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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. And you, sir, simply want to argue and harangue others, it seems :o

    No, actually I just want to harangue people who treat posters like idiots who may be surprised at lack of civilization that seems to be commonly accepted by many of the farangs living here.

    There's some civilization, or lack thereof, that we all love but there is a lot of ugliness here that is too easily rationalized by people like you.

    I guess you'll have to live with your vision of life. Me, who has 20 plus years of driving here with no acidents will just continue along my merry way... :D

    But, they have not had the pedestrian crossings with lights for very long - a very recent addition.

    I do think it is scarey that people don't feel safe crossing at these places - I know that you see people winging it across them all the time - cos they don't want to be hit

    Just to make sure I don't give the wrong impression, I always stop when the crossing light is red and someone wants to cross. My comments about pedestrians were referring to anywhere/anytime, but not at crossings, generally.

  2. have logged a fair few miles on motorcycle in North Thailand over a fair few years with never a serious fall. IMHO....the average male Thai driver has better eye/hand control and probably superior depth perception than your average Farrang. Of course, I still curse that oncoming bus passing the pickup on those tight Chieng Dao corners.......but, the Thais do have a driving system that I have reluctantly become to 'appreciate'. For example, that flashing headlight business, I have had numerous rural busses, big transport trucks and Benz's come bearing down on me (motorcycle) in my lane , flashing their lights to tell me to bugger off and hit the ditch.

    It took some years to learn, but if you flash your lights back.... and stay your course, they recognize that you do have the legal right away and they will pull back in line. I am not advocating playing chicken with a semi truck, but that there IS a working system.

    I certainly agree with you on this one, Ken. Thais do have a system of driving here, and if you pay attention and play your proper role, you, too, can survive here. Usually :o

    Also, leave your driving ego at home. If you think that they are all after you, and you want to get even or show your feelings by acting anti-social, it's time for a rest, perhaps :D

  3. And you, sir, simply want to argue and harangue others, it seems :o

    No, actually I just want to harangue people who treat posters like idiots who may be surprised at lack of civilization that seems to be commonly accepted by many of the farangs living here.

    There's some civilization, or lack thereof, that we all love but there is a lot of ugliness here that is too easily rationalized by people like you.

    I guess you'll have to live with your vision of life. Me, who has 20 plus years of driving here with no acidents will just continue along my merry way... :D

  4. Hey cmsally,

    Was there ever a time in your life when you were surprised that a person would willing kill you if you were crossing the street simply because you occupied the same space as their vehicle's intended path. Are you so callous that you would ridicule someone for being surprised? What do you say to the old lady or obese person who can't sprint across the road?

    I really don't understand the logic that says if something exists in Thailand, it must be alright. Perhaps we should all agree that rape is cool becuase it happens a lot in Thailand - like it or leave it.

    My point was to use an extreme example to point out that you need to go out with an attitude of self preservation. You can't expect the other person to slow down or stop. Some people assume you will get out of their way and others just don't see you! Although I always slow down or stop when there's a crossing, light etc. I agree with others in that I wouldn't slam on brakes and there's one good reason for that. 80% of drivers get far too close to other cars. You can see accidents caused by this frequently on crowded highways. One car has to brake and one or even up to 4 or 5 pile into the back - simple reason is they don't allow enough space between them and the car in front. Looking at the chalk marks on the road these seem to be the most common types of accident in the city area.

    So you would rather kill someone than risk being rear ended by the car behind you? Funny, cause I stop all the time for pedestrians and never have had a close call. Do you even own a car?

    If I want to stop for a pedestian, I must take my eyes off the front of my car and look behind my car long enough to accurately judge the speed/intentions of anyone coming up from behind. Dangerous, obviously, because my attention is taken away from whatever I may hit...

    Frankly, sometimes I feel that I can't look back because there is too much going on infront of me to risk an accident, so I don't stop for the pedestrian, therby making a safe choice for me, other traffic, and the pedestrian.

    If you decide to stop for the pedestrian anyway, and you don't have an accident, then I'd say you're lucky, not a better driver.

    Sorry but that is a REALLY LAME excuse. How is it that in much of the developed people are expected to stop, and mostly do, and not have problems with rear enders? I'm not talking about emergency stops here, just courtesy and respect for human life.

    Given your rational, you better not stop for traffic lights or the multitude of other things drivers are expected to stop for.

    I'm sure you're just trying to have the last word on this. Your rational is just too rediculous to make sense to anyone who has experience behind the wheel.

    And you, sir, simply want to argue and harangue others, it seems :o

  5. Hey cmsally,

    Was there ever a time in your life when you were surprised that a person would willing kill you if you were crossing the street simply because you occupied the same space as their vehicle's intended path. Are you so callous that you would ridicule someone for being surprised? What do you say to the old lady or obese person who can't sprint across the road?

    I really don't understand the logic that says if something exists in Thailand, it must be alright. Perhaps we should all agree that rape is cool becuase it happens a lot in Thailand - like it or leave it.

