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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. I suggest that you check with Siam TV. Don't know if they handle Daiken, but they install and service Aircons for 2 years, for free.

    for free?

    really, lets just say it's included in the purchase price but hidden somehow

    Nice assumption, with no proof of anything.. I guess that is what you mean by 'somehow'.. :o

    (Frankly, since then, we swore to buy nothing but Mitsubishi airconditioners for as long as we live. They rock. ) Siam TV definitely has Mitsubishi.
    After two Mitsubishi's 'wore out' on me just after the two years, I have switched to Toshibas and have been happier..
  2. I personally would consider it 'un-Buddhist' to buy or make use of this fabric as it involves cruel methods of killing (the insect being boiled alive in order to separate it from the cocoon).

    I acknowledge that most people don't really care about the lives of insects. I think it would be great however if people would at least say a little 'thank you' to the hundreds of silkworms for giving up their lives next time they wear a silk shirt.

    You must be joking. :o

  3. We will land in Chiang Mai on the 5th of May and I notice on my Thai Calendar (courtesy of Thai Visa) that it is Coronation Day with the Monday the 7th as a day in lieu, my question is will the shops night bazaar etc all be closed on that day or will it be like a normal day for trading. Many Thanks.

    Normal trading day for the Night Bazaar and all the shops, but expect the banks to be closed. ATM's not a problem.......

    If it is a 'wan yuut karachagan' (I think it is) then the banks, Post Office, schools and anybody else who wants to... will close for sure. Make sure your business is done before Monday, I'd say.

  4. Namkhong Travel (next to Daret's House on Chaiaphum Road) runs a mini-van every day at 10:00 to Chiang Khong where you can take a 20 baht boat across to the Lao side, get a visa on arrival (small late fee after 16:00) come back to the Thai side, and take the same mini-van back. This is more expensive than going to Mai Sai and get's you back to Chiang Mai later in the evening, but if you prefer a van to a bus (this bus is quite comfortable if you wear ear plugs and an a blindfold,) you do have the option.

    I believe NamKhong Travel still offers to get your visa stamped 'for you'. This service isn't cheap at 2,000 baht, but very convenient. :D

    They haven't offered this service in almost two years. As 'Old Friends,' they give me the van ride for free to make up for it. They will, however, get you a Lao visa before your trip if you wish, have a brand new hotel right on the river there, and offer good service all around if you want to make a more relaxed two day trip.

    The Fly Fisherman

    Yep, you are right. I just checked with Panada (owner) and she said no... :o

  5. Namkhong Travel (next to Daret's House on Chaiaphum Road) runs a mini-van every day at 10:00 to Chiang Khong where you can take a 20 baht boat across to the Lao side, get a visa on arrival (small late fee after 16:00) come back to the Thai side, and take the same mini-van back. This is more expensive than going to Mai Sai and get's you back to Chiang Mai later in the evening, but if you prefer a van to a bus (this bus is quite comfortable if you wear ear plugs and an a blindfold,) you do have the option.

    I believe NamKhong Travel still offers to get your visa stamped 'for you'. This service isn't cheap at 2,000 baht, but very convenient. :o

  6. Many years ago, the bkk post did an inspection of a number of water companies in bkk. So, what they did with the news was report that they found 70% of the water to not meet local health standards. Who? we never got that part... I think that the report came after a similar report in which a few milk companies were using powdered milk, yet they were calling it fresh. Learned all the details except who.....

  7. Haven't been in many years, but most of the factories that sold silk had a production area where the whole process is shown... Most of the factories are on san kampeng road..

    Thanks ajarn, its san kampeng road.do they have silk egg for sale ?

    I'm not sure, but they will know where you can buy..

  8. 500 people, wow what a nag you are, I think. :o

    Anyway, yes, it was DavidGF, and he told you that he got some special service at the Montri, and I got some at home. I'd suggest that most, if not all, of the 500 stayed in the place... I'd suggest that the key being privacy outsife... Otherwise, I'd suggest some better choices in what you are saying here. I have lived here peacefully for a long time, and you have no reason to suggest that I am lying to you. I thought you knew me better.

  9. Well it sure don't operate like Sayuri, but it sounds like maybe there have been a few, rogue masseuses over the years. :D

    UG, there was a thread here in recent months discussing the same girls at the same place, with you mainly involved... Did you forget that discussion?

    No, I didn't forget, but because it is in such a prominent location (and SO convienient) and the girls are so cute, it is a never-ending source of interest to me.

    The fact that you and Maejo Man both had a different experience there means that it is not impossible, but I have met so many, many long term expats like tigerbeer who say, "No How: No way" and on top of that, I purposely sent those hot-blooded handsome, young tourists there who remained just as frustrated as when they went in, so the place is a mystery. :D

    My 'bullshit' was in response to, 'Hawking what?

    My point is that it is widely known that there are no special services at this shop. Do you know otherwise? '

    You had heard from both myself and DaviGT before, so you knew that what you were saying was bullshit. :o

  10. Just buy a 25 foot leash for your kid. It is the only way your kid will be safe.

    My apologies for the above. I was just in a crappy mood most of yesterday, and you got part of it.

    Don't feel too bad, at least Ajarn didn't answer your post with, "Bullsh*t!", like he did with mine. :D

    There was a good reason for that... :o

  11. Well it sure don't operate like Sayuri, but it sounds like maybe there have been a few, rogue masseuses over the years. :D

    UG, there was a thread here in recent months discussing the same girls at the same place, with you mainly involved... Did you forget that discussion?

    i remember this discussion very well and i agree with UG. its one place with good lookin chicks outside with no special services inside. a very tricky situation. i dont know how ajarn got by with it. but you were lucky! :D

    Skill? :o

  12. Well it sure don't operate like Sayuri, but it sounds like maybe there have been a few, rogue masseuses over the years. :o

    UG, there was a thread here in recent months discussing the same girls at the same place, with you mainly involved... Did you forget that discussion?

  13. I know an awful lot of expats who claim that staying completely faithful to the misses is real cinch at that shop - if you get my meaning. :o

    I'm sure you are correct, but at least two folks are saying otherwise...

  14. its next to a dodgy massage parlour & not far from Aroon Rai.

    Nothing "dodgy" about it - Unfortunately! :o

    If i wanted a Thai massage, i would not go here

    If i wanted to pick up a young lass who pretends to be a proper massous, then maybe...

    A well known hawking spot.. :D

    Hawking what?

    My point is that it is widely known that there are no special services at this shop. Do you know otherwise? :D

    Bullshit :D

  15. Has anyone else noticed an increase in the mosquito population this winter?? Been here 7 yrs and normally the cooler winter months are mosquito free, but this year.........NOT!!

    I've eliminated all possible breeding places, but they continue to come in swarms, mostly early evening and morning. Just wondering if others are experiencing the same???

    I have never seen a part of the year that did not have mosquitoes...

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