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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. I heard one story a few years back that a certain species of mushroom will only grow after a fire .. and the mushrooms are expensive.

    That is the 'Tut' mushroom, and the fire helps its later growth, but they grow after Rain...

  2. I've pondered myself after the craving, and figured out that it was only satisfying for the moment of eating, not afterward. Meaning that I didn't need to pig out much at all.. Maybe a bite or two before the 'satisfaction' would end for me.

    That is the key to losing weight for people who overeat, I think. Finally learning when to stop. I know I find it hard to stop eating something I really enjoy. My dad does this alot, he ends up eating for the taste and ends up going way past full.

    That realization was a key for me, I think. Before, I used to kinda worry that if I didn't spend enough time eating, then my craving would return quickly. When I finally realized that my craving ended after a couple of bites (or the smell!), I decided to let it go with eating whatever I wanted, and that was when my worries ended, as well as my weight coming off! :o

  3. I cant exercise as I travel a bit of late (cant get a routine..... knees buggered too, so can jog / run )... so on a lean diet, 1kg a week is about tops ( unless just only breakfast which I dont think is sustainable ) . think cutting down and working on something sustainable is the best.

    If your knees are buggered, try riding a bike.

    Or swimming! :o

  4. I read an article in the Daily Telegraph about a drug that has weight losing properties

    Scientists have stumbled upon a 'super pill' that helps people lose weight and it could save the NHS millions in risky obesity surgery.

    12 hour Sudafed also has appetite reducing qualities. Cannot get it in Thailand though, but it's sold across the counter in the UK, the US and Australia.

    I have seen Sudafed for sale most places in Bkk & Chiang Mai, I recall..

  5. Does anyone know of a place there in Thailand where you can escape the heat of summer- other than an airconed room in the house. I know that in the Philippines you can escape to Baguio or Tagaytay, where it is much cooler.

    Doi Inthanon is beautiful and cool.. :o

  6. also feel that if a restaurant has a good ventalation system, it is unfair to smokers to forbid them from indulging - despite the laws against it
    I don't think that following the smoking law is too much to ask from an owner. In fact, any place that doesn't, doesn't get my business anymore...
  7. > Do they ship? I can't seem to find that info on their site.

    Yes they do. Or they used to, anyway. Flower seeds are nice and small so easy to send by mail/courier.

    They say they do sell seeds, but I can't find a page with any clicks or info....

  8. For most gardeners needs, I use a couple of stores in the fish selling area of somphet market (Was a big deal with pets/plants some years ago). I find they have better prices and more knowledgable service than Kamthiang market, too...

  9. Sorry, I thought that you said somewhere that you didn't get cravings any more.

    My big problem is that I know how to keep from getting hungry (eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables), but eating like this gets boring very quickly.

    My personal rule regarding craving is to eat it, but less... :o

    I've pondered myself after the craving, and figured out that it was only satisfying for the moment of eating, not afterward. Meaning that I didn't need to pig out much at all.. Maybe a bite or two before the 'satisfaction' would end for me.

  10. I heard a rumour it was closing or had closed...I need to take my Son there this week to extend his visa...can anyone clarify this for me?

    I dot want to make a wasted journey having just got back from the UK today

    Many thanks


    Gulp! :D , I have to go in a week, I hope you are wrong, it was open 3 months ago, It's been closed for a few days at the beginning of the coupe though.

    Marco....its only a rumour...( from my Missus-she saw something on the Television about it)...so make out of that that you will 55555.

    If I dont get anything concrete from the forum I will go on Thursday and report back

    Ok, thanks ThaiPauly :o

    TP, try the chiang rai forum, since Mae Sai is in chiang rai...

  11. I shaved my head (and everywhere else) and became a swimmer...

    I think that you could have been a swimmer without going baldy! :D

    In effect, I was throwing off my 'old' body.. This was a huge change in my life. :o

    And no, unfortunately, I haven't found any way to make my stroke 'better' for me in any way. In fact, I had a second stroke last year which effected my voice and body..

  12. Most of my day was north of Chiang Mai, I was on the moat at 10 am, but it seemed like a normal day because the water throwers hadn't woken yet!

    Anyway, it was mostly family groups playing, but intensely! I never saw a vehicle get the best shot!








    Lots of DRY fun for me!

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