for these criminals in uniform.

    Please don't be so stupid as to try to put stupid words of yours in my mouth :o

  4. Thanks for all the great feedback.  I have another question based on a follow-up posting.  You said the insurance I have is useless because the bike isn't legal?  That's great, good to know now.  I'm driving around thinking I'm covered in case of an accident and apparently I'm not.

    As far as how smart it was to buy a used, plateless, rental bike goes, it's hard to say exactly what could be classified as smart or not.  I had a 150 and I wanted to upgrade but I didn't have much money and I had been rented big bikes from this guy many times.  He's a pretty decent guy for the most part.  He let me buy it in two payments and gave me a 6 month warranty on the engine.

    Also, I have a bit of a problem in that I don't have a non-imm B visa or a work permit.  The school I work for will pay for the visa fees and will arrange and pay for a work permit but I have to leave the country to get the B obviously and I'll be doing that this month.  So the bike is still in the name of the guy I bought it from (the rental shop) and I can't do anything until I have the visa.

    I'm going to speak with him today to see if he can do anything about the tax sticker at minimum and possible a plate, but I don't have much hope for a positive result.  never hurts to try though.  I don't have the cash to be shelling out 50-60,000baht for a plate though and I'm not gonna have a student steal one for me (I"m supposed to be an example for the students remember).

    And yes, this was imported from Japan as used parts and I have the book for it.

    Ummm. Illegal teacher on an illegal bike. Time for a change, maybe? :o

    You said you have an owners book, and the bike is registered in the guy's name from the rental shop...If that's the case, it seems that you should have no problem....You should also have no problem paying the taxes- if the owners book is in order. And anyone can go and pay the taxes. If there is a problem paying the taxes, it'll be because your paperwork isn't in order...Like maybe the book is bogus....

    Where's the plate that goes with the book? Unless he has the plate, you (the registered owner, actually) have to do a police report before you can apply for a new one....A new (legit) plate is only a few hundred baht...

    Good luck with the work permit...Of course, you're joining a new world of headaches and taxes, but there are benefits to being a legal worker, too, like free health care through Social Security. And you don't have to worry about some ###### dropping a dime on you to immigration :D

  5. Yes, sir, don't run a road block in Thailand...Or maybe in other countries, too?

    First offence, drunken cop, death penalty?

    Yep. In Thailand, that seems to be the case. doesn't it ? :D

    As for first offence, well, I doubt this is an issue when anyone runs a roadblock, anywhere...

    Drunk cop? Well, I take most news reports here with a grain of salt. It's a habit formed after a period of time here....Who says the cop was drunk, and how did they ascertain this? And plenty of people have gotten shot up running roadblocks by cops that weren't drunk, so......

    Death penalty? Too harsh for my taste, unless maybe if the guy on the bike was trying to run down the cop- as has happened a few times in Bkk recently when cops have tried to stop the racers at night...

    I wasn't there, so I can know what the true story is....But I do know that many news stories contain inaccuracies of some kind.....

    The guy should have stopped, na'? :o

  6. The paintguns, crossbows, blowguns, powrslingshot and other legal stuff in Thailand is to expencive. Like ajarn said is about 400% more than websides overseas. The duty is only 6% if you imported a paintgun for personal use. If you import to sell, then you need importlicense, licence for sell and much more tax. Buy it from america, but a problem is that most of the websides who deal with all kind of guns don't ship outside america. So get a friend to buy it for you and send it to you and mark the pack sportequipments. You will save a lot of money. I do the same before, but I find out that china now have some stuff who can match the quality from america and at a "funny" price.

    Man, so much good info here. Thanks. :D

    Looks like I'll be contacting Jopha, after all :o

    What kind of stuff have you found from China that matches the quality from America?

  7. Not reported in the Bangkok post but in the Thai language press is the is the law enforcement officer who shot and killed a young man because he did not stop when signalled to by the polieman who was drunk at the time.

    Yes, sir, don't run a road block in Thailand...Or maybe in other countries, too? :o

  8. Strange that the numbers did not match, for renewing the tax a copy of the frame and engine number is required, this should match the ones in the book. If you can pay tax on the bike, you should also be able to move it to another province...

    I would not recommend doing these kind of things, if you get an accident or even worse, kill someone in an accident with an illegal vehicle you're in deep ***.

    Lots of legal bikes available at the major shops, so why make life difficult?


    And one might suggest that buying a used, plateless, rental bike is not such a good idea, either :D

    Yeah, strange about the numbers..

    Last year, I decided to sell my 2 Honda 750's (after a stroke, I can't ride anymore)

    One was legal, one was an 'import'....

