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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Well its named cowboy street for a reason and hopefully they are waiting for a load of Indians ????
  2. What happened to this man descended from a heroine that's ended up as devils spawn against a toilet wall said the madman as he climbed the steeple spire ????
  3. The whole country is built on things made up and disappearing faster, an audit by god almighty wouldn't convince most to change that view.????
  4. Now where is my nearest JCB dealer snake venom and waterborne disease doctor and I'm good to go????
  5. Sounds like its time for you to buy a load of shares and lets see in the fullness of time who talks the nonsense ????
  6. Amazing Thailand where massive profits appear from thin air in no time at all ????
  7. Prepare for take off after preparing the bucket to be sick in ????
  8. I would say its impossible for him to carry on masquerading as a health minister ????
  9. Yes got one installed over the back door for the last year and its still there with those bolts ????
  10. Luck would have it he shared a dead friend in this absurd fiasco land of grey areas ????
  11. My sausage dog is meticulously maintained hates going out of the gate and is a nightmare on a lead anyway not smelly seldom barks whines to go to bed at 6.30pm and doesn't move until 6 am no mess in the 9 months I have had him a super little long dog who just likes Markro's bones ????
  12. The scramble for tourist Baht will end very badly in this case for sure ????
  13. Sure there be a covert general frigging with the rigging ????
  14. French crims out Russian crims in its laundry time after some rinsing of course ????
  15. Going round in ever decreasing circles more like he should know from his time cleaning up Thailand's fisheries that the stench isn't coming from the minnows its from the puffers ????
  16. The vinyl boards and pointing sticks orders are going to go through the roof BJ will need a smarter car to find and eject them ????
  17. $225 billion o paper can be used immediately once the watches cars and houses have been sold ????
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