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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. Aloha,

    I have done searches for this but couldn't find the answer I was looking for.

    For expats living in Chiang Mai / Pai, where do they do their visa runs? Is it correct that Mae Sai can only give the 30 day stamp and is not able to issue a 60 day tourist visa (extendable to 90)? Do they give you the 30 day stamp over and over, or is there a limit?

    Where is the nearest consulate?

    How do long term expat residents who don't qualify for the retirment visa nor want to work in Thailand handle their visa issues? Do you have to travel to Kuala Lumpur? How much does such a trip cost from Chiang Mai and how long does it take (both air and by land)?



    You can fly direct to Kuala Lumpur from Chiang Mai using Airasia. Online bookings at airasia.com. Lucky if you can book about 3 months in advance and get a fare of about 3,000 baht return with taxes included. Average prices are about 5,800 baht return (taxes included).

    If not mistaken I think Langkawi Island has a Thai Consulate as well. Not sure really but Penang does for sure as Ajarn mentioned. No direct flights to Penang though, have to stop by Bkk.

    Make sure you do NOT show signs of being disabled/in a wheelchair, as this worthless airline will not allow these people to fly on their O So Wonderful Airline///// You can count on the same from NOK Air and Tiger Airlines/////

    Cannot fly the unfriendly Skies

    Maybe they should put up a sign saying



    I'm in a wheelchair, and I've not had any problems- yet. :o

  2. No problems with the cops as long as you don't shoot anyone... Unfortunately, I did have a problem with the cops after a kid in my car shot someone walking along the street. In the end, cost was 1,000 baht for 'Medical Expenses'...

    And in Mai Sai, they have 'good' guns for sale, but not sitting around. The guy has to go across the river first to collect one for you...

  3. Aloha,

    For expats living in Chiang Mai / Pai, where do they do their visa runs? Most do Mae Sai or Mae Sot, by far, Mae Sai is easiest.

    Is it correct that Mae Sai can only give the 30 day stamp and is not able to issue a 60 day tourist visa (extendable to 90)? Mai Sai can stamp any passport with a Thai Visa.. Now, what does your visa say?If it is 30 days, then you must get it restamped every 30 days. If it is 60 or 90 days, then it will say if you have extensions, and how many (up to 3), you must get the extensions stamped) at the border, then after you have used your extensions, then you must get a new visa outside of Thailand. The only exceptions here are 30 day and one year visas

    Do they give you the 30 day stamp over and over, or is there a limit? No limit (for now)

    Where is the nearest consulate? Thai? In Penang, Malaysia

    How do long term expat residents who don't qualify for the retirment visa nor want to work in Thailand handle their visa issues? 30 days, or a 60-90 days visa

    Do you have to travel to Kuala Lumpur? Last I have heard, Penang is easier

  4. not to put to fine a point on it, but 'registered' does not make a thing 'illegal'. it simply means that it must be registered. if you have a valid reason to own such a device then registration is probably just a matter of jumping through the hoops.

    OK I'll spell it out another way seeing that you completely misunderstood the post.....The law prohibits aliens from owing them and no matter how many hoops as you call them, you jump through, it will be to no avail.

    I don't know if there is a difference, but I have a paintball gun that sounds like your 'regulations.'

    I got my gun via mail from the States. When it arrived, I had to go to the airport customs to pick it up because it was registered as being more than 20,000 baht.... If not, then I could have paid whatever was due at the Post Office

    Paid 7,000 baht for an import permit for 'Toys' which the gun seemed to fit...Maybe the trick is to call it something other than the truth...

  5. I'd suggest it was simply coincidence regarding flooding between Chiang Mai and Phrao, whick has no connecting rivers, etc.. Many times our weather is very limited, and one area can't really be compared to another this way..

  6. Hi everyone, I am a "newbie" to Chiang Mai ( I have been here about a week) and am having some issues about where to stay. I am going to be living here for 6 months. My work is located north of the city, off of 107, by the Chiang Mai Imperial Resort. I know that the Yellow Songthaows go right there, after leaving from Chang Phuak bus stop. I am not yet ready to start driving a motorbike especially all the way up to work during the rainy season. Hopefully I will get on one eventually, but no guarentees. I have been looking for places to stay by Chiang Phuak station and have so far narrowed down to the following to places, both of which are guest houses, that offer long term stays. The Tri Gong Residence is at 8 sribhum Road (trigong.com), Lane 1 or Banilah at 11 SoteSeuks (banilah.com). I was hoping I could get some veteran opinions on which place would be more "livable" without a bike. Banilah is closer to the bus stop, but it seems Tri Gong is a better area for recreation? I would really appreciate any feedback on:

    1)which is a preferable location

    2) Life in Chiang Mai for 6 months without a vehichle

    3) other suggestions on where to live (for no more then 6,000 baht/month)

    Thanks :o


    Well, first, let me tell you that I don't know either of the guesthouses you mentioned, but I can tell you that from anywhere n Chanpuek, it's no problem with transport anyhere, including Mae Rim. I've got a few years of experience in this area... But, when you feel up to a bike, then your limitations have pretty much ended. A guesthouse is a great place for awhile, saving you from many many hassles, like phone, electricity, etc.

