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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Lift carpet sweep vigorously replace carpet less filth visible but still there ????
  2. Police announce the next plan is to search for the plans money that has mysteriously gone missing ????
  3. Next up 600 million baht missing in its only a flashing red light procurement bodycam scam ????
  4. Any snake in my garden sleeps permanently that's as far into the jungle as I want to go ????
  5. Hope he has plenty of puff left for his whistle he's in the running for the most honest Thai alive award surely ????
  6. Since then the case has involved virtually every senior figure in the met police and wider RTP leadership as well as politicians up to PM Prayuth Chan-ocha himself.... and beyond trust social media not them ????
  7. I have a house rule if you have no legs or a lot of legs you ain't staying end of story my sausage dog walks a thin line ????
  8. No bigger brown shirts were found for the commander and all police were de- arrested after the divi up ????
  9. That must have been last weeks survey this week its the RTP again ????
  10. Hoping there is a most critical of any generals award I'm in the top all time posters chair for that one ????
  11. He was always bound to be doggy he had the name general in his job title ????
  12. This story is for everyone that thought taxi drivers just returned cash found on their back seat here ????
  13. I hope it doesn't but this story could end up with someone in a concrete barrel at the bottom of a river, in the mean time keep up the good work its very entertaining and suggest expansion of revelations For example into schools where only today a headmaster embezzled 300k from the diner budget and got caught with it still in the envelope ????
  14. Your better of buying a few tins of Pledge furniture polish exchanging them for gold bars and buying the cheese here ????
  15. Looking forward in the coming years to comment on an RTP story that's not mired in greed and corruption ????
  16. Now you will have to smoke your skunk in a pipe available legally just next door two doors down from the nuthouse opposite the RTP asylum ????
  17. On your left is my right hand man primed and ready to intercept corruption when he wakes up ????
  18. Who was it that said all that time ago about 48hrs trust us not the social media fire him I knew like millions of others who was telling porkies and who was not a week ago ????
  19. It will all hit the fan tomorrow! when we read the latest news 7 police officers suspended transferred to inactive posts for extortion now where's the Muppet who said don't trust social media trust us for a lost face farce explanation ????
  20. Its exactly the reason its unclear so that the police can have misunderstanding in their extortion racket ????
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