    I realised I lost my owners book, and my wife had to go to BKK (where the bike was registerd) to apply for a new book. As requested by BKK, she took the engine and frame scrapings, along with all the needed paperwork. My wife gave them 2,000 baht for 'express service'. Everything went smoothly, and she got a new book, seemingly everything in order, the next day...

    When she got back here to CM, I then sold the legal bike for 60,000 baht. When the new owner went to register and pay taxes, they refused him. They said there was a discrepency in the numbers....One number off on the motor # in the book. :o

    My wife went back to BKK, and went back to the vehicle registration, and talked to the guy who helped her before...He said he would straighten it out, but after a week of waiting at their office all day, I told my wife to come home.... :D

    I refunded the guy's money to him and took my bike back (now repainted). I sold the bike again, but since it couldn't get registered, I had to drop 20,000 baht off the price...More than one year on, the guy in BKK is still straightening out the book.... :D

    To the original poster in Chiang Mai, if you ever decide to buy a legal used bike, I'd recommend 'German Joe', a great guy who fixes bikes in Chiang Mai. He's a good contact if you want to buy or sell a bike.... (053) 251-186

    And I totally agree about being in deep shit in case of an accident in an illegal vehicle....You'll be escorted to the police station, where you'll be a guest untill ALL settlements are completed... :D

  9. A little more background....

    If your bike is imported as used parts and assembled here, in theory, as long as you have import invoices and taxes paid, you can register your bike and get an owners book.

    Most of the plateless big bikes in Thailand have been imported as used parts from Japan, and reassembled here. I've had two such bikes in the last few years. One which I also restored myself.....


    http://asiarecipe.com/images/motorcycle2.jpg[/url] http://asiarecipe.com/images/motorcycle3.jpg[/url]

    So, in theory, you can make them legal.... I have known of a number of people who've tried, and a couple of them were 'successful' in Bkk, and one in Phuket....And this is after paying extra tea money, even though it's supposed to be legal.....

    Then, in each case, when they tried to move the registration to where they lived, the registration was refused because of 'numbers not matching', which means either, frame, engine, plate, or book numbers that don't match...

    I've also just talked with David Unkovich, who has more of this kind of experience than anyone I know. He also related exactly the same stories for other people he has known... Nobody has ever had their paperwork from such situations hold up to inspection outside of the office where they first became legal. In every case, just as in my experiences, discrepencies were found in the paperwork- and these were not simply stories to get bribed.

    I feel that there are some officials in BKK and Phuket who do offer, for a price, to make your bike legal....Maybe it's fine as long as you don't try to move registration, and only go back to that official who helped you before, because nobody seems to be able to make it work anywhere else.

    My advice is, don't waste your time with these guys who tell you they can make your bike legal for a price. History says you'll never see your money again, and you're still going to be riding an illegal bike. One that might be insurable, but just try to collect on your insurance. Illegal bikes are not allowed on the road, and are uninsurable. The insurers don't care to check now (not like after a claim...) because they win either way, and they know it....

    Bike Bike Buyer Beware :o

  10. No book? Forget it.

    And this idea of being able to make an illegal bike legal, in any way, for 50,000 baht is an Urban Legend. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. I would like to be wrong this time.  :o

    Best advice is to find a plate off a junk bike and use that. Of course, it won't stand to inspection, but it won't ever be a reason to stop you, meaning you're probably fine in Thailand.

    Oh, by the way, if your bike isn't legal, your insurance for it is useless- except for the sticker, of course  :D

    I do not think that a public message board is the place to discuss illegal practises but you'd better talk to some owners of big bike shops and they may explain to you what can be done in Thailand.

    Experience, sir. I have done the talking to shops. Many over 20 years. Never ever heard of even one case of illegal-to-legal. Have you? I've been there, done that, here for a long time. Please prove me wrong. :D

    And, advice is advice. Take it, or leave it.

    I find this very naive, when people in the Netherlands, the Uk and anywhere else can change the ID of vehicles in order to sell it again (or register on another book) you think that this is not done in Thailand?

    Like I said, please prove me wrong :D

  11. No book? Forget it.

    And this idea of being able to make an illegal bike legal, in any way, for 50,000 baht is an Urban Legend. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. I would like to be wrong this time.  :o

    Best advice is to find a plate off a junk bike and use that. Of course, it won't stand to inspection, but it won't ever be a reason to stop you, meaning you're probably fine in Thailand.

    Oh, by the way, if your bike isn't legal, your insurance for it is useless- except for the sticker, of course  :D

    I do not think that a public message board is the place to discuss illegal practises but you'd better talk to some owners of big bike shops and they may explain to you what can be done in Thailand.