    I think your area in Chanpuek is also great because everthing is in your area, and they have enough foreigners living there so sellers aren't so surprised when dealing with you. And it's the closest area to where you are working..

    Have fun here :D

  7. Thanks for the feedback about TRUE.

    TOT has been better here recently (***TOUCH WOOD***). Some technicians did finally visit; whether the improvement was related to this and/or the many hours on the telephone or not I cannot say.

    How are other TOT users finding the service lately ?

    It sucks. When working, I never get more then 8 kpbs as download

  8. A mate of mine is Travelling from NZ at the mo.A few nights ago we were out for a few quiet ones, when he was violently sick.He then got the cold sweats and was to use his expression "As sick as a dog" he's a big strapping lad and normally doesn't complain too much, so when he told me that during the night he had a temp that went thru the roof, a blinding head and body ache etc, I tend to believe him.

    Next day we trot off to CM Ram and the doc says "well, it could be Dengue or Thyphoid or something else (that I didn't quite catch) as there were many cases of this at the mo.. :o

    So he treated for all three.Two diff lots of antibiotics and panadol to keep the fever down.

    The only way to check for Dengue is to wait for 5-6 days, as this is when the anti-bodies?? show up in the blood.

    He has only been in BKK and in CNX city limits.

    I had a friend in Chiang Mai perhaps 15 years ago who got Dengue, and who was also only in Chiang Mai limits..

  9. Actualy I think the road up the mountain only opens to the general public at 6am. (Not sure about this, I do know they close it at 8pm in the evening but don;t know when it opens again in the morning).. Probably 6am.

    The road is never closed if you have legitimite business there (like Doi Suthep)

  10. Thank you Ajarn I appreciate the information.

    Why however do you feel it appropriate to add a sarcastic response at the end of your post? :o

    I searched under numerous titles and nothing came up that I was happy with so I turned to the board to see if anyone could help.

    I also know the use of Khun is a respectful form of address but I thought perhaps there would be a more appropriate phrase for someone in authority. I thought the people on this board who have a greater knowledge of Thai etiquette than I may be able to offer something better. Is that really so troublesome?

    Do you feel posting how to use a search engine demonstrates your superiority and greater intellect? If my small request was so tiresome for you why trouble yourself to respond.

    I believe Ajarn is the term for a wise teacher - surely someone worthy of the title should be prepared to use a little patience with those less knowledgeble than themselves rather than displaying an arrogance bordering on rudeness.

    Good day to you sir :D

    Listen you ######, next time you come here with a question answered in 5 seconds, that's my response... My polite form. If you went to google.com, you could have put in 'Chiang Mai governor ', or Chiang Mai mayor' in which the first page of responses has your answer a least 5 times. I figured you to be simply too stupid, so you got a polite answer to your questions, but now I realize that you are simply a lazy-ass liar.... And a prick, too.

  11. Morning All :o

    A whole bunch of question that i would be grateful for some help with.

    1. Who officially runs Chiang Mai - a governor, a mayor? Or is one in charge of the city and another the province?

    2. What would be an appropriate and respectful way to address either/both of these gentlemen in a letter written in English?

    3. Any help with an address would also be appreciated.

    I have searched the forum and google to no avail for answers to the above and hope there is someone more knowlegeable than me that can help or point me in the right direction.

    Thanks :D

    A Governor for the province, a Mayor for the city.

    Dear Khun name:

    Boonlert Buranupakorn is the mayor, the governor is Suwat Tantipat

    How to use a search engine

  12. I love the Dukes, but I didn't dig the burger too much. Haven't found a good burger in CM yet.

    I hate to have to disagree but I have too :o

    I think that The Duke's Burgers ARE the best in Chiang Mai by far

    But that is just my opinion


    I must agree. I think the hamburger buns need replacing, Too thin, and too hard...

  13. Out of all the Italian restaurants I have visited in the entire world, Pum Pui (by Top North Guest House) is my favourite yet.

    The original pum pui was great, but lately they have provided less than quality in their italian food. The original owner if pum pui has moved to a place on Mae Jo road, about Km #1. The name of this restaurant I can't recall, but it is excellent food and atmosphere is great if like sitting inside...

  14. My opinions are based on my personal experiences and anecdotal reports from those around me, within a 50 mile radius of Chieng Dao.

    Yes, I was living in the wife's village and building up our small farm.

    I believe the difference in experiences results from the environments lived in. When your next Fallang neighbour is 50 km away you tend to become more enmeshed in Thai daily life than in Chiengmai. The other rural living expats in our district had very similar experiences to mine.

