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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Sounds the same as I found 10 years ago. Very few houses (and expensive), mostly studio apts.

    As for those houses mentioned, you must drive through a muslim village to get home, and once there, you have to pray that you don't get the fumes from the fish factories that evening...

  2. Songkhla City

    Walking distance to the beach!


    I will be moving to Songkhla to teach and I will need an apartment. Does anyone have any recommendations? Size is not important. A studio is OK so long as it has cooking facilities. I would like an economical apartment near the beach that has availability of high speed internet. I would consider one without air conditioning if it has a good ceiling fan. I will be arriving in Songkhla around May 3. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

    There is a 'tourist area' near the beach and they have daily/weekly rentals on Soi Sangam.. Can't remember the name, but it is in the first block off the main road. They have aircon if you want it (you will when you are arriving)

    If you are teaching at Taksin University, ask about where the teacher that left was living. I taught there 10+ years ago, and housing was very tight, and expensive.

  3. Yes, I feel like they do like we do in our countries. Some good, some bad, some in the middle...

    I've been here fulltime since 1986. If your head is on straight, you'll like the folks here, but if you're an ass, they won't like you and you won't like it here...

  4. i am using a statalite TV also , sometime is just the motor set of the dish running out of oil , and is unable to adjust to the correct point , what you can do is manual adjust it , i am not sure about your system , but should be able to some manual adjust , using the control unit,

    or , you can let it do a auto scan .. i don't think is the haze , even during thunder storm i had enjoy movies and news without fail ..

    my biggest problem is there is a large tree blocking my disc , i and consider cutting the tree down but then again . i can do without it for the tree is keeping my house cooling ,

    when you get 300 over channel , you can do without 100 ,

    plus i only random around 20 channel

    i use central statlite service ,

    make a LEFT turn when you see MIKE BURGER near thapae - and keep your view on the RIGHT

    you should see a shop that deal with statalite about 300-500 down that road .

    I had a bad experience with these guys, and vowed never to return. The manager was a prize pr*ck about which package we should buy, and rubbished the competition, so we bought elsewhere.

    If you are referring to Central Electronic, I will say that I have been with them for almost 20 years, and have never had a problem with them of any kind. Excellent service...

  5. What I used to like about the old Rimping (the one that just closed) is that they used to often mark down a 350g round of some great smelly round of Camembert from 350B, to 100B, because it was within a week of its expiry date. Like a moldy, aged cheese is suddenly BAD (!!!?!). I used to swoop on these deals all the time. Now they've moved to BFE (for me)- I am truly adrift....

    Hang on a second here - the old Rimping has closed? This is the one next to the river? When did this happen? Now I have to go to the new one or to Maejo? This is just not good enough - I like that store. If it has closed are they renovating it or has it had its demise?

    Enquiring minds want to know

    woo hoo this is my 300th post?

    The one that closed is on Chotana Rd, I believe.

    The one near the river is still open.

  6. Malee Rose was a Thai teacher at AUA for many years. They may have a contact number.

    She's still working there - this week she's teaching 10 - 12 daily. She's been teaching me Thai but she kept the cat fetish quiet!

    Maybe because it's mostly Ed's thing... Sorry to hear that he is not healthy at the moment.

  7. This is Thailand.. :o

    They were usually late under the old staff, and the new edition is up now...

    I like the new news a bit more than the old, so far. But too short of news, it seems to me.

  8. p1p - cite your source please (post the URL)

    The final paragraph in that piece is TOO close to a post I put up yesterday on the smoking vs haze thread.

    Are you making up these news reports and crediting them to AFP to gain some sort of kudos

    If so ..... as a card carrying foreign correspondent here, then I say your ethics stink

    If not .... you'll have no objection to linking the story to an official press site, will you?


    I'd like to understand what you're talking about..Here is that last paragraph..

    "This kind of haze is like smoking cigarettes, but with a cigarette, you only take one once in a while. This is continuous. So the big question is that doctors are afraid that in the future they will be higher incidents of lung cancer," Fahn added.
    Here is your letter...
    The haze is with us 11 months of the year to one degree or another (Mid Nov - mid-Dec is the only truly clear skies ion Chiangmai)

    Smoking is an optional activity which when rolled up to a continuous time period lasts between 20 minutes to an hour and a half a day depending how many you smoke,

    When the haze is present, it is 24x7 and there is no escape, even indoors, nor when you are asleep

    The sub-10-microns included in the air are just as carcinogenic as cigarette smoke, perhaps more so due to the addition of all the benzene emissions.

