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Posts posted by Ajarn

  1. anyone read Bangkok post today about the storm building up at the bay of bengal? hitting northern thailand and govt has issued a warning on it. any idea of how bad this is going to be?

    Of course not. Nobody here has a personal weather station :o

    Continue reading the Post :D

  2. And RTWO don't worry about being questioned, some are questioning whether I saw the plane or not. Fortunately my wife saw it as well and agrees with me (but then she always does - NOT).

    Like TP said, plenty of nonsense is spouted here, and I don't know you.

    My apologies if any offence was taken :o

  3. I've only got one hand, so everthing goes in the right hand...

    It's generally not considered polite to put the fork in your mouth however.
    There is no rule about the fork in your mouth. User option. :o
  4. From another forum...

    "I bhought my ticket at the same place where i used to go by the safary tour mini bus but now they also have the mini bus just go straight to Mae Sai and then back to CM.

    Not really sure about the name ..maybe something PM..just before 7/11 or Minimart near Tha Phe Gate( before you make a left to Ratchadamneun Rd to AUA).Still 600 bath/person.

    Hope its help.." (sic)

    Also interesting DVDs are supposedly found in a couple of shops a block north of the market.

    For a country that frowns on that type of material, I'd feel slightly apprehensive walking back in with it :o

    Yeah, one might think that, but I have seen a farang offer some up to customs, only to have them politely handed back... And I've read a few similar stories here...

    But, all that can change in an instant, can't it? :D

  5. What has Thaksin given to Chiang Mai besides the Night Safari? All the middle roads and such were on the books since before Thaksin came to power.... I can't think of anything else he has done for Chiang Mai. How could he have increased tourism to Chiang Mai? Everything he has ever done has been for himself and his family, as far as I can tell.

  6. From another forum...

    "I bhought my ticket at the same place where i used to go by the safary tour mini bus but now they also have the mini bus just go straight to Mae Sai and then back to CM.

    Not really sure about the name ..maybe something PM..just before 7/11 or Minimart near Tha Phe Gate( before you make a left to Ratchadamneun Rd to AUA).Still 600 bath/person.

    Hope its help.." (sic)

    Thanks, Ajarn - but on which road, do you think?? And which side of Tha Phe Gate? Oh, I see, on the inner side of the canal?

    I hear that electronic and computer goods are much cheaper on the Tachilek side - but you've got to know what you're doing. Also interesting DVDs are supposedly found in a couple of shops a block north of the market. Walk to the round-about and turn right.

    On Moon Muang, between the Beer Bar center and the Montri

  7. it seems the bears den is TOO good as it's booked already for that date :o

    my first choice had been the gymkhana club but they were very obstructive, which i found strange seeing as they are in dire straits financially. the gymkhana will be empty that night now instead of having 100 people eating and drinking there.

    we have had to settle for a tent in ma's garden - shame because we had a lot of money for a decent bash if anyone could have hosted it.

    That's a shame, since there are many many places along the river. What about a thai owned place, like The Resort? Or The Gondola?

  8. Aside from smokes, most things are cheaper on the Thai side, as thats where much of the stock being sold on the burmese side comes from. The shopkeepers also tend to be a bit more honest in the Thai markets.

    Cheaper? Then why do Mae Sai people shop in Tachilek? I can't think of one thing that's cheaper on the Thai side... And most items sold in Tachilek do not come from Thailand, but from Burma and China, as far as I can see. And I can see no reason to suggest Thai shopkeepers are more honest than Burmese shopkeepers. How much shopping do you do in either place?

  9. From another forum...

    "I bhought my ticket at the same place where i used to go by the safary tour mini bus but now they also have the mini bus just go straight to Mae Sai and then back to CM.

    Not really sure about the name ..maybe something PM..just before 7/11 or Minimart near Tha Phe Gate( before you make a left to Ratchadamneun Rd to AUA).Still 600 bath/person.

    Hope its help.." (sic)

  10. Fact is, eaing anything here can be dangerous to your health... Now, or in twenty years...

    Fact is, I gotta eat, and if it looks good, it is, and I don't worry about the cosequences.

    I figure, if you're going to live here, you have to adopt a fairly 'blinders' based atitude if you want to stay sane here.

    I remember when I first came here, carrying these big 'baggies' to put the ice in, then the whole thing into my drink. Well, I realised that was a dumb idea pretty quick... After twenty years here, I've never really had an untoward experience.

    Well, I did get poisoned by pesticides when I ate a watermelon in 1990...

  11. Fact is, eaing anything here can be dangerous to your health... Now, or in twenty years...

    Fact is, I gotta eat, and if it looks good, it is, and I don't worry about the cosequences.

    I figure, if you're going to live here, you have to adopt a fairly 'blinders' based atitude if you want to stay sane here.

    I remember when I first came here, carrying these big 'baggies' to put the ice in, then the whole thing into my drink. Well, I realised that was a dumb idea pretty quick... After twenty years here, I've never really had an untoward experience.

  12. The food at CM Saloon is pretty good - best bacon cheeseburger in town -
    (sorry UG)

    I would take Burger King's Whopper with Cheese and Bacon over the Saloon'. I ordered a couple of bacon cheeseburgers, but was not impressed with their bread (too-soft French roll), or the hamburger itself, which I found to be too mushy, lacking any kinda 'crunch'... or any taste of being bbq'd (to my taste)

    My favorite is (was?) Fillmore East. Great beef and good Frech bread.

  13. I tried the fish and chips at the Queen Vic English Pub last night.

    Not bad, but a small portion for 260. On top of that, they have FRENCH FRIES, not chips.

    I prefer the Laughing Leprechan with REAL chips and a simular piece of cod. IMHO it is cheaper and a little more tasty.

    Noticed a Fish and Chip shop on last visit inside the moat just opposite the UN Irish pub...dont look too bad ...any comments?

    I haven't been there for a couple of years, but I thought their fish and chips were terrible. Refried chips were the nastiest

  14. Just wanted to suggest a place NOT to eat....

    The Farang Cafe, located next to Rimping on the middle ring road..

    This is a picture of the Fish Sandwich I just recieved.. 4 french fries, and a dried-up teeny tiny piece of foul-smelling fish. The Chicken Cordon Bleu was also inedible after being fried until BLACK :o

    All personaly cooked by the owner...

    This is not the first time I've received such food from the Farang Cafe, but it is the last time I 'll go there...


  15. If I was driving down (which I do regularly) I would drive any TV memebers down free of charge, h*ll I'm going anyway with a couple of spare seats!!

    Same me, would offer a free ride in exchange for some pleasant conversation, and if I was passenger then lunch would be on me ! :D

    Unless I had previously established a relationship with the guy, I'd be likely to charge, seeing that I would deam it unlikely to get good conversation or a good feed from a stranger here, and money is the 'relief', maybe.... :o

  16. Chiang Mai's campaign against alcohol sales within the city walls during the holiday was a success, with a 70-per-cent drop in sales, said Wallop Namwongphrom.

    However, some people brought their own alcohol and that led to drunkenness, fights breaking out and women being molested, he said.

    What campaign against alchohol ? I enjoyed a few beers over songkran within the city walls. I noticed quite a few other people doing the same thing.

    Yeah, I thought that was crap, too. I have a couple of friends who own places inside the moat, and when I just called and asked them, they replied that nobody asked them to not sell alcohol, and nobody ever asked about their sales..

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