    My point was to use an extreme example to point out that you need to go out with an attitude of self preservation. You can't expect the other person to slow down or stop. Some people assume you will get out of their way and others just don't see you! Although I always slow down or stop when there's a crossing, light etc. I agree with others in that I wouldn't slam on brakes and there's one good reason for that. 80% of drivers get far too close to other cars. You can see accidents caused by this frequently on crowded highways. One car has to brake and one or even up to 4 or 5 pile into the back - simple reason is they don't allow enough space between them and the car in front. Looking at the chalk marks on the road these seem to be the most common types of accident in the city area.

    So you would rather kill someone than risk being rear ended by the car behind you? Funny, cause I stop all the time for pedestrians and never have had a close call. Do you even own a car?

    If I want to stop for a pedestian, I must take my eyes off the front of my car and look behind my car long enough to accurately judge the speed/intentions of anyone coming up from behind. Dangerous, obviously, because my attention is taken away from whatever I may hit...

    Frankly, sometimes I feel that I can't look back because there is too much going on infront of me to risk an accident, so I don't stop for the pedestrian, therby making a safe choice for me, other traffic, and the pedestrian.

    If you decide to stop for the pedestrian anyway, and you don't have an accident, then I'd say you're lucky, not a better driver.

  6. There's a crossing I take every day and I see people getting angry because cars don't stop for them, but when I DRIVE through the same crossing hitting the brakes at 60km/h to stop is not an option, even if I see a pedestrian about to cross the road.

    Tire screeching will scare shit out of him/her.

    You could try not exceeding the speed limit - then slowing down gradually as you approach regardless of the colour of lights. I would prefer the screeching of tyres to being knocked over by Toyota Vigo.

    One of these days there is going to be a clampdown on going through those pedestrian crossings and anyone who goes through a red on them deserves a big fine.

    PS. I drive a car too, stopping at a red light is not asking too much!

    When I'm cruising those areas, I usually follow what seems to be a local way of thinking on this... That, if there is no one getting ready to cross, or trying to cross, then to go through the red light is okay. Many times the people have already passed.

  7. "Not to change the subject, but does anybody know where to find a canned ham in Chiangmai."

    My wife has just arrived home with two tins of canned ham from Rimping !!

    Give me a smoked ham from Kasem's anyday :o

  8. The statement that the restaurant pays ONLY 3K per month is not entirely correct then, becauuse the staf member can almost double that amount, indeed frequently more than double it when tips are considered

    First, I never said 'ONLY 3K' at any point, and secondly, though I recognize the value of tips, many places here offer very little in the way of tips, or their 'sharing' isn't seen as fair, or it's highly seasonal/inconsistant, etc., etc..

    It's a tough life, no matter how you look at it. :o

  9. Ajarn, I pay over the rate you mention. Waitresses get one day off each week. How did you get this figure?

    In my opinion, high turnover among waitresses is extremely normal here, as it is in most places, it seems. Maybe by hiring from out of province (and without a local support system) you are more likely to keep your staff longer... Of course, with restaurant wages often around 3,000 a month, It doesn't seem like you can expect much, either.

    I got that figure from talking to waitresses/ former waitresses/restaurant owners over the years. This figure is about two years old. Farang restaurants may pay more, but not much, in my experience... One farang restaurant, recently deceased, payed 3200 for a fulltime, 60 hour week (12x5) ... Plus tips, which averaged about 100 baht per day.

    How much do you pay, and how much do you think is fair?

  10. I often don't stop for pedestrians for the simple reason that people behind me can't see what I'm doing, and a quick stop could send them up my backside... Pedestrians (farangs, mostly) have to be careful of their expectations of what cars should be doing when they are in the road.

    If someone does stop for a pedestrian at a stopping, some ignorant savage will barrel through and hit him as he passes in front of the car that stopped.

    Don't give credit for common sense to those who don't deserve it! :o

    That is also a fear of mine when stopping, however, I can honestly say that it has never happened to me when I did stop to let someone cross... Not to say it doesn't happen though.

  11. In my opinion, high turnover among waitresses is extremely normal here, as it is in most places, it seems. Maybe by hiring from out of province (and without a local support system) you are more likely to keep your staff longer... Of course, with restaurant wages often around 3,000 a month, It doesn't seem like you can expect much, either.

  12. I often don't stop for pedestrians for the simple reason that people behind me can't see what I'm doing, and a quick stop could send them up my backside... Pedestrians (farangs, mostly) have to be careful of their expectations of what cars should be doing when they are in the road.

  13. I've been on their mailing list since they started, and I get the impression from meeting topics and minutes that this is mostly for newbies. Good chance to expand your social contacts, perhaps.

    Someone that has lived here in Thailand as long as you have Ajarn may not get much value from attending or joining the CEC. However, with all of your life experiences here, I am CERTAIN you would be a great asset and a very good source of information for all of us "newbies." (Me, for starters.) And, as you stated, you could meet new friends, etc..

