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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Expecting a bridge to fall down and a few cruisers to go plop very soon well done Rishi you got something right for a change ????
  2. 3 fans on full and the aircon in my living room electric bill I laugh in your face ????
  3. The next stop for the deputy mayor will be to get a long range weather forecast to find out when it will all be gone again ????
  4. From my sandbox days I remember there is a barrier either end with no entry signs to all vehicles of course you still have to keep your wits about you as not to get run over by speeding traffic ????
  5. They probably got the idea from Dr google Yong with his work on covid ????
  6. Can't wait for this calamitous decision to let them in turns to where are they to get them out ????
  7. It looks like it sounds a load of cod and pollocks it appears or disappears in this case ????
  8. He never responds to what's in black and white or 50 shades of grey or any future red notices unless you get some bigger guns ????
  9. So far the education only involved stealing knickers from washing lines and smashing plates over the heads of subordinates ????
  10. He has to be careful not to slice his paper in two with his forked tongue ????
  11. There must be countless people turning in their urns in the knowledge that there is a RTP investigation of their demise ????Rip
  12. He was probably speeding up past the school to keep the kids safe by clearing the road ????
  13. Think every police computer in the land has that blue button embedded on their keyboard and the governments probably has two one for each hand ????
  14. Acclimatize in a couple of months and the humidity is good for you who writes this rubbish?????
  15. And when you get-out of the water you are surrounded by land based jellyfish stinging the life out of you ????
  16. After leaving CM over a year ago after 10 smoking choking seasons the only thing I miss is the blueberry cheesecake from RimPing ????
  17. The reputation is rusted to disintegration and can't possibly be tarnished any further they mean ????
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