    As for the sub-20-microns - just think of all the dog and rat sh1t dried, crushed by cars, and lifted into the air by their tyres and slip stream as they pass over it.

    In a western country I'd agree smoking was the more dangerous.

    Here, I'm not so sure


    By 'Too close', you mean ???...

  9. Me too. The air quality is quite a challenge for me physically. Just adds a burden of additional toxic load and oxidation. I really can't imagine the air quality not affecting everyone

    As far as I can tell, the air here doesn't bother me at all.

    The air pollution in Manila is TERRIBLE. Chiang Mai is quite fresh and clean in comparison! :o

    I completely agree with you, UG. Doesn't bother me at all...

  10. Um, so, I'm guessing that burning rubbish outdoors is NOT pollution?

    Why are you guessing that? It in no way follows from any statement or information in the article.

    Only the fact that they seperated the two...

    In that case I think I understand your misunderstanding. I will try to help, by adding some additional (and underscored) wording that clarifies what is already the meaning of the sentence that has you guessing that burning rubbish outdoors does not cause pollution:

    The poor air is blamed on two factors: one being the city's location in a basin, which traps pollution of all kinds, and the other being the common practice of burning rubbish outdoors which is one cause of that pollution.

    Thanks, but I'm not confused about anything. Just a comment on their writing style

  11. Gentleman, this is about air pollution, not Ajarn's heart problems. Okay?

    I disagree with you on this, as Ajarn is JUST stating the fact that the pollution was NOT to blame for his condition , therefore VERY relevant to this thread.. Can i ask, do the moderators have moderators ?? Get a grip. :o Its all relevant to the topic..

    This is another moderator backing up PB's response. Suggest you not push this any further and let's continue with the topic.

    I guess the mods do have mods then.. Ajarn WAS on the topic.. :D

    I agree with you, but no response to my response, so the issue is dead.

  12. I have been going to Ram for awhile. In my experience, I haven't been overcharged at all, and, lately, my care has been excellent. One must consider the doctor, for everything revolves around them. If you have a good doctor, then I would say that you are safe from malpractice and most overcharging, in my own experience

  13. Well, I'm the asinine person you are referring to...

    Yes, I had a stroke in malaysia 6 years ago... From my irregular hearbeat.

    Yes, I have diabetes from my bad life style of being too sedentary (and too fat)

    Yes, I have an irregular hearbeat (from a poisoned watermelon in Phanat Nikhom in 1991)

    Yes, I gave been living here a long time, and I can say that the pollution here has had NO negative effect on my health.

    What nonsense do you want to say to me about my health??

  14. Chiang Mai air pollution worsens

    CHIANG MAI: -- Chiang Mai Public Health Office is warning residents, especially the elderly and those with respiratory diseases, to avoid prolonged outdoor activities as the air pollution in the city is reaching critical levels.

    The Department of Pollution Control showed dust particles, smaller than 10 microns, are rising to a harmful level.

    Medics report that the number of people suffering from respiratory diseases in Chiang Mai is rising dramatically, with an increase of 20 per cent expected this year.

    The poor air is blamed on the city's location in a basin, which traps pollution, and the common practice of burning rubbish outdoors.

    -- Citylife 2007-02-18

    "which traps pollution, and the common practice of burning rubbish outdoors".

    Um, so, I'm guessing that burning rubbish outdoors is NOT pollution?

    A crap article from the government, seeming to put the blame on 'the small folks'

  15. Like to grilll mine at home too; what recommendation for the buns - would like to keep a few in the freezer.

    Rather than looking around for hamburger buns, I simply keep a supply of French Bread and Rolls around... :o

  16. Yes, obviously, it has started... I would guess that if you can see things floating around, it is either a very close neighbor, or maybe it is from the range of mountains from Hot to Mae Sariang on fire.

  17. I seem to remember a certain gentleman who managed one of Chiang Mai's most notorious nightspots for a while who bore more than a passing resembalance to yourself.

    You might be a morally upstanding member of CM's moral minority, but he was a real rascal! :D

    Yeah, that was an interesting experience, for sure. A LONG time ago :o

    I don't consider myself to be a morally upstanding person...

    Just a person :D

  18. From someone who doesn't drink alcohol or hang out in the nitelife here, It's not surprising when I say that in my time here, I haven't met any of those mentioned here in my 22 years of living in Chiang Mai... And feeling pretty happy about it.

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