    Thanks sir, for the kind words and confidence... :o

    I've thought about joining, but my physical disabilities regarding walking and speaking get in the way, so this place is easiest for me... And here, I'm a newbie compared to some of the old-timers... :D

  14. You don't mean "walk in the middle of the road," you mean, "cross the road". Roads are intended both for vehicles to drive on and for people to cross over, or else people couldn't get from point A to point B without getting in a vehicle -- they'd be stuck within the confines of one block. In the West, at least, it is generally accepted that when people are crossing a road, one doesn't have the right to barrel down on them expecting them to leap out of the way or be plowed into. You may have heard the phrase, "the pedestrian always has the right of way".

    In Thailand the larger vehicle has the right of way. Motorbike beats pedestrian, car beats motorbike etc.

    Makes complete sense, doesn't it?

    Bike has better visibility, better manuvering, than a car, making the car more dangerous to the biker....

    Same when comparing a car to a six-wheel truck....

    I think the drivers here are mostly good. They have to be, otherwise everyone would be getting in accidents... Many of the extremely dangerous manouvers we see are no big deal to most thais, and they just carry on. Mostly... :o

    If more farangs would drive like (most of) the Thais, there would be fewer acidents, I feel sure. In farangland, there are 'rights' of the road based on law, and it's enforced. there, here there is no enforcement, so common sense, like 'might is right' or 'who is in front?' comes into play... I've driven this way for 20+ years, and I'm accidfent-free...

  15. You are trying to compare apples and bulldozers. They are not the same thing.

    Rimping is a chain of three supermarkets with the best selection of farang oriented food products of any in Chiang Mai. Compared with, for example, Tops in Kad Suan Kaew, the selection is far more Farang oriented, and generally better quality.

    Furthermore, Central is a single department store located in a shopping centre or Mall, Kad Suan Kaew. Central is effectively only one shop, like Rimping.

    At Rimping you can find food product lines totally unavailable elsewhere - Central you find shoes, handbags, clothing and fans - Apples & Bulldozers!

    Rimping also proides excellent personal service, in my experience. :o

  16. For me, the construction on the super is no problem. I haven't travelled the sections with construction for almost two years now. The middle roads do great, for me. And, it seems, many others have also found alternatives...

  17. Doesn't seem like it would be much harder to make the Thai food taste good. We are in Thailand here! :D

    Old Ronnies club - most of the food came from plastic bags, reheated in a microwave. They still succeeded in making it taste either unbelievably vile, or completely flavour-free. You really couldn't taste the difference between chicken, fish or potato.

    Sounds quite similar to airline food :o

  18. I still think your reply was condescending. You insinuated that with all the good benifits that I mentioned the fact that the food was bad, should not have stopped myself and my friends from enjoying ourselves. Well, how is one supposed to if of the 5 dishes orderd 5 were louzy and every mouthful is disgusting? Is that not a valid statement to make then? And no, like you, we're not fools, are we?

    Listen, I made a reasonable suggestion, in a reasonable tone, with no hidden motives except friendliness. You come along with your reading between my lines, making ridiculous comments...

    Maybe you should take a chll pill, dude, and enjoy the music at the Brasserie. You seem like you need some enjoyment. :o

  19. Sorry putting this in the general section, have also posted it in the "restaurant" section.

    Am very disappointed with the Brasserie restaurant, near the Riverside. Have been going there for years, then 2 years ago something changed and the food was louzy. I tried again last Tuesday (after about 2 years absense) hoping things had changed and the food again was absolutely awful. Thought one cannot "destroy" Thai food, well think again, at that restaurant they can achive it to cook BAD Thai food. Now I have decided that never again. It is a big shame, because it is a lovely restaurant, great setting in the river. Good staff etc. but bad bad food. Anybody knows why? By the way, of the tables available les than 10% was occupied and when we left at 9.00 PM we were the only ones. Poor singer (who is fantastic) was singing just for us and after that just for the staff. Shame!

    So, you enjoyed the fantastic singing, great location on the river, great staff, and your friends....

    Why should the crap food keep you from enjoying all the rest? :o

    Very entertaining and spot on Ajarn, the food was c r @ p, so why patronizing? Don’t you (especially you!) think that having all the successful ingredients of a great restaurant (ambience, music, location) and the food lets it down . . . sad? And when referring to a restaurant what “light” should illuminate . . . food, isn’t it? Maybe you read the topic again without condescending the writer.

    If you think my remarks were condescending, you are a fool...

    The Brasserie is known for its music, not food. I can go there and enjoy the scene without eating the food. Why can't you?

  20. p1p was kind enough to bring along a few jars to the Irish pub last night.we tried some with corn chips and hot chips.The words "bloody beautiful" spring to mind.

    I just can't wait to mix it with some beef mince for my 'spag bol' :o

    I thought you said the get togther was on friday :D

    It was changed Ajarn as the pubs are not open today.

    I'm sure p1p will save some of his Pip sauce for you though..... :D

    That's what I get when I don't stay up to date. :D

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