    Experience, sir. I have done the talking to shops. Many over 20 years. Never ever heard of even one case of illegal-to-legal. Have you? I've been there, done that, here for a long time. Please prove me wrong. :D

    And, advice is advice. Take it, or leave it.


    Just get any tag, tell your students that you want to buy one for 500 baht and they will surely 'find' one for you. You can then write the info on the insurance tag

    Surely a case of the pot calling the kettle black :D

  12. I just had an unfortunate run-in with the chiang mai boys in brown on my way to work (I teach) this morning.  I was sitting at a stoplight and out of nowhere I had 3 cops pull up next to me on motorbikes and told me to come with them.  I thought I'd be able to pay the obligatory 'fee' and be on my way, but these guys wouldn't take any money.  They insisted that I went to the police station with them.  They simply wouldn't take a bribe there. 

    They had pulled me over because I have a honda superfour 400cc motorcycle with no tag on it.  I had bought it from a rental shop but it's never had a tag.  I didn't think much of it because the owner of the shop said if I got pulled over it wouldn't be a problem, I'd just pay 1-200baht and be on my way.  I have insurance but no tag on it and apparently I need a sticker to prove that tax has been paid on it?

    So I got to the police station (they drove my bike with me on the back) and they said they were going to keep the bike unless I paid them 1000baht.  So 1000baht lighter I was on the street within 15minutes after that. 

    My question is, how much is it for a proper tag?  I was told by the bike shop it was around 50,000baht for one, which is why there wasn't one on it.  This seems to be extortion by the government just for owning a bigger bike.  50,000baht is more than the bike is worth!

    :o  :D

    Are you saying your bike has no license plate on the rear? Do you have an owners book showing you as the registered owner? If so, then you need to make police report for the missing plate first, then take a copy of the report to the DMV in your area, and apply for a new plate (new number, actually) No Sweat.

    No book? Forget it.

    And this idea of being able to make an illegal bike legal, in any way, for 50,000 baht is an Urban Legend. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. I would like to be wrong this time. :D

    Best advice is to find a plate off a junk bike and use that. Of course, it won't stand to inspection, but it won't ever be a reason to stop you, meaning you're probably fine in Thailand.

    Oh, by the way, if your bike isn't legal, your insurance for it is useless- except for the sticker, of course :D

  13. Take a look at page 3 in free classified

    If that was my ad for the MI Autococker then it is a bit late for me to bring it over. But I will be back to work in the US next week and I sell painball gear and can send you just about any hardware like guns, barrels, and parts. I don't knowabout import duties so caveat emptor. My advice is to buy a Tippmann 98, the most reliable gun out there.

    Thanks, Jopha, for the info and suggestion. The Tippmann 98 looks to be a pretty good price. I still need to check with customs to see what's up with that, but if it can happen without too much hassle or cost, then I think I might be better off ordering through you if I can't find something locally.

  14. In principle, I think monks should stay clear of politics- seperation of church and State, and all that...

    I don't know exactly what was discussed in the radio program, but I could see how, if they were truly criticising the government, the government might get annoyed...

    Unfortunately, the issue is a very muddy one, for we have also recently seen the government get involved with the church by trying to place controls on who is running the show in place of the Supreme Patriarch, rumored to be suffering from Alxheimers disease. And there are many people outside the church causing problems by trying to use the church as a political tool...

    I think there needs to be further redefining of the roles between the church and State. I do agree with the idea that monks who want to get involved in politics should leave the monkhood to persue their goals...

    But, we are seeing continued erosion of the rights of people, and we see the government, as a policy it seems, dong everything in its power to muzzle opposition in any way possible, often in quite nefarious ways.

    Thaksin , by closing all doors of communication for people, is setting Thailand up for even more social unrest than what is being signalled by the monks speaking out on political issues....At the very least, Thaksin should not be pitting himself in a power struggle with the church at this point. It will certainly lose him more votes than it will gain him, and his continued antagonizing just moves everyone closer to a point where the situation can get out of control....

    My soapbox speech for the day... :o

  15. Baan Suan Sawaan in Chiang Mai has the best Mexican food I've had, and I'm from California.... :o

    Oh, and Baan Suan Sawaan is my house.. :D

    Seriously, Thailand has any ingredient needed to make your Mexican food at home. I've trained my housekeeper to cook like a Mexican... :D

    I've never run across a gringo who could make it taste like the real thing

    Silly Boy, it's the ingredients and prep, not nationality... :D

  16. My husband's family owns a small resort, the only times things have gone missing out of rooms were when guys brought home bargirls they had met that night. That said, there have been stories of farang robbing rooms as well. So it is not particular to the Thai bargirl. Nevertheless, his family never refuses service to Thai people, but have made it clear that if the guy has not checked in with the girl then she is not welcome to let herself into the room without being accompanied by the guy. Seems fair enough to me as these rules also apply to farang guests. The general opinion seems to be that if something happens it is his responsibility and his problem.

