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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Has anyone else noticed the pricing board for the taxis from the airport? Read carefully, you can see that a taxi to Mae Rim costs 300 baht. Not unreasonable for an airport taxi.

    But if you read on, you'll notice that the fare to the Four Seasons Resort is 450 baht.

    The Four Seasons Resort is IN Mae Rim. Now THAT is what I call cashing in on ignorance!! :D

    The Fly Fisherman

    the average punter that would stay at a 4 seasons probably wouldnt blink twice at that price so whats the big deal?

    so whats the big deal?

    So, because some people have got a bit of dosh it's OK to exploit and rip them off eh?? :o

    This is just one of the reasons that the realm has such a bad name.

    Since the charge is clearly listed on the charge list the patrons aren't exploited and they aren't ripped off - (provided they aren't charged more than the list says). Anyone is pretty much free to take it or leave it and venture into how and where to get a cheaper ride. Every entrepreneur in every country is free to choose his kind of patrons. Some go for the Thailand-on-a-shoestring kind of patrons - other go for the ones to whom money is less of a concern than convenience.

    I agree because The place is further than downtown Mae Rim, and since both prices are clearly listed.. No big deal for me, either.

  2. Sorry, but for some reason, I doubt the truthfullness of the story.. Nothing to do with the reporter, who I don't know, but this is something I could expect to happen in a large public school, but at Prem, it just doesn't make sense to me that it could happen there. I mean the very personalized relationship between staff and kids there would seem to me to make this story not likely...

  3. Sorry ajahn but you didn't say how long it took.

    Did you try lots of things first or was this your first serious attempt?

    I would love to lose about 10KG but I am finding it impossible.

    It took me 2 years to lose the weight, and one month to build the pool.

    I would say this was my first serious attempt at losing weight.. Earlier in my life I never had a serious problem with being fat, but, in 2001, I had a stroke while driving through malaysia with my wife which left me unable to use my left hand, and unable to walk. That was my motivation. Mainly the issue surrounding weght loss is your personal discipline. I finally got some. :o

    I trust you now take Statins (I take Fluvastatin) and a 75mg Aspirin each night before bed?

    That should prevent another Stroke.....All the best.

    I take a blood thinner each morning. Aspirin didn't help with my second stroke, that's why I changed..

  4. I got LOTS of water thrown on me today, while heading to Chiang Dao. Seems like kids with nothing better to do...

    Great - just what I need to top of my day, ride my bike home and get wiped out by a bucket of water :o

    Normally the kids in my village area are pretty polite so maybe it is just a localised thing around your way


    I don't consider kids tossing water to be impolite. :D

  5. Sounds like it's already over because of your lack of honesty with each other, and the simple fact he's probably getting high because of you. Nothing meant by me in saying that, it's just my guess, but I have some experience...

  6. I don't see any reason for you to change what you eat. Just change the amount of what you eat. I have done it for a long time now, and I never feel hungry. Getting the food info is important, but it really doesn't make a big difference, in my experience...

  7. Sorry ajahn but you didn't say how long it took.

    Did you try lots of things first or was this your first serious attempt?

    I would love to lose about 10KG but I am finding it impossible.

    It took me 2 years to lose the weight, and one month to build the pool.

    I would say this was my first serious attempt at losing weight.. Earlier in my life I never had a serious problem with being fat, but, in 2001, I had a stroke while driving through malaysia with my wife which left me unable to use my left hand, and unable to walk. That was my motivation. Mainly the issue surrounding weght loss is your personal discipline. I finally got some. :o

  8. Swimming is an excellent way to exercise, esp for those who have disabilities or are extremely overweight. It is highly unlikely (or even possible) for an extremely obese person to go jogging or other similar kinds of cardio routines. But swimming is very highly doable. Wish I could get my dad to do it but he isn't so lucky as Ajarn as to have a lap pool in his front yard. (and he is a stubborn man --doesn't like to listen to his daughters :D )

    Great idea, and nice garden there too. :o

    Yep, sbk, you're right. I am both obese (though not any more!!) and I have a disabilty making walking for me very difficult. But in a pool, I am a whole man again, and that feels great!

    The best decision I ever made in my life was to build this pool. Not too expensive, either. About 200,000 baht for a 'California' pool. Saved my life.. seriously.

  9. I heard The Dukes is opening an outlet next to McDonalds Night Bazaar.

    That would suit me as Im down in the market frequently and would like to tuck into a good juicy

    steak/pizza etc more often

    Anyone know more? :o

    btw also a new pizza place to open soon in the NB.(?)

    making my lips water now

    Yep, Donnyboy I hear it opens it's doors on the 4th this month. I also hear there may be some changes to the original menu but don't know more than that. No doubt your favourite steak/pizza will still be there. :D

    Are they moving, or will this be #2?

  10. In my expererience, yes, sometimes they read it themselves, otherwise, it is a friend or their employer who calls, looking for extra work for their employee. Since he only needs someone for 2 days a week, I think my suggestion is a good one..

    Also I see ads from them looking for work (twice in the last month), who do you think places them?

  11. To add my 2 cents worth I just hired Prathom to do some wiring work for me at my house. Need three phase wiring into the kitchen to install high powered water heater for new washing machine ( yes have 3 phase into the house, but not the kitchen). Talked with the guy and he knows what he's talking about! Came to the house, inspected and not a problem.

