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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. p1p was kind enough to bring along a few jars to the Irish pub last night.we tried some with corn chips and hot chips.The words "bloody beautiful" spring to mind.

    I just can't wait to mix it with some beef mince for my 'spag bol' :o

    I thought you said the get togther was on friday :D

  2. Sorry putting this in the general section, have also posted it in the "restaurant" section.

    Am very disappointed with the Brasserie restaurant, near the Riverside. Have been going there for years, then 2 years ago something changed and the food was louzy. I tried again last Tuesday (after about 2 years absense) hoping things had changed and the food again was absolutely awful. Thought one cannot "destroy" Thai food, well think again, at that restaurant they can achive it to cook BAD Thai food. Now I have decided that never again. It is a big shame, because it is a lovely restaurant, great setting in the river. Good staff etc. but bad bad food. Anybody knows why? By the way, of the tables available les than 10% was occupied and when we left at 9.00 PM we were the only ones. Poor singer (who is fantastic) was singing just for us and after that just for the staff. Shame!

    So, you enjoyed the fantastic singing, great location on the river, great staff, and your friends....

    Why should the crap food keep you from enjoying all the rest? :o

  3. We don't have any mountains here in Bangkok (unless you count the buildings downtown) but we have had several very violent storms this year with horizontal rain and higher winds than I ever remember.

    Hey, I didn't say it had everything to do with it :o

  4. 4. Oh, this one's important. Can I cross everyday including Sunday? And, if my VISA expirres on the 15th, does that mean I have to renew it on the 15th or before the 15th.?

    Yes, the border is open every day

    Technically, you are due by midnite on the 14th

    In practice, you're okay until midnite on the 15th.

    That's not how the dates worked for me. The last three stamps in my passport read:

    8 Jan - 6 feb

    3 Feb - 4 Mar

    3 Mar - 1 April

    The 30 days start on the day of arrival and the 30th day is the day you must leave. You have until the end of the day stamped in your passport

    As I stated, technically you don't, but in practice, you do. Ask at cutoms to confirm.

    In your passport, it says either, 'up to' or 'must leave by', or something along those lines... Meaning 'up to, but not including'. Customs won't sweat the last day, but if you do one day over, you'll be paying for two, in my experience.

  5. A buddy recommended some bottled spaghetti sauce that he picked up at Kessem's Imported Food Shop called "Pip" so I gave it a try today. It has organic ingredients, tastes great with no meat and is reasonably priced.

    I'm just wondering if it has anything to do with our moderator "P1p" considering its name and that it's so good and that he is famous for his pasta and other dishes?

    I'll bet he would have a better name than "Pip"

  6. 4. Oh, this one's important. Can I cross everyday including Sunday? And, if my VISA expirres on the 15th, does that mean I have to renew it on the 15th or before the 15th.?

    Yes, the border is open every day

    Technically, you are due by midnite on the 14th

    In practice, you're okay until midnite on the 15th.

  7. give him an ATM card and pin number... he can withdrawl it but probably only from within thailand unless you get the banks to issue you an international enabled card?

    I think that's the easiest answer, assuming you trust your kid to wait... Getting a card that can be used overseas is no problem

    On the will end, I recently made my will with a similar provision as yours. My lawyer says no problem. I'm inclined to believe that since I've talked to my bank, and they said it is no problem as long as they come to get the money themselves...

    Who is executor of your will? Why not just list your son as a benefactor for a fixed amount, to be paid by the executor...

    Do talk to a lawyer. One guy I can reccomend is Pipat, 053-242-900.

  8. It is usual to use the Spoon in your "strong" hand - i.e. if you are right handed then use the spoon in that hand, but there's no problem reversing the utensils if you are left handed.

    It's generally not considered polite to put the fork in your mouth however.

    You will probably find that on more "formal" occasions each plate of food comes with it's own Serving Spoon which you would use to transfer food onto your own plate then use your own fork and spoon to eat. Usually as the meal progresses and the atmosphere becomes more relaxed this Serving Spoon is ignored and people simply use their own utensils to take food onto their plate.

    On a related topic:

    Please do NOT take a portion from each plate of food, dump it on top of the rice on your plate and start to eat it mixed up together - this is a real faux pas. Take a small portion of one dish and eat it with some of the rice on your plate then move on to another dish and repeat the process.


    A lot of Thai foods are served in bite-sized (or spoon-sized) pieces, no problem...

    But sometimes there is a need to cut something up into pieces.

    Is there a preference for using the spoon or the fork for cutting ?

    Thais almost always cut with the spoon.

    Due to the thin aluminum used in most spoons and forks, I pray nothing needs cutting...

  9. For places along Mae Jo road, the information I got this morning from TOT is that there is a two -month wait for ADSL service...


    I am looking at a place out at Land & House on Maejo Rd. Are you aware of any ADSL service in this area?

    Not sure, but I'd assume about the same situation as mine. Land & House is just past my muubaan.

    Maybe T&T has something I'm not aware of...