    And to be perfectly honest, the biggest problem so far has been with two drunken english girls who got into a cat fight and trashed their room. So, the family generally thinks that any guest is a potential problem, Thai or Farang.

    Thanks for the Reality Check. I suspect many 'attitude' complaints stem from situations with unregistered guests, as you described. And it's also possible that some dodgy-looking guests might be questioned at times. I would expect any hotel to take great care with security, including questioning anyone who looks suspicious, but that has to be based on something other than race...

    And any hotel that truly treats any guest like shit should be chastised.

  17. I had a similar problem in Phuket.  We stayed in Kata Beach in a 3 to 4 star hotel.

    List and shame the hotel.

    We can keep a list of such hotels on the Forum.

    They do not deserve our custom.

    Unless there is some sort of proof or an independent investigation of personal allegations made against a hotel, I'd be against 'shaming' them in the form of maintaining a list on Thaivisa.com of alleged 'racist' hotels.

    The only time I ever followed up on such a recent allegation, the end result was enough circumstantial evidence to show that the original complaint was not likely factually true...

    Agreed that it's an important issue and maybe difficult to get to the truth, but it's important to the hotel, too. Complaints about racism, and the like, can actually hurt their business, since this forum is widely distributed and widely read. And even Thailand has laws regarding Libel, and people do go to jail.

  18. One can only wonder why the PM set 03 October date. Why not 03 August ?

    Simple. He has to get his scheme money to work before the war starts....And, of course, his battle campaign goes right along with his election campaign....

    "Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has brought forward his new SML village fund scheme from October to next month and is showcasing it during his tour of the central and northern regions, telling villagers about it wherever he goes."

  19. Frankly, Debaryman sounds like a Troll so far as I've seen in this thread. Just my opinion.

    troll2 /tr@Ul, trQl/

    · v.

    1 fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat. Ø search for something.

    2 chiefly Brit. walk; stroll.

    3 sing (something) in a happy and carefree way.

    4 [usu. as noun trolling] Computing, informal send (an email message or Internet posting) intended to provoke a response by containing errors.· n. an act or instance of trolling. Ø a line or bait used in such fishing.

    – DERIVATIVES troller n.

    – ORIGIN ME (in the sense ‘stroll, roll’): of uncertain origin; cf. OFr. troller ‘wander in search of game’ and Mid. High Ger. trollen ‘stroll’.

  20. I'm afraid that the custom bears no relation to the number, or competence of nursing staff. This is just another incidence of the cultural imperative to care for family members, sadly lacking in the West.

    They have some facilities for the families of patients in the US......... run by McDonalds! :D

    I think P1P laid it out clearly, though not in a nutshell, perhaps. :D

    I whine and moan about Ram 1, but it's still the place I would likely go for the technology and the services....beyond having waay-too-beautiful nurses and support staff. :o Having UBC is a big plus. Doctors there are another story. Be proactive at Ram. Watch the incidental fees for things you didn't receive...Doctors fees are 200 baht, mostly.

    The best and sharpest care is Suan Dok. But, their triage is very strict, so lower priorities get set amongst the main zoo, Orderly, but a zoo, nontheless. No UBC, no real frills or views of any kind. Maybe one big advantage at Suan Dok is with the price of meds. When I used to use their outpatient services as a teacher at cmu, they charged everyone cost + 10% for all meds. .

    I recently got some medicine from Ram1...

    260 baht for 5 grams, refills the same,,,5 gram max (enough for one week, likely on a regime requiring this medication forever, in some cases)

    At my local pharmacy, it was

    190 baht for 40 grams of the exact same...

    Buyer Beware, as always.

  21. I am no great fan of the Mae Ping after visiting a 'free' concert at their Beer Garden to be presented with a 100 baht a head 'watch show' charge but reality is reality.

    Ajarn perhaps you could inquire of the MP policy on such charges?

    Perhaps... :D

    Self Service is always free :o

    [email protected]

    Direct to the General Manager, Khun Worapong.

    Oh, and the sweetest sounding is Khun Preeyanuch, who even "P" agrees is a credit to the hotel..... [email protected]

    She did welcome any inquiries.

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