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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. I would say its the tip of the iceberg and another reason for the epidemical crashing here but the health minister would say its all profit ????
  2. I have a pound and euro account with Kasikorn bank use them to receive small pensions one thing to remember is you have no online access to FCD accounts and the bank rate for changing is always half a baht less than Wise for example . Its the 19th century passbook and branch update and withdraw only a pain but just bearable as long as no more closed borders for covid and being on the wrong side of it for 19 months with no access to your account ????
  3. World class bomb throwers by the sound of it all perfectly normal at the asylum ????
  4. Multifaceted cooperation "laughing emoji" multifaced more like ????
  5. Surprised no Chinese TikTokers turned up to witness another world class train and bonus chicken sellers beating ????
  6. Don't forget to report your address to IMO within 24hrs after arrival to avoid a future 1,500bt+ fine ????
  7. Police are on the lookout for Benz Daemon "yes really" the brother of someone who has no idea who he is ????
  8. With the honest taxi drivers still incarcerated the maid has a backlog of rooms to make up in steps the baht bus driver to save the day in this mysterious land of make-believe ????
  9. Who's in who's pocket will be reveled shortly ????
  10. Make him a general and elect him PM he has all the qualities ????
  11. No honest taxi drivers were currently available due to incarceration so a maid had to do ????
  12. The president has been set long ago just say the flights belonged to a dead friend and the graft gets blunted and melts away next!????
  13. Welcome for your next tour the Phoenix is now available ????
  14. It feels like it has come 2 weeks early in HH by the look of my sausage dogs puffing ????
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