    You are telling me that you have lived in Chiang Dao fulltime for the last 15 years? That doesn't make sense to me...

    And what does living in Chiang Mai have to do with it? I disagree with your assessment of the differences between Chiang Mai people and others... I don't think Thai daily life is less of an issue than it is for anyone else. And the other farangs and Thais I know in your area certainly don't feel the same as you...

  15. I'm a new TOT ADSL cutomer with download speeds lately of never more than 8 kbps. I'm on a new connection supposedly, so I'm hoping to get some faster download speeds, when? As it is now, my previous dial-up with Loxley seems like it was great, but it was terrible, too. :o

  16. Rapes/attacks/murders of Fallang were extremely rare 15 plus years ago in Thailand.

    I disagree with this. Lets not forget how we hear about such things- through the media and friends. For those here for awhle, they'll have a larger number of friends, and anyone who was living here 15 years ago had NO internet... In my experience, there are around the same number of rapes/attacks/murders for the whole period...

    Very pleased to see that you are doing well and we are still at odds.

    Let me go back and edit that 'extremely rare' to reasonably rare. You must (?) agree that we had a level of status/respect , in the North, simply because of a commonly held Thai perception that we were of a 'class' apart/above from the average Thai. That perception developed prior to the influx of the great unwashed tourist explosion that started .....1990 (?) and ended, hmmmm...1992 ?

    There was also the urban/rural belief that if a Fallang tourist was murdered by a Thai, the Gov't would demand retribution .......swift and mercilessly. Fallang were also protected by the Thai belief that our embassies would force vengeance upon those who committed the attack. We were simply too much trouble to kill. I know that this was the commonly held opinion in the late '80's. I believe that this commonly held belief was a part of tourism promotion by the Thai Government. They had to insure that tourists would know that they would be safe in Thailand.

    I remember an altercation with a Hmong chap with a bush knife once. It was over teak of course.

    I was able to prevail in this particular situation. Later, when I was trying to understand why the Hmong did not attack me it was explained that the Hmong believed that he could have won if we were on a level playing field...but because I was obviously born with so much luck to have grown large, to not have had my skin grow dark etc. that he thought that my obvious luck was an unfair advantage. Unfortunately.......our 'luck' now offers little tangible advantage in altercations.

    Times have changed and the people have also.

    It was safer 15 plus years ago...I believe.


    Just a differing opinion, obviously. But you are relying on your feelings it seems, rather than anything 'real'... Were you living here fulltime then?

    I have always felt safe here.

  17. Hi all,

    I know this is one really for the classifieds, but as this is Chiang Mai part, I thought it best suited for here!

    I am after a cheap moto. Not fussed what sort. Just cheap, and preferably not a death trap.

    I fancy a Vespa, but I assume they are more expensive than newer Honda's/Yamahas???

    I saw a sign for a Honda 100CC bike outside Rimping the other day. 8000BAHT!!! Bargain. It had sold though!

    Anyway, if you have a vehicle for sale, or know of where to get one, let me know! I will consider buying a TUK TUK if the price is right!

    :o Phil

    If you buy an "Ultra Cheap" motorcycle chances are you will be pushing it more than riding it and constantly spending money on it. For only approx. B20,000 you'll get something that is probably reliable. Vespa's are expensive.

    A cheap bike here doesn't need to pertain to its mechanics- it could be a great running bike, but one that can't get registered... A very common bike for sale around here.

  18. Rapes/attacks/murders of Fallang were extremely rare 15 plus years ago in Thailand.

    I disagree with this. Lets not forget how we hear about such things- through the media and friends. For those here for awhle, they'll have a larger number of friends, and anyone who was living here 15 years ago had NO internet... In my experience, there are around the same number of rapes/attacks/murders for the whole period...

  19. As I am a recent member I have not read all the many posts you have written but I apologise if you thought I was being offencive as I didn't intend too. It is just that to actually quote the Bible can seem like preaching to many and that is not something I want to do. As I said in my post maybe the missionaries have not read it -- Basically with out quoting it says that If we do good towards others then we are doing good on behalf of "God" -- I thing most religions have something very similar in their teachings

    No offence taken :D I'm a firm believer in the basic teachings of all religions. in as much as they all preach that is is wrong to kill, steal, lie and bear false witness. If more people adhered to the basic teachings of their respective religions, the world would be a far better place than it is now. However, as long as we have extremists in any religion, this will never happen, a sad fact :D

    I firmly agree with you...

    But, lets not forget the extremists outside of religion, as there are many in Thailand :o

  20. Mi$$ionarie$ $uck (seen on a pickup truck in Chiang Mai).

    What did you see, the sign or the missionaries?

    This guy had a problem with missionaries messing with his Akha friends.

    He was recently deported and blacklisted as persona non gratis.

    That was not the reason he had problems.. He had problems with anyone- he is strictly a nutter.

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