  10. What about the translation service at cmu? I recently had my will translated there, and was impressed with the results...

    Language Institute, Chiang Mai University

    HB 6, room No.6160, Faculty of Humanities,

    Chiang Mai University

    239 Huey Kaew Road

    T. Sutep, A. Muang,

    Chiang Mai, Thailand 50200


    E-mail address :[email protected] , [email protected]

    Tel. 04-8044188 66 53 942 655 Fax. 66 53 942 656

  11. How many Thais have been killed? Have they been reported?

    Why should dead farangs get more press than Thais?

    Let me guess, BK is printed in english, percentage of expats that get murdered to Thais? :o

    So what? What's fair is fair reporting. Their audience is not just farang, but educated Thai, too.

    Why not take your whine to the Post? Or maybe your intention is only to slam them?

  12. "where abouts is your place kevin.Will give it a go! :o"

    Located across from he Anodard Hotel on Ratchamankha Road. There is a map on my web site @ www.piratesovebar.com. Sorry for the delay, lost the site for awhile and couldn't get back, found it again today :D Happy hour is 4 to 7 chang, chang draugh bttle, and leo 30baht.

    "hi mr. pirate, (aka Kevin), would u be kind enough in letting us (me) know where this place is? and also what time is happy hour??? or more precisely whats available during happy hours? (normally referred to drinks and beer but buy one burger get another one free?

    .. really would like to know where u are at. someone mentioned irrigation canal area, but i hardly go around there. so perhaps a small description would help. thanks. hope to see the Pirates of the Carribean theme in your restaurant"

    "Do you have a website up yet and where are you from in the states?"

    Hey Kevin,

    As a new business, it would be a good idea to reply when someone asks for more information, especially, how to get to your place. Chances of surviving and making a living at what you are doing are slim at best, so I would jump at every opportunity that might get another customer to come thru your doors.

    The web site dosn't seem to work?

    No owner of the website name, either.

  13. For places along Mae Jo road, the information I got this morning from TOT is that there is a two -month wait for ADSL service...

    hope the two month wait includes an upgrading of their servers. otherwise its just a wait for congested internet surfing.

    C’est la vie, I know it'll be faster and cheaper than my dial-up! :o

  14. You can certainly upgrade your telephone to ADSL. Just contact the company concerned. TOT seem to have the best deals at present.

    UBC Satellite is easy to install and can be taken with you when you move. Contact their office next to Electronic Plaza.

    Cable TV is not as easy to install or take with you.

    From what I've seen of WETV you're better off with Thai TV!

    WETV? :o

    BTW - is it true that the satellite pic breaks up any time there's significant rain?

    Yes, sometimes even before it rains, or if there is significant cloud cover...

  15. The topic is Trekkers Lodge, not age of consent in hill tribe villages. Take it to General Topics if that's something you want to debate.

    Relax your knickers a tad sabaijai.

    I believe Chanchao is a group moderator and he responded regarding age consent in the village related to the Trekker Lodge discussion. My response was relating to that flow of topic . I also added the 'nuff said to show I was not interested in further debating age of consent.

    .......and as this has little or no relation to Trekker Lodge I will also not debate your comment further.


    If only you had some useful information to add...

  16. Ajarn, the nearest thing to a Brit bike i've owned so far was an Enfield India Bullet 500, it was so faithfully reproduced that it also pissed oil & shook itself apart, loved it.

    I was told that if a Brit bike stops leaking oil, you've run out.

    I was also told by friends that this was typical, and the reason why there were so many garages in England. :o

  17. Oops sorry about the blank post.

    Thanks for the replies so far, looks like this is going to be easier than I thought, but also looks like its going to cost me plenty, seems like old bikes are well sought after.

    Could anyone tell me if the local shops that recondition old bikes tend to hunt down origional spares or do they make new parts or modify off the shelf parts ?

    Thanks for the help.

    A great resource for old bikes for sale, as well as a parts source, is 'German' Joe, one of the owners of Goodwill Bikes, soi 2, Chiang Mai rd. Phone number 251-186

    My second bike was a 1964 BSA 650. I only remember that it leaked like a sieve, and that it vibrated so much that my headlight and kickstand came off....

  18. ................ and never ever left and right exchanged.

    Slightly off topic:

    I think this may well be because there seem to be relatively few left-handed Thais - in comparison with Westerners for example, and I think the reason is that they were forced from their school years to "conform" and use their right hand for most purposes (well, until recently perhaps).

    I have several Thai friends who - for example - play Golf left-handed but write, eat etc. "right-handed", they confirm that their teachers insisted that they go against their natural tendencies and learn to use their right hand in most situations.


    I'm one who tends to believe that this is more generalized in the Asian communities, and I think it mostly relates back to bathroom use of the left hand. I feel moslem countries like Malaysia and Indonesia really take this rule to heart, more than some other countries, like Thailand. As a teacher fpor 15 years here, I, too, have rarely seen a left-handed Thai student, but they certainly do exist, in my experience.

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