    Found him from George's post about tradesmen in Chiang Mai.

    Thank you George.

    Think you'll find the tradesmen post was from p1p. George is trying to sell hotels :D

    And I have uesd Prathom too with very satisfactory results, but a bit pricey though.

    How much would it cost you in your home country?? :D


    Thank you for your interest and reply to my post. I don't quite understand why your tone has to be so aggressive though. I merely point out that I have used your recommended electrician and found his work to be satisfactory. However he did charge somewhat more than I have been used to paying other local electricians for equivalent work.

    What does my home country have to do with anything? And how do you define "Home Country"? The place I have my only home is Thailand and has been for more years than I care to remember, certainly more than 80% of my life to date.

    So aggressive?? I was just joking with you, which is why I left a :D

    Get a grip on reality, sir...

    Norman d

    Have to say, for what it's worth, I also felt a bite in Ajan's reply, maybe I also need to get a grip on reality :o

    I think the bite yiou felt, must have been your own, and yes, you need to get a better grip. :D

  12. To add my 2 cents worth I just hired Prathom to do some wiring work for me at my house. Need three phase wiring into the kitchen to install high powered water heater for new washing machine ( yes have 3 phase into the house, but not the kitchen). Talked with the guy and he knows what he's talking about! Came to the house, inspected and not a problem.

    Found him from George's post about tradesmen in Chiang Mai.

    Thank you George.

    Think you'll find the tradesmen post was from p1p. George is trying to sell hotels :D

    And I have uesd Prathom too with very satisfactory results, but a bit pricey though.

    How much would it cost you in your home country?? :o


    Thank you for your interest and reply to my post. I don't quite understand why your tone has to be so aggressive though. I merely point out that I have used your recommended electrician and found his work to be satisfactory. However he did charge somewhat more than I have been used to paying other local electricians for equivalent work.

    What does my home country have to do with anything? And how do you define "Home Country"? The place I have my only home is Thailand and has been for more years than I care to remember, certainly more than 80% of my life to date.

    So aggressive?? I was just joking with you, which is why I left a :D

    Get a grip on reality, sir...

  13. To add my 2 cents worth I just hired Prathom to do some wiring work for me at my house. Need three phase wiring into the kitchen to install high powered water heater for new washing machine ( yes have 3 phase into the house, but not the kitchen). Talked with the guy and he knows what he's talking about! Came to the house, inspected and not a problem.

    Found him from George's post about tradesmen in Chiang Mai.

    Thank you George.

    Think you'll find the tradesmen post was from p1p. George is trying to sell hotels :D

    And I have uesd Prathom too with very satisfactory results, but a bit pricey though.

    How much would it cost you in your home country?? :o

  14. Went there today.

    I am a great fan of wooden furniture and teak wood furniture in particular, but most of the furniture shown at the exhibition isn't so hot after all. It's quite conservative, clunky, and plain. Almost all of it is stained in the ubiquitous orange-brown (granny's favourite) colour.

    Yes, there are some finely carved beds, closets, and tables which are very beautiful, and there's also nice garden furniture.

    Yet, I have to say that the teak shops around Ban Tawai are already years ahead in terms of design and style. Some of these shops have picked up pan-Asian styles (Chinese, Burmese, Indonesian, etc.) as well as innovative, modern forms, whereas the teak offered in Talat Kam Tiang is basically the same that has been sold for the last 50 years.

    Cheers, X-Pat

    I sure wouldn't expect anything new from prisoners...

    And Austhaied, if you think it's teak, then I'm not going to say anything to make you unhappy. :o

  15. Just been there, they have some really top quality teak furniture for bargain prices. Picked up a teak swing / love seat for a song. Solid as a rock, they need a small crane to lift it.. Check it out, it's worth a look.

    My experience with those 'swings' is that they last a maximum of two years before the bracing falls apart. They use a lot of 'gunk' at the connections to make it look good, but since it is not wood, but putty, it falls apart. Can't really tell by looking if it's new...

    Thought a couple of photos would illustrate it better..



    Oh, and it's not teak either...

  16. As lannarebirth mentioned it should definitely be reported, at least to the university. I work there and have seen one or two white jazz's around. They used to not allow anyone in the gates without a university sticker or else they have to turn over their id cards. Maybe time for them to get that going again. Will certainly be keeping my eyes open.

    Only if you're on a bike, in my experience. Never been stopped in my car (no sticker), and have never seen anyone else stopped in a car...

  17. Just been there, they have some really top quality teak furniture for bargain prices. Picked up a teak swing / love seat for a song. Solid as a rock, they need a small crane to lift it.. Check it out, it's worth a look.

    My experience with those 'swings' is that they last a maximum of two years before the bracing falls apart. They use a lot of 'gunk' at the connections to make it look good, but since it is not wood, but putty, it falls apart. Can't really tell by looking if it's new...

  18. What will you miss from Chiang Mai?

    Well, for me, number 1 was the food. Compared to cm, the fresh fruits are mostly crap, same with the vegies... I missed being smiled at- It may not seem like much, I suppose, but you will notice it...I missed cm restarants, but I'm pretty sure they still have one or two there... You'll miss the vegetation in Songkhla.. Not much at the homes, or anywhere else... The rental housing still sucks, it seems, too...

    Samila beach is the only nice place to relax in Songkhla- The ONLY thing not in Chiang Mai...

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